
ALBUQUERQUE, OCTOBER 11—Democrats Senator Martin Heinrich and Representative Gabe Vasquez support extreme green energy policies that threaten America’s energy independence. Their opposition to domestic oil and gas production, including their stance against drilling in New Mexico, could dangerously make the country reliant on foreign oil from hostile nations such as Russia and Venezuela. For instance, their support for the Green New Deal, which aims to transition to 100% renewable energy, could lead to increased reliance on energy imports from adversaries who control the global energy market, putting America’s energy security at risk.

While Heinrich and Vasquez’s support for green energy policies may sound good in theory, in practice, it leads to more reliance on energy imports from adversaries who control the global energy market. This would not only cause the U.S. to lose its competitive edge but also put New Mexico’s future at risk.

“By opposing domestic energy production, Heinrich and Vasquez are increasingly making America dependent on foreign oil from countries that don’t have our best interests at heart,” said New Mexico RNC Committeewoman Tina Dziuk. “Their environmental agenda is weakening our energy independence and threatening our national security. New Mexico’s energy industry is vital to our state’s economy. We are the second highest nationwide in oil production. Oil and gas activities in our state provide nearly 50% of the state’s revenue, and our economy is driven by domestic oil production. New Mexicans need leaders who will continue to fight for our energy independence.”

  • Veronica says:

    Does New Mexico have illegals registered to vote when they should not?

  • JH Cole says:

    The MAGA screed attracted the usual number of critics and admirers, a few critics and no supporters.

  • Ok Boomer says:

    Drill Baby Drill = screw you Gen Z and Millennials.

    Boomers blatant disregard for the future of their children and grand children is disgusting.

    The Boomers thought they could duck around and die before Humanity gets to the finding out portion of climate change. But some of them are going to have to see the tip of the climate crisis before they depart and many of them just cant face that reality.

  • Reality Matters says:

    Actually……this article is retarded……when it claims that renewable energy will increase US dependency on foreign energy????

    For the slow people that are constantly getting jerked around by cons like Don and Steve I will elaborate.

    If US is producing more energy domestically with renewables, the windmill’s don’t work if they are installed in China remember, then we need less oil and coal over all…….

    With less demand for oil and coal over all it will be easier for us to meet our need for oil and coal domestically……

    The renewable transition will make US much less dependent on foreign oil and more energy independent. The renewable transition will make us more secure.

  • Reality Matters says:

    News Flash for the RPNM and GOP at large, the climate “debate” is over. Climate change is real and driven by our use of fossil fuels.

    This is no longer up for discussion.

    What is up for discussion is HOW we as a country are going to navigate the transition to renewable energy, not if, HOW.

    It would be good if the country could benefit from two parties in the discussion about HOW to transition instead of one major party getting stuck in a state of stupid denial.

  • JH Cole says:

    Pathetic lies. NM GOP “leaders” now want us to believe an RNC committeewoman few of us ever heard of?

    Everyone knows energy’s future is in renewables, so both parties encourage development of solar and wind while making finite fossil fuels less harmful to the environment. Well, both parties if you exclude Trump-Vance, Yvette Herrell and NM MAGA.

    Today the US is energy independent, period. Under Biden-Harris, we produce more gas and oil and export more than ever before, while supporting the inevitable transition to clean energy more effectively than any other administration.

    While campaigning for Goldwater in 1964, this old white man (USN 1967-1971) respected the concept “finite resources,” but NM GOP “leaders” still don’t get it.

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