
March 5th—Today, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed the Democrat-sponsored HB 41, Clean Transportation Fuel Standards bill, into law amid warnings and mass public opposition due to its potential to increase gas prices by upwards of fifty cents per gallon.

Republicans unanimously opposed HB 41 during the most recent legislative session, but it was ultimately passed by the Democratic majority.

This environmental bill is similar to laws passed in California, Oregon, and Washington. The law claims it would require the state’s transportation sector to reduce the lifecycle carbon intensity of transportation fuels by 20% by 2030 and 30% by 2040. In each state with similar laws, gas prices have significantly increased after passing the law.

“Once again, Gov. Lujan Grisham is leading from behind California,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “How out-of-touch is this governor and the Democratic legislature to expect New Mexicans to pay $4 a gallon for gas when so many can barely afford to feed their families? Is the governor’s strategy to make gas so expensive that New Mexicans start accepting her electric vehicle mandate?

Every Republican in the state legislature tried to stop this bill, so when you see gas reaching astronomical prices at the pump, send a big ‘thank you’ to Gov. Lujan Grisham and the Democrats in the legislature. Remember, all 112 state seats are up for election this November. We can end these elitist laws and mandates by voting Republican up and down the ballot.”

  • JH Cole says:

    Mr. Pearce, it’s you who are out of touch. Voters keep you and your big oil hacks in the minority in the Round House and put Democrats in all statewide offices because they want to slow climate change and save the environment.
    They want the GOP to flush Trump, too, but that doesn’t seem likely with current “leaders” like you and Ms. Barela.

    • Steven Cook says:

      “Mr. Pearce, you are the one out of touch.” First and foremost, you support abortion up to and including birth and after birth, you support the open border policies that are causing the unprecedented influxes of illegal immigrants coming into the United States, including convicted pedophiles, felons, and even illegal immigrants who are terrorists or are on the terrorist watchlists, you support forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better because you think that kids are in the”wrong body” or are the “wrong gender”, you support the Governor of New Mexico Michelle Lujan Grisham taking away people’s Second Amendment rights based on the assumption that guns, inaminate objects, not living beings, are responsible for the deaths of people, you support the Democratic Party and the Left funding the Gaza strip, therefore funding the Palestinians, therefore funding an actual terrorist organization, Hamas, who have been voted into office and into government by the Palestinians since at least 2006, to attack Israel and therefore, you support Hamas going door to door to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children much like what the Nazis and Hitler did during World War II, you support forcing little kids to be taught Critical Race Theory, which teaches that kids in the United States should hate America and hate each other based on race, you support the Left and today’s Democratic Party including the Biden administration targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, and you support the rising gas prices, food prices and the rising crime rate in the United States that are destroying the United States of America and are causing people to become poorer and causing people to go into poverty, and you support banning President Trump from the ballot because you think that his traditional and true American values and beliefs and rights like freedom of speech and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice, etc are all racist or extremism or fascism, when in reality supporting the fundamental and true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and being pro-life and supporting the Second Amendment and First Amendment and supporting the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc is called being an American, and that you support having individual states illegally and unconstitutionally ban a federal candidate like Trump from the ballot just because you hate and you fear Trump because he is actually against your policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and targeting people for telling the truth about there only being two genders and you supporting the Left and today’s Democratic Party targeting parents for being parents, etc. Should I go on? It is you who is out of touch. Not Pearce, not me, not even Trump. You are Mr. JH Cole. You are out of touch. I mean, listen to what you just said in your comment. You said that Democrats are “saving the environment” and are “slowing climate change”. No their not. Their not saving the environment. Their not. You can believe that they are all you want. But, their really not and people are waking up and realizing it in droves as we speak. They don’t care about the environment like common sense minded people do. They don’t care. I really wish they did. But, they don’t. It’s like the Left and today’s Democratic Party saying that they care about children. No they don’t. They don’t care about children. They just want to use children as pawns for their radical leftist transgender agenda and woke agenda. That’s all they want to do. If the Left and today’s Democratic Party really cared about children, then they wouldn’t be taking children away from their parents just so that they can force those children to have gender reassignment surgery that would alter their bodies and minds for the worst and cause suicide and attempted suicide rates to skyrocket and cause them to become infertile and cause them to be more likely to commit suicide or attempt suicide and be more likely to suffer from mental health issues such as depression, now would they, Mr. JH Cole aka “I’ve lived in New Mexico for seven years and I think that I know better than anybody else, but I really don’t”? You are so out of touch with reality, it’s not even funny.

      And you say that “voters keep you and your big oil hacks in the minority in the Round House”, which says a lot about what voters care about. It tells me that these voters who are keeping the Left and today’s Democratic Party in the Round House and in the state government as a whole don’t care about reducing the rising crime rate that is driving people out of NM, that they don’t care about hearing parents’s concerns about the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party in New Mexico and in the United States are forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, therefore altering and destroying their bodies in the process, that they don’t care about the fact that our country is being overrun by unprecedented influxes of illegal immigrants coming into the United States including New Mexico, including those who are terrorists or are on the terrorist watchlists and who are convicted pedophiles and felons, etc and that they don’t care about closing and securing our borders to prevent things like this from happening, they don’t care about the fact that little kids are being forced to be taught to hate America and to hate each other based on race with the Critical Race Theory curriculum, they don’t care about the fact that people are being targeted by the Left and today’s Democratic Party just for telling the truth about there only being two genders, they don’t care about the fact that Americans are struggling just to make ends meet and to pay for gas and food due to the inflation caused by our so-called “President” Joe Biden, they don’t care about the fact that Israel is being attacked by an actual terrorist organization, Hamas, who have been voted into office and into government by the very same people who the Left and today’s Democratic Party claim are the victims in this war between Israel and Palestine, the Palestinians, who are therefore funding terrorism in the process, and these voters who are keeping the Left and today’s Democratic Party in power in New Mexico don’t care about the fact that our country’s infrastructure, bridges, roads, interstates, you know, real infrastructure, is crumbling and Americans are struggling financially due to this President Joe Biden and his administration, but yet, Biden and his administration are sending millions or billions of dollars to a country, Ukraine, that is very corrupt, and funding a war between Ukraine and Russia that we are not even supposed to be involved in and are funding a group of people or a race of people, the Palestinians, who have since 2006 have voted into office and into government and have supported an actual terrorist organization, Hamas, and who are still doing it today. These voters that you just mentioned Mr. JH Cole?! They don’t give a damn about securing the border, protecting and supporting Israel, or about parents and parental rights, etc. Sorry to say it, but they don’t. They don’t even care that they will most likely be a victim of a crime in New Mexico now more likely due to the soft-on-crime policies that the Left and today’s Democratic Party in New Mexico and the United States and globally have implemented and due to leftist figures across the United States and globally including New Mexico who have been releasing criminals of all kinds including violent ones back onto the streets to commit more crimes or the same ones over and over and over and over again. They don’t even care about the fact that women’s and girls’s sports are being destroyed by biological males who are not even actual women and girls right now do they? Unfortunately no, they don’t care. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe and the United States right now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc.

      Plus, you keep calling President Trump “Don the Loser” right? Really? So, the United States Supreme Court ruling that President Trump cannot legally be kicked off the ballot by Colorado and Maine and Illinois or any other individual states because it is illegal and unconstitutional for an individual state, state legislature or Governor to kick a federal candidate, like Trump, off the ballot, therefore having the United States Supreme Court actually support the Constitution, makes Trump a loser? And having Democrats coming out in droves and now realizing that the border was actually secured under Trump, makes Trump a loser? And the fact that Trump’s border policies including Title 42 and Remain In Mexico policy and the border wall actually helped to secure the border, makes him a loser? And the fact that the economy in the United States we all know was way better under Trump than under Biden when you take into account the various polls and studies showing that the economy is not doing well under Biden including the fact that two-thirds of Americans are concerned about the rising gas and food prices(Axios-Harris poll and other polls) and that the vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(CNN and NBC polls and various polls), etc, makes Trump a loser? And the fact that little kids are having their bodies and minds altered and destroyed in the United States right now due to gender reassignment surgery and the fact that Biden and his administration are supporting these gender reassignment surgeries on minors in the United States, makes Trump a loser, because he opposes little kids having gender reassignment surgery because of these consequences? And the fact that under Trump, there was no wars, nobody invaded any countries, including Putin, to start any wars, and that there was actual and true peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords, makes Trump a loser? And the fact that Trump actually represents and stands for the true American values of the United States including parental rights, freedom of speech, the Constitution, the Second Amendment and First Amendment, school choice, supporting Israel, supports border security and opposes open borders, etc, makes him a loser? Really? Well, that tells me a couple of things about you leftists, including you leftists who live here in the United States and who are supposed to be Americans. One, that fact you dont want to secure our borders in the United States tells me that you don’t care about the U.S Constitution, in particular Article IV Section IV which specifically states that the borders of the United States must be secured from invasion, including the Biden border crisis. Two, the fact that you leftists support defunding all of law enforcement in the United States and globally and that you support criminals of all kinds including violent ones being released back onto the streets to commit more crimes or the same ones over and over and over and over again including homicides, by leftist figures like Lujan Grisham, tells me that you don’t care about law and order and that you don’t care about our law enforcement officers who go out there and risk their lives in order to protect their community and it tells me that you don’t care about reducing crime. Three, the fact that you leftists want little kids to have gender reassignment surgery to supposedly make their lives better when in reality there are serious consequences of that and the fact that you want little kids to be taken away from their parents if they don’t have gender reassignment surgery, tells me that you don’t care about children or their parents. Four, the fact that you support the Biden administration targeting parents for being parents, tells me that you don’t care about parents or parental rights, which gives parents the fundamental and constitutional right to be involved in their children’s education and to be concerned about what their children are being taught in schools. Fifth, the fact that you support the Left and today’s Democratic Party targeting people for telling the truth about there only being two genders tells me that you don’t care about simple and basic biology, which clearly states that there are only two genders, male and female, and it also tells me that you didn’t study basic and simple biology in school or that you weren’t paying attention in biology class to figure out that there is only two genders. Sixth, the fact that you can’t even define what a woman is anymore and can’t define what a man is anymore, tells me that you don’t know basic and simple biology. Seventh, the fact that you support biological males, people who aren’t actual women and girls, competing in women’s and girls’s sports, tells me that you don’t care about women and girls’s sports and that you want women’s and girls’s sports to go extinct. Should I go on? This is why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe and the United States now. Wake up people. The Left and today’s Democratic Party is destroying your country, city, town, schools, etc. Wake the hell up! Trump’s the loser? Nah, I don’t think so! If someone is a loser, it’s Biden. And the Left and today’s Democratic Party. Why? Simple. Because the Left and today’s Democratic Party’s radical leftist policies are driving people away from the Left and today’s Democratic Party. That’s why. Nobody believes Biden or what anything he says. Not even an increasing number of Democrats. He’s a 81-year old, dementia-strickened, clueless man who shouldn’t even be in office right now. He gets lost almost everytime he does a speech, he thinks that dead people are still alive, he thinks that he’s half-Puerto Rican and he’s not, he thinks he’s 200 years old, he thinks that he was in the civil rights movement and he wasn’t, and apparently, he has similar rhetoric of Adolf Hitler in the fact that he thinks That MAGA supporters are a threat to the United States and thinks that MAGA supporters are racists and thinks that MAGA supporters are scum and thinks that MAGA supporters are parasites. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now! You wonder why. So who’s really the loser regarding Trump and Biden? Hint; it’s not Trump. He’s a winner because he actually represents and stands for the true American values and beliefs of the United States of America like freedom of speech and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice, etc. Biden doesn’t. You leftists are just mad at Trump because he’s actually against your policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and forcing women and girls to be utterly beat and destroyed by biological males who are not actual women and who have no business being in women and girls’s sports and you are just mad because Trump’s actually exposing the fact that the border was secured under him with Title 42, etc. And you are just mad because your leftist policies are finally starting to be exposed, including abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing women and girls to compete with biological males who are utterly and unceremoniously beating and destroying them, therefore endangering women’s sports and girls’s sports and exposing the fact that defunding law enforcement doesn’t work at all because it causes crime to go up further, etc. You think Trump’s a loser now? If you think that Biden’s a better President than Trump, name one policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America. Name one. You probably can’t because there is none. None of Biden’s policies have been good or great for America. One guy who supports Biden or is associated with him couldn’t even think of a single policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America. You know why? Because there is none. None of Biden’s policies have been good or great for America and everyone knows it, including leftists or people who support him. They know that none of Biden’s policies have been good or great for America. They know it. They just refuse to admit it or even say it out loud. But, they know it, trust me. But again, they refuse to admit it. Which is why I ask you this question. What policy of Biden’s has been good or great for America? Also another question for you leftists who support the radical leftist gender policies. What is a woman? Or more specifically, what is really a woman? If you can answer these questions for me, then maybe, just maybe, we’ll talk then. Go ahead, take your time. Again, here are the questions for you leftists. What policy of Biden’s has been good or great for America? What is a woman, or more specifically, what is really a woman?

    • Marcia Weist says:

      Not everyone has an electric car or the ability to comfortably pay their rent and put food on the table. American’s who favor increased gas prices as an energy strategy are not thinking about others who of course, live NO where near them

  • Bob says:

    They voted that bitch in. They can vote her out or They can figure it out.

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