
Biden’s Energy Policies are Hurting New Mexicans

Get ready for gas prices to reach $4 a gallon again.

On Sunday, Saudi Arabia and other Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) members announced they would cut oil production by over a million+ barrels a day, causing gas prices in America to surge overnight. Despite the pending energy crisis that America is facing, President Biden doubled down on his anti-U.S. energy agenda.

Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman and former Congressman, Steve Pearce, issued the following statement:

“President Biden’s energy policy is a disaster. Gas prices are increasing because Biden has allowed foreign nations to weaponize energy against the United States. We’re witnessing the harmful consequences of losing our energy independence.

In New Mexico, lower and middle-class families are the ones who suffer the most from these price increases, forcing many to make the heartbreaking decision of filling up their car or buying groceries. Hard-working New Mexicans should never have to make this choice, especially when New Mexico is rich in energy.

Last week House Republicans passed H.R. 1 to allow the U.S. to overturn our foreign energy dependence and to offset inflated gas prices. Sadly, for New Mexicans, all three Democratic representatives voted against this bill once again putting their elitist politics above their constituents.

We can avoid an energy crisis if the Senate passes H.R. 1 and President Biden signs it into law. It’s time to unleash American energy, support our state’s greatest resource, and keep gas affordable for hard-working New Mexicans.”

H.R.1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, would get our country back on the path toward energy dominance. This bill would lower U.S. energy costs by unleashing American energy production, exports, infrastructure, critical minerals processing, permitting, production of American resources, and improving water quality certification and energy projects.

  • JH Cole says:

    NM GOP “leaders” think any whine and misinformation will do if it distracts from the big loser’s indictment later today. It looks like Mr. Pearce, Ms. Barela and Ms. Skaggs believe Trump will be found guilty but don’t want us to notice.

    They also pretend that voters trust the GOP to lead the painful but necessary transition to renewable energy, but that’s not true. Voters sent Gabe Vasquez (D) to CD2, replacing big oil’s darling Y. Herrell, and gave Biden 7m more votes than Loser Trump.

  • Fix those Prices! says:

    I agree these gas prices are out of control! The fed should put in some price controls to fix that. Just threaten Exon Mobil with nationalization and prices will find a way to come down.

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