
ALBUQUERQUE, OCTOBER 22—We are just two weeks away from the general election, and there is a lot at stake for New Mexico families. The policies proposed and enacted by Democrat candidates Kamala Harris, Martin Heinrich, and Gabe Vasquez concerning taxation, healthcare, and immigration are disastrous for the working families in our state. Their radical, far-left policies have led to larger financial burdens, such as increased taxes and prices due to inflation, less prosperity within our communities, as evidenced by job losses and economic downturns, and more dangerous neighborhoods, with crime rates on the rise.

“Harris, Heinrich, and Vasquez are advocating for tax plans that would raise taxes on seniors’ retirement funds and add even higher costs for working families,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “Their push for ‘Medicare for All’ would eliminate private insurance for millions of New Mexicans and force everyone into a one-size-fits-all government plan.”

Heinrich and Vasquez have thrown their support behind the disastrous border policies of the Biden-Harris administration, policies that are eroding our border security. Their stance on mass amnesty for millions of unvetted illegal immigrants and their opposition to stricter border measures are putting New Mexico at a heightened risk of increased crime and insecurity.

“Do you want to know why you are paying so much for groceries? You can thank Harris, Heinrich, and Vasquez for their votes that directly contributed to skyrocketing inflation,” said Pearce. “Harris, Heinrich, and Vasquez actively fought against protecting American energy independence while opening our southern border, leaving our communities vulnerable. They cannot be trusted to prioritize New Mexican families when they have dedicated their careers to serving the whims of Washington’s progressive elites first. The good news is there is still time to change the course of New Mexico by electing Republicans up and down the ballot in what are shaping up to be very competitive races this year.”

  • Weakness says:

    GOP failure to hold Trump accountable = More political violence

    It is coming.

    Weakness has consequences.

  • The GOP Election Plan says:

    Two weeks left and RPNM is still doing nothing to advert the coming political violence, sad and wrong.

    MAGA will become violent again.

    Trump will CLAIM VICTORY no matter what on Election night.

    Republicans will claim if it takes more than a day to count the votes and tally results that it must mean fraud. While also doing everything they can to slow and stop the process of vote counting and certification.

    Trump will insist that we should not count all the votes.

    He will imply again falsely and without evidence that there was fraud, illegal aliens voting and other bs.

    And this time around the Republican Party at large and RPNM are prepared to help directly. And not just with some fake electors like in 2020.

    This time around RPNM and the GOP in many states will try to engage in baseless lawsuits and other stunts to try to give credibility to Trump’s lies.

    In some states they will try to play games with certifying election results or try to let the state legislators decide for the voters.

    Republican’s don’t plan on winning elections any longer, they know their policies are just to unpopular and they are unwilling to change, so they will change our Republic and destroy our democracy instead.

    Don’t fall for it this time, you dont have to be a party to this. Your countrymen, children, and the future generations of mankind are watching you.

  • RPNM is Complicit says:

    The lose of our Democracy will negatively effect the working families of New Mexico and America.

    Our children should also have the right to vote and participate in self governance.

    A vote for any Republican is a vote for Trump at his point.

    A vote for Trump is a vote for lawless unaccountability at the very top of our government and society, this WILL HURT AMERICANS.

    RPNM isn’t about helping New Mexicans, they are about service to Trump.

    RPNM’s fake electors of 2020 and violent antidemocratic terrorist like Solomon Pena is what RPNM is about.

    Republicans think they know better than you and the only thing they know how to do is lie, shut up, and worship Trump.

    • RPNM is Complicit says:

      What we need to hear NOW from RPNM is if they will honor the out come of the 2024 election.


      Will they give aid and comfort to insurrectionist and cheats?

      • The Truth Shall Set You Free says:

        You can take back your mind and your life. You can reconcile with your friends and family.

        Don’t die on this hill with Trump and the GOP, set yourself free.


        • Fool Me Twice? says:

          Warning to Republicans:

          MAGA and RPNM is doing everything they can to get you upset, misinformed, and acting out after the election.

          They want you to be their useful idiots, just like the January 6th insurrectionist in 2021, whom have been abandoned in prison by Trump or New Mexico’s Solomon Pena.

          Delay and let Courts decide:

          The GOP is already bringing lawsuits to contest the vote that hasn’t happened yet, they will try to drag out “election day” for months holding out hope that the courts or state legislators will hand them victory over the will of the people.

          Claim Victory Early and throw out the rest of the votes:

          Trump WILL CLAIM victory on election night. He may even appear ahead in early exit polls. Trump and the GOP will want to stop counting votes as soon as they are ahead. They will sue to try and throw out early voting ballots, mail in ballots, and votes in select districts or otherwise shut down the vote. Remember elections aren’t over until ALL the votes are counted.

          Claim voter fraud without evidence, again:

          Trump and his MAGA cult will again excuse their election lose with claims of voter fraud. This is why the GOP and RPNM have been going on and on about “non-citizen voting”, which is already illegal in federal elections. Keep in mind that Trump lost more than 60 court cases and numerous vote audits and recounts after the 2020 election, he still hasn’t produced ANY evidence to back up his claims of fraud.

          Please consider that you may be being used by Trump before committing political violence, insurrection, rebellion etc.

          • Politicial Violence is a Crime says:

            Report those talking about and planning political violence by calling 1-800-CALL-FBI, it’s your duty as an American.

          • Politicial Violence is a Crime says:

            Remember screen shot those Social Media post that are planning or advocating for political violence, below is a link to a quick tutorial about how to take screenshots on Android phones.

            Send creditable threats to the FBI immediately, save all the screenshots and other evidence.

            If it is safe to do so show your MAGA friends their screenshots and ask them how they would feel explaining the meme’s and comments in front of a jury? Does that heated insurrectionist talk still sound good when there is the possibility of accountability?

            Ask them to imagine someone showing their kids and grand kids those post in 10-20 years are they going to be proud of how they acted?

            Don’t be soft with your MAGA friends, living in an alternate reality is dangerous for them and for us all.

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