
January 1—The New Mexico Democratic Attorney General, Raúl Torrez issued a press release Friday afternoon exonerating the 2020 Republican electors while calling on Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham to change current New Mexico election law to make the elector’s legal actions a crime in the future.

Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman and former Representative of New Mexico’s Second Congressional District, Steve Pearce issued the following statement in response:

“AG Torrez is hypocritically trying to criminalize a process that famously allowed Democrats in Hawaii to cast their vote for John F. Kennedy despite the state being called for Richard Nixon during the 1960 Presidential election.

Had the Democratic electors not cast their votes for John F. Kennedy by the federal deadline, even though the state was still called for Nixon, they would have lost their ability to have their electoral vote counted when the election outcome eventually did change in that instance.

In 2020, New Mexico faced numerous election challenges that had the possibility of going before a court. Therefore, the New Mexico electors cast their votes by the deadline written within the federal statute 3 U.S.C. §§7-8, ‘on the first Tuesday after the second Wednesday in December,’ in the event the election outcome changed.

AG Torrez agrees that the Republican electors did not violate the law, but now he wants to criminalize the process used by both Democrats and Republicans.

New Mexicans are tired of Democrats’ unproductive stunts that are a diversion from the real issues affecting our state and the actual assaults being waged on New Mexicans’ constitutional rights by the Democratic Party.”

  • Criminals and Con Men says:

    It is truly unfortunate that the New Mexico Fake Electoral College Electors cannot be prosecuted for their crimes against the New Mexico voters and US Constitution.

    Fake electors in many states including NV, WI, MI, GA are being investigated and prosecuted for their participating in the coup to over throw the 2020 election.

    The AG is correct to ask that this loophole that allows these criminals to escape accountability needs to be closed immediately.

    Steve Pierce needs to stop trying to justify and normalize insurrection and coups against the voting public. He is still implying that there was something wrong with the 2020 election that warranted the fake electors actions of fraudulently submitting themselves as New Mexico’s Electoral College Electors. This is the BIG LIE, told by Trump and repeated often by disloyal Americans like Steve.

    If Steve, NM Fake Electors, and other coup participants were deceived by the BIG LIE that is their problem and fault, it doesn’t excuse them trying to throw away the majority vote of New Mexico.

    Many Republicans feel like they cannot be bothered with reality or the hygiene of their own minds. Getting duped into betraying your country and fellow New Mexicans is a natural consequence of being noncritical of Con-men.

  • Law and Order says:

    Do your part to support Law and Order. If you know someone who participated in J6 insurrection or the coup plot around it you can submit tips to the FBI by calling 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324).

    You can view images from J6 and help identify insurrectionist on the FBI website. It is the first result if you google search ” how to submit tips about January 6th”.

    Over 1200 case brought against insurrectionist thus far with 900 convictions and rising. Do you part for American Justice.

  • Coe-Conspiritor Steve says:

    It’s curious how Steve Pierce keeps acting like the fake electors scams in 13 different states was some random thing that happened because Republicans had legitimate doubts about the 2020 election outcome.

    And not part of an organized effort by Trump and his coe- conspiritors to over throw the election by substituting the fake electors for the real ones after Mike Pence and Congress failed to certify the election on account of the violent insurrection.

    This isn’t normal, its criminal.

    The fake electors were part of Trump’s plan to pressure VP Mike Pence into rejecting the electors on J6 and asking the states to resubmit their Electoral College Electors. This would allowed Party First Republicans to steal the election for Trump.

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