
October 25—Today, Louisiana Representative Mike Johnson was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, garnering a unanimous 220 votes from Republicans.

The Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman and former Congressman Steve Pearce issued the following statement:

“I served with Mike Johnson while I was in Congress. We were on the Financial Services Committee together. He is a well-grounded, humble yet strong individual, and a steadfast advocate for conservative policies. He is an excellent choice to unite Republicans and lead America forward. I extend my sincere congratulations to Representative Mike Johnson on becoming the 56th Speaker of the House.”

  • Fasc Clowns says:

    What a clown show.

    • JH Cole says:

      Steve Pearce and the rest of top NM Republicans who won’t say “Trump” either for or against are gutless wonders. No wonder the Party is dying in NM/

  • JH Cole says:

    Mike Johnson is an anti-choice, anti-gay, pro-Trump theocrat who tried to disenfranchise millions of voters in 2020 and wants to force his religion on the nation. In other words, an average MAGA extremist.

    If the GOP was still the GOP it would be ashamed of itself, but it is proud to be a personality cult guaranteed to stay in the minority in New Mexico. Democrats are eager to run against this guy.

  • JH Cole says:

    Anti-choice, anti-gay, pro-Trump election deniers took another drubbing on Tuesday in New Mexico and across the nation, and still your NM GOP officers show no sign of changing course.

    While Pearce, Skaggs, Barela, Soular, et al dither and quake, Democrats can’t wait for 2024.

  • Results Matter says:

    Can Mike Johnson advert a government shutdown? Can he do the the impossible in the US House of Representatives and pass meaningful legislation that actually stands a chance of becoming law? Can he get the House to work on the people’s business?

    How will he accomplish anything without getting Democrat votes? How will he get bills past the Senate or the veto?

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