
Thank you all for your support!

Lincoln Day Celebration tickets SOLD OUT!

Special thanks to Adrienne Pena Garza for helping us strategize and sharing her wisdom and experience in turning a blue county red!

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The breakout sessions prepared our guests to lead action in their local communities.

The Parent’s Power Hour was full of incredible insight into the parental rights battle within New Mexico. Thank you to Rebecca Dow, Casey Peterson and Sarah Jane Allen for sharing your knowledge and about how parents can fight back.

Special thanks to Congressman Wesley Hunt for being our keynote speaker and bringing his passionate patriotism to New Mexico!

Among our guest speakers were former Congresswoman Yvette Herrell, Pastor Robert Tso of Shiprock NM, and NM Representative Jim Townsend.

Thank you to Dr. James T. Runyon for giving a powerful sermon on the importance of prayer with action on Sunday Morning at the chapel in Hotel Albuquerque.

Most of all, thank you to the many patriots who joined us and made this event memorable!

  • BoomersinDenial says:

    The RPNM will continue to shrink as they are morally bankrupt morons.

  • JH Cole says:

    Man are you “leaders” dense. The Party can’t be rebuilt if it doesn’t call out Loser’s crimes and dump him, and if the strategists didn’t explain how to do the dumping they were just whistling past the graveyard. Nor can you attract new followers by public prayer in the face of growing numbers of non-believers even among Republicans.

    Voters want honest lawmakers and government action to make life better, not self-righteous preening. Where’s your program?

    Democrats must be drooling because you’re so out of touch.

  • Robert Redman says:

    I am always amazed that Steve supports such a corrupt person like Trump. Instead of supporting him, he should spend is time developing the state party. I am amazed that he has kept his position while his party sinks deeper. Does he have any bosses that do performance review? On second thought I hope they keep him, unless they can get the blue pillow guy.

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