
Presidents’ Day traditionally recognizes George Washington, the first U.S. President, and Abraham Lincoln, the 16th U.S. president. Over time, this federal holiday became a day to remember all past U.S. presidents. 

As we celebrate Presidents’ Day at RPNM, we take a moment to honor the great Republican leaders who have shaped our nation.

Among them, Abraham Lincoln stands out as a pivotal figure who played a key role in ending slavery in America.

We also pay tribute to President Ronald Reagan, who was essential in defeating the Soviet Union and uniting Americans under our shared conservative values.

Finally, we recognize President Donald Trump for his historic foreign peace deals and his leadership in driving an economic boom that led to one of the lowest unemployment rates for the country, especially among minority groups.

As we approach an important election year, let us draw inspiration from the memory of past great American presidents. May their wisdom guide our nation to choose a leader who will steer our country toward a more safe, prosperous, and free future.

  • America for All says:

    This RPNM post shows what is wrong with the Republican party in the 21st century. They talk about Presidents’ day like Republican Presidents are the only true Presidents the country has had, that only Republicans are legitimate leaders or Americans.

    Republicans have convinced themselves that Democrats are the greatest enemies the country faces for generations. Now they are willing to give their party and country over to a strongman and cuddle up with Putin rather than support a current American President, Its toxic and pathetic.

    Republicans are morally bankrupt and have become anti-American morons in order to “own the libs”.

    • Pray for the President says:

      On Presidents Day, say a prayer for President Joe Biden.

      His leadership has helped turn the economy around after the pandemic. His foreign policy skills are protecting American interest and allies around the world, but especially in Ukraine.

      Pray that God will correct the wicked hearts of the House of Representatives and that they will start to work with the President and not against him and the country.

      • Long Live the President says:

        Pray for Joe Biden to have a very very long life, as his continued longevity is standing in the way of the rise of American fascism, aka MAGA. The Republicans cant stand up to MAGA, its up to Joe and the Democrats.

        • Steven Cook says:

          “Pray for Joe Biden to have a long, long life, as his continued longevity is standing in the way of the rise of American fascism aka MAGA. The Republicans can’t stand up to MAGA, it’s up to Joe and the Democrats”, Long Live The President.

          OK Mr. Long Live The President, if you actually think or believe that Joe Biden is a much better President than Trump, and if you actually think or believe that Trump was a “horrible President”, which he actually wasn’t, but if you truly think that Trump is a horrible person and was a “horrible President” and if you truly think that Trump’s supporters are “fascists”, which couldn’t be further from the truth because fascism is actually not based on right-wing ideology, but actually based on left-wing ideology and that actual fascists like Adolf Hitler and Mussolini and yes, even the guy who is in the oval office in the White House right now who sounds exactly like Hitler when regarding a certain group of people, in the current “President of the United States” Joe Biden’s case, MAGA supporters being a “threat to democracy and a threat to the United States”, were and are self-described socialist leftists, especially Hitler, until the day he died and until the day Mussolini died and other actual fascist and self-described socialist leftist dictators who are dead, if you actually think that Biden is a much better President than Trump was and all that stuff, then how about this. Name one. Name one policy, not personality trait. Name one policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America. Name one. I can’t. And you know who else couldn’t? A guy, a public figure, who appeared on like CNN or some other mainstream leftist media outlet, who is a supporter of Biden’s or is associated with him. He was asked point blank “What policies of Biden’s has been good for America?” And you know what, he couldn’t think of a single policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America. He couldn’t think of a single one. A supporter of Biden, mind you, was asked that question. And he couldn’t think of a single policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America. You know why he couldn’t think of a single policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America? I’ll tell you. Because there isn’t any policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America. None. Zip. Nada. Ziltch. There is none. I can name one policy of Trump’s that was good or great for America. Actually, I can name several. In fact, why I name some of them now: 1. Actual peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords under Trump, 2. A secured border under Trump with Title 42, Remain In Mexico policy and the border wall, 3. United States was energy independent probably in years or decades, if not the first time in history under Trump because we didn’t give our oil and gas to our enemies like Russia or Venezuela, 4. Best economy in history if not in decades under Trump with gas prices at $1 and food prices that we were actually able to afford, 5. No wars under Trump, with figures like Putin who did not invade any country under Trump, 6. Kept China, North Korea, and Russia and Iran in check with tough sanctions and tariffs and prevented those countries from invading other countries and so on, and etc. And yet, you think that Trump was somehow this “horrible President” who didn’t care about the United States of America and you think that he’s a fascist or extremist or so on. And you think that his supporters are fascists and extremists and so on just because they support the police and oppose defunding the police, support law enforcement and support Israel and school choice and the First Amendment and Second Amendment and parental rights and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion and religious liberty and the Pledge of Allegiance and oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports and girls’s sports and endangering women’s sports and girls’s sports and so on. That is why you hate Trump and his supporters. Because they, Trump and his supporters, actually represent and support the traditional and true and basic and fundamental and constitutional rights of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and supporting law enforcement and opposing defunding law enforcement and so on, while your policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and forcing women and girls to compete with biological males who are not actual women and girls in women’s sports and girls’s sports and having those biological males utterly and unceremoniously beat and destroy them in women’s sports, thus endangering women’s sports and girls’s sports and supporting the Left and today’s Democratic Party targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who are telling the truth about there only being two genders and your policies of funding the Gaza strip therefore funding the Palestinians therefore funding the terrorist organization Hamas who has been voted into office and into government by the Palestinians therefore funding Iran therefore funding Hamas to attack and rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children and going door to door to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children, and so on. And I suppose that your policies, and when I mean “your policies”, I’m talking about you leftists and your policies, are “better for America and the globe” than those true American values and fundamental and constitutional rights and beliefs like school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion and religious liberty and the Pledge of Allegiance, and so on that Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded people support right? That’s what I suppose that guy who was asked “What policies of Biden’s has been good or great for America” probably thought too. Yet, why didn’t he think of a single policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America then? It’s like I told you above, there isn’t any policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America. In fact, let’s look at some of his policies: 1. Funding Ukraine billions of dollars for a war between Ukraine and Russia that the United States isn’t supposed to be involved in, thus leaving Americans to struggle with paying for gas and food and making ends meet in the United States, 2. Funding money to Iran therefore funding to the Gaza strip, therefore funding to the Palestinians, therefore funding to an actual terrorist organization who commits acts of terrorism, Hamas, to attack Israel without provocation and raping and murdering innocent Jews in Israel including women and children and going door to door to rape and murder innocent Jews in Israel including women and children, 3. Reversing Trump’s border policies including Title 42 and Remain In Mexico policy and the border wall, all of which actually helped to secure the border, and opening up the southern border, therefore causing the border crisis of which is happening at the southern border and therefore endangering the lives of Americans in the process, 4. Giving $88 billion of our weapons and our aircraft or leaving $88 billion of our weapons and aircraft in Afghanistan just for the Taliban to use them to attack or potentially attack us during the U.S withdrawal from Afghanistan in August-September of 2021, 5. Having the DOJ target parents for being parents and for parents being involved in their children’s education and labeling parents for being parents as “domestic terrorists”, 6. Targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, 7. Appointing a United States Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, simply because she’s Black and a actual woman who can’t define what a woman is anymore and doesn’t know what a woman is anymore, 8. Supports abortion up to and including birth and after birth, in other words supports murdering innocent human babies up to and including birth and after birth and wants to make that federal, and so on. Yeah, that’s what Biden has done for America. And you think that all of those are “better for America” than the actual true American values and policies that Trump put in place that were actually better for America?! And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc.

          But, if you actually think that Biden is a much better President than Trump was and all that stuff, then name one. Name one policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America. Go ahead. If you leftists really believe that, then name one policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America. Name one. I bet you can’t like that guy couldn’t. That’s because there isn’t any policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America. But if you actually think that Biden’s a much better President than Trump, like you claim, then name one policy of his that has been good or great for America. Name one. I can name one policy of Trump’s that was good or great for America. Heck, I named several. Can you name any policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America? Can you? You seem to think that Biden is a much better President than Trump. So if you think that, then name one policy of Biden’s that has been good or great for America. Go ahead, take your time.

          And just to remind JH Cole, the Mr. “I supposedly know better about NM than anybody else because I have lived in New Mexico for only seven years” about his comments on calling Trump a loser. 82% of Democrats don’t want Biden to run for reelection(CNN poll), more than 71% of Americans say that the country is going in the wrong direction under Biden, while only about 24% of Americans say that the country is going in the right direction under Biden(various polls including CNN poll), the vast majority of Americans and people around the globe including 93% of Republicans, more than 48% of Democrats, more than 70% of Independents, etc oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports and girls’s sports which Biden supports, the vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than they were under Trump(CNN poll and NBC poll and other polls), the vast majority of Americans including Democrats are concerned about the border crisis or want Biden to address the border crisis and do something about it(various polls), the vast majority of Americans are concerned about the rising crime rate in the United States(various polls), two-thirds of Americans are concerned about the rising food prices under Biden and say that food prices will keep getting more expensive under Biden(Axios-Harris poll and other polls), the vast majority of Americans are concerned about the rising gas prices under Biden and due to Biden’s policies(various polls), and so on. So no, Mr. JH Cole aka “I supposedly know better than anyone cause I have lived in New Mexico for only seven years” guy. Trump is not a loser. Biden is. Why? Because people are beginning to reject Biden’s radical policies in droves and large numbers in the United States and globally like abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and Biden and the Left and today’s Democratic Party policies of targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, etc. So, you might call Joe Biden “Joe The Loser”. And just for the record, again, for anyone who thinks that the 14th Amendment Section 3 supposedly disqualifies Trump from running for President again, it does not. Nowhere in the 14th Amendment Section 3 if anyone actually read it, does it say that Trump is disqualified from running for President again. It doesn’t say that anywhere in the 14th Amendment Section 3 at all, nor does it say that anywhere in the Constitution as a whole. See, you leftists are just saying that Trump’s disqualified from running for President again because you hate and fear Trump because he actually represents and stands for the true American values of the United States and globally like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance, etc, and that you hate and fear those true American values and beliefs that Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded Americans support because you think that their racist and extremism and fascism and so on. So that is why you leftists are doing what you are doing right? Don’t lie to me leftists. That’s exactly why you are doing it. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc.

          Oh yeah, and another thing. You leftists like to compare Trump with Hitler right? Well, how about this comparison. Biden and Hitler. They sound exactly alike when saying that certain groups of people(in Biden’s case, MAGA supporters, in Hitler’s case, the Jews) are “threats to democracy” or threats to their countries and are “parasites” or “domestic terrorists”. Biden and Hitler sound exactly like each other in that regard. And that is terrifying. Biden and his supporters and the Left and today’s Democratic Party view parents as “domestic terrorists” for them being parents and view Christians, MAGA supporters and other common sense minded people who do not agree with his radical policies and the Left and today’s Democratic Party’s policies as “threats to democracy” or “domestic terrorists”, and what you will. Hitler sounded just like Biden. Hitler viewed the Jews as “parasites” or a “threat to democracy” and a “threat to Germany”. It’s eery and terrifying how Hitler and Biden sound alike. Don’t believe me? Listen to Hitler’s speeches when he’s talking about the Jews being parasites and a “threat to democracy” and stuff. Then, listen to Biden’s speeches when he’s talking about the MAGA supporters and parents and Christians, and other common sense minded Americans being “domestic terrorists” or “parasites” or “threats to democracy” or what you will. They both sound exactly alike. And that is terrifying. The only difference between them is that Biden has never claimed that he is of the Aryan race, though he has falsely claimed that he is part Puerto Rican, he hasn’t exterminated millions of people, though he has targeted and persecuted millions of Americans including parents for being parents and targeting people for telling the truth about there only being two genders, etc. Other than that, Biden sounds exactly like Hitler. That is very eery and it’s terrifying. Yet, the Left and today’s Democratic Party like to compare Trump with Hitler. Trump has never exterminated millions of people, has never been racist towards anyone, has never threatened to take away guns from law-abiding citizens, has never espoused anti-Semitic or anti-Israel views, has never labeled any group of people like parents as “domestic terrorists”, etc. How can Trump be compared with Hitler when Trump actually represents and stands for the true American values of the United States and globally like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and supporting the Second Amendment and First Amendment, etc? How can you compare him……with Adolf freaking Hitler?! Their nothing alike. But, Biden and Hitler sure are alike. I mean, just listen to them when they talk about groups of people; Jews, parents, Christians, conservatives, or other common sense minded people, being “domestic terrorists” or threats to democracy or threats to Germany and the United States and so on. Biden and Hitler sound exactly alike. I mean, it all makes sense now. I didn’t realize this until now. Biden is the reincarnated version of Hitler. Or almost the reincarnated version of Hitler. Biden sounds exactly like Hitler. Hitler sounded exactly like Biden. It all makes sense now. Biden is like the reincarnated version of Hitler and the Democratic Party of today are almost like the reincarnated versions of the Nazis. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc. I mean, it’s eery how similar Biden and Hitler sound. And it’s terrifying. You know the saying “History repeats itself”. Well, looks like history is unfortunately repeating itself when it comes to Biden labeling common sense minded people like parents and Christians and conservatives and people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and so on as “threats to democracy” or “domestic terrorists” or “threats to the United States” and so on. Because Hitler did the same thing or almost the exact same thing with the Jews and other groups. It looks like history is unfortunately repeating itself in that regard, and it is terrifying.

    • Steven Cook says:

      “This RPNM post what’s wrong with the Republican Party in the 21st century. They talk about Presidents’ day like Republican Presidents are the only true Presidents the country has had, that only Republicans are legitimate leaders or Americans.

      “Republicans have convinced themselves that Democrats are the greatest enemies the country faces for generations(and there’s actually good reasons for that, Mr. America For All, I will get to them soon). Now they are willing to give their party and country over to a strongman and cuddle up with Putin(not true at all by the way, but OK) rather than support a current American President(geez, I wonder why that is Mr. America For All? More on that later). It’s toxic and pathetic.

      “Republicans are morally bankrupt and have become anti-American(which is so not true, but more on that later) morons in order to “own the libs”.

      OK, debunking time on America For All and his comment. But first, I want to just clarify something with Michele Stanley, the lady who posted a comment on the Republican Party of New Mexico’s post about Presidents’ Day on their Facebook page, who said, and I quote “Honestly Trump is the biggest grifter and you are going to stand by this shyster. I will never look at President’s Day the same again. The guy is selling sneakers and photo ops all for the money he is a joke I would have more respect for this group if you endorsed Nikki Haley I like her. We need to help this country not try and survive his destruction of the economy that we are still recovering from. End of story!” OK, first and foremost, Michele Stanley, Nikki Haley is not a actual Republican, OK? She’s not. She has been bought, paid for and sponsored by the Democrats. The Left. You know, the same Democrats and Left who support abortion up to and including birth and after birth? The same Democrats and Left who support having little kids and teens having gender reassignment surgery to supposedly make their lives better when in reality transgender people including children and teens who become transgender through gender reassignment surgery are 7.6 times more likely to commit suicide or attempt suicide and 61% of transgender people including children and teens who become transgender through gender reassignment surgery have committed suicide since the year 2000 in the United States and another 29% of them who have attempted suicide since 2000 in the United States? The same Democrats and Left who are funding the Gaza strip therefore funding an actual terrorist organization Hamas, therefore funding the Palestinians, who by the way have not once, not twice, not even three times, but have voted in every single election in the Gaza strip or Palestine, an actual terrorist organization who commits acts of terrorism, Hamas, into office and into their government, since 2006?! The same Democrats and Left who target people, actually target people, who actually tell the truth about there only being two genders because there are only two genders?! The same Democrats and Left who are causing the border crisis at the southern border as we speak and who created the border crisis at the southern border three or four years ago during Biden’s first week in office?! And so on? Yeah, those Democrats and Left. Nikki Haley is being funded, bought, paid for and sponsored by the Democrats and Left. And she’s actually letting them do it. Now, does that sound like a true Republican to you? No, because she’s not a Republican. She is a Democrat, disguised as a Republican. And you wonder why she lost, to nobody, in Nevada. Because no one likes her and they can see right through her. She’s not a Republican and she doesn’t represent nor does she stand for the true American values and beliefs and rights that true Republicans and true Americans represent, like Trump does. That is a fact. Oh yeah, and Trump did not destroy the United States economy while he was President. The vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(various polls including NBC and CNN polls). The vast majority of Americans are struggling to pay for gas and food under Biden’s presidency (Axios-Harris poll and other polls)while under Trump, they were actually able to afford to pay for gas and food. So no, Michele Stanley, Trump’s economy is not the economy that anyone should be recovering from. It’s Biden’s that we should be recovering from after he leaves office, which hopefully won’t be too far off in the future. Michele Stanley, your just mad because you know that Trump actually represents and stands for the true American values and beliefs and rights of the United States of America like parental rights and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion and freedom of expression and the Pledge of Allegiance and school choice, and the fact that he supports Israel and is pro-life and your just mad because Trump is actually against your leftist policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and forcing women and girls to compete with biological males who are not actual women and girls to unfairly and unceremoniously beat and destroy them in every aspect of women’s sports and girls’s sports and men’s and boys’s sports too, as well as having the Left and today’s Democratic Party target people who actually tell the truth about there only being two genders, and so on. That’s what you’re mad about. Your not mad about the hundreds, if not thousands of innocent people being slaughtered by a actual terrorist organization Hamas in Israel right now and Hamas going door to door to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children. You’re not upset about the fact that children as young as like 10 and teens are being forced, being brainwashed even, into having gender reassignment surgery because it will supposedly make their lives better because supposedly their in the wrong body, and you’re not upset about the fact that those same children and teens who are being forced to have gender reassignment surgery are 7.6 times more likely to attempt suicide, let alone commit suicide, and are more likely to suffer from mental health issues such as depression and that 61% of transgender people in the United States, including children and teens who become transgender through gender reassignment surgery, who only by the way make up a small percentage of the United States population, have committed suicide since 2000 and 29% of them have attempted suicide since 2000 in the United States alone. You’re not upset about the fact that human beings who happen to be babies are being murdered up to and including birth and after birth just because the mother doesn’t want it. And so on. You’re not upset about those things are you Michele Stanley? No, you’re upset about a “former President”, Trump, who supposedly “destroyed the United States economy” when we all know, from going to the gas pump under Trump and seeing $1 gas prices and food prices that were actually cheap, that is not true, and you’re mad about a guy, Trump, who supposedly committed crimes, including insurrection, when in reality there is absolutely no actual verifiable proof or evidence to prove that he has committed any crimes whatsoever, including fraud, which numerous witnesses have confirmed, he never committed fraud at all, and that he’s never been charged or indicted or convicted of insurrection. You’re mad because you think that Trump is supposedly “disqualified” from running for President again because you think that he committed an insurrection on January 6 and that you think that the 14th Amendment Section 3 actually says that Trump is disqualified from running for President again. I’ve actually read the 14th Amendment Section 3 and it doesn’t say, whatsoever, that Trump is disqualified from running for President again. It doesn’t say that anywhere in the 14th Amendment Section 3. Nowhere in the 14th Amendment Section 3 does it say that. Maybe you should read the 14th Amendment Section 3 more throrougly. Maybe you will understand. But, that is what you’re mad about right leftists? You’re mad about Trump supposedly committing crimes, with absolutely no actual verifiable footage or proof or evidence to prove any of that…..but you’re not upset about the thousands of innocent people being slaughtered in Israel right now by an actual terrorist organization Hamas who were and have been voted into office and into the government of the Gaza strip or Palestine since 2006 by the Palestinians, the very same Palestinians who the Left and today’s Democratic Party claim are the victims and that claim that Israel is the enemy, and the very same Palestinians who are being funded not only by Iran, but are being funded by the Biden administration, who are also being funded by the Democrats, leftist universities, leftist news outlets, and leftist figures, in order for the Palestinians to vote into office and into their own government an actual terrorist organization, Hamas, in order to attack, rape, murder, and slaughter innocent people in Israel including women and children?! You’re not upset about the fact that little kids and teens are being forced or brainwashed into believing that their in the “wrong body”, therefore brainwashing them into having gender reassignment surgeries, even without their parents’s knowledge or consent, to supposedly make their lives better, therefore causing those little kids and teens who become transgender through gender reassignment to be more likely to commit suicide or attempt suicide or suffer from mental health issues such as depression?! You’re not upset about the fact that the vast majority of Americans, literally, are struggling to even pay for gas at the gas pump and struggling to even pay for food at the grocery store under this President, Joe Biden?! And so on? You’re not upset about any of that? But, you’re upset and mad about a guy, Trump, who supposedly committed various crimes that you have absolutely no actual verifiable footage or proof or evidence to even prove that he did it, or that you were actually there when he supposedly committed these crimes?! That’s what you are upset about? Wow. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc. Maybe next time you want to go onto Facebook, Mrs. Michele Stanley, maybe you should think about the thousands of innocent people being slaughtered in Israel by the terrorist organization Hamas, which is your fault by the way because you are funding the very same people who have voted into office and into their own government the actual terrorist organization Hamas, who are currently committing acts of terrorism and genocide, or almost genocide, onto the innocent people of Israel including women and children, and it’s also your fault because you voted for the current American President, Joe Biden, and his administration, who are actually funding those same Palestinians who have voted into office and into their own government an actual terrorist organization Hamas and who are supporting terrorism. Maybe you should think about the fact that under Trump, we actually had peace in the Middle East because of the Abraham Accords sweetie. And maybe next time you want to go onto Facebook and comment, Michele Stanley, maybe you should think about the fact that under Trump, we actually did have a secured border with Title 42 and Remain In Mexico policy and the border wall and that under Biden, we have a massive and major border crisis, which the vast majority of Americans, including Democrats, now agree should be stopped and that they now agree that Biden getting rid of Title 42 and all of Trump’s other border policies was a stupid idea! And maybe next time you want to go onto Facebook and comment, Michele Stanley, about Trump supposedly being a joke, maybe you should think about the fact that little kids are being forced and brainwashed into believing that their in the wrong bodies and are being forced or brainwashed even, into having gender reassignment surgery, including without their parents’s knowledge or even consent, to supposedly make their lives better when in reality their more likely to commit suicide or attempt suicide or suffer from mental health issues such as depression and you should also think about the fact that could be your kid too, Mrs. Michele Stanley. Maybe next time you want to go onto Facebook and comment, Michele Stanley, maybe you should think about the fact that your party, the Democratic Party, and the Left, the Biden administration, the people who you voted for, are targeting parents for being parents and who are targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and who don’t even know what a woman is anymore and can’t even define what a woman is, like Ketanji Brown Jackson, an actual woman, couldn’t define what a woman is anymore. And so on. Maybe the next time that you want to go onto Facebook and comment and spread misinformation, Mrs. Michele Stanley, maybe you should think about all of that. OK sweetheart? Oh yeah, and what is a woman?

      • Steven Cook says:

        Anyway, now back to the topic at hand here, that being America For All’s comment. First and foremost, Mr. America For All, you seem to be misinterpreting the definition of President’s Day and you seem to be misinterpreting the RPNM’s statements about the President’s Day. The RNM isn’t just talking about Republican Presidents. Their talking about all Presidents. Do you actually know what Presidents’ Day actually means or is, you goof? The fact that the you said what you said means that you don’t know what President’s Day actually means or is. Just look up the definition of President’s Day and you understand what it really means, moron. By the way, how ironic is it that your name is America For All, but yet, your bashing and criticizing other Americans who just happen to be Republicans, who actually represent the true American values and fundamental rights and beliefs of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and parental rights and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and who tell the truth about there only being two genders because there are only two genders, male and female, and so on? How ironic is that? Pretty ironic to me.

        And yes, Republicans are “convinced” that Democrats are the enemies that faces our country. That’s because all of that is true. Democrats, especially the Democratic Party of today, are the enemies that faces our country. Today’s Democratic Party does not represent the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel anymore. Today’s Democratic Party is filled with radical progressives who support abortion up to and including birth and after birth, who support releasing criminals of all kinds including violent ones back onto the streets to commit more crimes or the same ones over and over and over and over and over again simply based on the assumption that police officers and police departments are racists and thinking that defunding all police officers and police departments will supposedly solve the problem regarding the rising crime in the United States and globally when in reality defunding the police actually doesn’t work because if you defund law enforcement in your city or state or territory or country, crime increases even more and if you need a example of this, just look at Portland, Oregon, and you will understand why defunding law enforcement doesn’t work. Today’s Democratic Party and the Left are filled with figures who support funding aid to a race of people, the Palestinians, who have voted into office and their government not once, not twice, not even three times, but in every single election in the Gaza strip or Palestine since 2006, an actual terrorist organization who commits acts of terrorism and genocide or near genocide, Hamas, the very same terrorist organization who attacked, without provocation, the State of Israel and who have raped, murdered and slaughtered thousands of innocent people in Israel including women and children since October 7 of 2023. Today’s Democratic Party and the Left are filled with figures who support targeting parents for being parents and who support targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders. Should I go on? These are facts. Today’s Democratic Party is the enemy of the United States and are a threat to democracy, even though we are not actually a democracy. We are a constitutional republic. Plus, the current “President”, Joe Biden, has the same rhetoric or similar rhetoric of Adolf Hitler in that he views a certain group of people, in Biden’s case, MAGA Republicans or common sense minded people who do not agree with his radical agenda, as “threats to democracy”. That was the same rhetoric Hitler had about the Jews during the Holocaust and World War II. He viewed Jews as “threats to democracy and to Germany”. He viewed Jews as parasites, just as Biden views MAGA supporters, people who actually support and represent the true American values of the United States of America and the globe like supporting the fact that there are only two genders and school choice and supporting Israel and who support parental rights, etc, Biden views them as parasites too. It all makes sense now. Biden sounds exactly like Hitler. Hitler sounded exactly like Biden. The only difference is that Biden doesn’t think that he’s of the Aryan race and he hasn’t exterminated millions of people. But, Hitler and Biden have the same exact rhetoric regarding them viewing a certain group of people as parasites or “threats to democracy”. I mean, it’s ironic how similar Biden and Hitler sound. It’s ironic how similar their rhetoric is. And yet, you want to claim that Trump and Hitler are alike. Ha! Isn’t that the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. Trump has never exterminated millions of people, has never been racist to anyone, has never claimed that he is of the Aryan race and Trump most certainly has never been a self-described socialist leftist like Hitler actually was. I mean, Hitler was a member of the Nazi Party. The Nazi Party had “socialism” and “leftist” written all over it, which Trump is neither of those things. Trump also has never viewed a certain groups of people as parasites or anything like that. But Biden has. And so did Hitler. It’s shocking how similar Biden and Hitler sound when regarding them viewing certain groups of people as parasites. And plus, Hitler was a racist. You know who is also a racist. Not Trump. It’s Biden. Yeah, Biden’s a racist. He’s never been afraid to admit that he is a racist. I mean, during his campaign for President, Biden actually said, and he really said this “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t Black” which is racist. Very racist towards African Americans and Black people. You wonder why more and more Black people are becoming more conservative. Because they know that Biden’s a racist and he is a racist. Hitler was one too. Hitler was racist towards everyone. Literally! African Americans, Black people, Jews, other white people, you name it. He was racist towards everyone. You don’t hear Trump doing that now don’t you? I mean really, name one time where Trump was racist towards someone or to African Americans or anyone? Huh? Name one time where he did that? You probably can’t because he’s never been racist towards anyone. But Biden sure has and so was Hitler. I think that you need to go back to history class my leftist friends. Oh and by the way. What is a woman? Since you leftists, many of you that is, don’t actually know what a woman really is anymore, that’s why I asked you that question. What is a woman? Or more specifically, what is really a woman?

        • All Lies Matter says:

          Seems like some hope to substitute substance with volume.

          • Ivan is that you? says:

            Some people are saying that comrade Steve is a Russian troll who is paid by the word and receives a bonus for using the catch phrase question.

            Others say he is a “perfectly stable genius” that has fallen for every false narrative available on Fox.

            Either way they are the same talking points.

            Russia is already trying to interfere in the 2024 election by exploiting the trust, ignorance, and motivated reasoning of conservatives.

            Conservatives should be on their guard against manipulation by Russian propaganda and psy-ops like the one that appears to have been perpetrated against and with the aid of Republicans in the House of Representatives.

  • Remember says:

    Awe yes, the historic Presidency of Donald J. Trump. I remember it well. A million Americans died of Covid, lock downs and riots across the country, millions of jobs lost, national debt exploded because of ineffective Covid relief programs.

    I remember being told about the scary caravans coming from South America. I was promised a big beautiful wall to keep them out but Trump couldn’t get Mexico to pay for it and didn’t build it.

    I remember President Trump with his strong leadership getting love letters from Kim Jong Un and siding with Vladimir Putin over US Intelligence Agencies. I remember Trumps campaign advisors and managers like Gen. Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort going to prison for working for foreign governments. I remember Trump weakening NATO and negating the US withdrawal from Afghanistan directly with the Taliban.

    • Greatness says:

      It takes great crisis to make truly great Presidents. Washington had the Revolution and the challenges of setting up a new government. Lincoln had the great crisis of the Civil War and he rose to the occasion and held the country together.

      Trump could have been a great President, he was President during the worst pandemic and economic crisis in a 100 years. Trump failed to rise to the occasion repeatedly. He denied that it was happening and then did nothing leaving it to Governors to figure out.

      Leadership matters in crisis, that’s why the country cant afford to allow Republicans a seat at the table any longer. The do nothing party of NO does not serve America in the 21st Century.

    • Steven Cook says:

      So, you say that Trump negated with the Taliban and the U.S withdrawal from Afghanistan, supposedly under Trump’s presidency. Just to remind you, didn’t that U.S withdrawal from Afghanistan that you eloquently claim happened under Trump, happened in……August and September of 2021?! Who was the President then when that happened? Hmmm? Who was the President when that happened? It certainly wasn’t Trump. Trump wasn’t even in office nor was he the President at the time that that happened. So what the heck are you talking about? You got your information about that all mixed up buddy. Yeah, think back to August and September of 2021. Did you see Trump in the oval office at the time? Did you see him as President at the time? No, that’s because he wasn’t President in August and September of 2021 when the U.S withdrawal from Afghanistan happened. Biden was the President when that happened and you know what happened? Biden screwed that up, just like he has done with everything else. Biden and his administration actually left $88 billion of our weapons and our aircraft just for the Taliban to use to potentially attack us and negated the U.S withdrawal from Afghanistan with the Taliban. Yeah, Trump had nothing to do with that. He wasn’t even in office at that time. So you don’t know what your talking about. Everyone knows that Biden screwed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan massively. So don’t lie to me.

      And I also don’t remember Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort going to prison under Trump for “working with foreign governments”. Don’t remember that at all. In fact, nobody remembers that, probably because it didn’t happen.

      And yes, you were promised a big beautiful border wall under Trump in order to prevent a border crisis like the one we have been experiencing since Biden’s first week in office. And guess what, Trump kept his promise! What a concept. And the border was actually secured under Trump too, with Title 42, Remain In Mexico and the border wall. What a concept! An actual secured southern border……like what we had under Trump! What a freaking concept! The only reason why the Left and today’s Democratic Party said that Trump’s border policies including Title 42 and Remain In Mexico policy and the border wall were ineffective and racist and so on, is because they hate and fear Trump because he actually represents the true American values and beliefs and rights of the United States of America and the globe like border security and school choice and parental rights and supporting Israel, etc. That’s why they said or claimed that Trump’s border policies were “inhumane” and “ineffective”, and so on. Well guess what….their starting to realize that Trump’s border policies including Title 42 actually did work to secure the border because now a number of Democrats are demanding Biden to secure the border or address the border crisis! Yep, those claims about Trump’s border policies including Title 42 supposedly being ineffective and inhumane are coming back to bite the Democrats and the Left in the ass huh? Yep, that’s for sure.

      And, on the subject of Trump supposedly siding with Putin over U.S Intelligence. Question for you…….how do you know that? How do you know that Trump supposedly siding with Putin over U.S Intelligence? Did you hear him say that he was siding with Putin on that? Were you there when he supposedly did that? How do you know that? You don’t know that. Where’s the actual verifiable footage or proof or evidence that proves that he did that? Hmm? Where is it? You just said that Trump supposedly sided with Putin over U.S Intelligence, like it actually happened. Where’s the actual footage of this? Hmm? You don’t have any actual footage of this supposedly taking place? You just said it like it actually happened. I’ve and along with most likely most people have never seen actual footage of this taking place. So if what you are saying is true, then where’s the actual proof or evidence that proves this? At least come up with actual footage to back up your claim that Trump supposedly sided with Putin over U.S Intelligence or something. Next time you want to make a claim like that, actually come up with actual footage or something to prove it, idiot. It’s not hard to do, idiot.

      And you saying that a “million Americans died from COVID” during the pandemic and that the millions of jobs that were lost during the pandemic and that the riots and such that occurred during the pandemic was Trump’s fault or something. Ding, ding, ding! That is false my friend. First of all, the so-called”Summer of Love protests” that took place in 2020? Not Trump’s fault. The “Summer of Love protests” which were not really protests at all, let alone, peaceful protests, as actual footage during those “protests” actually prove, including on footage of the leftist media outlets shows, etc and the fact that actual footage shows reporters from like CNN and MSNBC, out reporting on them, with actual riots being committed by BLM right behind them. And yes, BLM, or Black Lives Matter, are the ones who started the”Summer of Love protests” aka riots, all because of one guy, one guy, in Minneapolis, who supposedly was killed by police officers, when in reality, actual footage proves that he did not die from police officers’s hands…but actually died from a fatal overdose of fentanyl, and because BLM assumed that police officers killed this particular person, named George Floyd, BLM decided to “Oh, let’s start riots and let’s destroy people’s businesses and assault people who don’t agree with our agenda because the police in the United States are all racists and thugs and they should be defunded, even though we know that defunding law enforcement in the United States will cause crime to skyrocket even more, but we don’t care because all law enforcement officers are ‘racists’ and ‘thugs’ because they supposedly killed one Black man in Minneapolis, who wasn’t even touched by the police and who actually died from a fatal drug overdose. Oh yeah, and we are called Black Lives Matter because we say and think that all Black lives matter and such, oh, but when other Black people don’t agree with our agenda, we assault them and kill them and stuff and we don’t care” and so on. Yeah, that BLM. They are the ones who started the Summer of Love riots. Not Trump. And if anything, the “million Americans who died from COVID” during the pandemic? Wasn’t because of Trump either. That happened in blue or leftist states like New York and Michigan and New Mexico, etc because the Democratic Governors in those states decided “Hey, let’s put people in nursing homes” and stuff, thinking that was going to help and such. It did not. We all know that now. Nursing homes saw some of the highest rates of COVID deaths during the pandemic, and most of them, if not all of this occurred in………….blue Democratic states! Wow, what a concept! And yet, you think that Trump was responsible for all of that because you hate and fear him because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and parental rights, etc. You really think that Trump was responsible for the large amounts of deaths in nursing homes in Democratic states during the pandemic? Actual data and studies shuts that whole claim down doesn’t it? It’s Democratic Governors who were responsible for that. And no, COVID did not come from Europe, Andrew Cuomo. It came from China. Wuhan, China, to be exact. The Wuhan lab, to be more precise. Yeah, the very same Wuhan lab that the so-called “expert”, Dr. Anthony Fauci, was actually funding, knowing full well that what the Wuhan lab was doing was dangerous and yet, he was still funding it. So, not only was the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdowns and stay-at-home orders and mask mandates and vaccine mandates that took place during the pandemic China’s fault…..but it was also Fauci’s fault because he was funding the very same lab that the virus was unleased from. Oh yeah, and Trump was saying that the virus came from Wuhan like four years ago. And he’s been proven right..again! How could it be Trump’s fault for the pandemic and the stay-at-home orders and mask mandates and vaccine mandates, etc, when he was the one saying that, and he was right, the virus came from Wuhan and why would it be his fault if he wasn’t the one funding the Wuhan lab to begin with like Fauci was doing? Huh? Huh? Yeah, answer that question. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Oh and by the way, if the 2020 election wasn’t rigged, then how do you explain the fact that there were millions of Americans who were being forced to stay home due to the stay-at-home orders and mask mandates and vaccine mandates and other COVID-19 restrictions that caused mail-in ballots, which have been proven to be fraudulent, to be mailed to the millions of Americans who were being forced to stay home for months and months on end at the time of the 2020 election? And how do you explain the people who were still voting even after the polls closed at midnight? And how do you explain the people who voted from addresses that didn’t exist anymore or have never existed, which Wikipedia actually admitted happened, in a way that is? They didn’t tell the whole truth. But, they admitted that it happened. And how do you explain the fact that Biden won the popular vote, in other words, won the most populated areas of the United States, but not the electoral vote, which is actually the way to win a presidential election? You claim that Biden won the election and such. But, where is the actual verifiable proof or evidence that proves that? You know, like transcripts? Actual ballots showing that Biden actually won them? Actual documents showing this? Anything? Instead of just saying it, actually show us the actual verifiable proof or evidence or actual verifiable documents proving that Biden won the election in 2020. Because we, and when I mean “we” I mean us conservatives or people who actually have common sense, haven’t seen one inch, one ilk, not one thing showing that Biden actually won the election in 2020. There’s the fact that he won the popular vote. But, we have not seen one shroud of actual verifiable proof or evidence or any actual verifiable documents proving that Biden won the election in 2020 at all. Not one. If you really believe that Biden won the election in 2020, like you have been saying over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again since the 2020 election, at least show some actual verifiable proof or evidence or actual verifiable documents proving it. Maybe if you can do that, we will take you more seriously. Just like if you say that a woman is an adult human female, born as a female biologically, who will always be a female biologically and if you say that a woman is not a man who cuts off his private part and has female breasts implanted onto him through gender reassignment surgery because that is not an actual woman and if you say that there are only two genders, male and female, because that is the definition of basic and simple biology for anyone who actually studied biology in school, then we might take you more seriously as well. Speaking of which. What is a woman? That question isn’t for me by the way. It’s for you leftists and Biden. What is a woman? Or more specifically, what is really a woman?

  • JH Cole says:

    Another “Statement” by GOP “leaders” praising policies already rejected by voters and highlighting MAGA extremist flaws that voters fear. It’s as though Democratic moles write them to use in their own campaign ads.

    The GOP minority will keep shrinking until they flush Don the Loser.

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