
February begins Black History Month, and RPNM celebrates by commemorating the significant contributions made by Black Americans within the Republican Party.

Did you know the first twenty-three Black members of Congress were all Republicans?

Hiram R. Revels became the first Black Senator as a Republican in 1870. Despite setting a groundbreaking precedent for civil rights with his election by the Mississippi legislature, Revels encountered harsh opposition in Washington, D.C., from Southern Democrats who opposed his seating in the Senate. On a party-line vote, with all Republicans voting in favor and all Democrats voting against, Revels was officially elected as the first African American Senator.

The Republican Party was founded as the anti-slavery party and fought to abolish slavery in America, a position that was opposed by the majority of Democrats at the time. Here are some more critical historical events spearheaded by Republicans:

  • In 1863, Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared freedom to more than three million enslaved African Americans living in Southern states.
  • Juneteenth celebrates news of Lincoln’s proclamation reaching the residents of Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865.
  • In 1865, Lincoln and the Republicans passed the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery in the United States.
  • In 1868, Republicans passed the 14th Amendment, giving African Americans citizenship.
  • In 1870, Republicans passed the 15th Amendment, giving African American men the right to vote.
  • In an attempt to counter these actions, Democrats, who had regained a majority in southern states, began passing the “Jim Crow” laws that led to segregation and the suppression of Black Americans’ voting rights.

Frederick Douglass, who was formerly enslaved only to become the first Black U.S. marshal and renowned abolitionist, was quoted as saying, “I am a Republican, a black, dyed-in-the-wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress.”

Throughout February, RPNM highlights the invaluable contributions made by Black Americans and pays tribute to the brave Black Republicans who fought to lay the foundation of equality, justice, and liberty for all future generations.

  • Remember says:

    Remember how supportive Republicans were of the first black President?

    Remember how Donald Trump and other Conservatives started believing the Birther conspiracy.

    That denial of Obama’s legitimacy was a warm up to election denial, aka the big lie, of 2020.

    Republicans since Obama have decided that no one running against the is legitimate, they have given up on reality and democracy because they feel their privilege should entitle them to rule over us regardless pf elections.

    • Give us Strenght! says:

      I heard Nikki Haley was born in India and is not a real US citizen.

      If US elections have become so corrupt that we are going to allow a non-citizen to run AGAIN then I think we should just open it up to international candidates!

      Trump did a great job but most Republicans prefer a real strongman like Vladimir Putin!

      Vladimir Putin has not been indicted, is younger than Trump and Biden, and is a sexy spyman!

  • JH Cole says:

    Nice selective history, some might even call it a whitewash. Nearly every reader will recognize that it ended with F. Douglass, who died in 1895.

    Readers also notice you have no comment on MAGA’s recent election losses and the $85.3m judgement against the leading loser, Donald Trump. Mr. Pearce, Ms. Skaggs et al have no clue about leading the NM GOP out of the hole they are in.

    See you in November.

    • Cook Book of Cope says:

      Where is Cook? Is he going to make us wait for the release of his MAGA cope Cook Book?

      Did intern Cook get reassigned?

      • JH Cole says:

        If said Cook (Mr, MS?) was not being paid s/he was wasting time writing so much so poorly for the few visitors to this site.
        If Cook was being paid, GOP “leaders” were wasting donor dollars.

        • Steven Cook says:

          “If said Cook(Mr, MS) was not being paid s/he was wasting time writing so much so poorly for the few visitors to this site. If Cook was being paid, GOP ‘leaders’ were wasting donor dollars”

          If said Cole(Mr JH) was not being paid, he was wasting time writing so much, so poorly for the few visitors of this site, just to bash me and other Trump supporters because he and his leftist comrades hates and fears Trump because he actually represents and stands up for the true American values and beliefs and rights of the United States of America and the globe including school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion and religious liberty, etc because said Cole(Mr JH) and his leftist comrades think and believe that those traditional American values that I just named that Trump supports are racist and extremists, etc, while at the same time said Cole (Mr. JH) and his leftist comrades think that abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and forcing women and girls in women’s sports and girls’s to compete with biological males and get unfairly and unceremoniously beat and destroy by biological males who are not actual women and girls and funding Iran therefore funding the Gaza strip therefore funding the Palestinians therefore funding an actual terrorist organization who commits terrorist acts, who have been voted into office and into the government of the Gaza strip by the Palestinians, to attack and rape and murder innocent Jews in Israel including women and children and Hamas going door to door to door to rape and murder innocent Jews in Israel including women and children like the Nazis and Hitler did during World War II and the Holocaust and targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and supporting the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party don’t know what a woman is anymore nor can they define what a woman is anymore or what a man is anymore, etc are all good things, while the true American values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and the fact that there is only two genders, etc are bad to the Left and today’s Democratic Party. If Cole was being paid, Democratic “leaders” were wasting donor dollars.

          Oh yeah, and JH Cole. What is a woman? Or more specifically, what is really a woman?

          Oh and one more thing. That thing about what you said? “See you in November”? Oh yes, we all, especially the ones who actually vote, will see you in November. And we all know what you are going to vote for. You are going to vote for higher inflation, higher gas prices and higher food prices, to the point where nobody will be able to pay for gas and food or make ends meet like their supposed to do, therefore you voting for higher food prices and inflation rate and higher gas prices will cause the United States to go into a economic recession or depression or collapse, including in New Mexico. You will vote for the continuing funding to Iran, therefore funding to the Gaza strip, therefore funding to the Palestinians, therefore funding to an actual terrorist organization who commits terrorist acts, Hamas, who by the way was and has been voted into office and into the government of the Gaza strip by the Palestinians, by the Left and today’s Democratic Party, in order to attack Israel and rape and murder innocent Jews in Israel including women and children and Hamas going door to door to rape and murder innocent Jews in Israel including women and children much like what the Nazis and Hitler did during World War II and the Holocaust. You are going to vote for the continuing of forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better when in reality children who have gender reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide or attempt suicide, or more likely to suffer from mental health issues such as depression, because you think that having a little kid at five years old have gender reassignment surgery will make his or her life better(by the way, transgender people, including children and teens who become transgender through gender reassignment surgery, are 7.6 times more likely to attempt suicide or commit suicide, 61% of transgender people, including children and teens who become transgender, have committed suicide in the United States since 2000 and another 29% of them have attempted suicide since 2000, and 50%+ of transgender people, including children and teens who become transgender through gender reassignment surgery, have attempted suicide or have committed suicide(, The Guardian studies, other studies), and you wonder why various states and countries including Tennessee and Hungary and France and Utah and Florida have banned gender reassignment surgeries on minors and have banned puberty blockers from being injected into little kids). You are going to vote for the annihilation of Israel from Hamas, the Palestinians, and Iran, based on the assumption that Israel is an apartheid nation when in reality Israel has never been nor will it ever be a apartheid nation and if you want to talk about an actual apartheid nation or nations, then look no further than South Africa and what is now Nambia, who were both sites of apartheid. You are going to vote for higher crime rates across the United States because you support leftist DAs and judges releasing criminals of all kinds including violent ones back onto the streets to commit more crimes or the same ones over and over and over and over and over and over and over again because you think that the criminals are the victims and you think that people who are law-abiding citizens are the enemies and you think that the police, all police officers and police departments or law enforcement are racists and thugs, and because of that, you want to defund law enforcement based on that assumption so that crime will supposedly go down, when in reality, defunding law enforcement doesn’t work nor does it reduce crime and putting criminals into jail actually reduces crime rates. You want to vote for continuing the murder of human beings who happen to be babies from up to and including birth and after birth because you think that a human baby is not a human and you want to do that in the name of “reproductive rights” and in the name of “having women choose what to do with their bodies” and so on. You want to vote for continuing to fund a country, Ukraine, that is one of the most corrupt countries on Earth and you want to vote for continuing to fund a war between Ukraine and Russia that we the United States of America have no business being involved in, but you don’t want to fund the declining infrastructure in the United States, etc. You want to vote for the continuing of the Left and today’s Democratic Party targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and you want to vote for the continuing of the Left and today’s Democratic Party not knowing what a woman is and what a man is anymore and you want to vote for the continuing of the Left and today’s Democratic Party not being able to define what a woman is anymore and can’t define what a man is anymore. And so on. Yeah, that’s what you want to vote for, Mr. JH Cole right? That’s what you want to vote for. You want to vote for all of those radical policies that the Left and today’s Democratic Party supports, right? But, you don’t want to vote for reducing the crime rate in the United States and you don’t want to vote for stopping little kids from having gender reassignment surgeries, therefore you don’t want to vote for stopping little kids and teens from committing suicide or attempting suicide because they had gender reassignment surgery and therefore suffered from depression and other mental health issues because they had gender reassignment surgery. You don’t want to vote for stopping the funding of Iran therefore funding to the Gaza strip therefore funding to Hamas therefore funding to the Palestinians, who voted in Hamas, an actual terrorist organization who commits terrorist acts, into office and into the government, by the Left and today’s Democratic Party in order to attack Israel and rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children and going door to door to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children. You don’t want to vote to reduce the inflation rate under Biden that is ruining our economy and you don’t want to reduce food or gas prices that are causing people to being barely unable to pay for gas and food and to make ends meet. And so on. Yeah, you don’t want to vote for all of those common sense policies. No, you want to vote for all of those radical policies that the Left and today’s Democratic Party support including abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and forcing women and girls to compete with biological males who utterly and unceremoniously beat and destroy them thus endangering women’s sports and girls’s sports and targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, and so on. That’s what you want to vote for, JH Cole. Am I right? And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc.

          By the way, I am not being paid by the GOP or by anybody. I don’t need to be paid to tell the truth about the policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party that are destroying the United States of America and the globe. And by the way, I’m a dude. My name’s not Stephanie. It’s Steven. If you actually read my other comments, you would have known that I was a guy, doofus.

          And again, you have lived here in New Mexico for seven years, JH Cole, right? Good for you. You have lived in New Mexico for seven years. Good for you. Congratulations. Seven years you’ve lived here in New Mexico. But, it’s nothing like living in New Mexico for 18+years or living here in New Mexico for 50 years or more isn’t it? You think that just because you have lived here in New Mexico for seven years that you think that you know more about New Mexico than anybody else does. Right JH Cole? Well, sorry to tell you, but living in New Mexico for seven years is nothing compared to living in New Mexico for 18+years and decades like me and Steve Pearce have. I’ve lived here in New Mexico since 2005 and I know more about New Mexico and what has been going on in New Mexico, especially with the policies of the Democrats causing New Mexico to be ranked dead last in education and having one of the highest inflation rates, crime rates and one of the highest poverty rates on Earth, than you do. Even Steve Pearce, who is 76 years old by the way, who was actually raised in New Mexico, knows more about New Mexico and what has been going on in New Mexico regarding the policies of Democrats that have caused New Mexico to be ranked dead last in education and having one of the highest inflation rate, crime rate, and poverty rates on Earth, than you do, Mr. JH Cole. Again, good for you for living here in New Mexico for the past seven years and so on. Good for you. But, it doesn’t make you smarter than everyone else in this state, especially smarter than the people who actually know what has been going on in New Mexico due to Democratic policies that have caused New Mexico to be ranked dead last in education and having one of the highest inflation rate and crime rate and poverty rates in the United States and globally, etc. So thank you for the insult, but no thank you for the insult. Your just mad because I’m a supporter of parental rights and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and being pro-life, etc which Trump supports because you think that all those things are racist and stuff like that, and that people know that your policies of abortion up to and including birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, etc are destroying the United States of America and the globe and that scares you that you are willing to target people for that. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc. You leftists and the Left and today’s Democratic Party have no clue how to lead the United States of America out of the hole that you are in because you don’t want to lead the United States of America out of the hole that you are in. And it’s your own fault because of that. And why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves in the United States and globally including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc.

          There you have it. How’s that for you? Oh yeah and JH Cole, once again, I ask you. What is a woman? That goes for you too Cook Book of Cope. What is a woman?

  • Fred Garvin says:

    Comparing Linclon’s Republican Party to the bigoted rabble who own the modern Republican Party is like comparing real hair to the mud flap your God has sutured to his skull.

    • Steven Cook says:

      “Comparing Lincoln’s Republican Party to the bigoted rabble who own the modern Republican Party is like comparing real hair to the mud flap your God has sutured to his skull.”

      OK, am going to debunk that statement. But first, my God? You said “your God”? What are you, an atheist or something?

      Anyway, I want to debunk your statement “Comparing Lincoln’s Republican Party to the bigoted rabble who own the modern Republican Party”. First of all, it’s nice that you like Lincoln’s Republican Party and that you actually admit that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. But, to say that the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln is different from the “bigoted rabble who own the modern Republican Party” is totally misleading. Because first of all, I see no difference between Lincoln’s Republican Party and the modern Republican Party because Lincoln’s Republican Party wasn’t racist towards African Americans or to anyone and the modern Republican Party is not racist towards African Americans and other races of Americans either. If the modern Republican Party really was racist, then why do the modern Republican Party oppose defunding the police and why do the vast majority of African Americans, you know, the people who the Republican Party are supposedly racist towards, but are not, but the Left and today’s Democratic Party are racist towards, support law enforcement in the United States of America and oppose defunding the police in the United States of America? If the modern Republican Party and modern Republicans, like Trump, were racist, then why, during Trump’s presidency, did Trump appoint people of different races to his cabinet including African Americans? If the modern Republican Party was bigoted, let’s say towards Jews in Israel, then why do the majority of Republicans, including Trump, support Jews in Israel and Israel itself? Why, if the modern Republican Party really was bigoted, then why haven’t they, Republicans, targeted parents for being parents and labeling parents as domestic terrorists then? And why would you, apparently a supporter of Lincoln’s Republican Party seems like, which is not a bad thing, but why would you, of all people, say that the modern Republicans, like Trump, like Ted Cruz, like Lauren Boebert, like DeSantis, and the others, who all are pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-school choice, anti-woke ideology, anti-forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, pro-law enforcement, anti-defund the police, and support the traditional American values of the United States of America and the globe including school choice and law and order and supporting Israel and parental rights, the Pledge of Allegiance, etc, are bigoted and racists and stuff like that? That doesn’t sound like bigoted to me. It sounds like Americans to me. This is the United States of America. We have the right, the American and fundamental and constitutional right as Americans to say the Pledge of Allegiance and to support and exercise our right of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion and religious liberty and the right to bear arms or own guns in order to protect our families and homes from tyranny, which shall not be infringed upon. And we have the fundamental and constitutional right to vote for whomever we want and that includes Republicans, because the Constitution says so and if you don’t believe me, then read the Constitution, all of it, and maybe you will understand that. We have the right and constitutional right to pray before a game or anything like that and we have the fundamental and constitutional right to support Israel and the Jewish people of Israel and Jewish people of the United States. And parents, ALL parents, have the right to engage in parental rights, or in other words, parents, of all races, color, nationalities, etc, in the United States have the fundamental and constitutional right and American right to be involved in their children’s education and to be concerned about what their children are being taught in schools, especially if their child is being taught in school that they can change genders without their parents’s consent and stuff like that. We are Americans and we have the fundamental and constitutional right to do all of those things. And these fundamental and constitutional rights are what the modern Republican Party supports and other common sense minded Americans too, even those who may not be Republican or Democrat, but maybe an Independent, but have common sense, and doesn’t support abortion up to and including birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and forcing little kids to change genders without their parents’s consent or knowledge, or any other radical policies that the Left and today’s Democratic Party supports that the Left and today’s Democratic Party think are better for the United States than the actual true American values and beliefs and rights like Second Amendment and First Amendment and parental rights and supporting Israel and school, etc. This is the United States of America, not Venezuela, and we, the United States of America and the citizens of the United States of America have the fundamental and constitutional rights to exercise and support freedom of speech and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and vote for whomever we want to, and to exercise our right to bear arms or own guns in order to protect and defend our families and homes from tyranny as the Second Amendment states and that these rights shall not be infringed upon, and the United States of America and any U.S state has the right to a secured border or borders in order to protect it from invasion(Biden’s doing a wonderful job at that isn’t he? By the way, I’m being sarcastic about that, Biden’s not doing a wonderful job at securing the border isn’t he? Nope, maybe if he had kept all of Trump’s border policies including Title 42 and Remain In Mexico policy, in place, we would have a secured border and we wouldn’t be having a border crisis right now would we?). And we the United States of America and it’s citizens have the fundamental and constitutional and American right to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic(not Democracy) for which it stands, one nation under God and indivisible, with Liberty and Justice For All! “With Liberty and Justice For All” meaning not just for conservative Americans, but ALL Americans. And that’s another thing. You, the Left and today’s Democratic Party and leftist figures and leftist media outlets, etc, seem to think that MAGA, Make America Great Again, is a “racist” or “fascist” or “extremist” slogan or saying. You can say that until your face turns blue and have all of your childish tantrums about it all day. But, the Make America Great Again slogan isn’t racist nor is it extremism. And it doesn’t just apply to conservative Americans or MAGA Republicans. You have to understand what Make America Great Again really means. It doesn’t just mean conservative Americans. It means ALL Americans, regardless of race, color, nationality, ethnicity, religious affiliation, or even political affiliation. That’s what Make America Great Again really means. Now, if you leftists, especially those who are Americans or are supposed to be Americans, actually understood that, then maybe we wouldn’t have a problem. But since you don’t, that’s why I have to explain it to you, in simple English, that the Make America Great Again slogan doesn’t just mean conservative Americans, it applies to ALL Americans regardless of race, color, nationality, ethnicity, religious affiliation or heck, even political affiliation. Which is what the MAGA supporters and MAGA Republicans and MAGA movement represent. Now, does that sound bigoted or racist to you? No and I will tell you why. There’s a reason why President Trump did all of the great and wonderful things for America when he was President. Who do you think President Trump ushered in the greatest economy in the history of the United States, if not one of the greatest economies in the history of the United States, who do you think President Trump did that for? All Americans. Who do you think President Trump established real peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords for? All Americans. Who do you think President Trump made the United States energy independent for the first time ever, if not the first time in decades, for? All Americans. And so on. President Trump did all of those great and wonderful things for America for all Americans, literally, all Americans, regardless of race, color, nationality, ethnicity, religious affiliation or even political affiliation. He did them for ALL Americans, not just for conservative Americans. All Americans, yes even liberal or leftist Americans. We conservative Americans and common sense minded Americans, even those who are not conservatives or liberals, understood that and still understand that. It’s the Americans who are on the Left and/or who are members of today’s Democratic Party, especially those who are in power, that didn’t understand nor still don’t understand that. President Trump did all of the great and wonderful things for you leftist Americans, and all other groups of Americans including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc and instead of supporting him, you instead shut him down and you blasted him and you bashed him, including saying things like Trump’s border policies were inhumane or racist or ineffective, when in fact, Trump’s border policies, as we all know now and really what we all knew the whole time, including a number of Democrats now, that Trump’s border policies including Title 42 actually worked to secure the border and worked to help prevent things like this border crisis that we are experiencing now under Biden and because of Biden. By the way, that’s another thing that Trump did for all Americans. Secured the border, all of our borders, like the Constitution of the United States actually says to do. That doesn’t sound bigoted or racist to me. It sounds like an actual American President. Not Biden. Trump.

      Biden thinks that he’s an actual American President. If he’s a real American President, then why does he get lost literally everytime he gets done with a press conference or speech? If he’s a real American President, then why does he call other Americans, including MAGA supporters who actually support the true American values of the United States including parental rights and freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel, etc and why does he call parents who are just being parents, domestic terrorists and a “threat to democracy” like Hitler would do regarding Jews then? And if Biden is or was a actual American President, then why is he and his administration funding Iran therefore funding the Gaza strip therefore funding the Palestinians and therefore funding an actual terrorist organization who commits acts of terrorism, Hamas, in order to attack Israel and rape and murder innocent Jews in Israel including women and children and Hamas going door to door to rape and murder innocent Jews in Israel including women and children and why is Biden and his administration, as well as the Democrats, funding the Palestinians, who by the way voted into office and into their government and actual terrorist organization, Hamas, who commits terrorist acts? And if Biden was an actual American President, then why is he and his administration letting our southern border be open so much that he’s letting in unprecedented amounts of illegal immigrants and illegal drugs especially fentanyl into the United States, including terrorists or suspected terrorists, into our country and why, if Biden is an actual American President, is he not actually securing our southern border, like the Constitution actually tells us to do? And if Biden was an actual American President, then why is he and his administration, supporting little kids having gender reassignment surgery to supposedly make their lives better when in reality, he and his administration know full well that having a little child have gender reassignment surgery or having a teen having gender reassignment surgery will make them more likely to commit suicide or attempt suicide or suffer from mental health issues such as depression? And if Biden was an actual American President, then why does he and his administration along with the Left as a whole, support targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and support not knowing what a woman is anymore or what a man is anymore and can’t define what a woman is anymore or what a man is anymore? And why, if Biden is a actual American President, is he and his administration lying to the American people about the economy being stronger than ever when he should know and his administration should know by now that no, the economy is not stronger than ever and that the vast majority of Americans, including Democrats, are struggling to pay for gas and food and to make ends meet? If Joe Biden was an actual American President, like the Left and today’s Democratic Party will tell you, then why has he done all of those things and has supported all of those things then? I mean, calling MAGA supporters, people who actually support the traditional and true American values of the United States like freedom of speech and parental rights and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel, etc, terrorists? That’s not what a true American President is supposed to do. If you say something like that, you know calling people, in this case MAGA supporters or parents, domestic terrorists for them actually supporting Israel and school choice and parental rights, etc, then you are not an actual American President. It means you sound like Adolf Hitler. Which is what Biden actually sounds like. He sounds exactly like Hitler. In the way he talks about conservatives and parents being “domestic terrorists” or “threats to democracy”? That sounds like Hitler. Hitler said almost the exact same thing about the Jews. He thought that the Jews were a threat to democracy, a threat to Germany. Biden thinks that conservatives and parents and common sense minded people in general, are threats to democracy, are threats to the United States. It all makes sense now. Biden sounds exactly like Hitler. Hitler sounded exactly like Biden. Coincidence? You know that saying? “History repeats itself”? Yep, I think that is what’s happening now with Biden and the Left and today’s Democratic Party viewing conservatives and parents and just common sense minded people who don’t agree with the Left and today’s Democratic Party’s radical policies, as threats to democracy and threats to the United States, or leftist figures in other countries views conservatives or common sense minded people or parents, as threats to democracy, and such. It all sounds Hitler-like rhetoric. This is what Hitler viewed with the Jews. He thought, he viewed the Jews as a threat to democracy, and a threat to Germany. How funny is it that the Left and today’s Democratic Party has almost the same exact rhetoric that Hitler had? I don’t think it’s funny. It’s terrifying. And yet, the Left and today’s Democratic Party wants to compare Trump with Hitler! 😆😆😆😆 That’s so funny! That the Left and today’s Democratic Party think that Trump and Hitler are alike! Trump is pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-school choice, anti-woke ideology, anti-forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, pro-law enforcement, anti-defund the police and actually represents and stands for the true American values and fundamental and constitutional rights of the United States of America including the Second Amendment and First Amendment, supporting Israel, etc. Hitler was a anti-gun, anti-Semitic, self-described socialist leftist who viewed Jews as parasites, who believed that he was of the Aryan race, exterminated millions of people including six million Jews, was extremely anti-Israel, was extremely racist towards everyone, literally, among other things. I have never seen or heard Trump doing any of those things that Hitler did. That’s because him and Hitler are nothing alike. But, Biden and Hitler sure do and they sound alike in the way they speak about a certain group of people being threats to democracy don’t they? You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that Biden and Hitler sound exactly alike in regarding speaking about a certain group of people(conservatives or common sense minded people or parents in Biden’s case and the Jews in Hitler’s case) being “threats to democracy” or “domestic terrorists”. They both sound alike. And that’s terrifying. Trust me. I have listened to both Biden and Hitler when regarding certain group or groups of people who do not agree with Biden or Hitler’s radical policies or views, being “threats to democracy” or “domestic terrorists”. Both Biden and Hitler sound exactly like each other. And that’s terrifying. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now around the globe including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc.

      Oh yeah and Fred Garvin. What is a woman?

  • JH Cole says:

    Still no comment on Losers several losses in court from NM GOP “leaders.”
    We shouldn’t blame Trump any longer for being evil; the onus also falls on GOP “leaders”–from school boards to congress–for their dishonesty and cowardice in helping him get away with it.

    Mr. Cook writes so much so poorly that I didn’t even remember the word “Steven.” I can live with that mistake.

  • Creditable Republican Theory says:

    What is RPNM trying to do sneak in CRT for Black History month?

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