
Albuquerque, Nov. 22—Earlier this month, the elected Albuquerque City Council voted to override the mayor’s unelected board of environmental extremists. Bill O-23-88, aimed to replace the unelected Air Quality Control Board with “a diverse representation of experts in the relevant subject matter” rather than “individuals advocating for specific interests”, and R-23-176, would prevent the board from passing the highly restrictive, business-killing Health, Environment, and Equity Impacts rule. Today, Democratic Mayor Tim Keller vetoed both bills, placing his allegiance to extremists over the concerns of numerous New Mexican small business owners.

The Republican Party of New Mexico chairman and former congressman Steve Pearce blasted the mayor’s decision: “We’ve had enough of wannabe dictators and their extremist views. New Mexico needs jobs and businesses that will bring those jobs. Democrats, contrary to their name, want to force undemocratic regulations on all businesses and mandate you drive an electric car even if that’s not the right decision for you. Republicans stand for your choice, your jobs, and common sense.”

  • JH Cole says:

    You can’t find anything to give thanks for? No recipe for recovering from MAGA losses on November 7? What a bunch of turkey necks.

  • JH Cole says:

    “’We’ve had enough of wannabe dictators,'” Mr. Pearce squeals, unless they are ex-presidents names Trump. No wonder the NM GOP is a shrinking cult.

    • JH Cole says:

      Oops, should be “ex-presidents named Trump.” Sloppy, JH.

    • Steven Cook says:

      “‘We’ve had enough of wannabe dictators’ Mr. Pearce squeals, unless they are ex-presidents named Trump. No wonder the NM GOP is a shrinking cult”.

      If you ever wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now around the globe including African Americans, Asian Americans, etc, look no further than the comment above me from Mr. JH Cole. Number one, Trump is not a dictator. Now Hitler, he was a dictator. He exterminated millions of people including six million Jews. He believed that he was of the Aryan race, which is not true. He viewed Jews as “parasites”. Hitler was also anti-gun, anti-Semitic, and was a self-described socialist leftist. Mussolini was a dictator, Nicolas Maduro is a dictator, and so on. Trump’s not a dictator. If he was a dictator, then he would have exterminated millions of people, he wouldn’t have appointed people of other races to his cabinet, he would have been anti-gun and anti-Semitic, and so on. Trump is pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-school choice, anti-woke ideology, pro-Second Amendment, pro-First Amendment, anti-CRT, etc. That doesn’t sound like a dictator to me now doesn’t. It sounds like someone who is an American, an actual and true American who actually supports the fundamental and constitutional rights and liberties and freedoms that have been the very fabric of the United States of America for over two centuries. That’s not a cult nor is it a dictator. And it’s certainly not extreme.

      Now abortion up to and including birth and after birth, which is what the Democratic Party in the country today supports though. Now that’s extremism. Forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, which is what the Democratic Party of today also supports, that’s extremism too. And forcing women to compete with biological males in women’s sports. Also extremism. And also, supporting or funding the Gaza strip, or funding the Palestinians that voted Hamas, a terrorist organization, into office and their government, and to fund Iran to fund Hamas to attack Israel and to rape and murder innocent people in Israel including children and women, then lying about it, which is what the Democratic Party of today and leftist figures across the globe have done. That’s extremism as well. And to make everything, literally everything, racist or about race and then to misrepresent certain races like African Americans like the Democratic Party has done, on things like voter IDs and voter ID laws, etc. That’s extremism….and racist towards African Americans too. The majority of African Americans support voter IDs and voter ID laws because its not racist towards them. The vast majority of African Americans support the police because the police are not racist towards them or any race for that matter. And so on. But of course, the Democratic Party is misrepresenting them and support all of the extreme policies that I just named. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left around the globe in droves now including African Americans, Asian Americans, etc. Heck, the progressive Democratic Party of today don’t even know what a woman is anymore. How nuts is that? They don’t even know what a woman is anymore, nor can’t define what a woman is anymore. And they think that there’s more than two genders. No wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now around the globe.

      By the way, I have yet to hear an argument against me saying that people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe including African Americans, Asian Americans, etc. I have yet to hear an argument against that. You know why that is? Because it’s true. It’s irrefutable. It’s undeniable. And the current radical leftist Democrats today know why. Because their policies have become too extreme, including with their abortion up to and including birth and after birth and other extreme policies that they support.

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