
ALBUQUERQUE, OCTOBER 14—This afternoon, Republican senatorial candidate Nella Domenici and Democrat incumbent Martin Heinrich sparred off in a televised debate on KOAT-TV. The questions touched on a variety of topics, including inflation and spending, drug overdoses, limits on late-term abortions, the border and immigration, education, and energy.

Nella Domenici began her opening statements by giving Senator Heinrich an F on his performance, and in her closing statement, she hammered the reality home for many New Mexicans.

“At the end of the day, results matter,” Domenici said. “His report card is an F, and we all live that report card every day. We live it when we go grocery shopping. We live it when we put gas in our cars. We live it when we help our neighbor’s son who has fentanyl. We live it when we can’t get our grandmother into the hospital. We need new leadership in this state. I’m ready to be that leader.”

Leticia Muñoz, the Republican Party of New Mexico Executive Director, issued the following statement following the debate’s conclusion:

“Martin Heinrich spent the entire debate justifying his failed record that has delivered abysmal results for New Mexico families. Just like Kamala Harris, Heinrich’s empty promises hold no weight. Despite being in office for two decades, New Mexico continues to worsen, ranking last in education and child welfare and first in drug overdoses, crime, and poverty. Not only has Martin Heinrich not delivered for New Mexico, but he has actively worked against New Mexico’s best interests by trying to end our oil and gas industry, take away law-abiding citizens’ guns, and keep the border wide open to fentanyl and the cartels. It’s time for a new day in New Mexico, and Nella Domenici is the strong, independent leader needed to change the failing status quo. The choice is clear. It’s time to fire Martin Heinrich and elect Nella Domenici this November!”

  • Dollie Mercado says:

    We watched the debate and if anything, Nella is the one with the F! A 63 year old woman who doesn’t live in NM running against Martin Heinrich is not our choice! All the Republicans Party care about is money and power and keeping their convicted felon, Trump out of prison! Trump, impeached twice worse President in American History needs to be held for all his criminal activities and deserves Prison!

  • More Nepobabies in the GOP says:

    How old is Nella? At what point in her life does she plan on standing on her own work and reputation and moving out of her daddy’s shadow?

  • JH Cole says:

    It’s encouraging so many Republicans condemn the lies put out by their party “leaders” and realize the GOP can’t rebuild until they flush Trump and his clueless and/or gutless followers.

  • Reality Matters says:

    Did they ask Nella if she accepts that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election?

    Did they ask her if she will honor the results of the 2024 election including her own race or will she give aid and comfort to insurrectionist and coup plots?

    Believing lies like Trump lost the 2020 election because of fraud, January 6th 2021 didnt happen, and climate change isn’t happening has become a prerequisite to being a Republican.

    Steve Pearce and RPNM dont seem to get it, this isn’t a normal election. This isn’t about people paying 7 cents more for eggs, its about truth and democracy.

    I am a Republican and I refuse to vote for any Republican that doesn’t have the courage and decency to tell the basic truth and deal with reality instead of running to fantasy land.

    Nella can go to hell, give us Liz Cheney.

    • Country over Party says:

      If you are a Republican disappointed in Republican Leadership and the direction it has taken over the past 8 years, vote Harris and strait blue. Republican’s aren’t going to right their party unless we voters make them.

    • Look for yourself says:

      Watch them side beside.

      • Irrational Robots says:

        Is Nella Ok, she looked really nervous, robotic.

        • Look Him Up says:

          I would be nervous too if I had to talk about crime in America while being lead by a felon.

          • Fake Offense says:

            At around minute 18 Nella tries to act all offended and play the pearl clutching lady card lol.

            Really? Heinrich implying you would vote for a republican Senate leader is the most sexiest thing you have ever heard?

            “I grab em by the pussy, when you are a star they let you do it” Donald J. Trump


            Nella can shove that fake offended bs right up her kitty.

          • Facts Matter says:

            Can you trust Republicans on education when they cant commit to the reality?

            Facts matter

            Giving public money to private schools will only help the rich save some money, its not going to fix New Mexico education.

          • What? says:

            What is Nella talking about “energy independents” for? This isnt the 1970’s, the US is and has been energy independent for a while and are now selling oil to the world.

            The US is the world’s third largest oil EXPORTER, behind Saudi Arabia and Russia. If we want to be number two oil exporter in the world all we have to do is give Ukraine permission to use long range weapons against Russia.

            This seems like a silly thing for Republicans to focus on since its not a problem. America is a wash in cheap energy.

          • Clean Air Head Nella says:

            So Republican’s cant say that climate change is real, but they are concerned about clean air and water? They should look at a thermometer and be concerned about that also.

            We need to:

            1. STOP polluting the air with green house gases.

            2. We need to find away to remove much of the green house gases we have added to the atmosphere.

            We are running out of time on Climate change, we need to start spitting in the faces of climate change deniers, we dont have time for that nonsense any longer.

          • It's 8pm do you know where your CEOs are? says:

            Being in touch with New Mexico isn’t about where your home is, it’s about how quickly CEOs can get you on the phone?

            Nella really seemed out of touch while trying to call Heinrich out of touch.

            This East Coast fembot needs to go back East, we don’t need this nepo bs here in New Mexico.

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