
January 16—The second session of the 56th legislature began this afternoon with Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham delivering her annual State of the State Address.

Lujan Grisham painted an idealized picture of a dire situation in New Mexico, where education, public safety, and economic opportunity are ranked lowest among the states.

Amy Barela, the Republican Party of New Mexico First Vice Chairwoman and Otero County Commissioner issued the following statement in response:

“New Mexicans do not need the governor to tell them the ‘state of the state.’ Every day, the education system is failing our students, more families are struggling to afford basic necessities, homelessness is increasing, fear of being a crime victim has become a daily concern, small businesses are closing or leaving the state, there is a healthcare shortage, worker shortage, and dependence on the government continues to grow.

Gov. Lujan Grisham and the Democratic legislature are pushing priorities that are out of touch with the issues that matter most to New Mexicans. Millions of tax dollars for more electric vehicle chargers? New Mexicans are struggling to make ends meet, let alone afford a costly electric vehicle.

The governor reiterated she is content to repeat the insanity of throwing more tax dollars at the same decades-old, failed policies instead of promoting new prosperity-producing approaches like school choice, using the billion-dollar surplus to refund money to taxpayers, keeping criminals behind bars, strengthening our border security, and supporting New Mexico’s energy independence.

Most troubling was the governor’s goal for ‘public safety’ this session, which is to continue to try to disarm law-abiding citizens, leaving families defenseless while hoping criminals will obey her orders. There is nothing ‘common sense’ about that. Republicans aim to fix the broken criminal justice system while preserving the Second Amendment rights of New Mexicans.

All in all, money alone cannot solve the problems in NM. Policies that support small businesses, our teachers, healthcare workers, the oil and gas industry, local decision-makers, and the rights of all our citizens should be the goal.

The governor concluded her address by saying New Mexico is ‘made to lead,’ but until we head in a new direction, we will continue to stay behind the rest of the nation.

This legislative session, the Republican party of New Mexico is striving to uplift the state from the bottom of all the lists. We can bring about positive change for everyone if the Democratic majority works with us towards the goal of a prosperous New Mexico for all.”

  • Steven Cook says:

    I agree with everything Amy Barela just said. New Mexico’s education system is failing children in the state, crime is rising dramatically across the entire state, including in Albuquerque, homelessness is increasing, so much that even in Albuquerque, there are a number of Democrats, including a former Democratic mayoral candidate who ran for mayor in 2013(Pete something, I forgot his last name) is even concerned about it, businesses, including small businesses and the young and wealthy are leaving the state and going to other states or maybe even going to other countries, or small businesses are closing at alarming rates, New Mexico has a healthcare or doctor shortage and is actually one of many states/countries that are experiencing doctor shortages across the globe right now, and other issues. And Gov. Lujan Grisham said that “we were made to lead”. That may be true, but that’s not what’s been happening under Lujan Grisham, and that hasn’t really happened probably in years or decades, if ever. I mean, New Mexico has been under the control of Democrats for what, 90 years+? And because of this, NM has been ranked last for education for years, homelessness has increased, especially in recent years, crime has gone up, especially in recent years including in Albuquerque, etc. And if Gov. Lujan Grisham thinks that pushing EV mandates on people is going to work, then she’s got another thing coming because for one, EVs(electric vehicles) are more expensive than gas-powered vehicles. They are more likely to instantly combust than gas-powered vehicles, even at times when the electric vehicle is not moving(case and point, look at what happened in Germany with those E-buses a year or two ago). They need to be charged like every twenty miles or so, literally. And electric vehicles overall are worse for the environment than gas-powered vehicles. These issues and more are the reasons why sales of EVs are declining globally right now and why the people are pushing back on EV mandates globally, including in Europe.

    Also, I just want to congratulate the judge who dismissed the lawsuit filed by that Johnny Castro or whatever his name is against President Trump. This judge actually followed the Constitution and actually told the truth. Because it seems to me that the Left doesn’t understand what the 14th Amendment Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States of America really says. It says that no person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice President, or any officer, civil or military, under any State, who, having previously taken an oath of office and….well, you can read the entire 14th Amendment yourselves. The key parts of the 14th Amendment Section 3 that I want to read are the “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice President, or any officer, civil or military,” part. The definition of elector doesn’t mean the actual President or Vice President or the actual office of President or Vice President of the United States. Elector means a qualified voter in a election and/or a member of the Electoral College of the United States. That is the definition of elector. The Left believes that Trump is disqualified from running for President or office again simply because it says “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice President”. Just to clarify with the Left, “or elector of President or Vice President” doesn’t actually mean the President or Vice President themselves, or the actual office of President or Vice President themselves either. Or, if you wish to call Trump a former President, then the same thing. In other words, Trump in fact would NOT be disqualified from running for President again because it doesn’t say that a President or Vice President is disqualified from running for office again. Nor does it mean that any other person who is running for President or Vice President or any other office who has common sense, are disqualified from running for office either. I think that the Left needs to rethink they’re position on the claim that Trump is disqualified from running for President again simply because they think that he is just because it says “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice President” or that it says “or an executive or judicial officer of any State”. First, I think that the Left needs to look up the definition of elector, which again, means a qualified voter in a election or a member of the Electoral College of the United States, not the actual office of President or Vice President or the President of the United States or the Vice President of the United States. Then maybe of they can do that, and read the 14th Amendment Section 3 again, and more throrougly this time, then maybe they can actually start telling the truth, that Trump is not disqualified from running for President again or for any office for that matter, because the 14th Amendment Section 3 actually doesn’t apply to him or any other person who supports him who is in office in the United States right now who clearly did not commit an insurrection or anything like that. Maybe the Left should start doing that for once, instead of lying to the American people about it and/or misinterpreting the Constitution just to try and remove Trump from running for President again and try to remove him from the ballot just because they hate Trump and fear him because he’s actually against their abortion up to and including birth and after birth policies and their support of forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and their support of forcing women and girls in women’s sports and girls’s sports to compete with biological males who became women through gender reassignment surgery, in other words, biological males who are not actual women biologically, then to have actual women and girls be unfairly beaten or destroyed in every aspect of women’s sports and girls’s sports by biological males, etc. Maybe if the Left actually started telling the truth, that the 14th Amendment indeed does not disqualify him from running for President again like it actually and clearly says, maybe we would be better off. But no, of course the Left wants to misinterpret the Constitution and target Trump and his supporters simply because they hate him and they fear him because he’s actually against their radical leftist policies and agenda including abortion up to and including birth and after birth, and other policies that are destroying the very fabric of the United States of America and it’s values, and that scares the heebe jeebes out of the Left and today’s Democratic Party in the United States that that is why they are doing what their doing. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc. I mean come on. You really think that we’re stupid? We know that is why the Left is doing what their doing. They don’t want Trump to run for president again because they know that he’s against their radical leftist policies including abortion up to and including birth and after birth and the other policies I just named above, and they don’t want their radical leftist policies to be destroyed by him because they want to “reshape America” with their policies because they seem to think that the traditional American values like supporting the First Amendment, and Second Amendment, and supporting Israel, and school choice, etc, are “extremists” or “fascist” or “racist. It couldn’t be further from the truth, but that’s what the Left believes and that is why they’re trying to remove Trump, an actual and true American who supports those traditional American values I just described, from the ballot and trying to remove him from running for President again. Because they know that he’s against their radical leftist agenda and that scares the Left so bad. That is why they’re doing what their doing. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.

    And the Left saying that MAGA supporters are “extremists” or “fascists” or “racists”? That is very misleading. Reason why is that MAGA supporters, including MAGA supporters here in the United States, support the traditional American values that have made this country so great in the last two centuries. MAGA supporters support the Constitution, including the First Amendment and Second Amendment, the Second Amendment which gives ALL Americans the right to bear arms or own guns to defend their homes and families(yes, including their furry babies and other pets), they support school choice, support Israel, support election integrity, support border security, support law enforcement in the United States, and oppose actual fascist dictators like Nicola Maduro, the dictator of Venezuela currently. That’s what the MAGA supporters support. Now, that doesn’t sound like extremism to me. That’s because it’s not. I will tell you what is extremism though. Abortion up to and including birth and after birth, which is what today’s Democratic Party supports. That’s extremism. Forcing women and girls to compete with biological males, who are not actual women biologically, in women’s sports and girls’s sports and having women and girls be unfairly destroyed and unfairly beaten by biological males in women’s sports and girls’s sports, which is what the Democratic Party of today support. That’s extremism. Forcing or having little kids at like three or four years of age, change genders and have puberty blockers or estrogen injected into them, at four years of age, to supposedly make their lives better, which is what the Democratic Party and the Left support across the globe. That’s extremism. Forcing little kids to watch drag queens do inappropriate things in front of them and subjecting little kids to that. That’s extremism. The Democratic Party and the Left not knowing what a woman is anymore nor defining what a woman is anymore and them saying that there is more than two genders, and targeting people who say that there is only two genders, which is the truth because there is only two genders because that’s basic biology, but having the Left target people for telling the truth that there is only two genders. That’s extremism. Having the Biden administration and Biden DOJ target parents for simply being parents, then labeling parents as domestic terrorists. That’s extremism. Comparing a actual and true American like Trump who supports the fundamental and constitutional values of the United States…to Hitler, a fascist dictator. Comparing Trump with Hitler. That’s extremism. First and foremost, Trump has never exterminated millions of people including six million Jews like Hitler did, he isn’t anti-gun like Hitler was, he isn’t anti-Semitic like Hitler extremely was, he’s not a self-described socialist leftist like Hitler was until the day he died, and Trump doesn’t believe that he’s of the Aryan race like Hitler believed. Nor is Trump racist either. If Trump was a racist, including to African Americans, then why do the majority of African Americans support him then? And why if he is a racist, then why do people of other races support him then? And if Trump was a racist, then why did he appoint people of other races to his cabinet then? That means he’s not a racist. Now Hitler, Hitler was racist. Hitler was racist towards everyone. Literally! George Wallace, the governor of Alabama in the ’60s, ’70s and early ’80s, who was a Democrat by the way, he was racist. BLM(Black Lives Matter), they’re racist towards their own race of Black people too, and the white people who are members of BLM, they’re racist towards other white people who don’t agree with their agenda. Biden himself is a racist. Heck, he actually said during his campaign for President in 2020 “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t Black” and I’m not joking or misquoting or anything. He actually said that, word for word. The KKK, which was created by Democrats, not Republicans, we all know they’re racist towards African Americans….and pretty much towards other races too. I could go on and on,but you get the gist of it. MAGA supporters are not extremists and they are not fascists. The Left doesn’t know the true meaning of extremism when they see it. But of course, they believe that MAGA supporters and Trump himself are racists and extremists and stuff like that,which none of that is true, but they believe that. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans,even people who used to be pro-COVID lockdown, then experienced the lockdowns themselves and realized that they didn’t work and are now anti-COVID lockdowns. They’re all leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now around the globe. And I dare anyone on the Left to tell me otherwise. You can’t because you know it’s true, and you know why and I know why.

    • Steven Kook says:

      That’s a cute rant Steven, but the truth is that the Republican Party has devolved into a fascist cult. RPNM is full of insurrectionist morons that 3 years after the only coup in American history are still supporting the wrong side, still telling the Big Lie.

      The GOP is eager to move past the insurrection but the rest of us are insisting on some accountability first. There cant be reconciliation until those responsible are held accountable, there count be accountability until Republicans wake up to reality and acknowledge what happened, and stop trying to gaslight the rest of America.

      The GOP doesn’t have any answers for America and RPNM doesn’t have any answers for New Mexico.

      • Steven Cook says:

        That’s a cute rant from you Steven Kook, but the truth of the matter is that you don’t know the true meaning of fascism when you see it. If you want to see the true meaning of fascism, look at what Adolf Hitler did and what Benito Mussolini did and Mao Tse-Tung did, and so on. They were real fascists and we’re self-described socialist leftists until the day they died. Hitler was anti-gun, anti-Semitic, believed that the Jews were parasites, believed that he was of the Aryan race, exterminated millions of people including six million Jews during the Holocaust, and was racist towards literally everyone. Mao se-Tung exterminated millions of people in his own right and was a fascist and a communist. And so on. Fascism is not people who support the Constitution of the United States and support the First Amendment and Second Amendment and who support Israel and Jewish people and fascists are not people who support school choice and opposes your woke ideology and who oppose little kids changing genders to supposedly make their lives better and who oppose abortion up to and including birth and after birth and who oppose forcing women and girls in women’s and girls’s sports to compete with a biological male who transitioned into a woman, in other words not an actual woman biologically, who unfairly beats the actual women and girls in women’s sports and girls’s sports and who also dresses in the same locker room with actual women and girls, including biological males who are much older than the actual girls, therefore becoming a pedophile in the process, and fascists are not people who support the sanctity of life or the life of a human being who happens to be a baby, in the womb or outside of the womb, and fascists are not people who support law enforcement and who oppose defunding the police on the assumption that police officers are racists and thugs towards African Americans and other races when in reality the vast majority of African Americans actually support the police in the United States, etc. That’s not fascism and it’s not extremism. You don’t know the first thing about fascism and extremism my leftist friend. If you really wanted to know about real fascism, then look up Hitler, Mussolini, and the other dictators of history and don’t look up Trump or any of his supporters because their not fascists. Hitler was a fascist. Mussolini was a fascist. Idie Odmin(dictator of one of those African countries) was a fascist. Mao se-Tung was a fascist. And if you want to get real, your party, the Democratic Party of today, has become a extremist party too with your abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing women and girls to compete with biological males in women’s sports and girls’s sports who are not actual women and girls biologically and your policies of having little children change genders at four years of age to supposedly make their lives better and your party, the Democratic Party of today, funding Iran to fund the Palestinians to fund a terrorist group, Hamas, to attack Israel and then to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children, or having your party, the Democratic Party, fund the Palestinians, the very people who actually elected and voted Hama, a terrorist organization, into office and into their government, to fund Hamas, again a terrorist organization, to attack and rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children, or to have the Biden administration, the very people who you voted into office and into our government because you hate Trump and fear Trump and that you didn’t want Trump to be elected to a second term because you hate him and fear him because he’s actually against your policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth, etc, the very same Biden administration that you elected because of that, who funded $6 billion to Iran to fund Hamas in order to attack Israel and then rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children and Hamas going door to door to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children, plus the fact that you and your party, the Democratic Party of today and the Left don’t even know what a woman really is anymore and can’t even define what a woman really is anymor, and women have existed since the beginning of time! But yet, you can’t even define what a woman really is anymore and don’t know what a woman really is anymore, and also, you think that there’s more than two genders when in reality there is only two genders, male and female, and only two sexes, man and woman or boy and girl, because that is basic and simple biology for anyone who actually studied biology in school, but think that there’s more than two genders and sexes and that you are willing to target people for telling the truth that there is only two genders and sexes. That’s the true meaning of extremism. So don’t even lecture me about extremism because you don’t know the true meaning of extremism. Your party, the Democratic Party, and the policies of today’s Democratic Party. They are the true meaning of extremism. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc. And the polls, studies and statistics that show the policies of the Democratic Party not working? They don’t lie. And that includes in NM. 82% of Democrats don’t want Biden to run for reelection(CNN poll), the vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(CNN and NBC polls, and various others), two-thirds of Americans say that food prices will keep getting more expensive(Axios-Harris poll), more than 82% of Americans are concerned about the border crisis at our southern border(multiple polls), the vast majority of Americans including 93% of Republicans, over 70% of Independents, more than 48% of Democrats, all men, the majority of African Americans, etc, oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports and girls’s sports, the vast majority of Americans are concerned about the inflation in the United States under Biden(Fox News poll and other polls). Should I go on? These polls, studies and statistics don’t lie. The policies of today’s Democratic Party and the Left are not working, and for good reasons.

        Oh, and the claim that the 2020 election wasn’t rigged? That’s a lie too. It was rigged, not by me or any of us conservatives or common sense minded people, but by you leftists and Biden. Number one, the addresses that people “voted” from during the 2020 election that never existed, or used to exist, but don’t anymore. Even Wikipedia admitted that there were addresses that people “voted from” that don’t even exist anymore or used to but don’t anymore. In fact, they actually admitted that in Texas, that there were sixteen addresses that didn’t even exist during the election in 2020. Number two reason why the 2020 election was rigged. The fact that COVID-19 restrictions including lockdowns and stay-at-home orders and mask mandates and vaccine mandates, were still going on during the election in 2020, and we know that for a fact, and the fact that because of that, there were mail-in ballots which were sent to millions of people at home, instead of having people vote in person like is supposed to happen in a election, and mail-in ballots have been proven to be fraudulent by the way too. And how ironic is it that certain countries, including certain parts of the United States, and U.S states and cities across the globe..are now issuing COVID-19-like mandates and restrictions again……in a election year?!!! Coincidence? I don’t think so. Here’s to 2020 election interference 2.0. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. Heck, a four year old can figure that out.

        And on the subject of the “insurrection” that supposedly took place on January 6 of 2021? Well, if you actually watched the actual 40,000+ hours of actual footage and audio from January 6, then you would clearly see that there was no insurrection committed by Trump or his supporters on January 6 and if it was truly a “riot” like the Left says that Jan. 6 was, then all of those buildings in D.C including the Capitol building, would have all been set on fire and looted by those protesters and you would have seen other characteristics of what a riot is. Clearly if any of you actually watched the actual footage of January 6, none of that happened. That’s because it wasn’t a riot. It was a protest. A rally even. There’s a difference between a riot and a protest. What you saw in 2020, during the “Summer of Love protests” following the death of George Floyd, who by the way wasn’t killed by police officers, he fatally overdosed on fentanyl, were not protests, or peaceful protests. They were riots. Also, if you actually watched and listened to Trump’s speech from January 6, which you can find on multiple websites that uploaded the speech of Trump from January 6, he clearly did not incite an insurrection on January 6. Number one, he wasn’t even there at the Capitol building when this supposed insurrection on January 6 took place and number two, he actually told the protesters, on audio and from actual footage, to peacefully and patriotically march to the Capitol building, again a building that he wasn’t even at when the supposed insurrection took place, and he told them to peacefully and patriotically protest the results of the election in 2020. That’s free speech by the way, to peacefully and patriotically protest the results of a election. That’s freedom of speech. And the protesters marching to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically protest and to assemble to peacefully and patriotically protest the results of a election. That’s freedom of assembly. It’s in the Constitution people.

        And no, the Constitution, in particular the 14th Amendment Section 3, does not disqualify Trump from running for President again at all. If any of you actually read the 14th Amendment Section 3 thoroughly, then you would have read the parts where it says, in the 14th Amendment Section 3, in black and white and in bold letters, “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice President”, elector meaning a qualified voter in a election or a member of the Electoral College of the United States of America, not the actual President or Vice President or former President if you wish to call Trump that, and the “or an executive or judicial officer of any State” which again doesn’t mean the President or Vice President or former President or the actual President or Vice President or the office of President or Vice President themselves. So no, you are wrong. The 14th Amendment Section 3 clearly doesn’t disqualify Trump from running for President again. And it actually does not disqualify anyone else from running for President or Vice President or any office, who is already in office(like a sitting U.S Senator or Representative in Congress, etc), especially those who are common sense minded people or are Trump supporters or anything. You are clearly misinterpreting the Constitution in particular the 14th Amendment Section 3 in order to try to prevent someone like Trump from running for President again and trying to remove him from the ballot simply because you hate Trump and fear him because he actually represents the true values of being an American and actually supports the Constitution and the true American values that have made this country great and that he actually opposes your policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing women and girls to compete with biological males in women’s sports and girls’s sports and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, and so on, and that scares the crap out of you so you are trying to prevent Trump from running for President or from the ballot because of that. I and everyone else who actually has common sense knows that is why you are trying to remove Trump from the ballot and trying to prevent him from running for President again. You hate him, but you are scared of him because he actually represents the true American values that have made this country so great in the last two centuries and that he actually supports the Constitution including the First Amendment and Second Amendment and supports Israel and school choice, etc, and that scares you because you think that those true American values are racist or fascism or extremism. What do you think abortion up to and including birth and after birth is? You think that is a representation of true American values? I’m sorry to say, but it’s not. You think that saying that there’s more than two genders and sexes is a representation of true American values, or even a representation of actual basic biology? Sorry to say, but that’s not true American values either and that’s certainly not a representation of actual basic biology either. But you think that saying that there’s more than two genders is a representation of actual basic biology and all that stuff. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now around the globe. You wonder why that is happening.

        By the way, I dare anyone on the Left to try and argue with me when I say that people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now. I dare anyone to try to tell me that I’m lying about that. You probably can’t because it’s irrefutable. It’s undeniable. It’s the truth. People are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, etc. And the Left and the Democratic Party, they know why. Deep down, they know why that is happening. I just described the reasons why that is happening above. So I dare anyone who maybe on the Left or is on the Left to try and argue with me about that. You can try to argue with me about it until your face turns blue(hopefully not literally) and you can try to tell me that I’m an idiot or whatever for me saying the truth and all that stuff. But, if you look at the actual polls, statistics and studies that show that the policies of the Democratic Party and the Left are not working and the polls, studies and statistics that show that the majority of people in the United States and globally all oppose or are concerned about the policies implemented by the Democratic Party and the Left across the globe, then you can clearly understand that me saying that people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now around the globe is not a lie nor is it propaganda. It’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And it’s irrefutable and undeniable as well. So there, how’s that for a rant?

        • Steven Cook says:

          By the way, talking about you Steven Kook. Is that how you really spell your last name or did you spell it wrong? Because my last name of Cook is actually spelled correctly.

    • Steven Kook says:

      Steven Cook, that is a lot of fasc cope you posted! Thank you! I love MAGA tears.

      • Steven Cook says:

        Oh that’s cute Steven Kook, the fact that you think that I’m a fascist for actually representing and supporting the actual fundamental and constitutional rights of the United States like freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion, religious liberty, the Second Amendment and First Amendment, school choice and supporting parental rights and supporting Israel, etc. Apparently, you’ve never actually studied about dictators like Adolf Hitler and Mussolini and all of the dictators of history, all of whom were actual fascists, and communists and self-described socialist leftists until the day they died, back at history class did you? I studied history. I did real well in it and I don’t remember being taught that Republicans who are pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-school choice, anti-woke ideology, anti-forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, pro-law enforcement, anti-defund the police, anti-CRT, pro-First Amendment, pro-Second Amendment, etc are fascists. That’s because Republicans are not fascists and have never been fascists and never will be. But Hitler, who was again a self-described socialist leftist, not right-wing, but a self-described socialist leftist until the day he died and we all know that because historical evidence and historical proof actually proves it, now he was a fascist. I mean, exterminating millions of people including six million Jews during the Holocaust. Being extremely anti-gun. Being extremely anti-Semitic. Believed that he was of the Aryan race. Was extremely racist towards everyone, literally. Viewed Jews as parasites. I mean, has any Republican, especially the MAGA ones, ever done any of those things that I mentioned? Seriously, be honest. Has any of those Republicans done anything like that ever? I will answer for you. No. But somehow, you think that Republicans supporting the fundamental and constitutional rights of the United States like freedom of speech and parental rights and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and supporting school choice and supporting Israel and opposing abortion up to and including birth and after birth, etc, you just think that because they don’t agree with your radical leftist policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, to name a few, that you think that their fascists or extremists or racists. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc. You wonder why that is happening. By the way, there is only two genders, male and female. That is simple and basic biology, and if you forgot to study simple and basic biology back in school, or if you weren’t paying attention in biology class back in school, to know that and understand that there are only two genders and two sexes, male and female or boy and girl, then I don’t know what to tell you. That’s your own fault. Because let me tell you something, a girl is not a boy who cuts off his p***s to become a girl, a boy is not a girl who becomes a boy through gender reassignment surgery. That is not basic and simple biology OK. I studied biology in school. I did real well in it and I don’t remember being taught in biology that a boy can become a girl and a girl can become a boy through gender reassignment surgery. I don’t remember being taught that in biology class back in school because that is not actual and basic biology. If any of you leftists actually studied biology in school, you would know that by now. Yeah, and also, Hamas is a terrorist organization who was voted into office and into the government of the Gaza strip by the Palestinians, the very people who you think are the victims in this situation between Israel and Palestine. The Palestinians, all of them if not most of them, are Muslims who belong to the Islamic religion, which by the way for those organizations like Gays For Palestine or whatever that is called, teaches that homosexuals, all homosexuals, are the scum of the Earth and target homosexuals. So really, the Gays For Palestine and other groups like that for that matter, don’t know that their supporting the people who want to target homosexuals and who think that homosexuals are the scum of the Earth. And plus, Israel has tried, tried, for years and decades to negotiate peace with the Palestinians and time after time and time after time, they have refused, or they successfully negotiate peace with Israel, but literally for like a day or two. Plus, the Palestinians have been funded by the Democratic Party, including the Biden administration, to fund Iran, to fund Hamas to attack and murder and rape innocent people in Israel including women and children and Hamas going door to door to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children. And plus, Hamas attacked Israel first. Not the other way around. Hamas attacked Israel first because Hamas, a actual terrorist organization who was voted into office and into the government by the very people that the Left and today’s Democratic Party are supporting, was funded by Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism on Earth, who was funded by the Biden administration by the way too, to attack Israel and rape and murder innocent Jews in Israel, and Hamas has been going door to door to rape and murder innocent people in Israel too. Why does that sound so familiar? Why, it sounds like what the Nazis and Hitler did during the Holocaust and World War II! It all makes sense now. The terrorist organization of Hamas are the new Nazis. I mean you can’t make this crap up. These are facts people. But the Left and today’s Democratic Party sure can make things up or stuff like that. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc. You wonder why that is happening.

        • Steven Cook says:

          And back to the comment JH Cole made about “living in New Mexico for 7 years, the Pearce-led GOP has done nothing but whine about the Democrats and praise Trump”. Good for you Mr JH Cole. You’ve lived in New Mexico for seven years. But, it’s nothing like living in New Mexico for 18+ years or longer is it? I’ve lived here in New Mexico since 2005 alright. Steve Pearce, who’s 76 years old by the way, he’s lived here in New Mexico since he was a child. So I’m pretty sure that him and I know a whole hell of a lot more about New Mexico and what has been happening in New Mexico for years and decades with the Democrats in charge of the state government and their policies causing NM to be ranked dead last in education and having one of the highest inflation rate and crime rate in the United States and globally right now, etc. I mean, even when Steve Pearce was in Congress and in the state legislature, he knew a whole hell of a lot more about New Mexico and what has been going on in New Mexico under the control of the Democrats and their policies that have caused the state to be ranked dead last in education, etc, than you because he was raised here in New Mexico and has lived here in New Mexico since he was a child. You, JH Cole, you’ve only lived in New Mexico for seven years, so you don’t know enough about what’s been going on in New Mexico to even talk or whine and complain about Mr. Pearce and his GOP supposedly whining about the Democrats and praise Trump. By the way, if Pearce and the NM GOP are really “whining” about the Democrats and praising Trump, well then geez, why do you think that Pearce and the NM GOP are upset about the Democrats and their policies? Maybe it’s because the Democrats’s and the Left’s policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and them targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, because there are only two genders because that’s the definition of basic and simple biology and the Left and today’s Democratic Party not knowing what a woman or a man is anymore and not defining what a woman is anymore or what a man is anymore, and their other policies that are destroying the United States and the globe, that Pearce and the NM GOP are upset and “whining” about the Democrats and the Left? Don’t you think? Yeah, maybe if you were actually paying attention to the news and events and to the polls, studies and statistics and actual data, you would know this by now. And you wouldn’t be bashing Pearce and the NM GOP or Trump or any of his supporters across the globe for them actually telling the truth about what the Democrats and the Left are doing to destroy the United States and the entire globe in the process. Think about this the next time you comment on something I said was true and start bashing me for it.

        • Steven Kook says:

          Yes, I think you are a fascist.

          Fascist: noun

          a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.

          (often initial capital letter) a member of a fascist movement or party.

          Trump is a fascistic leader and the GOP has seeded control of the Conservative movement and their party to him.

          If the jackboot fits…..

          • Steven Cook says:

            Clearly, you don’t know the true definition of fascism, Mr. Steven Kook. Fascism isn’t being pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-school choice, anti-woke ideology, anti-forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, being pro-law enforcement, anti-defund the police, pro-Second Amendment, pro-First Amendment, anti-CRT, and fascism doesn’t mean supporting the fundamental and constitutional rights and true American values of the United States of America, like Trump and his supporters all support. It’s not fascism. It’s called being an American. It’s called the United States of America. Now if you actually knew that, Mr. Steven Kook, then you wouldn’t be saying that now would you? And by the way, real fascism is exterminating millions of people including six million Jews, like Hitler and the Nazis did during the Holocaust. Real fascism is claiming that you are of the Aryan race, like Hitler claimed. Real fascism is putting people into interminent camps, like Hitler did, as well as certain figures like Trudeau did during the pandemic to the unvaccinated. Real fascism is changing the history of the United States, deliberately and purposely, to further an narrative, like BLM and the pro-CRT figures and woke figures are doing. And so on. That’s real fascism. Oh, and real fascism is identifying as a self-described socialist leftist, which is what Hitler and Mussolini were until the day they died. That’s real fascism. If you actually knew that, Mr Steven Kook, you wouldn’t have said what you said. Clearly you didn’t pay attention in history class when you were taught about the dictators like Adolf Hitler and Mussolini and all of the other dictators of history, who were actual fascists and we’re self-described socialist leftist or self-described communist leftists until the day they died, or something. You saying what your saying is one of the reasons why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now.

            I know what I am talking about. Fascism or extremism, isn’t being pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-school choice, anti-woke ideology, anti-forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, anti-forcing women and girls to compete with biological males and utterly be beaten and destroyed by biological males in women’s sports and girls’s, pro-law enforcement, anti-defund the police, being pro-Second Amendment, pro-First Amendment, or supporting the true American values and fundamental and constitutional rights of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and parental rights and supporting freedom of religion, religious liberty, etc, which all of these Trump and his supporters support. That’s not extremism or fascism. You want to talk about true extremism, then how about supporting abortion up to and including birth and after birth? How about supporting women and girls being forced to compete with biological males who are not actual women and girls in women’s sports and girls’s sports and then have those same biological males unfairly and unceremoniously beat and destroy women and girls in women’s sports and girls’s sports across the globe? How about supporting the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party can’t even define what a woman really is anymore and supporting the claim that actual and biological women are men who have gender reassignment surgery to become women, which is not actual biology? How about having the Left and today’s Democratic Party targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders? How about the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party are funding the Gaza strip, therefore funding Iran, therefore funding an actual terrorist organization like Hamas, to attack Israel and to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children and having Hamas going door to door to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children, like the Nazis and Hitler did during the Holocaust and World War II, simply based on the claim that Israel is an apartheid nation? How about thinking that a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas would work and then telling Israel to do nothing about the terrorists attacking Israel and raping and murdering innocent people in Israel including women and children? Should I go on? By the way, all of the things that I just named that are true extremism(abortion up to and including birth and after birth, etc) is what you leftists and today’s Democratic Party supports. So you want to call conservatives or MAGA supporters who actually support and stand up and represent the actual true American and constitutional rights of the United States of America fascists and extremists? You do not know the true meaning of those two words! I mean, you leftists, yes including you Steven Kook, you don’t even know what a woman is anymore and you can’t even define what a woman is anymore. What does that tell you? Women, actual women biologically, have existed since the beginning of time. And now all of a sudden, you don’t know what a woman is anymore? That’s extremism. And you might say fascism right there.

            And by the way Steven Kook, what is a woman? Or more specifically, what is really a woman? Hey, since you leftists don’t seem to know what a woman really is anymore, that is why I’m asking you that question. That includes you Steven Kook. What is really a woman? If you can actually define what a woman really is, then maybe, just maybe, we’ll talk then. Go ahead, take your time. Actually, it shouldn’t be hard to know what a woman is. A woman is an adult human female, born as a female biologically, and who will always be a female biologically, who has a uterus, who can get pregnant, who can give birth, and who cannot become a man through gender reassignment surgery because that is not the definition of basic and simple biology. A man is an adult human male who is born as a male biologically and who will always be a male biologically, who cannot get pregnant, who cannot give birth because a man is not a woman, and who cannot become a woman through gender reassignment surgery because that is not the definition of basic and simple biology. Get it? Now it’s your turn Steven Kook and all you other leftists. Define what a woman is or repeat that definition of a woman and a man after me. It shouldn’t be that hard. But, if for some reason it is hard for you to define what a woman is and what a man is, since you seem to not know what a woman really is and what a man really is anymore, and since you seem to think that an actual woman is a transgender person who becomes a woman through gender reassignment surgery and vice versa with men, when in reality that is not what a woman or a man is, but since you leftists seem to think that is what a man and what a woman is nowadays, that’s why I ask you the questions. What is really a woman? What is really a man? If you can answer the questions or repeat the definitions of a man and a woman that I described to you, if you can do that, then maybe, just maybe, we’ll talk then. Sound good? Go ahead, take your time.

          • Steven Cook says:

            By the way, you used the word “jackboot” right? So, in other words, if you want to use the second definition of the word jackboot, which means that a person who uses bullying tactic, especially to force compliance, then does that mean that you are a bully and that you are using bullying tactics to force me to comply with your leftist policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better when in reality actual statistics show that children who have gender reassignment surgery to supposedly make their lives better are more likely to commit suicide or attempt to commit suicide than children who don’t have gender reassignment surgery to supposedly make their lives better and forcing women and girls in women’s sports and girls’s sports to compete with biological males who are not actual women and girls biologically and then to have women and girls in women’s sports and girls’s sports to be unfairly and unceremoniously beat and destroyed by biological males therefore endangering women’s sports and girls’s sports and your other policies? The vast majority of Americans and people around the globe, including 93% of Republicans, more than 70% of Independents, over 48% of Democrats, the majority of women, etc oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports and girls’s sports and men’s sports and boys’s sports(Gallup poll), the vast majority of Americans are concerned about the border crisis(various polls) including 75% of Republicans and 65% of Democrats who want Biden to address the border crisis or do something about it, the vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(various polls including NBC poll and CNN poll), the vast majority of Americans (over 71%) say that the country is going in the wrong direction under Biden(various polls including CNN poll), the vast majority of Americans(more than 74%) say that inflation affects they’re daily lives(Axios-Harris poll), two-thirds of Americans say that food prices under Biden will continue to go up and get more expensive(Axios-Harris poll, other polls), more than 58% of Americans are concerned about the rising gas prices in the United States under Biden, as well as other polls that show that the vast majority of Americans are concerned about the rising gas prices under Biden(Axios-Harris poll and other polls), the vast majority of African Americans(81%+) support law enforcement in the United States and oppose defunding law enforcement in the United States(various polls including NBC poll), Biden’s approval ratings are at all-time lows due to his radical policies including his open border policies(various polls including Rasmussen, Washington Post, ABC News poll, etc), the vast majority of Americans are concerned about the inflation in the United States under Biden(various polls including Fox News poll), the vast majority of people across the globe oppose the so-called green climate policies of the Left or say that climate change has been overexaggerated(various polls and studies), the vast majority of Americans opposed the COVID-19 lockdowns(various polls and studies), and so on.

            In New Mexico: 71% of New Mexicans say that Lujan Grisham’s public health emergency order on guns will not make communities in the state safer(multiple polls), 68% of New Mexicans, including a number of Democrats, oppose Lujan Grisham’s public health emergency order on guns(KOB News poll), 83% of New Mexicans, including Democrats, support Republicans effort to reduce the rising crime rate in New Mexico and support reducing the homelessness problem in NM, including in Albuquerque(multiple polls), more than 50% of New Mexicans say that they have been a victim of a crime or know or knew someone who was a victim of a crime(KRQE News poll, 2022).

            Need more convincing that the policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party are not working? OK, let’s look at Oregon shall we? Only 21% of Portland, Oregon residents say that the city is going in the right direction(various polls), the percentage of residents in Oregon who say that the state is going in the right direction has plummeted since the late 1990s, from around 62% in 1999, to only around 29% in 2023(various polls).

            Need more convincing? The percentage of Americans who believe in God has declined since 2001, from 90% in 2001 to around 74% today and alarmingly declining still(Gallup poll).

            More convincing? People who become transgender people are 7.6 times more likely to commit suicide or attempt suicide(, including children and teens(and you wonder why we are against children having gender reassignment surgery and having puberty blockers injected into them across the globe). How’s that for you? By the way, these polls and studies do not lie. Your Democratic Party and the Left are shrinking because your Democratic Party and the Left and your policies of abortion up to and including birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, etc are too extreme, and too radical for anyone’s taste. And yet, you have the nerve to call people who are pro-life and pro-school choice and pro-Israel and pro-law and order and who support law enforcement and support the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the true American values of the United States of America like Trump supports, you have the nerve to call people like him and his supporters fascists and extremists and whatnot. You don’t know the true meaning of extremism or fascism when you see it. Go ahead, tell me I’m lying. Tell me I’m wrong. You know why you are calling MAGA supporters who support the Constitution and Israel and school choice and who are pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-Semitic, pro-Second Amendment, pro-First Amendment, anti-CRT, anti-forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, anti-leftists targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, etc, you know why you are calling those people fascists and extremists? Because you hate and fear Trump, you fear another Trump presidency because he actually represents the true American values and fundamental and constitutional rights like freedom of speech and parental rights and school choice and supporting the sanctity of life and supporting Israel, etc, and that scares you so much because you want to continue pushing your abortion up to and including birth and after birth policies and your other policies onto the United States to “reshape the United States of America” or to “make the United States better” because you view the traditional American values like parental rights and pro-school choice and pro-life, etc as “racist” and “fascism” and “extremism”, but view abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives and injecting puberty blockers into them, etc as good things and you don’t want to stop pushing all of that onto the United States or any country, but view the traditional American values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice, etc as bad things and because of the fact that you fear Trump and another Trump presidency because he represents the true American values and fundamental and constitutional rights like freedom of speech and parental rights, etc, that you are trying to prevent him from running for President again and trying to remove him from the ballot simply on the assumption that the Constitution says that he’s disqualified from running for President, when it actually doesn’t, but are trying to remove him from the ballot and trying to prevent him from running for President again because you don’t want Trump to destroy your radical leftist policies including abortion up to and including birth and after birth and all the other radical leftist policies that I named that you support, and you don’t want him to destroy your policies and then actually restore the United States to what it was before Biden. Yeah, I’m not stupid. We’re not stupid. We weren’t born yesterday. Do you think that we have “Stupid” written on the back of our shirts and backs? We all know that is why you leftists are doing what you are doing. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc.

            Oh and Steven Kook. What is a woman? Or more specifically, what is really a woman?

  • JH Cole says:

    Boy, and we thought Steve Pearce is a gas-bag. He’s a new Calvin Coolidge compared to Ms. Barela and Mr. Cook.

    Neither of them addressed the main problem, how does NMGOP dump Loser Trump and find a way out of the hole they are in.

    In my 7 years in NM, the Pearce-led GOP has done nothing but whine about Democrats and praise Trump (or avoid talking about him since Mar a Lago); not a single constructive proposal.

    The state needs two functioning parties, but with Pearce’s team we’re stuck with Democrats versus the MAGA cult.

    • Steven Cook says:

      “Boy, and we thought Steve Pearce is a gag-bag. He’s a new Calvin Coolidge compared to Ms. Barela and Mr. Cook. Neither of them the main problem, how does NM GOP dump Loser Trump(which is very misleading and I will tell you why in just a bit) and find a way out of the hole they are in.”

      JH Cole again, “In my 7 years in NM, the Pearce-led GOP has done nothing but whine about Democrats and praise Trump(geez, I wonder why that is Mr. JH Cole, but I digress), “(or avoid talking about him since Mar a Largo); not a single constructive proposal(which is a lie, but OK).

      “The state needs two functioning parties, but with Pearce’s team we’re stuck with the Democrats versus the MAGA cult.”

      OK, I to first address the “MAGA cult” comment. What’s the definition of “cult”? A cult is a religious sect considered to be extremist or false, with it’s followers often living in a unconventional manner under the guidance of a authoritarian, charismatic leader. It can also mean followers of such a religion or sect. And it can also mean a system or community of religious worship or ritual. Now, when you read those definitions of the word “cult”, you are thinking Trump and his supporters and you claim that the MAGA movement is part of a “cult” right? Right?! Wrong! If you only knew that the MAGA movement and it’s supporters actually support and represents the actual traditional American values that have made this country so great in the last two centuries, such as supporting the fundamental and constitutional values of the United States of America like the First Amendment and Second Amendment and the Constitution of the United States of America, and supporting school choice and supporting parental rights, or in other words, supporting the right for parents to actually be involved in their children’s education and actually having parents be concerned about what their children are being taught in schools. You know, like parents are supposed to do because that’s why their called parents?! What a concept. And MAGA supporters actually realize that slavery in the United States doesn’t exist anymore because we ended slavery in the United States of America like 150 years ago, while the Left and today’s Democratic Party in the United States think that slavery still exists in the United States because supposedly African Americans in the United States are still being “oppressed” by white people, when in reality, their not being “oppressed” by white people and race relations between white people and Black people are actually better now than like fifty or sixty years ago overall, but the Left and today’s Democratic Party still believe that slavery still exists in the United States, when in fact it doesn’t anymore, but they still believe that it still exists and believe that African Americans are being “oppressed” so much that their actually forcing little kids to be taught that African Americans are being oppressed by white people in this country, therefore, their being taught in schools to not only hate America, but hate white people, all white people literally in the United States, or elsewhere, and to be racist towards each other or to other races too for that matter. I think they call it Critical Race Theory, which is racist and anti-American, and I just explained to you why that is the case. African Americans are not being oppressed by white people and in fact, relations between white and black people are actually better now overall than they were some sixty years ago. That is a fact. And on the defunding of the police subject. If African Americans wanted to defund the police, like the Left and today’s Democratic Party like to claim, then why do the vast majority of African Americans(more than 81% of African Americans to be exact) actually support law enforcement in the United States then? If African Americans, all African Americans, really believed that all law enforcement, all police officers, all police departments, in the United States were racist towards them, like the Left and today’s Democratic Party will tell you or claim, then why do the vast majority of African Americans support law enforcement in the United States and why do you think that they oppose defunding law enforcement in the United States?! I will tell you why they oppose defunding law enforcement in the United States. Because law enforcement in the United States, all law enforcement and all police officers, and all police departments, in the United States, if not the vast majority of police officers and police departments in the United States are not racist towards African Americans!!!! Geez, what a concept! And guess what, MAGA supporters support all law enforcement in the United States too and oppose defunding the police in the United States too. You know why? Because number one, again, police officers, the vast majority of them in the United States, are not racist towards African Americans or any other race in the United States, and number two, defunding law enforcement, all law enforcement, in your city or state, actually causes crime to skyrocket even more than it may have already been rising. So, defunding the police actually does not work. It doesn’t work. If you don’t believe me, look at Minneapolis. Look at Seattle. Look at Portland, Oregon. Look at all of these big cities or towns, and states, in the United States,most of them being liberal or leftist-run places in the United States, or even in other countries too, that defunded the police or tried to defund the police with crime rising in those places. You know what happened? “The crime went down after they defunded the police?” Nope, it went up even further. That’s why Minneapolis stopped trying to defund law enforcement in that city. Because they knew and realized that it didn’t work. And the same way with St. Paul, Minnesota. Defunding the police does not work and the sooner that everyone who supports defunding the police realize that defunding the police does not work, the better. Because defunding the police does not work and having a social worker, like a therapist, who by the way is not part of law enforcement, try to solve a crime or multiple crimes, will not work either. It doesn’t work like that. You need law enforcement to solve the crimes in your city or state or even country. It’s common sense people.

      And MAGA supporters also support Israel too. For good reasons. And they oppose people like Hamas, a actual terrorist organization who by the way was voted, actually voted, into office and into the government of the Gaza strip, by the Palestinians, who are all, if not most of them are Muslims and part of the Islamic religion, which teaches and believes that homosexuals are scum and all that stuff, so groups like Gays For Palestine or whatever that organization is called, where you have homosexuals supporting the Palestinians in this situation with the Palestinians and Israel, do not know that their actually supporting people, the Palestinians, who are again, part of the Islamic religion which teaches and believes that homosexuals, all homosexuals, are the scum of the Earth and advocates for targeting, harming or worse, killing homosexuals. I don’t think that all Muslims are like that, but most likely, most of them are. That’s a fact. Also, Israel is not a apartheid nation. Israel has never been a apartheid nation, nor will it ever be. Plus, if there has been any apartheid nations, look no further than South Africa and Nambia, from the 1940s to 1994(when Nambia was known as South West Africa). Israel has never been a apartheid nation and actual historical evidence and proof proves that. Oh you can say that Israel is a apartheid nation all you want until your face turns blue(hopefully not literally), but the fact of the matter is, that claim is a lie. Israel has never been a apartheid country and never will be.
      Also, there’s the “Trump being disqualified from running for President again because of the 14th Amendment Section 3” thing. Number one, that is a big fat lie. The 14th Amendment Section 3 actually does NOT disqualify Trump from running for President again because if you actually read the 14th Amendment Section 3, in particular the first part of it where it says “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice President” and then if you look up the definition of elector, it means a qualified voter in a election or a member of the Electoral College of the United States of America, not the actual President or Vice President themselves, nor does it mean the actual office of the President or Vice President of the United States of America themselves and it most certainly doesn’t mean a former President, if you wish to call Trump that, either. And the “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress” as well, which actually doesn’t mean a sitting U.S Senator or Representative in Congress either, which anyone who claims that some of the U.S Senators the Left is targeting because they assume that the 14th Amendment Section 3 is talking about them just because it says “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress” and the Left assumes that Congressmen and Congresswomen in the United States(because other countries have their own Congresses) are disqualified from running for other offices like President or whatever, just because of that. The key words here being “the Left assumes” which doesn’t actually mean that it’s a fact, but heresay, which isn’t fact. But in Trump’s case, the Left assumes, again which doesn’t mean fact, that he is disqualified from running for President or Vice President just because it says in the 14th Amendment “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice President” and so on. No, the 14th Amendment Section 3 does not disqualify him from running for President because the 14th Amendment Section 3 doesn’t apply to Mr. Trump, or anyone who is a actual sitting U.S Senator or Representative in the United States Congress. So, I think that the Left and the Democratic Party in the United States need to read the Constitution in particular the 14th Amendment Section 3 again and more throrougly this time. I mean, they can read can they? After all, the people in the United States who were born in the United States who are on the Left and members of the Democratic Party in the United States, including those in office, are supposed to be Americans right? Shouldn’t they actually follow the Constitution instead of misinterpreting the Constitution in particular the 14th Amendment Section 3? Their supposed to be Americans like the Americans who are on the Right and who are Republicans too right? The Americans who are on the Left, most of whom who were actually born in the United States, say that their Americans and say that they support and follow the Constitution. But do they really? Because as I see it and I’m not an idiot, the Left and today’s Democratic Party members who are Americans who were born in the United States, are not following the Constitution and are not supporting the fundamental and constitutional rights of the United States and the Constitution like freedom of speech, the Second Amendment, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, etc. No, what today’s Democratic Party and the Left in the United States are doing is misinterpreting the Constitution and are targeting other Americans who actually support the traditional and fundamental and constitutional rights of the United States of America like the First Amendment and Second Amendment and parental rights, school choice, etc in order to try and prevent a true American like Trump from running for President or removing him from the ballot to run for President again because they hate and fear Trump, and his supporters, because they actually represent the true American values and the true fundamental and constitutional values that has made the United States of America the greatest country on Earth like the First and Second Amendment and parental rights and school choice and religious liberty, etc, and all of that scares the Left and today’s Democratic Party in the United States so much that that is why they are targeting other Americans who do not agree with their agenda and policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to have gender reassignment surgery to supposedly make their lives better and forcing women and girls to compete with biological males who are supposed women and girls, but who are not actual women and girls biologically, on the assumption that men can become women and women can become men, and then to have actual women and girls be unfairly and unceremoniously beaten and destroyed by biological males in women’s sports and girls’s sports, and the Left and today’s Democratic Party in the United States’s policies of that there’s more than two genders, and that a woman is now a man who can have gender reassignment surgery to become a woman, which is not basic and simple biology by the way, etc. And by the way, there is only two genders. They are make and female. And there is only two sexes too. They are boy and girl or man and woman. There is no 57-3,000 genders. A woman is not a guy who cuts off his private part to become a woman through gender reassignment surgery and a little child, like a five year old, having gender reassignment surgery and having puberty blockers or estrogen injected into them will not make their lives better. Actual statistics, data, polls and studies show that children who have gender reassignment surgery and have puberty blockers or estrogen injected into them will make them more likely to suffer from mental health issues such as depression and will make them more likely to commit suicide or regret transitioning from one gender to another through gender reassignment surgery. That is a fact and anyone who says otherwise is lying or delusional. This is a fact which is why you wonder why all of these states and countries have banned gender reassignment surgeries on children or minors. Because of the consequences that comes with children having gender reassignment surgeries at like six years of age. And again, there is only two genders, male and female, and there is only two sexes, boy and girl, and a woman is not a man who becomes a woman through gender reassignment surgery. A woman, an actual woman, in the simplest and basic biological definition, is a adult human female, born as a female and will always be a female biologically, who has a uterus, who is the only gender who can give birth, and not men, because men can’t get pregnant, and a woman is also someone who has ovaries. That is what a woman, an actual biological woman is. A woman is not a man who has his p***s cut off and has female breasts implanted onto him through gender reassignment surgery. No, that’s not what a woman is and anyone who actually studied biology or has studied biology should know that by now. But of course, the Left and today’s Democratic Party thinks that a woman is a transgender person who becomes a woman through gender reassignment surgery, and vice versa with a man. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now. And not only because of that, but because of the abortion up to and including birth and after birth policies that the Left and today’s Democratic Party supports, etc.

      Oh, and the part where you, JH Cole, said that “In my 7 years in NM, the Pearce-led GOP has done nothing but whine about Democrats and praise Trump”. Well geez, I wonder why that is! Maybe it’s because the Democrats and their policies have become way too radical and extreme for anybody, you know like their abortion up to and including birth and after birth policies and then forcing and telling little kids that they can have gender reassignment surgery to”make their lives better!”! Yay! Note the sarcasm in my voice? And the Democrats funding the Gaza strip therefore funding an terrorist organization Hamas to attack the State of Israel and then raping and murdering innocent people in Israel including women and children and Hamas going door to door to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children, you know like the Nazis did during the Holocaust?! And the Democrats in liberal or leftist-run cities releasing criminals of all kinds including violent ones back onto the streets, back onto society, to commit more crimes or the same crimes over and over and over and over and over and over again and then not prosecuting them and then having the Left and today’s Democratic Party try and defund law enforcement, all law enforcement in the United, or elsewhere on the planet, on the assumption that all law enforcement are racists and thugs towards African Americans in the United States when in reality the vast majority of African Americans in the United States actually support law enforcement in the United States, which proves that law enforcement, all law enforcement, in the United States, is not racist towards African Americans or any other race in the United States. And so on. And the Democrats not helping to reduce the crime in the United States because their not tough on crime like they should be and then the fact that the Republicans including in New Mexico, have introduced numerous bills in state legislatures and in Congress, including in New Mexico during the last NM state legislative session to try and reduce the crime in the state, and then having the Democrats kill those bills or whatever? And you wonder why Pearce and the GOP are upset about it? Why do you think their upset about the Democrats and their policies? I just told you some of the reasons why above. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, gay Americans, etc. I just told you some of the reasons why above. Oh, and you have lived here in New Mexico for 7 years? Well guess what, apparently you don’t know a whole lot about what’s been going on in New Mexico over the last 90+years with Democrats in control of New Mexico’s government haven’t you? Let me ask you some questions. Why do you think that New Mexico has been ranked dead last in education for so many years? Why do you think people, young and wealthy people, are fleeing from NM? Why do you think that the crime rate is rising in New Mexico so much, including in Albuquerque? Why do you think that NM has had one of the highest poverty rates and has been one of the poorest places to live in for years? Why do you think that New Mexico now has one of the highest inflation rate in the United States and even across the globe? Why do you think that New Mexico is considered the abortion, including abortion up to and including birth, capital of the United States and one of the abortion capitals of the entire globe? Do you think that Republicans have anything to do with the issues of New Mexico that I just described? Democrats have been in control of New Mexico’s government for over 90 years. So no, Republicans have nothing to do with NM being the abortion capital of the United States or one of the abortion capitals of the entire globe and Republicans have nothing to do with the rising crime rate in New Mexico, including in Albuquerque in recent years or longer because Republicans have tried to reduce the rising crime rate in New Mexico, including in Albuquerque. Seven years of living in New Mexico is nothing compared to how long Steve Pearce has lived in New Mexico. Heck, he was raised here in New Mexico. Oh and by the way, Pearce is 76 years old, and Im pretty sure he knows about what’s been going on in New Mexico and the issues with New Mexico because of the Democrats having control of New Mexico’s government for over 90 years longer than you buddy. What you think Pearce’s stupid? He’s not that stupid. He has lived in New Mexico since he was a kid and has watched the policies of the Democrats in New Mexico destroy New Mexico and cause the state to be ranked dead last in education and having one of the highest inflation rate in the United States and even across the globe and the state having one of the highest crime rate in the United States and the world, which even a number of Democrats in New Mexico are concerned about now, etc. But no, you think that because you’ve lived here in New Mexico for only seven years that somehow makes you smarter than anybody else and makes you an expert on what goes on in New Mexico political wise or what you will. But, that’s the thing, JH Cole, you’ve only lived here in New Mexico for seven years. Steven Pearce has lived here in New Mexico since he was a child. And he’s 76 years old by the way. So I’m pretty sure that he knows more about New Mexico and what goes on in New Mexico political wise, especially regarding the policies of the Democrats that has caused NM to be ranked dead last in education and having one of the highest inflation and crime rates in the nation and on Earth, etc, than you do buddy. Heck, I’ve lived here in New Mexico since 2005, 18+ years now and even I know more about the policies of the Democrats in New Mexico causing the state to be ranked dead last in education, etc than you do. So there you have it. How’s that for a rant for you Mr. JH Cole?

      Oh yeah, and JH Cole, what is a woman?

      • Steven Cook says:

        Oh yeah, and the “Loser Trump” comment that you made too, JH Cole? That’s misleading too. Reason why is because, in the case of the 14th Amendment Section 3 supposedly making Trump unqualified from running for President again or for other offices, the 14th Amendment Section 3 actually doesn’t disqualify him from running for President again or for any office for that matter, in the United States. The 14th Amendment Section 3 states: “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector”, elector meaning not the actual President or Vice President or former President in Trump’s case, if you wish to call him that, “of President or Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who having previously taken an oath of office, as an member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State,” which again, does not mean the actual President or Vice President of the United States “,to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability”. There you go. The 14th Amendment Section 3 clearly doesn’t apply to Trump nor does it disqualify him from running for President or Vice President or any office for that matter, which is why that judge dismissed the lawsuit by John Anthony Castro, because the judge clearly understood that the 14th Amendment Section 3 does not disqualify Trump from running for President again or from being on the ballot because the judge actually read the Constitution and actually read the 14th Amendment Section 3. So no, Trump is not a loser and he did not lose in that case. He actually won so he’s actually a winner. It appears that Colorado and Maine and NM and other leftist states and leftist figures and leftist media outlets in the United States are the losers because they clearly did not read the Constitution or the 14th Amendment Section 3 thoroughly and if they actually did read the 14th Amendment Section 3, in particular the parts where it says “elector of President or Vice President”, or “or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath of office, as a member of Congress, or as a member of any State legislature”, then they would know that the 14th Amendment Section 3 clearly has nothing to do with Trump being disqualified from running for President again or being removed from the ballot because of an insurrection that Trump supposedly committed on January 6, or for anyone who is in office who has never committed an insurrection. Elector by the way means a qualified voter in a election or a member of the Electoral College of the United States, Electoral College meaning the selection of electors, the meeting where they vote for the President or Vice President of the United States of America, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. Elector doesn’t mean the actual President or Vice President of the United States and it doesn’t mean the actual office of President or Vice President themselves. So basically, the Left and today’s Democratic Party, including Mr. JH Cole here, are misinterpreting the Constitution and the 14th Amendment Section 3 on the assumption, not on the facts, but on the assumption that Mr. Trump supposedly committed an insurrection on January 6 and that his supporters supposedly committed an insurrection on January 6, when in reality, the actual footage and audio from January 6 clearly shows that there was no insurrection committed by Trump or any of his supporters. And the Left and today’s Democratic Party and leftist figures and leftist media outlets, including Mr. JH Cole, are misinterpreting and violating the Constitution and 14th Amendment Section 3 simply because they hate Trump and his supporters and fear them because Trump and his supporters actually support and represent the actual, true American and constitutional and fundamental rights that has made this country of the United States of America so great in the last two centuries and the greatest country on Earth, and these are values that scare the Left and today’s Democratic Party so much that their trying to prevent Trump and his supporters from winning and are trying to prevent Trump from running for President again and trying to remove him from the ballot because Trump’s and his supporters’s true American values and true American policies like being pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-Semitic, pro-school choice, supporting freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, religious liberty, etc, scares the Left so much that their trying to remove Trump and his supporters in office from the ballot and trying to prevent him from running for President again because the Left and today’s Democratic Party doesn’t want to give up pushing their policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, etc onto the United States and they want to push their policies onto the entire United States and etc. What? You think that were that dumb? This is not difficult to figure out. We know why the Left and today’s Democratic Party wants Trump to be removed from running again for President and why they are trying to remove him from running for President and remove him from the ballot and why they are also trying to remove his supporters who are in office, any office, from office or from the ballot or from even running for President themselves or other offices. I just told you above. Their scared. The Left and today’s Democratic Party in the United States are scared because they know that Trump and his supporters actually represent, support and stand up for the true and traditional and the fundamental and constitutional rights of the United States of America and that scares the Left and today’s Democratic Party in the United States, many of whom who are Americans or supposed to be Americans, because they want to push their policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth and their woke ideology and their other policies onto the United States and do not want to give them up or give up trying to push their policies onto the United States. The Left and today’s Democratic Party in the United States claim that they care about the United States and the Constitution. They claim that they care about freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, etc. But clearly, they do not. And the sad thing is that, many people who were born in the United States and live in the United States who are on the Left in office or the media, etc, their Americans too, or their supposed to be Americans. Well, if the leftists in the United States who were born in the United States and still live in the United States, truly cared and supported the fundamental and constitutional rights of the United States of America like freedom of assembly or freedom of speech, then why have they targeted and thrown into prison, the protesters who were there at the Capitol building on January 6 who actually were exercising their First Amendment right of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly to not only protest, peacefully and patriotically, the results of the 2020 election in which Joe Biden “won” the election and Trump “lost” the election, but to question the results of the 2020 election? Why if the members of the Left who are Americans or supposed to be Americans, support the traditional American values and fundamental and constitutional rights of the United States like freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, did they throw in prison and targeted those who on January 6 who were exercising their First Amendment right of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and their fundamental and constitutional American right as Americans to peacefully and patriotically march to the Capitol building and to peacefully and patriotically protest and to question the results of the 2020 election? The First Amendment clearly states that Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise of thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,(abridging, meaning reducing someone’s rights) or of the press; or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. And you know what the January 6 committee, a committee in the United States Congress, which by the way was not a bipartisan committee, but a partisan committee that was led by Democrats and all members of the Jan. 6 committee were Democrats and RINO Republicans who are not even real Republicans(like Nikki Haley who is a RINO Republicans and who’s presidential campaign has been funded, bought and paid for by the Democrats, who have admitted to funding her campaign, and yet she calks herself a Republican) to simply try and prevent Trump from running for President again, again because they hate Trump and his supporters because they actually support and represent and stand up for true, fundamental and constitutional American values that have made this country of the United States so great and that scares them so much because they want to push their policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth, etc onto the United States and so on, did regarding January 6 and Trump and his supporters who were there at the Capitol building on January 6, protesting and questioning the results of the election in 2020? You know what the January 6 committee did? They targeted them. They bashed them. They silenced and censored those protesters who were peacefully and patriotically protesting the results of the election in 2020 and they silenced them for questioning the results of the election. That is what the January 6 committee, a committee in Congress did. The January 6 committee basically violated the First Amendment by targeting and bashing and even prosecuting freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. The Left has even targeted and indicted Trump and his supporters for questioning, questioning, the results of the 2020 election. Questioning the results of an election in the United States is not a crime. The fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party is making questioning the results of an election a crime, is a crime within itself. And it’s a violation of the First Amendment too. Questioning the results of an election like Trump and his supporters or common sense minded people questioning the results of the 2020 election is freedom of speech. It is a fundamental and constitutional American right to question the results of an election if that election is legimately flawed or anything like that. And it’s obvious that the 2020 election was flawed and it was rigged, for various reasons, including the fact that COVID-19 stay-at-home orders and mask mandates and vaccine mandates and other COVID-19 restrictions were still going on during his 2020 election that forced millions of Americans to stay home and then receive mail-in ballots instead of voting in person and the fact that there were addresses that people “voted” from that never existed or used to exist, but don’t anymore(even Wikipedia admitted that in Texas, there were addresses that didn’t exist anymore or used to, they said that they found sixteen addresses that didn’t exist anymore or used to, obviously there were more, but at least Wikipedia actually admitted that there were addresses that didn’t exist anymore that people “voted” from), and the fact that people were still voting even after the polls closed, which is usually midnight, and so on. The reason why the Left and today’s Democratic Party is saying that the 2020 election was not flawed is because they are trying to cover it up by silencing and censoring, threatening, etc, anyone on social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter, etc, who actually tells the truth about the election being rigged or flawed. Censoring and silencing someone for telling the truth about something? That’s a violation of the First Amendment too. Also, banning a sitting President like Trump, at the time, from Twitter and Facebook, for him exercising his constitutional right of freedom of speech? That’s a violation of the First Amendment too. Twitter was originally created to allow freedom of speech of anyone, including conservatives, on their platform and the fact that they banned a sitting President like Trump from Twitter simply for Trump exercising his First Amendment right of freedom of speech is a direct violation of the First Amendment. And they know it. And I know it.

        Also, the Left and today’s Democratic Party, including Mrs. Michelle Lujan Grisham, our Governor here in New Mexico, have targeted law-abiding citizens of the United States and New Mexico for owning guns and for having the right to bear arms. They believe that law-abiding citizens are the criminals, while actual criminals are the victims. If the Left and today’s Democratic Party in the United States actually read the Constitution, in particular the Second Amendment, it states that a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed upon. Well-regulated means well controlled. In other words, the law-biding American citizens of the United States have the right to keep their guns because they are not infringing on anyone else’s rights and do not go out and massacre people in a school shooting or anything like that. Michelle Lujan Grisham is infringing upon the Second Amendment rights of the people of the United States and of the people of New Mexico because she thinks that law-biding citizens shouldn’t have guns because supposedly guns, the actual weapons themselves, are responsible for the deaths of certain people, like children, etc. The gun itself is incapable of doing such thing because number one, a gun is an inaminate object, not a living being, and number two, the vast majority of mass shootings that occur in the United States and globally are in gun-free zones, or areas, such as public schools, where law-biding citizens are not allowed, or supposedly not allowed to carry a gun into a school or wherever there is “gun-free zones”. But wait a minute. If a crazy maniac shows up with a gun at a school and starts shooting people for no reason, but the law-biding citizens who work or may work at the school, like a teacher or the principal, isn’t allowed to carry a gun to defend himself or herself from the mass shooter, then what is that law-abiding citizen supposed to do then? Just let the mass shooter shoot him, or her, dead? This is why we need to arm more teachers and principals at schools. If we can do that, I think we would be a little bit better off. Don’t you think? And if the majority of mass shootings(over 94% of them) all take place in gun-free zones like most of them do take place in gun-free zones, then we need to get rid of gun-free zones. And that includes gun-free zones at public schools. In fact, almost half of all public schools in the United States are gun-free zones, which means that they would account for about half or more than half of all mass shootings in the United States and globally. Which tells you something. That we need to get rid of gun-free zones at public schools too and arm more of our school teachers and principals and even on-campus police officers so that if the next mass shooting were to occur, that those people, the teachers and principals and even on-campus police officers, would be able to protect the children at the public schools from the maniac who’s committing the mass shooting.

        Also, the Left and today’s Democratic Party claims that in the Constitution, there cannot be a convention of states and claim that it doesn’t say that there needs to be a convention of states. Plain and simple, that is a lie. Article V of the United States Constitution specifically reads “The Congress,whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or on the Application of the Legislatures of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress”. So yes, the Constitution indeed does call for a convention of states and anyone on the Left who says otherwise clearly hasn’t read the Constitution or Article V of the Constitution.

        On the border subject. We all know that Biden and his administration created the border crisis that has been going on for the last two or three years right? Well everyone should know that by now, even with more than 82% of Americans being concerned about the border crisis. Biden and his administration created the border crisis by reversing Trump’s border policies including shutting down the border wall and Title 42 and the Remain in Mexico policy, all of which actually helped to secure the border. Then the Biden administration and Biden himself lied and claimed that Trump’s border policies were “inhumane” or “racist”. Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States of America states “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them from Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive(when the Legislature cannon be convened) against domestic Violence”. The part where it says”The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them from Invasion” which in other words means protecting every state in the United States from things like this border crisis at the southern border. Clearly, the Biden administration has violated the Article IV Section 4 of the United States Constitution by opening up our southern border to cause unprecedented amounts of illegal immigrants from over 161+countries and has caused U.S states like New Mexico, to be overrun by illegal immigrants and illegal drugs, especially fentanyl. So no leftists, leftist figures, leftist media outlets, Biden administration. Trump’s border policies of Title 42, Remain In Mexico policy, and the border wall were not inhumane nor were they racist. Trump actually followed the Constitution in particular Article IV Section 4 where it specifically says to secure the border or borders of the United States of America. It’s Biden who is the one violating the Constitution in particular Article IV Section 4. And everyone knows it. Even the people who support Biden knows it. They just refuse to admit it, but they know it. Trust me.

        What else has the Left and today’s Democratic Party misinterpreted about the Constitution? Or about anything really? Oh, and there’s the “fake Republican electors” or “fake Trump electors” claim that the Left and today’s Democratic Party has made regarding the 2020 election. “Fake Republican electors”. Hmmm. That would imply that all electors in the United States who vote in an election or elect a person into office are all Republicans or Trump supporters. But that’s not really true is it? No, it is not. While there maybe a lot of electors in the United States who maybe Republicans, not every single one of them are. There are actually Democrats who are electors. For example, as much as I dislike Obama, but I’m going to use him as an example, why do you think Obama was elected President, legitimately I hate to say, but legimately, in 2008? Were all of the electors who elected him Republican? No. They weren’t. Does that mean that all of the electors who elected President Bill Clinton for President in 1992 were Republicans? No. And it doesn’t mean that every single elector in the 2020 election were Republicans either. Electors can be and are members of either party, not primarily Republican. For example, let’s just say for a minute that Joe Biden really did win the 2020 election, which the Left and today’s Democratic Party actually claims that he did, although there is no verifiable and irrefutable proof or evidence to prove that is what happened. But, let’s just go with that claim and let’s just say that Joe Biden really did win the election in 2020 and that he won the electoral vote. Those electors, many of them or half of them, would be Democrats, not Republicans. We do know that he won the popular vote, or in other words, he won the popular vote in the most populated areas of the United States of America(Detroit, NYC, Chicago, Albuquerque, Los Angeles, etc) most of these of which are leftist Democratic strongholds. He did not win the other parts of the states with the areas that he won the popular vote. And so, if he won the popular vote in the most populated areas of the states, including the battleground states, but not the other parts of the states including the battleground states, which in many states actually make up most of the state in terms of land area, then it would mean that Joe Biden did not win the electoral vote, therefore, he would have not been elected President like the Left and today’s Democratic Party claims that he was elected legimately. Winning the popular vote, especially in a presidential election in the United States of America actually does not get you elected President. You need the electoral vote in order to become President and if Joe Biden won the popular vote in the 2020 election, like he did, or in other words, if Joe Biden won the most populated areas of the states, including the battleground states(NC, AZ, and the other ones) including like Raleigh, Phoenix, Los Angeles, etc, but then if Joe Biden didn’t win the other parts of the states, including the battleground states which in fact make up most of the state in terms of land area and if the other parts of the states didn’t vote for him, but voted for the other guy, or the third candidate, and if Joe Biden didn’t win the electoral vote, which there is actual credible and verifiable proof or evidence to prove that he didn’t win the electoral vote, which the Left and today’s Democratic Party don’t want you to see or find ever because you will be censored or silenced by the Left and today’s Democratic Party and Big Tech programs for finding the proof that Joe Biden didn’t win the election or even talking about it, that the Left and today’s Democratic Party and Big Tech programs will silence and censor you for(which again, is a violation of the First Amendment), then that means that no, Joe Biden did in fact not win the election and that he actually lost. Which he did, but the Left and today’s Democratic Party and Big Tech programs, they don’t want you to say that or even post the proof that Joe Biden lost the election in 2020 and they don’t want you to find out or find the proof that Joe Biden lost the election and if you do post the proof that Joe Biden lost the election or that there was election interference from the Left in 2020, or from the COVID-19 restrictions that were still going on at the time, then the Left and today’s Democratic Party and Big Tech programs will silence you and censor you and ban you from the Big Tech programs, or they will “fact-check ” you for it, even though deep down they know that there really was election interference in 2020 and that the 2020 election really was rigged, but won’t admit because in regards to Trump, they hate and fear another Trump presidency because they know that he actually represents and stands up for the fundamental and constitutional values of the United States of America, while they, the Left and today’s Democratic Party, represents and stands up for abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and forcing women and girls to compete with “other women and girls” or biological males in other words, who aren’t actual women and girls biologically, to unfairly and unceremoniously beat actual women and girls in every aspect of women’s sports and girls’s sports and vice versa with men’s and boys’s sports too, and standing for funding the Gaza strip, therefore funding Iran, therefore funding Hamas, a actual terrorist organization, to attack Israel and then rape and murder innocent Jews in Israel including women and children and therefore having the Left and today’s Democratic Party supporting Hamas going door to door to rape and murder innocent Jews in Israel including women and children, much like what the Nazis and Hitler did during World War II and the Holocaust, etc and the Left and today’s Democratic Party and Big Tech programs are so scared of another Trump presidency because Trump actually represents and stands up for the true American and constitutional values of the United States and actually supports school choice and Israel and opposes defunding the police and oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports and girls’s sports, and supports the First and Second Amendment and the Constitution as a whole, etc, that the Left and today’s Democratic Party are willing to try and prevent him from running for President again and trying to remove him from the ballot simply on the assumption, not a fact, but on the assumption that Trump supposedly committed an insurrection on January 6 and that he is disqualified from running for President again because supposedly the 14th Amendment Section 3 says that he’s disqualified from running for President again(the 14th Amendment Section 3 by the way doesn’t disqualify Trump from running for President again, as I have reminded everyone who’s on the Left). The Left and today’s Democratic Party are scared of Trump. As they should be. Because Trump actually represents and stands up for the true American values of the United States of America and if he were to win the presidency again, he would destroy the radical leftist policies of today’s Democratic Party and the Left in the United States that are destroying the United States of America as we speak and Trump would then actually restore the United States to it’s former glory before Biden came into office. And the Left and today’s Democratic Party should also be scared about Trump and his supporters and common sense minded people because people are waking up to the fact that none of the policies of the Left, in the United States or abroad, and the Democratic Party are working. None of them are working. 82% of Americans are concerned about the border crisis at the southern border(various polls), the vast majority of Americans including Republicans, Independents, Democrats, etc oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports and girls’s sports and vice versa(Gallup poll) as well as the majority of people across the globe, the vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(CNN and NBC poll, other polls), the vast majority of Americans say that inflation is affecting their daily lives(Axios-Harris poll), two-thirds of Americans say that food prices will keep getting more expensive(Axios-Harris poll), the vast majority of Americans are concerned about the inflation in the United States(Fox News poll and other polls), the majority of Americans are concerned about the rising crime rate in the United States and that includes Democrats(various polls), the vast majority of Americans are concerned about the homelessness across the United States, including Democrats(various polls), and etc. The polls do not lie. People are waking up and realizing that none of the policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party are working, and for good reasons.

  • EmptyheadGOP says:

    The RPNM identified crime reduction, education system improvement, and “economy” as the issues they think they can deliver better on than Democrats?

    What’s the Republican plan to improve education in New Mexico?

    What books does RPNM think need to be taken out of school libraries and burned? How does defunding public schools in order to support private schools help regular New Mexicans? Republicans don’t understand basic issues like global warming and many don’t understand the cause of the Civil War, they shouldn’t be within 1000 ft of a school.

    Republicans can help reduce crime in this country by stopping the Frankenstien’s Monster they have created and enabled. It is rich to see Republicans wringing their hands about shop lifting while cheering on a criminal disgraced president.

    Unemployment is down, wages are up, NM has a multi-billion dollar surplus thanks to the oil/gas industry tax revenue. What is RPNM going to do to improve the situation? Let me guess their big idea is to give it away to the top 10% in tax breaks, rather than paying NM debts and securing the common good?

    Republicans are morally bankrupt losers.They dont have a plan to fix anything only to whine and subvert democracy.

    • Steven Cook says:

      To answer your question about the issues that the RPNM being able to deliver better than Democrats. The answer is a yes, Republicans can address and deliver the issues to the people better than the Democrats can, including or especially in New Mexico. New Mexico is ranked dead last in education and has been for years and decades. Why? One reason for that is the fact that Democrats have controlled the NM government for 90+ years and their policies of having teacher’s unions and their woke ideology policies, plus telling kids that they can transition into another gender without their parents’s consent, which by the way is a violation of parental rights, which is in the Constitution by the way, is OK, etc, are also reasons why NM has been ranked dead last in education for years and decades.

      Second of all, I know that when you meant “Frankenstein’s Monster” when you said that “Republicans can help reduce crime in this country by stopping the Frankenstein’s Monster they have created and enabled”, that your talking about Trump. First of all, Republicans ARE trying to reduce crime in this country, including in New Mexico, which in fact during the last NM legislative session, Republicans introduced not one, not two, not three, but numerous bills to help and reduce the rising crime in the state, without “enabling” Trump. Democrats can help to reduce crime in this country by stopping releasing criminals of all kinds including violent ones back onto the streets and back onto society, to commit more crimes or the same crimes over and over and over and over and over again and stop trying to defund the police in their states and cities on the assumption that police officers, all police officers, are racists or thugs, and stop trying to defund the police in their states and cities, on the assumption that having social workers, like therapists, who are not police officers or law enforcement, try to stop the criminal from committing a crime, like I don’t know….homicide! Or rape. Or robbery. Or any other crime for that matter. Trying to have a social worker like a therapist to try to prevent the criminal from committing the crime or trying to stop the crime from happening or even trying to have a social worker reduce the crime rate in your city? It doesn’t work that way. You need law enforcement to reduce the crime rate in your city or state. Everyone knows that, or should know that by now. Plus, defunding the police officers or police departments as we have seen doesn’t work at all because if you defund the police in your city or state, guess what happens. Hmmm? Guess. The crime rate goes up even further. Need a perfect example? Then look at Portland, Oregon. Look at Seattle. Those cities defunded the police, and the crime rate went up even more. Defunding the police does not work nor should it work. And trying to say that all African Americans support defunding the police is very misleading. The vast majority of African Americans support the police and oppose defunding the police. You know why? Because they actually understand that the police and law enforcement in the United States isn’t racist! What a concept! And also, that “criminal disgraced President” comment you made as well? What crimes has Trump committed? Hmm? What crimes, if any, has he committed? And if he actually did commit those crimes that you claim that he did, then where is the proof? Where is the evidence? And I’m not talking about heresay or assumptions of evidence or proof. I’m talking about real, actual irrefutable, verifiable proof or evidence. Where is the actual, irrefutable, verifiable proof or evidence that proves that Trump supposedly committed the crimes that you claim that he committed? Where is it? You seem so sure of yourself that Trump committed a crime or any crimes that you are willing to say that you have actual proof or evidence to prove that he committed a crime or crimes. But, I haven’t seen it. And everyone else in this country who actually has common sense, and no, not all of them are MAGA supporters I mean George Munoz, one of the members of the NM state Senate, a Democrat by the way, he actually has some common sense, and he’s not a MAGA supporters, but he has common sense, and Bill Maher is not a MAGA supporters either, but he actually has common sense and he’s a Democrat by the way too, and is in fact what Democrats used to be, but everyone else in this country who actually has common sense, they haven’t seen your supposed actual and verifiable proof or evidence that proves that Trump supposedly committed a crime or any crimes for that matter. Number one, he hasn’t even been charged or arrested for the supposed insurrection that took place on January 6, nor has he been convicted of it. And number two, if Trump really did commit an insurrection on January 6 like you claim he did, which he didn’t, but if he actually did commit an insurrection like you claim, then where’s the footage of him saying that he’s committing an insurrection on January 6? Where’s the proof that any of those Trump supporters committed an insurrection on January 6? The actual and verifiable proof or evidence that is? It’s clear that actual footage and audio from January 6, from the 40,000+ hours of footage from January 6, if any of you actually watched, that there was no insurrection on January 6 committed by Trump or his supporters who were there at the Capitol on January 6, in particular the Capitol building itself. You say that Trump supposedly committed an insurrection on January 6 at the Capitol building. He wasn’t actually there at the Capitol building when this supposed insurrection took place on January 6. He wasn’t even there. Actual footage proves that. And second of all, there was no riot either committed on January 6 by the protesters. If it had been a riot, then all of those buildings including the Capitol building itself would have all been set on fire or looted and vehicles would have been set on fire or looted as well, and other characteristics of a riot. Clearly, the actual footage and audio from January 6 shows that there was no riot committed by the protesters on January 6. If you want to talk about real riots, look at the BLM riots, or the “Summer of Love protests” from 2020. The Left and leftist media outlets said that they were “peaceful protests” even while vehicles and buildings were being set on fire by BLM and the businesses that were being looted or destroyed by the BLM “protesters” behind them. The BLM “protests” from 2020 were not protests and they certainly weren’t “peaceful protests” either. I know the difference between a riot and a protest and what you saw in 2020 during the “Summer of Love protests” were not protests nor were they “peaceful protests”. They were riots. That is a fact. What we all saw, or what we all common sense minded folks and people who have actually watched and listened to what happened on January 6, was not a riot, but a protest. It was actually a rally, which is not a riot either. It was a protest, a rally. It was actually a peaceful and patriotic protest, to protest the results of an election, that being the results of the 2020 election, in which Joe Biden “won” the election by “defeating” President Trump. By the way, protesting or questioning the results of an election, like Trump has and his supporters have done, is freedom of speech. It is not a crime to question the results of an election. It’s freedom of speech. I don’t know why it’s so hard for people on the Left to understand that. Questioning the results of an election is free speech. It’s in the Constitution. We have every right as the citizens of the United States of America and as Americans to question the results of an election if that election is flawed or there is election interference in the election, like there was during the 2020 election with the COVID restrictions including lockdowns and stay-at-home orders and mask mandates, etc that were forcing millions of Americans to stay home and not vote in person like their supposed to do and the fact that people were still voting in the election even after the polls closed, which is usually midnight, and etc. We Americans, including the MAGA supporters, or any American for that matter, has the fundamental and constitutional right to question the results of an election in the United States of America. It’s called freedom of speech. It’s in our Constitution. And to be honest, everyone else in the world in other countries have the right to question the results of an election if that election or those elections are legimately flawed or whatever. So Trump, as an American, has the fundamental and constitutional right as an American to question the results of the 2020 election. But yet, you are viewing him questioning the results of the 2020 election as a crime. It not a crime. You targeting and making it a crime for an American like Trump to question the results of the 2020 election, which is a fundamental and constitutional right that he has as an American, is a crime. And it’s anti-American and anti-Constitution of the United States of America. Questioning the results of an election in the United States is freedom of speech. Not a crime. And the fact that you are targeting Trump and his supporters for them legimately questioning the results of the 2020 election and making him and his supporters questioning the results of the 2020 election and therefore putting in prison the Trump supporters on January 6 who questioned and had the fundamental and constitutional American right to question and to peacefully and patriotically the results of the 2020 U.S presidential election, is not only a violation of freedom of speech, but also the fact that you have targeted and thrown into prison those Trump supporters, those Americans in other words, who had the fundamental and constitutional right to question and peacefully and patriotically protest the results of the election and to peacefully and patriotically march to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically protest the results of the election and to have the fundamental and constitutional right to question the results of the 2020 election, is also a violation of freedom of assembly. Therefore, the Left and today’s Democratic Party has violated the Constitution and the First Amendment regarding the January 6 thing because they assume that the Trump supporters or Americans in other words, who on January 6, had the fundamental and constitutional right to question and to protest, peacefully and patriotically, the results of the 2020 election, and who all peacefully and patriotically marched to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically protest and to question the results of the election, which Americans, including the Trump supporters on January 6, have the fundamental and constitutional right to do, the Left assumes that they caused an insurrection or tried to “overthrow the government” and the Left also assumes, “assumes” meaning not a fact, but heresay, which again doesn’t mean that it’s a fact, but the Left assumes that they did committed an insurrection on January 6, because…….the Left hates and fears Trump because he actually represents the true American values that have made this country so great and that he actually supports the Constitution and the State of Israel and supports school choice and is pro-life and anti-woke ideology and is anti-abortion up to and including birth and after birth and is anti-gender reassignment surgeries on little kids to supposedly make their lives better and is anti-defund the police because for one thing defunding the police doesn’t work nor should it work because it causes crime rate to go up further(again, need I remind you of what happened in Portland and Seattle after they defunded the police that their crime rate went up further), etc that the Left is trying to remove Trump from running for President and trying to remove him from the ballot because they are scared of him because he’s actually against their radical leftist policies of abortion up to and including birth, etc and that scares the hell out of them because they want to push their policies on the entire United States of America to “make America better” because they think that the fundamental and constitutional values of the United States like parental rights and being pro-life and supporting the Second Amendment and First Amendment, etc are “racist” or “fascism” or “extremism” or what you will. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now.

      And once again, I have to remind the folks on the Left that the 14th Amendment Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States of America, in fact does NOT disqualify Trump from running for President again and it doesn’t disqualify anyone from running for Vice President or any other person running for President or Vice President or any other person who is already in office, especially a sitting U.S Senator or Representative in Congress, etc. But in particular or especially, the 14th Amendment Section 3 in the Constitution of the United States of America in fact does NOT disqualify a person for the office of President or Vice President because it specifically says in black and white and in bold letters after the “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice President”, the word “elector” meaning a qualified voter in a election or a member of the United States, not the actual President or Vice President or former President if you wish to call Trump that, and so the 14th Amendment Section 3 doesn’t apply to Trump and it doesn’t disqualify him from running for President again or Vice President or any office for that matter. So I would argue, that the facts are on my side, but I’m not a constitutional scholar at a university or anything. But, I have actually read the Constitution and have read the 14th Amendment Section 3 thoroughly and I know that the 14th Amendment Section 3 does not permit, nor disqualifies Trump from running for President or Vice President or any other office for that matter and it actually doesn’t disqualify anyone else from running for President or Vice President or any other office for that matter who in fact did not commit an insurrection and it doesn’t disqualify anyone running for office who is already in office, legimately that is, either. If any of you actually read the Constitution and the 14th Amendment Section 3, you would understand that by now. And I would also argue, that the facts about defunding the police, the abortion up to and including birth and after birth policies and the fact that targeting Americans like the Trump supporters on January 6 who peacefully and patriotically protested the results of the election and who had the fundamental and constitutional right to question the results of the election because that is freedom of speech, is a violation of freedom of speech by the Left, etc, are on my side too, but I’m not an expert on crime rates or any of that stuff, but I have actually done research and have seen the various polls, studies and statistics showing that none of the policies of the Democratic Party of today and the Left are working and that the Left and the Democratic Party are lying to the American people and people around the globe on various issues like the transgender issue, and etc. And again, you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc. That not propaganda by the way and it’s not a lie. It’s a fact.

      So in conclusion, Republicans ARE trying to reduce the crime rate in the United States. No, their not being enabled by Trump. No, defunding the police in the United States doesn’t work. No, Trump is not a criminal disgraced President and there is absolutely no irrefutable and undeniable or verifiable proof or evidence to prove that Trump supposedly committed the crimes that the Left so desperately want to claim because they hate him and fear him because he actually represents the true American values of this country we call the United States of America and is actually against the policies of today’s Democratic Party and the Left like abortion up to and including birth and the trans agenda that is destroying the United States of America. No, the United States economy is not stronger than ever as the Biden administration like to tell you(the vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(CNN poll and NBC poll, other polls), the vast majority of Americans are concerned about the inflation in the United States(Fox News poll and other polls), two-thirds of Americans say that food prices will keep getting more expensive(Axios-Harris poll), more than 72% of Americans say that inflation is affecting their daily lives(Axios-Harris poll), etc)). No, transgender people competing in women’s sports and girls’s sports is not helping women’s and girls’s sports(the vast majority of Americans including 93% of Republicans, more than 70% of Independents, the majority of African Americans, the vast majority of women and men, more than 48% of Democrats, as well as the majority of people across the globe, oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports and girls’s sports and men’s and boys’s sports too(Gallup poll and other polls)). No, the so-called “green” climate policies across the globe are not working(83% of residents in Berlin, Germany, oppose net-zero policies, other polls)). And no, African Americans don’t support defunding the police(81% of African Americans support the police and oppose defunding law enforcement in the United States(NBC, Gallup, various polls). And also no, little kids having gender reassignment surgeries at four years old or so will not make their lives better. In fact, actual statistics, data, polls and studies show that children who have gender reassignment surgery to change genders are more likely to suffer from mental health issues such as depression and are more likely to commit suicide or regret transitioning from one gender to another. And yes, Hamas, a terrorist organization, has been funded by Iran, who have been funded by the Biden administration in the United States, in order to attack Israel and then rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children and Hamas going door to door to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children. And yes, Hamas was voted into office and into the government of the Gaza strip by the Palestinians, the people who the Left claims are the victims in the attack on Israel. And yes, the Palestinians, most if not all of them, are Muslims and belong to the Islamic religion, which teaches that homosexuals(gay or lesbian people) are scum and should be eradicated, therefore you have organizations like Gays For Palestine, or whatever that organization is called, who don’t know that their supporting the very group of people, the Palestinians, who again, voted an actual terrorist organization, Hamas, into office and their government, who belong to the very religion that advocates to target homosexuals and views them as scum. Not saying that all Muslims are like that across the globe, but most likely, most of them are like that. These are facts people and it angers me that there are people, including on the Left, that don’t know that these are facts and what is actually going on. And therefore, need I remind you, you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now, including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, gay Americans, etc in the United States of America.

      • Steve Kook says:

        Drown them in BS, it works for right wing media why not give it a try here.

      • Steve Kook says:

        Steven, whats your take on the House of Representatives passing the Continuing Resolution with the help of Democrats?

        Should the Republicans in the House call a vote to remove Johnson as Speaker of the House like they did with McCarthy?

  • Congress Can Fixit says:

    This 14th Amendment thing the Demonrats keep bring up is easily undone by Congress. It says so in the last line of the 14th Amendment Section 3 of the Constitution “But Congress may by a vote, remove such disability.” Demonrats never expect people to read the thing to the end!

    Call any Congress member that will listen and demand they bring a vote to clear Trump of this disability immediately. If Mike Johnson wont call a vote to clear Trump, Gaetz and MTG should vote him out as speaker and make Trump speaker.

    Call Mike Johnson

  • Intern Steve says:

    LOL Steven Kook is probably some intern RPNM hired to spew BS on their page because the page is dominated by people heaping on RPNM for supporting fascist. Either that or its Steve Pearce trying to run some interference for RPNM using a rather unoriginal alias. Sad and pathetic LOL.

  • WebMDGOP says:

    Can a doctor read Steven Cooks post and give the rest of us an opinion on the question: Is MAGA a mental illness or a shared delusion and what is the difference?

  • Two Masters says:

    I’m confused, I read recently in Vatican News that the Pope meet with Marxist in Europe and wants the Church to work together with Socialist to make the world a better place?

    Why would the Pope, divinely appointed by God, say that! How can the Holy Church work with Marxist to make the world better! Socialism is an evil, destructive tool of the Devil and Capitalism was invented by Jesus himself!

    I wish the Pope would not talk about these issues of morality. Now I feel like I have to pick my master, Capitalism or a silly old man appointed by the one true God.

  • SJW Jesus says:

    This Pope makes me sick he is so woke. Francis keeps telling us that Jesus was some gay social justice warrior, running around homeless and hanging out with whores and drunks complaining about social injustice, lame lamb, what a sheep!

  • Not Serious People says:

    Republicans in Congress are backing out of a border deal because Dear Leader, who doesn’t currently hold a public office, wants to be able to continue to complain about the border during 2024.

    I guess the border isn’t really in a crisis after all or Republicans would be eager to cross party lines to get something done.

    The border crisis is just the updated version of Trump’s wall scam. Remember in 2015 he promised Mexico would pay for the wall and that it would solve all our immigration problems?

    Trump is so confident in the stupidity of us Republicans that he thinks a 9 year old, failed, campaign promise will get us out to vote for this looser.

    The GOP is allowing MAGA to destroy the Conservative movement and transform it into a Fascist movement fixated on Dear Leader.

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