
January 12—Today, the U.S. District Court Judge for the District of New Mexico, Matthew L. Garcia dismissed the lawsuit filed by John Anthony Castro, a controversial and little-known presidential candidate, against former president Donald Trump in an attempt to disqualify him from running for office in New Mexico.

Castro has filed lawsuits in multiple states besides New Mexico, arguing that Donald Trump should not be allowed to run for another term as President. The basis of the lawsuit is Castro asserts the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution implies that a political candidate can legally challenge the constitutional eligibility of another candidate to hold office if they have provided “aid or comfort” to an insurrection. Donald Trump has never been convicted of insurrection by a jury.

Judge Garcia sided with previous District Courts across the country who have—without exception—dismissed nearly identical suits filed by Castro, stating, “this Court can discern no basis to depart with the reasoning and holdings in these other opinions.”

Judge Garcia concluded his memorandum opinion and order by writing that the case filed by Castro “is dismissed without prejudice for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.”

“We’re pleased this attempt to disenfranchise New Mexico voters will not stand,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce.

The full legal documents are linked below:

  • JH Cole says:

    Put down the pompoms, Mr. Pearce, this judge and the others did not rule whether Loser is an insurrectionist, only on standing to sue. Stay tuned for rulings on the merits.

    We know you won’t comment on the MAGA extremist’s guilty plea in the shoot-up of Democratic candidates’ houses in Bernalillo County (“Jose Louise Trujillo “pled guilty to conspiracy, interference with federally protected activities, . . .'”) because MAGA extremists like you only care about the law when it suits Loser Trump.

    You should stop filling the swamp the NM GOP is in and try to find a way forward without the loser.

    • Steven Cook says:

      Once again, Mr. JH Cole is lying to you and me about Trump and his supporters, across the United States and even across the globe. But first, before I get to debunking everything that Cole just said, I ‘m going to quote him in what he said, so that you can a picture of why he’s lying to you and me and to everyone

      “Put down the pompoms Mr. Pearce, this judge and the others did not rule whether Loser is an insurrectionist, only on standing to sue. Stay tuned on the rulings on the merits.

      “We know you won’t comment on the MAGA extremist’s guilty plea in the shoot-up of Democratic candidates’s houses in Bernaillo County(Jose Louise Trujillo pled guilty to conspiracy, interference with federally protected activities) because MAGA extremists like you only care about the law when it suits Loser Trump.

      “You should stop filling the swamp the NM GOP is in and try to find a way to move forward from the loser(Trump)”.

      Okay, debunking time! First of all, the reason why the judge dismissed the lawsuit against President Trump regarding him removing him from the ballot is because, once again, the 14th Amendment doesn’t actually apply to Trump when regarding taking him off the ballot. The 14th Amendment Section 3 does not, under any circumstances, disqualifies Trump from running for President or office again. If you actually read the 14th Amendment Section 3, in particular the parts where it says “or elector of President or Vice President” and/or “or an executive or judicial officer of any State” which doesn’t actually mean the President or Vice President or former President if you wish to call Trump that, nor does it mean the actual office of President or Vice President themselves, then you would understand that by now. So no, it’s not a loss for Trump and his supporters. It’s a win because the judge actually followed the Constitution. What a concept! Second of all, the “MAGA extremists” thing is very misleading, because you, Mr. JH Cole, and other leftists or RINOs across the United States and even across the globe, all assume that MAGA supporters are “extremists” because they support the traditional American values, including freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, religious liberty, and who all support the Constitution of the United States, the First Amendment and Second Amendment, support Israel, are opposed to the woke ideology, who are opposed to the fact that little kids are being forced to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, who are opposed to the fact that women’s sports across the United States and globe is being destroyed by biological males who transitioned into women, in other words people who are not actual women, and who are being beaten unfairly in every aspect of women’s sports, who support school choice, opposes Critical Race Theory that is being taught to children to hate America and being taught that America is a “systemically racist” country, who oppose abortion up to and including birth and after birth, etc, are all “extremists” or “fascists” just because they actually support traditional American values that have made this country of the United States of America so great, and actually oppose the radical policies of today’s Democratic Party and Left like abortion up to and including birth and after birth, etc that are destroying the United States of America and the globe. It couldn’t be further from the truth. But you know what is extremism? The fact that the Democratic Party of today support abortion up to and including birth and after birth. That’s extremism. The fact that today’s Democratic Party and the Left support little kids changing genders to supposedly make their lives better? That’s extremism. The fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party are comparing a actual and true American like Trump who is pro-Second Amendment, pro-school choice, anti-woke ideology, pro-Israel, pro-Semitic, who actually supports the Constitution of the United States of America, etc… a actual fascist dictator like Adolf Hitler, who by the way was anti-Semitic, anti-gun, believed that he was of the Aryan race, exterminated millions of people including six million Jews during the Holocaust, and was a self-described socialist leftist until the day he died? That’s extremism. The fact that the Left believes that the 14th Amendment actually says that Trump or any of his supporters can be disqualified from running for office again simply for an “insurrection” in January 6 that never actually occurred from actual footage and audio from January 6? That’s extremism. The fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party, including the Biden administration, actually funded Iran to fund Hamas to attack Israel and to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children and Hamas going door to door to murder and rape innocent people in Israel? That’s extremism. The fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party don’t even know what a woman is anymore nor can they even define what a woman is anymore, but the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party actually believes that a woman is a man who has gender reassignment surgery to become a woman? That’s extremism. The fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party supports biological males, people who are not actual women biologically, competing in women’s sports and girls’s sports to unfairly beat actual women and girls in every aspect of women’s and girls’s sports and therefore destroying women’s sports and girls’s sports? That’s extremism. And so on. Mr. JH Cole, you don’t know the true meaning of the word extremism when you see it.

      But I will tell you what is true. 82% of Americans don’t want Biden to run for reelection(CNN poll). The vast majority of Americans, including Republicans(93%), Independents(over 70%), Democrats(over 48%), the vast majority of women, African Americans, the vast majority of men, etc and the majority of people across the globe, oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports(Gallup poll and other polls). More than 72% of Americans say that they feel inflation in they’re daily lives and more than 56% of Americans say that gas prices are increasing(Axios-Harris poll). More than 82% of Americans are concerned about the border crisis at our southern border and half or more than half of all people across the globe, including in Europe, North America, etc are concerned about the current border and migrant crisises being caused by Biden and other leftist figures(various polls). Over two-thirds of Americans say that food prices will keep getting more expensive(Axios-Harris poll). The majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than they were under Trump(CNN poll and NBC poll, other polls). The majority of Americans are concerned about the rising crime rate in the United States, including in leftist states and cities/towns(various polls). The majority of Americans(more than 68%) are concerned about the inflation in the United States under Biden(Fox News polls, and other polls). The majority of the population of the globe are concerned or oppose the so-called “green” climate policies, including net zero, that are destroying economies around the globe(various polls and studies). Little kids who have gender reassignment surgery to change genders are more likely, from actual statistics and data, to suffer from mental health issues such as depression, and are more likely to commit suicide or regret transitioning from one gender to another down the road globally(various actual polls, statistics and studies). The majority of the population of the entire globe now oppose COVID-19 restrictions including lockdowns, mask, vaccine mandates, etc(various actual poll and studies). The sales of EVs(electric vehicles) is declining globally due to them being more expensive than gas-powered vehicles, them instantly combusting, even when their not moving, etc(various actual studies and polls). The majority of African Americans support voter IDs and voter ID laws and are not racist towards African Americans (various polls). The majority of African Americans (more than 81%) support law enforcement in the United States and oppose the defunding of the police(various polls including NBC poll, etc). And so on. That is what’s the truth.

      And for New Mexico, there are actual polls and studies and statistics that show that the policies of the New Mexico Democratic Party are not working either. More than 68% of New Mexicans, including Democrats, oppose Michelle Lujan Grisham’s “public health emergency order” on guns(KOB poll). More than 83% of New Mexicans support Republicans effort to combat the rising crime across the state, including in Albuquerque(various polls). More than 71% of New Mexicans say that Michelle Lujan Grisham’s gun public health order will not make communities across the state safer(multiple polls). More than 50% of New Mexicans say that they have been a victim of a crime or know someone who is or was a victim of a crime(KRQE News poll). And so on.

      Oh, and on the subject of the Bernaillo County Democratic candidates’s houses being shooted up by that “MAGA extremist”, Mr. Jose Louise Trujillo. First of all, we don’t even know if he actually did do it or not. If he did do it, then yes, he should be prosecuted, even though I hate the Democratic Party because they have become too extreme and radical with their abortion up to and including birth and after birth policies, etc. Plus, the Republican Party across the United States and in New Mexico actually condemns violence and disagreed with what Mr. Trujillo did, or allegedly did. That’s a fact. You are going to say that the entire Republican Party in the United States and the entire conservative or MAGA movement are all just a bunch of “extremists”, just because of what one guy did, or allegedly did in Bernaillo County?! And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now around the globe including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc. And I would argue, that everything that I just said in this long comment are true and are facts, but I’m not an constitutional scholar, etc. But, I’ve read the Constitution and have actually seen and watched and read the polls and studies and statistics and I’ve actually done research that show that none of the policies of the Democratic Party and the Left in the United States and globally are working, so I think I know what I’m talking about.

  • RPNM Supports Insurrectionsist says:

    “Donald Trump has never been convicted of insurrection by a jury.”

    This sentence in the article seems both irrelevant and premature.

    If someone is convicted of homicide can they say they haven’t been convicted of murder? I say its premature because Trump is currently being tried for crimes related to the insurrection.

    I say its irrelevant because the 14th Amendment doesn’t require convictions and was used in the past without convictions to keep Confederates out of office after the Civil War.

    We all know Trump is responsible for J6 and that it was an insurrection. We saw it happen and not that long ago.

    • Steven Cook says:

      “‘Donald Trump has never been convicted of insurrection’. This sentence in the article is both irrelevant and premature.” Alright, that second part is a lie. But, that first part where you said “Donald Trump has never been convicted of insurrection” is one of the smartest things you’ve said so far because he’s never been convicted of insurrection, or should I say “insurrection”, because if he actually did commit an insurrection as you have said time and time and time and time and time again for the last three years, then why haven’t you come up or show actual verifiable footage and verifiable proof or evidence to prove that Trump committed an insurrection then? Just something to think about.

      Let’s continue to what RPNM Supports Insurrectionist said, “If someone is convicted of homicide can they say they have been convicted of murder? I say it’s premature because Trump is currently being tried for crimes related to the insurrection.

      “I say it’s irrelevant because the 14th Amendment doesn’t require convictions and was used in the past without convictions to keep Confederates out of office after the Civil War.

      “We all know Trump is responsible for J6 and that it was a insurrection. We saw it happen and not that long ago.”

      Alright, as I said before, Mr. RPNM Supports Insurrectionist actually was smart to say that Trump has never been convicted of insurrection. That’s because he’s never been convicted nor charged or indicted for the “insurrection” the Left and today’s Democratic Party claims happened on January 6, but never actually saw all the 14,000-40,000+ hours of actual verifiable footage and actual audio that clearly shows that there was no insurrection committed by Trump or his supporters on January 6. OK, that’s their first mistake. They have never shown the actual footage of January 6, the actual 14,000-40,000+ hours of footage from January 6 that shows that there was no insurrection committed whatsoever by Trump or any of his supporters on January 6. Also, the Left and today’s Democratic Party have said that January 6 is worse than 9/11 and the Pearl Harbor attacks. That’s their second mistake, thinking that January 6, which only saw one person, Ashili Babbit, an innocent person who wasn’t armed by the way, by a Capitol police officer with a history of reckless behavior, was worse than 9/11 and the Pearl Harbor attacks, which saw thousands, literally, thousands of people killed. And the Left and today’s Democratic Party’s third mistake is thinking that Trump was actually there at the Capitol building when this supposed insurrection took place. That’s their third mistake. For one, Trump wasn’t even there at the Capitol building when this supposed insurrection took place that you leftists love to talk about. And second of all, there is actual footage and audio from Trump’s speech from January 6 in which he told protesters to peacefully and patriotically march to the Capitol building, again which he was not at when the supposed insurrection took place, and told them to peacefully and patriotically protest the results of the election and that he didn’t want violence. That is what he said in that speech from January 6 and you can actually find Trump’s speech from January 6, all 70 minutes of it, on websites where they uploaded it like the Wall Street Journal’s website if you don’t believe me. And that’s exactly what those protesters did. They peacefully and patriotically marched to the Capitol building, once again, where Trump wasn’t even at when the supposed insurrection took place, and they peacefully and patriotically protested the results of the election and peacefully and patriotically assembled and questioned the results of the election, which is freedom of speech and freedom of assembly by the way. Biden claims that Trump and his supporters were “destroying the Constitution”. No, they were following the Constitution by peacefully and patriotically protesting the results of the election and assembling peacefully and patriotically to protest the results of the election and also questioned the results of the election, which is all freedom of speech and freedom of assembly by the way if Biden and the Left and today’s Democratic Party actually read the Constitution including the First Amendment like they say that they do.

      And Biden claimed in his speech to celebrate the anniversary of the January 6 “riot” that Trump’s campaign is “only about him, not America and not you(referring to the American people). We all know that is a lie because Biden has made everything about him. He thinks that everything he’s doing is better than Trump and he thinks that what he’s doing is making America better to live in. That could not be further from the truth because actual polls and studies and statistics show that Biden’s policies and the Left and today’s Democratic Party and their policies are not making America better to live in. Oh you don’t believe me? Where have you been for the last three years of this “presidency”? 82% of Americans are concerned about the border crisis and 75% of Republicans and 65% of Democrats want Biden to address the border crisis or do something about it(Fox News poll and other polls) and even Democrats including Hillary Clinton and Joy Reid from MSNBC are mad at Biden because he’s not doing anything about the border crisis that HE created and that HE caused simply because he assumed, he claimed, that Trump’s border policies including Title 42 and Remain In Mexico policy and the border wall were inhumane or ineffective or racist, and so that is why Biden reversed all of Trump’s border policies including Title 42 and shutdown construction of the border wall and all of that stuff. Well, look at what’s happening now at the border because of what he did. Unprecedented amounts of illegal immigrants and illegal drugs including fentanyl are coming into the United States to wreak havoc and chaos onto the United States, including during Biden’s first year in office where 6,000 illegal immigrants came into the United States a day, compared to the 832 illegal immigrants a day that came into the United States under Trump. And even when Title 42 was getting rid of by Biden, a number of Democrats came out and said that Biden getting rid of Title 42 was a bad idea. You know why they said that? Because they knew that Trump’s border policies including Title 42 actually worked to secure the border! And now even Hillary Clinton and Joy Reid and other Dems are coming out and saying that Biden needs to do something about the border crisis. They now know that Trump’s border policies including Title 42 actually worked to secure the border! What a concept! The vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(various polls including NBC and CNN poll), the vast majority of Americans and people around the globe including Republicans(93%), Independents(over 70%), Democrats(over 48%), etc oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports and girls’s sports and men’s and boys’s sports(Gallup poll), two-thirds of Americans say that food prices will keep getting more expensive under Biden(Axios-Harris poll), the vast majority of Americans are concerned about the rising gas prices under Biden(Axios-Harris poll and other polls), etc. Plus, Biden said during his campaign for President “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t Black” and has targeted parents for being parents and people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and so on. So no Biden, your campaign isn’t about America and it’s certainly not about preserving American democracy. We are not even a democracy anyway. We are a constitutional republic.

      And, Biden recently said, and he really said this, that he “doesn’t know why God created Republicans” and he also said that Republicans, especially the MAGA ones were “terrorists” and also made threats, death threats, or made threats to exterminate Republicans. Why does that sound so familiar?…. That’s Adolf Hitler! That’s something that he would say! Hitler said almost the exact thing about the Jews that Biden said about the MAGA Republicans. Biden wants to kill, exterminate, Republicans! Just like Adolf Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews! It all makes sense now. Biden is Hitler. Hitler is Biden. Biden is the new Adolf Hitler. Are you people beginners to understand why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc? Huh? Are you beginning to understand why that is happening? Biden said that! He actually said that! He actually said “I don’t know why God created Republicans” and he actually made death threats at Republicans, all Republicans! This should concern everyone. Biden is sounding like Hitler more and more everyday and that’s dangerous. He actually said that. You think I’m making this up? Biden really said that. Hitler viewed Jews as parasites, and now Biden is viewing Republicans as that. Biden hasn’t said the word “parasites”, but we all know what he means. I mean the Left wants to compare Trump with Hitler. But, Trump has never said “I don’t know why God created Democrats” nor has he made death threats to Democrats, all Democrats. Trump has NEVER done that. But Biden would and he actually did. He, Joe Biden, an American citizen, wants to kill….. exterminate Republicans, ALL Republicans, just because they don’t agree with his abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and forcing women to compete with biological males who utterly and unceremoniously beat and destroy them, thus endangering women’s sports and girls’s sports and men’s and boys’s sports, and the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party are funding the Gaza strip, therefore funding Iran, therefore funding an actual terrorist organization Hamas, to attack Israel and rape and murder innocent Jews in Israel including women and children and Hamas going door to door to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children like Hitler and the Nazis did during World War II and the Holocaust, and the Left and today’s Democratic Party targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting parents for being parents, and so on. That’s why Biden’s making death threats at Republicans and saying that “I don’t know why God created Republicans”. He hates Republicans. He thinks that Republicans are terrorists, parasites and so on. This is the rhetoric of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis had. They viewed Jews as parasites and so on. And you know what happened? Six million of them, six million innocent people, were exterminated, brutally and gruesomely by Hitler and the Nazis. I’m not saying that Biden and the Left are going to do the same thing. But, Biden and the Left sure as heck have the same or similar rhetoric as Hitler. It all makes sense now. You know that saying “History repeats itself”. Looks like history is unfortunately repeating itself right now with what Biden has said about Republicans isn’t it? And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc.

      Now, I know that I’m going to be called a conspiracy theorist because I said that Biden and the Left have similar rhetoric or views of the Republicans like Hitler had about the Jews. Call me a conspiracy theorist all you want. But, the fact of the matter is, Biden is making statements towards Republicans, in particular the MAGA Republicans as Hitler did to the Jews. Biden thinks that the MAGA Republicans are parasites, like what Hitler thought about the Jews. Biden views MAGA Republicans as “a threat to democracy”, much like Hitler viewed the Jews as a threat to Germany. Do you see the resemblances? Biden sounds like Hitler. You can’t hear the similar rhetoric between him and Hitler? You can’t see that or hear that? They sound alike. Biden thinks that MAGA Republicans are the scum of the Earth and Hitler thought that the Jews were the scum of the Earth too. I mean, you hear the resemblance don’t you? It’s like Biden’s the reincarnated form of Adolf Hitler. They sound exactly alike in their rhetoric of certain groups of people. It all makes sense now. And you thought that Trump was like Hitler. Ha! If only you knew that the fact that Trump has never threatened to exterminate Democrats, all Democrats, or Black people or any other race, he’s never claimed that he was of the Aryan race, he’s never threatened to take away people’s rights including their Second Amendment rights, Trump’s never been anti-Semitic and has never been anti-Israel, and Trump’s not a self-described socialist leftist either. But Hitler was. And you know what, Biden sounds exactly like Hitler when regarding the MAGA Republicans and wanting to view them as terrorists and so on. Seriously, Biden thinks that MAGA Republicans, people who are pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-school choice, anti-woke ideology, anti-forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, pro-law and order, anti-defund the police, and people who support and represent the true American values and fundamental rights and beliefs of the United States of America like parental rights and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and the Second Amendment and First Amendment, etc. Biden views them as “terrorists” and “a threat or threats to democracy” and as “fascists” and has said “why did God created Republicans” and he views them as the scum of the Earth. Biden literally thinks that MAGA Republicans are those things. That’s Hitler-like rhetoric what Biden’s saying about Republicans. If that isn’t extremism, then I don’t know what is. And yet, the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden have the nerve to call people who are pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-school choice, anti-woke ideology, anti-forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, anti-abortion up to and including birth and after birth, pro-law enforcement, anti-defund the police, and people who support and represent the true American values and fundamental rights and beliefs of the United States of America including parental rights and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion, religious liberty, etc. The Left and today’s Democratic Party has the nerve to call those people extremists, when they, the Left and today’s Democratic Party supports abortion up to and including birth and forcing little kids to have gender reassignment surgery to supposedly make their lives better and forcing women and girls to compete with biological males who utterly and unceremoniously beat and destroy them thus endangering women’s sports and girls’s sports and men’s and boys’s sports too and the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party are funding the Gaza strip, therefore funding Iran, therefore funding an actual terrorist organization Hamas to attack Israel and rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children and Hamas going door to door to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children like Hitler and the Nazis did during World War II and the Holocaust, plus the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party support leftist DAs and judges releasing criminals of all kinds including violent ones back onto the streets to commit more crimes or the same crimes over and over and over and over again and support taking people’s Second Amendment rights away, to supposedly make communities safer, plus the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party supports targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting parents for being parents, plus the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party don’t even know what a woman is anymore and can’t define what a woman is anymore and can’t define what a man is anymore, and so on. All of those things that the Left and today’s Democratic Party support are the true definition of extremism, plus what Biden has said about the Republicans too, calling them terrorists and all, just because they oppose his radical leftist policies of open borders and abortion up to and including birth and after birth, etc. And this is why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc.

      And Republicans are not terrorists and neither are parents, Biden and the Democrats. You want to see what real terrorism looks like? Go to Iran for six months or something, or go to the Gaza strip, where an actual terrorist organization, Hamas, gets elected, elected, to office and into the government of the Gaza strip or even try to go to Afghanistan with the Taliban in charge for a day or more. Then you will see what terrorism really looks like.

  • Known by the Company I Keep says:

    Has Trump condemned political violence? Has RPNM?

    What about the President has he condemned political violence?

    We have several instances of MAGA violence right here in New Mexico. Its going to get worse until the GOP and RPNM denounce Trump and the Big Lie.

    The Republican Party has been destroyed by Trump and weak leaders like Steve Pearce. The GOP has transformed into a collection of grifters and anti-democratic morons.

  • Congress Can Fix It says:

    This 14th Amendment thing the Demonrats keep bring up is easily undone by Congress. It says so in the last line of the 14th Amendment Section 3 of the Constitution “But Congress may by a vote, remove such disability.” Demonrats never expect people to read the thing to the end!

    Call any Congress member that will listen and demand they bring a vote to clear Trump of this disability immediately. If Mike Johnson wont call a vote to clear Trump, Gaetz and MTG should vote him out as speaker and make Trump speaker.

    Call Mike Johnson

    • JH Cole says:

      Most of us read through the end of the amendment and know it takes 2/3 of both houses to remove the disability. We also keep up with the news and know apple pie couldn’t get a 2/3 majority in either house today, much less letting loser Trump off the hook.
      Lame propaganda won’t help, either.

      • Steven Cook says:

        “Most of us read through the end of the amendment and know it takes 2/3 of both houses to remove the disability. We also keep up the with the news and know apple pie couldn’t get a 2/3 majority in either house today, much less letting loser Trump off the hook. Lame propaganda won’t help, either.”

        Again, let me remind you that the 14th Amendment Section 3 says that “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice President,” elector meaning a qualified voter in a election or a member of the Electoral College of the United States, not the actual President or Vice President or the office of President or Vice President themselves and it also says”or an executive or judicial officer of any State” which again does not mean the President or Vice President or former President, if you wish to call Trump that, nor does it mean the actual office of President or Vice President. If you actually read the 14th Amendment Section 3, and actually read it thoroughly, then you would understand that the 14th Amendment Section 3 doesn’t apply to the President or Vice President and doesn’t disqualify the President or Vice President or former President to run for reelection or President again and for that matter, doesn’t disqualify any Senator or Representative in Congress or any other figures in civil, judicial or executive officer of any State who is common sense minded from running for President or any other offices, but especially the presidency or Vice President, etc. So clearly, you need to read the 14th Amendment Section 3 again, and this time more throrougly, including the parts “or elector of President or Vice President” and “or an executive or judicial officer of any State” again. And once you do that, then look up the definition of elector, which again means a qualified voter in a election or a member of the Electoral College of the United States and not the President or Vice President, or anyone who is running for President or Vice President or any office, nor does it mean the actual office of President or Vice President. Then once your done with that, then read the entire 14th Amendment Section 3 again and more throrougly and then actually tell the truth for once. It’s not that hard to do. You can read can’t you? Don’t act like you can’t read. The 14th Amendment Section 3 clearly says that the President or Vice President or Vice President or any one running for President or Vice President cannot be disqualified from running for President or Vice President because it clearly says “or elector of President or Vice President”, elector once again meaning a qualified voter in a election or a member of the Electoral College of the United States and not the actual President or Vice President or the office of President or Vice President or former President or any one running for President or Vice President or stuff like that. So in other words, what you leftists, like you Mr. JH Cole, and leftist states like Colorado and Maine and leftist figures at MSNBC are doing is misinterpreting the 14th Amendment Section 3 and violating the 14th Amendment Section 3 just because you hate Trump, and fear him because he’s actually against your radical leftist agenda including abortion up to and including birth and after birth, and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and forcing women and girls to compete with biological males who are not actual women biologically because they had gender reassignment surgery to become a woman, again which means not actual women biologically, then having actual women and girls be beat unfairly by biological males in women’s sports and girls’s sports, then having actual women and girls be in the same locker room with biological males who are not actual women and girls and who are much older than teenage girls, but having a biological males who is much older than teenage girls be in the same locker room with them, which means that the biological male who is much older than teenage girls, but are in the same locker room with them as part of their sports team and stuff like that, is a sign that biological male is a pedophile, etc, and that Trump is actually a real and true American who supports the Constitution, free speech, and other traditional American values like a actual American is supposed to do, and because Trump actually opposes your radical leftist agenda including abortion up to and including birth and after birth, etc, you leftists and leftist figures hate him and fear him because he’s against your policies including abortion up to and including birth and after birth and defunding the police in the United States, which by the way doesn’t work, and you don’t want him to run for president again because you are scared of him because he’s actually against your policies including abortion up to and including birth and after birth, etc. Oh tell me I’m wrong! I’m not wrong. We all know that is why you leftists are doing this to Trump and to Trump supporters, because you hate him and fear him because he’s actually against your radical leftist agenda including abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing women and girls to compete with biological males who are not actual women and girls in women’s and girls’s sports, and you supporting Democrats funding Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism on Earth, and supporting Democrats funding the Gaza strip and the Palestinians who by the way voted Hamas, a actual terrorist organization, into their government and office, therefore supporting the Democrats who are funding Gaza strip, in other words, funding the Palestinians, in other other words, funding Iran and Hamas to attack Israel and rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and girls and Hamas going door to door to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children, and because you hate Trump and fear him because he’s actually against all of these policies I just named and more that the Democratic Party and the Left supports, you are misinterpreting, and violating the Constitution in particular the 14th Amendment Section 3 based on the assumption, assumption meaning not a fact, but on the assumption that Trump and his supporters supposedly incited an insurrection on January 6 and also based on the assumption that Trump or any other person running for President or Vice President or any other office who may be a Trump supporters or a common sense minded person, is disqualified from running for President or Vice President or any office just simply based on the assumption that they committed an insurrection or incited an insurrection on January 6 of 2021. What are we? Stupid? We know that is why you leftists are doing what you are doing to Trump. “Lame propaganda”? I don’t think so. What I am saying is the truth, and nothing but. Oh you leftists can say and assume that Trump supposedly incited an insurrection on January 6 until your face turns blue(hopefully not literally). But, the actual 40,000+ hours of actual footage and audio from January 6 does not lie. January 6 was not a riot. If it had been, then all of those buildings in D.C including the actual Capitol building itself where this so-called “insurrection” took place and the building that Trump actually wasn’t at when the “insurrection” took place, would have been set on fire by those protesters on January 6. But clearly, the footage shows that none of that happened. And the protesters on January 6 did not storm the Capitol building. They were invited into the building because January 6 was not a riot. It was a protest. A rally. There is a difference between a riot and a protest or a rally. And what we saw from actual footage and audio from January 6 was not a riot. It was a protest, a rally. It was a peaceful and patriotic protest, to protest the results of the 2020 presidential election, which they had every right to do because protesting, not rioting, is freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and the fact that the Left and January 6 committee and today’s Democratic Party has targeted those protesters who are Trump supporters and even throwing them into prison just simply for them peacefully and patriotically marching to the Capitol building and peacefully and patriotically protesting the results of the election in 2020 is a violation of the First Amendment and a violation of freedom of assembly. So is censoring, silencing, or even threatening anyone who actually tells the truth about the 2020 election being rigged by Biden and others. That’s a violation of the First Amendment too. And so is banning a sitting President(at the time, who would have been Trump) from Twitter and Facebook, etc for simply exercising his right to freedom of speech and for Trump supporting traditional American values on Facebook and Twitter, and then banning him from those sites just for that. That is a violation of the First Amendment as well. But, supporting abortion up to and including birth and after birth is OK right? But supporting the life of a human being who happens to be a baby, in the womb or outside, and opposing abortion, including abortion up to and including birth and after birth isn’t OK? Supporting the Gaza strip or supporting Hamas, a terrorist group, attacking Israel is OK right? But, speaking out against Hamas, again a terrorist group, attacking Israel and speaking out against Hamas raping and murdering innocent Jews in Israel including women and children in the streets of Israel, isn’t OK? Supporting biological males, who are not even actual women and girls, competing in women’s and girls’s sports, and virtually endangering women’s and girls’s sports by having biological males beat unfairly the actual women in women’s sports and girls’s sports, is OK right? But speaking out against biological males competing with actual women and girls in women’s sports and girls’s sports and having them beat and destroy actual women and girls unfairly in women’s and girls’s sports, or having a biological male who is much older than teenage girls, actually be a part of the girls team in high school and having him be in the same locker room with them, dressing with them, therefore making him a pedophile, speaking out against that isn’t OK? Supporting the claim that there’s more than two genders is OK right? But, saying the truth, the whole truth, that there is only two genders, make and female, boy and girl, because that is actual and basic biology, isn’t OK? And so on? Geez louise. No wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now. Today’s Democratic Party has become too extreme and radical in their policies including they’re abortion up to and including birth and after birth policies, etc.

        And by the way, that’s not propaganda. Me saying that people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now around the globe. It’s not propaganda. It’s a fact. It’s irrefutable. It’s undeniable. People are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now around the globe for the reasons I just described to you. The Democratic Party of today supporting abortion up to and including birth and after birth, etc. That’s why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now, because the Democratic Party of today and the Left is too extreme for anyone now. And you can’t tell me otherwise. I dare anyone on the Left to argue with me on that. You can’t, because you know it’s true. People are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc. Their not leaving the Republican Party and the Right. Their leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now. And the Democratic Party and the Left know why. Because they have become too extreme with their abortion up to and including birth and after birth policies and their support of forcing women and girls to compete with biological males who are not actual women and girls and destroy actual women and girls and endanger women’s sports and girls’s sports in the process. And so on. This is not propaganda. It’s the truth. And the truth shall set you free. And the truth hurts too. All of the polls, studies and statistics and actual data recently have shown and proven that none of the policies of the Democratic Party and the Left are working. 82% of Americans are concerned about the border crisis that Biden created. The vast majority of Americans, including Republicans(93%), Independents(more than 70%), all or the vast majority of men, the majority of women, African Americans, and even Democrats(more than 48%), etc and the majority of people around the globe oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports and girls’s sports. The vast majority of Americans are concerned about the inflation in America and say that inflation affects they’re daily lives and the majority of Americans are concerned about the rising gas prices, food prices, crime rate, etc. And so on. The polls, studies, statistics that I just described to you and other polls, do not lie. None of the radical leftist policies of the Democratic Party and the Left are working and that is why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe, because the policies of the Democratic Party and the Left have become too extreme. Go ahead, tell me I’m lying. I’m not lying. I know what I’m talking about. I actually keep up on the news, the real news, about what’s going on in the United States and globally and I know that what the Democratic Party and the Left is saying is a lie because I actually watch and I actually do my research and I know that the Left and Democratic Party are lying about the economy of the United States supposedly being stronger than ever, which we all know isn’t true. And so on. So when I say that people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe, I’m telling the truth. And the Left and Democratic Party knows why. Because they’re policies including abortion up to and including birth and after birth policies, etc have become too extreme and too radical for anyone. And I dare anyone on the Left to tell me I’m lying. I’m not lying.

        • DARE says:

          You are a liar. The people see through the GOP and you as well Steve.

          • Steven Cook says:

            Really? Steve Pearce and the NM GOP or GOP are the liars? Look around you dude. There’s a border crisis going on at the southern border that your President, not my President, but your President, Joe Biden and his administration created and caused because they thought, they believed that Trump’s border policies were inhumane or racist, when in reality, Trump was actually following the Constitution, in particular Article IV Section 4, which clearly states that the United States needs a secured border, and in fact, Trump’s border policies including Title 42 and Remain In Mexico policy and the border wall actually helped to secure the border.

            Transgender people are destroying women’s and girls’s sports by utterly and unfairly beating them and destroying them in every aspect of women’s and girls’s sports. And you wonder why the vast majority of Americans and people around the globe, including Democrats, don’t want transgender people competing in women’s sports and girls’s sports and vice versa with men’s sports too. The Biden administration is clearly lying about the economy of the United States being stronger. The United States economy is not stronger than ever, as the majority of Americans can clearly see and experience, in fact, the vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(CNN and NBC polls and various other polls), two-thirds of Americans say that food prices will keep getting more expensive(Axios-Harris), the vast majority of Americans are concerned about inflation and the vast majority of Americans say that inflation affects they’re daily lives(Axios-Harris poll and other polls), more than half of all Americans are concerned about the rising gas prices in the United States under Biden(various polls including Axios-Harris poll). And so on. By the way, the polls that I just told you about the fact that the majority or vast majority of Americans are concerned about the rising gas prices and food prices and inflation under Biden? They don’t lie. Your President, Joe Biden, is lying to everyone and everyone can see it. The people can see right through Biden and the Democratic Party. Which is why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc. Speaking of African Americans, that is another group of people that Biden and the Biden administration and the Democratic Party in the United States have lied to. Significantly. And I mean, the Democrats lie to African Americans about EVERYTHING! I don’t care what it is; the police, voter IDs and voter ID laws, you name it. The Democratic Party has lied to African Americans about everything. The Democratic Party and the Left in the United States claim that African Americans, all African Americans, support defunding law enforcement in the United States. No, they don’t. The vast majority of African Americans(over 81% of them) actually support law enforcement in the United States and oppose defunding law enforcement in the United States. I wonder why. Maybe it’s because law enforcement, all law enforcement and police officers and police departments, if not the vast majority of police officers and police departments in the United States, are not racist towards African Americans?! Or to any other race in the United States for that matter?! What a concept. The Left and the Democratic Party in the United States claim that voter IDs and voter ID laws are “racist” towards African Americans, all African Americans. Nope, that’s false. If voter IDs and voter ID laws were racist towards African Americans, all African Americans, then why do the majority or vast majority of African Americans support voter ID and voter ID laws? And why, if voter ID laws and voter IDs are racist towards any other race in the United States, then why do half or more than half of those people who belong to those other races in the United States support voter IDs and voter ID laws too? That means that voter IDs and voter ID laws are not racist towards African Americans, or to any other race in the United States and that includes white people. And just to remind you people on the Left. We need voter IDs and voter ID laws in elections. Hello, why do you think it’s called election integrity?! Duh! I mean it’s common sense people.

            Plus, back to the defunding of the police subject, defunding the police or law enforcement, in the United States, and I mean defunding all law enforcement in the United, or defunding all law enforcement in other countries, does not work. It doesn’t work at all. You know why defunding the police in the United States and globally doesn’t work? Simple. Because crime skyrockets further if you defund the police, all police and all police officers and police departments in the United States and globally. It doesn’t work. And no, sending a social worker, such as a therapist, to solve a crime, like I don’t know……homicide, or rape, or any crimes for that matter, will not work either. You know why? Because social workers like therapists, are not law enforcement. No offense to therapists, but therapists or psychiatrists, are incapable of solving any crimes that are committed by criminals(i.e homicides, rapes, robberies, property crimes, theft, etc), because therapists or psychiatrists are not police officers or law enforcement officers. And you need law enforcement officers or police officers, to solve crimes. Hello, that’s why their called law enforcement! So no, defunding the police or defunding law enforcement, in the United States or any other country, or in the individual U.S states and territories of the United States, doesn’t work and it should never work. Need a example of why defunding the police doesn’t work? Look at Portland, Oregon. That city defunded their law enforcement. You know what happened after that? Guess. Crime went up further. It doesn’t work. Defunding the police doesn’t work nor should it ever work because that will happen.

            And on the subject of the Left and today’s Democratic Party’s crusade to try and remove President Trump from the ballot and from running for President again, on the assumption that the 14th Amendment Section 3 says that he’s disqualified from running for President again because of a “insurrection” that he supposedly committed on January 6 that he actually didn’t commit nor has he ever even been charged with insurrection or convicted. Again, the Left and today’s Democratic Party are trying to remove Trump from the ballot on the assumption, “assumption” meaning that it’s not a fact, but heresay, or rumor, which again, doesn’t mean that it’s a fact, that Trump committed an insurrection on January 6 and that because of that assumption, that he is disqualified from running for President again or for any office for that matter because they think that the 14th Amendment Section 3 says so. The 14th Amendment Section 3 states and I quote “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as an member of Congress, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion of the same, or given aid or comfort of the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.” Notice that the 14th Amendment Section 3 does not apply to the actual President or Vice President when regarding a insurrection taken place? It doesn’t apply to the President or Vice President, or in this case, former President. So in other words, Trump is NOT disqualified from running for President again because it the 14th Amendment Section 3 clearly does not apply to him. And really, it doesn’t apply to any other person in office who did not nor has ever committed an insurrection, which is half of the people who are in office right now who are not on the Left and part of today’s extreme and radical Democratic Party either, and it doesn’t apply to the people who are in office who may not be Republicans or Democrats, but people who have common sense. But in Trump’s case in particular, the 14th Amendment Section 3 does not disqualify him from running for President again at all and it doesn’t disqualify him from the ballot either, in any U.S state for that matter. The 14th Amendment Section 3, including the first part of it says “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice President”, “elector” meaning a qualified voter in a election or a member of the Electoral College of the United States, not the actual President or Vice President themselves or the actual office of President or Vice President themselves or former President if you wish to call Trump that. I think that the Left and today’s Democratic Party need to read the Constitution including the 14th Amendment Section 3 more throrougly next time. Including the part where it says “or elector of President or Vice President” after the “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress,” part. And you wonder why that judge dismissed the lawsuit that John Anthony Castro filed against President Trump in regarding taking him off the ballot because supposedly the 14th Amendment Section 3 says so. Because the 14th Amendment Section 3 doesn’t say that Trump is disqualified from running for President again and because that judge was actually following the Constitution of the United States of America, like an actual American is supposed to do. What a concept!

            Oh yeah, and the Left and today’s Democratic Party don’t even know what a woman is anymore and they can’t even define what a woman is anymore and women have existed since the beginning of time. But yet, the Left and today’s Democratic Party can’t define what a woman really is anymore? That shows you why this country is failing. Because we have people on the Left and people who are members of today’s extreme and radical Democratic Party and even transgender activists who are on the Left, who don’t even know what a woman really is anymore and they can’t even define what a woman really is anymore. Women have existed since the beginning of time. They should know what a woman is by now. Even actual women biologically, they don’t even know what a woman really is anymore nor can they define what a woman is anymore and some of those people are actual women biologically and we’re born as women biologically. Ketanji Brown Jackson, an actual woman biologically, she couldn’t define what a woman really was anymore. And she’s an actual woman herself! It’s disturbing that there are actual women biologically, who were born as women biologically and who will always be women biologically…..who don’t know what a woman really is anymore nor can they even define what a woman is anymore. That’s disturbing and it’s extremism. And it’s the same way with men. There are actual men, who were born as men biologically, and will always be men biologically, who are on the Left, who don’t know what a man is anymore and can’t even define what a man is anymore. That is disturbing and it’s extremism too. You know what else is disturbing and extremism? The fact that the Left and transgender activists who are on the Left that say and think that there’s more than two genders and they will actually target anyone who tells the truth that there is only two genders. That’s extremism too. There is only two genders, male and female. There is no 57-3,000 genders. There’s only two of them, male and female. That is simple and basic biology for anyone who actually has studied or actually studied biology in school. But yet, you have transgender activists who are on the Left and the Left and today’s Democratic Party globally, including in the United States, who are targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders. And that is why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now. People can see through the Left and today’s Democratic Party and they can see through their lies. And their lies about everything. People are waking up to the fact that none of the policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party and to the fact that what the Democratic Party and the Left are saying is not true. And anyone who says otherwise are either lying or their delusional.

    • JH Cole says:

      I wonder if you are the same person who replied to one of my comments a couple of years ago by saying “only uninformed people and pedophiles vote for Democrats.”

  • Kevin says:

    I guess we will see after the next election. Anyone allowing our borders to be unprotected and not following our constitution regarding legal entry to this country will NOT get my families vote. PS. Elderly 4th generation New Mexican who’s grandfather came from 18 brothers and sisters, who’s mother had 90 first cousins and our family is now well over 1000 strong!

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