
Albuquerque, September 15 — Yesterday, legal action was taken against Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s two unconstitutional executive orders in the State Supreme Court. The lawsuit, filed by the Senate and House Republican Legislative Caucuses, the Republican Party of New Mexico, and gun rights advocacy groups was filed in the New Mexico Supreme Court. In addition to citing the blatant violation of the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the suit challenges the Governor’s misuse of statutory emergency powers through the public health emergency order.

“The Republican Party of New Mexico and every Republican in our state legislature have united to fight against the tyrannical actions of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and NM Secretary of Health Patrick M. Allen,” said RPNM Chairman Steve Pearce. “We are honored to have the largest gun rights group in the nation, the National Rifle Association(NRA), retired law enforcement, and a group of bipartisan New Mexican gun owners join us in this legal battle. If we don’t hold Gov. Lujan Grisham’s unlawful actions accountable now, future politicians may exploit public health emergencies to implement any unconstitutional efforts they see fit. The governor’s stunt is just the beginning. We are fighting to protect the constitutional rights of not just every New Mexican but every American.”

“We are thankful for the resounding support we have received throughout New Mexico as we are standing up and defending our American freedoms,” said House Republican Leader Ryan Lane (Aztec). “We are filing in the New Mexico Supreme Court to continue the fight to defend our constitutional rights. We cannot allow one political stunt to undermine a document that guarantees our rights and has been a beacon of hope for so many globally. We are confident that our State Supreme Court will expedite this request and make certain our fundamental freedoms still hold strong and are upheld. From day one, we have made it clear that action on crime should be taken up with the Legislature and not played out on national media under a stunt that was destined to fail. We will continue to push the practical and commonsense crime reforms that we know will work in New Mexico to help save lives. We look forward to robust debate on our legislation, instead of the silencing of these topics, as now the world is watching how we solve the crime problems plaguing our communities.“

“Our fight is not over,” said Senate Republican Leader Greg Baca (Belen). “We intend to ensure that the temporary restraining order becomes permanent injunctive relief. We will not let up the pressure until we ensure no New Mexican is subjected to the removal of their rights through executive order ever again.”

  • JH Cole says:

    When are you going to come clean about your attempt to steal the state for Loser Trump?

  • JH Cole says:

    Sue and strut all you want and raise hunks of money. Come election time in 2023 and 2024 most voters will support candidates who want sensible gun regulations consistent with the 2nd Amendment. That will be mostly Democrats, just like in 2020 and 2022.

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