
MARCH 22 – Today, the Republican Party of New Mexico released the following statement calling on Martin Heinrich to apologize to New Mexico families for refusing to address the source of the rising fentanyl crisis in the United States: his open border, soft-on-crime policies.

“Martin Heinrich’s policies made the fentanyl crisis worse,” said RPNM Chairman Steve Pearce. “Pushing for an open border, allowing millions to enter our country illegally has allowed for human trafficking and drug trafficking to run rampant. Heinrich should apologize to New Mexicans who have suffered from an open border, rising crime, and the drugs being trafficked into our state.”


– Heinrich opposed border security “border wall … was highly destructive, damaging private property and sensitive desert ecosystems, and blocking important wildlife corridors,” Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) tells Outdoor Life. (Outdoor Life, 7/20/23)

– Heinrich repeatedly voted against border barrier construction

– Heinrich praised sanctuary cities, allowing criminals to evade federal laws.

  • JH Cole says:

    Most drugs come through checkpoints. Mexico won’t pay for “the beautiful wall.” Walls don’t stop people or drugs, they only harm the habitat.
    MAGA extremists controlled by Don the Loser killed immigration reform. Mr. Pearce should flush Don the Loser and then apologize to Senator Heinrich.

    • SHHHH says:

      I agree, with Cole. The GOP, RPNM, and Steve P-arce special owe the country an apology for their participation in the fascist coup of 2020.

      All this Republican pearl clutching is silly and pathetic.

      Republicans like to cry when there is even the slightest consequences for their actions. If you express spit opinions you can’t be offended when people give you feed back that is negative.

      Let me clue conservatives in, when you villianize immigrants, trans people, gay people, moderates, liberals, and leftist etc that’s bigotry not policy. Americans aren’t into it or you, your ideas are bad and you should feel bad.

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