
MILWAUKEE, JULY 18—On Thursday, the last night of the Republican National Convention, Donald J. Trump accepted the nomination for President of the United States for the 2024 General Election. The delegates from New Mexico and the Republican state chairman were in the audience at this historic event.

The Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce gave the following statement at the convention’s conclusion:

“Tonight, Donald Trump accepted the nomination for president, and his speech was a powerful finale to an impactful, inspiring, and emotional Republican National Convention. President Trump attended every night of the convention. He sat in a very visible section among the crowd, displaying his fearlessness and desire to be close to his supporters, despite the recent assassination attempt.

“During the convention, we heard from speakers, including his granddaughter and the thirteen Gold Star families of the Afghanistan withdrawal, whom Biden refuses to acknowledge. We heard Kellyanne Conway recount how she saw Trump elevating women, many of whom were young mothers, to positions of power throughout his administration. Rapper Amber Rose said, ‘the media has lied to us about Donald Trump. I’m here to set the record straight. My entire family is racially diverse…I did my research and looked into all things Donald Trump and I realized Donald trump and his supporters don’t care if you’re black, white, gay or straight, it’s all love.’ Through their eyes, many were shown a side of Donald Trump that is forgotten: he’s a grandfather, a friend, an advocate of women, and an ally of all Americans.

“Tonight, we saw a more personal, humble Trump who spoke directly to the hearts, fears, and struggles of every American, regardless of political party. The resounding message throughout the convention and again tonight was that of unifying the nation across party lines, racial lines, or any other line that divides us. He shared a common vision of prosperity, security, and strength that will ‘make America great again’ for everyone. He very poignantly communicated that we are in a fight for the survival of the country.

“Overall, the convention was a defining moment in our history, a vigorous launching platform for the remaining months before the general election. While New Mexico Democrats are divided over their candidate, Republicans are united, enthusiastic, and ready to turn New Mexico red.”

  • Amy says:

    Republicans in NM are weak and the Criminal Democrats keep allowing the Revolving Door to stay Open. Job Security for these Losers that are CRIMINALS themselves. Come on Republicans get a back bone already, you focus to much on Trump, focus on your state and figure out how to clean up this mess these Criminal Democrats are making. Protect NM citizens already, focus on making this a safer place to live in. Focus on getting the homicide victims Justice and contacting those that have lost LOVED ones to repeat offenders and start helping them by keeping repeat offenders in jail and you’ll make this a Republican State. Make NM Safe for Once. Make more Prisons for these Repeat LOSERS, our tax dollars are going to public defenders and paying for these losers that are on SSI and Snap anyways. I would rather have my tax dollars towards having them behind bars than out on the streets killing our Loved ones.

  • Levi Borunda says:

    Those of you who opine about the GOP being dead, what is that you DO want vs. what you DON’T want in conservative politics? Do you understand globalist agendas? Do you believe there is a conservative Republican out there who can better represent pro-America positions when it comes to immigration, trade, or the economy? Can you see there is a “club” of Republicans and Democrats who work together to destroy the concept of a Federal Constitutional Republic and continue allowing bureaucratic agencies to dictate rules and regulations that disempower the voices of Americans? I’m not sure what the endgame is for someone who isn’t supporting Donald Trump. Please help me understand.

  • JH Cole says:

    Agree with previous comments.

    Today marks the high point of the MAGA campaign and low point for Democrats. Nearly everybody knows it, but not MAGA leaders here or elsewhere in the nation.

    RIP GOP.

  • The Beast says:

    The cultist all bear his mark, either the hats or now the ear wingdings. They bear his mark and give up their minds and souls to the beast.

    Revelations 13:3

  • Listen to Liz says:

    Liz is right! The GOP is now just a party of authoritarian enablers!

    • Steven Cook says:

      So says the lady who has been bought, paid for and supported by the Left and today’s Democratic Party, the same Left and today’s Democratic Party who support brainwashing little children into believing that changing their gender will somehow make their lives better, who support funding the Palestinians who have since 2006 have voted into office and into government members of an actual terrorist organization Hamas who commits and advocates for jihad and Sharia law and genocide amongst the innocent, who support targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting parents for being parents and support suspending or expelling kids and teens for telling the truth about the unprecedented influxes of people coming into the United States being illegal aliens, who support the open borders that is causing unprecedented influxes of illegal aliens including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists as well as criminals, to come into our country and ruin our country in the process, who support brainwashing little children into believing that all white people are racist and that African Americans are supposedly still oppressed and that slavery among African Americans supposedly still exists when in reality the United States ended slavery among African Americans 150-160 years ago with the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments that state that all Americans are equal under the protection of the law and other things including African Americans and gave African Americans the right and still gives African Americans the right to vote because they are Americans just like any other groups of Americans including White Americans and Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc and if we didn’t end slavery among African Americans there’s would be no African Americans in Congress or in music or in sports or in movies or on TV shows, etc. The same Left and today’s Democratic Party who also support removing Trump from the United States presidential election ballot illegally and unconstitutionally through individual state legislatures and state Supreme Courts just because they hate and fear him because he actually represents the true American values of the United States and they don’t, and who also support the false claim that Project 2025 will somehow destroy the United States by actually bringing back the Judeo-Christian values of this country and the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the fact that there are only two genders, etc back to the United States government and back to the society of the United States like it was originally intended to be because we are the United States of America, not China. The same Left and today’s Democratic Party who also support defunding all law enforcement in the United States and globally because of the assumption that all law enforcement officers and departments are racist and that all African Americans supposedly hate the police when in reality the vast majority of Americans including African Americans actually support the police because they are not racists, and who support the murdering of innocent human babies up to and including birth and after birth just because “mommy and daddy don’t want it”. Oh yeah, and the same Left and today’s Democratic Party who said that Trump was the bullseye and then tried to assassinate him because they hate and fear him because he actually represents the true values of the United States and globally like freedom of speech and the Judeo-Christian values and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel and the fact that there are only two genders and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and parental rights, etc and they don’t. Oh yeah, and the same people who supported that sham of what you called the January 6 committee, which was only a partisan-Democratic committee aimed at trying to get rid of Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded Americans and people because they represent the true American values of the United States and globally like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the fact that there are only two genders and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and so on and that the Left and today’s Democratic Party including the Jan. 6 committee don’t represent. Plus the same people who don’t even know what a woman is anymore and cannot define what a woman is anymore when I can define what a woman is and it’s not a man who cuts off his private parts and has female breasts implanted onto him through gender reassignment surgery just to make himself look like a woman that’s for sure. A man is still a man, even if he doesn’t have his male private parts anymore. A man is still a man. This is the same Left and today’s Democratic Party that Mrs. Wannabe Republican Liz Cheney has been supported by in the last two, three years. She’s not a real Republican. She’s a Republican In Name Only who has been bought, paid for and supported by the Left and today’s Democratic Party. That’s all she is. The only reason why she’s even acting like a Republican is to supposedly get sympathy from other Republicans and so on. It’s not working. More and more people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left and are supporting that so-called “felon” Trump because Trump actually represents the true American values of the United States like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and the fact that there are only two genders and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and parental rights, etc more than Cheney and her other RINO comrades and the Left and today’s Democratic Party could ever imagine. America First, which the Left and today’s Democratic Party and the RINOs claim is racist or what not, is actually about putting Americans and the United States first before other countries, which Biden by the way is not doing. Biden only cares about funding an actual dictator by the name of Zelensky just because he supposedly needs the money when in reality Zelensky actually already has millions if not billions of dollars to his name even without the funding and he actually owns three or four properties in the United States and most likely more across the globe, so why would a dictator like Zelensky need all of that money, when in reality, the Biden administration could actually send that billions of dollars to the American citizens, their own people, who are struggling to even pay for gas and food and for a home and so on? That is America First. Biden’s also not putting America or it’s people first when it comes to the fact that he is letting all of these illegal aliens including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists as well as criminals into our country and putting them first before the actual citizens of this country including our veterans. That’s not putting America or it’s citizens first. If Liz Cheney is bashing Trump simply because he actually represents the true American values of this country like every other common sense minded Americans and normal Americans are doing, then she doesn’t really care about the United States of America anymore. In fact, if that is the case, then she should get the hell out of the United States of America, and then try to live in like the Gaza strip or China or North Korea or Venezuela or Iran, where real socialism and real dictatorship and real fascism is at work. She should try doing that, then come back and then try to say something idiotic then. If she’s going to bash Trump for him actually representing the true values and policies of the United States of America like freedom of speech and the fact that there are only two genders and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and school choice and border security and supporting Israel and voter ID laws and voter IDs, etc, then she shouldn’t be in the United States of America anymore. She should get the hell out if she wants to do that. And she does do it, then byebye. Nice knowing ya and don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

      Seriously, these are the same people who think that Project 2025 is this horrible thing that will “ruin the United States of America” and so on. (Gasping sarcastically) Wait, you mean to tell me that Project 2025 will actually help stop the weaponization of the Department of Education from brainwashing little children into believing that changing their gender will somehow make their lives better? And that it will help to stop the weaponization of the Department of Education from teaching and brainwashing little children into believing that all white people are racists and that supposedly African Americans are still oppressed and that slavery among African Americans supposedly still exists when in reality the United States ended slavery among African Americans 150-160 years ago and that if we didn’t end slavery among African Americans there would be no African Americans in Congress or in music or in politics or in the voting booths or in sports or in movies or on TV shows, etc? You mean to tell me that Project 2025 will actually help to stop the weaponization of the Department of Justice and the FBI against parents for being parents and stop the targeting of people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting people who tell the truth about the unprecedented influxes of people coming into the United States right now through our wide open borders including terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists and criminals being illegal aliens? And that Project 2025 will actually help to stop the weaponization of the Department of Justice and the FBI against pro-life figures for being pro-life and stop the targeting of Americans who were simply protesting peacefully and patriotically on January 6 the results of the 2020 election? And that it will actually help to bring back the Judeo-Christian values of this country that were founded by the founding fathers to make this country great and the that Project 2025 will actually help bring back the values and policies that make this country great like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and the Pledge of Allegiance and the fact that there are only two genders and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and border security and parental rights and supporting Israel, etc back to the United States government and back into the society of the United States of America like it’s intended and supposed to be? (Gasping sarcastically) And you mean to tell me that Project 2025 will actually end the DEI initiatives which are racist because DEI initiatives only support the hiring of people in jobs based on race and not on merit or experience like you are supposed to hire someone to a job for? And you mean to tell me that Project 2025 will actually help stop the green climate policies that are ruining this country and other countries as we speak including net-zero? And that Project 2025 will actually help to secure the border and stop the unprecedented influxes of illegal aliens including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists and criminals and drugs coming into the United States and ruining the United States? (Gasping sarcastically) Wow, I didn’t know that Project 2025 actually bringing back the true values of the United States was so bad(sarcastically)! Whatever shall we do! (Gasping sarcastically)! I mean, I thought that we were the United States of America, not China. But, (sarcastically gasping) oh my God! Project 2025 is so horrible! (Gasping sarcastically)!

      You see why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in masses now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc and a growing number of Democrats too including in Congress? The Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden are losing big time in real life and in the polls and studies, etc. And there’s a reason why. Because Americans of all backgrounds, Republicans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, Democrats, Independents, etc want common sense back in the United States. And one guy who supports the common sense minded values and policies of the United States of America is Donald Trump, the guy whom you leftists like to call a “felon” and a racist. If Trump’s a racist, then why are more African Americans and Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc are supporting him then and why did he appointed people of color to his administration? And why, if he’s a racist, did he usher in the lowest unemployment rates for African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc during his presidency? That’s not racism. Racism would be saying that if you don’t vote for someone like Joe Biden, you ain’t Black, which is what Biden actually said during his campaign for President. Real racism is teaching and brainwashing little children, including white children, and others, that all white people, including children, are racists and that African Americans are supposedly still oppressed and that African American slavery supposedly still exists when in reality African American slavery doesn’t exist anymore and race relations between white and black Americans are much better than they were some sixty years ago. Real racism is saying that voter ID laws and voter IDs are racist towards African Americans when in reality the majority of African Americans support voter ID laws and voter IDs. Real racism is saying that African Americans hate the police and real racism is saying that the police, all police officers and departments in the United States are racist towards African Americans when in reality the vast majority of Americans including African Americans support the police because they are not racist towards African Americans. Real racism is not appointing anybody of color to your cabinet or administration, which is what Woodrow Wilson and George Wallace(Governor of Alabama) did. Real racism is having the Democratic Party vote against every Civil Rights Act in history including the 23+ that were introduced between 1861 or so until 1875 and voting against the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments that gave African Americans the right to vote and still gives African Americans the right to vote in elections and freed African Americans from slavery and so on. Real racism is having the Democratic Party creat the Ku Klux Klan to not only target African Americans but also Caucasian Americans because of the color of their skin or the fact that the majority of African Americans and Caucasian Americans who were targeted and lynched by the KKK in it’s early days were Republicans. Real racism is having the KKK shoot a Caucasian American and a Republican from South Carolina or whatever he was from in the late 1800son his front porch just because of the color of his skin or his political affiliation. By the way, the KKK are made up of other white people, so apparently white people can be racist towards other white people, like Black people can be racist towards other Black people. Real racism is having Black Lives Matter(BLM), which consists of Black and white people, target other Black people and white people just because they don’t agree with their radical agenda. And so on. That is real racism. Not a guy like Trump who appointed people of color to his administration, who ushered in the lowest unemployment rates for African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc, and who has more African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc including those who are Democrats, supporting him than they are Biden. That’s not racism. You leftists who still hold on to the fantasy that Biden somehow will make America great again, wouldn’t understand that. And if you don’t understand that Trump appointing anybody of color to his administration, ushering in the lowest unemployment rates for African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc, the fact that the vast majority of African Americans support the police because they are not racist towards African Americans, and the fact that voter ID laws and voter IDs are not racist towards African Americans and that the Democrats created the KKK to target Blacks and whites, etc. If you leftists and Biden supporters don’t understand any of that, then you are probably racist yourselves. Just saying. I mean, am I wrong? Or am I right? Pretty sure I’m right. But if you don’t think so, then please, just try and refute it. You probably can’t because you know that I am right. But, if you think that I am wrong, then just try and refute me. Yeah, good luck with that. Until then, how about you leftists who don’t know what a woman is define what a woman really is for me. And how about naming the 57-3,000 genders or more that you leftists and Biden supporters seem to think that is how many genders there are for me too, one by one. Good luck.

  • Listen to Dick says:

    Dick Cheney knows that Trump is a danger to the country. Is Dick now a RINO? DICK CHENEY!? The Republican party is dead, Conservativism sacrificed at the alter of Trumpism.,vid:ro8rkZ4HQZQ,st:0

  • Listen to Mike says:

    Why isn’t Mike Pence on the ticket this time?

    What was it the crowd was chanting as they invaded the Capitol on J6? Hang Mike Pence?

    The Republican Party worships unaccountable power, sad and pathetic.

    Listen to Mike Pence, he knows Donny very well.

  • Failpublicans says:

    The Republican Party has failed. Failed to provide an eligible candidate, failed to hold itself to any standard of decency. Failed in taking responsibility for the coup and the j6 insurrection and the 1000+ days of lying about the 2020 election.

  • RIP GOP says:

    The Republican Party is devolved into a cult of personality. The only policy is that Trump can never be held accountable for anything. The Republican party has been lost, swallowed by Trump.

    • Idol says:

      Trump has become a false god to many Republicans. When we excuse his every ill deed and accept his lies above the truth we are putting our faith in a false god.

      If you have made Trump an idol in your life it’s not to late to repent.

      Imagine sitting at the Judgement Seat before God and all the generations of mankind and have to give an account of our blind devotion to Donald.

      These are trying times that are testing our characters. Donald Trump has come to offer the Church power, if only we will bow down and worship him.

      • Cultist Redhats says:

        Think of all the weakness in the GOP leadership and depravity and stupidity of Republicans that have brought us to this point.

        The GOP is a cult.

      • Steven Cook says:

        Ok whatever you say false prophet. Your part of the same people who think that Project 2025 is horrible. (Me gasping sarcastically) You mean to tell me that Project 2025 will actually bring back the Judeo-Christian values of this country that were founded by the founding fathers back into the United States government and society like it’s supposed to? You mean to tell me that Project 2025 will actually get rid of the racist DEI initiatives that support only hiring people based on race and not on merit and experience like you are supposed to hire someone to a job for? You mean to tell me that Project 2025 will actually help stop the weaponization of the Depart of Justice and the FBI of targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting parents for being parents and targeting pro-lifers for being pro-life? You mean to tell me that Project 2025 will actually help stop the weaponization of the Department of Education against our children and parents and actually stop the Department of Education from forcing schools in the United States from teaching and brainwashing little children into believing that changing their gender will somehow make their lives better and that Project 2025 will actually help stop the Department of Education from having public schools in the United States from teaching and brainwashing little children into believing that all white people are racist and that slavery among African Americans supposedly still exists and that African Americans are supposedly still oppressed when in reality the United States ended slavery among African Americans some 150-160 years ago with the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments that state that all Americans are equal under the protection of the law and other things including African Americans and that it gave African Americans the right to vote in elections and still gives African Americans the right to vote in elections because they are Americans just like white Americans and Hispanic Americans, etc and that if we didn’t end slavery among African Americans there would be no African Americans in Congress or in movies or on TV shows or in music or in sports, etc? You mean to tell me that Project 2025 will actually stop the green climate policies that are ruining this country and the rest of the planet, including stopping net-zero climate policy? And you mean to tell me that Project 2025 will actually bring back the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the fact that there are only two genders and so on? And that it will actually help to hold people who cheat in elections(Democrats) accountable? And that Project 2025 will actually help to restore women’s sports by kicking dudes who cut off their private parts and has female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery out of competing in women’s sports and that it will actually help to restore women’s sports by actually having actual biological women compete in women’s sports again? And that Project 2025 will actually help to secure the border and close the border from the border crisis created by Biden that has been causing unprecedented influxes of illegal aliens including terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists and criminals from coming into the United States? Geez, Project 2025 sounds so bad(sarcastically)! (Gasping sarcastically) Whatever shall we do?!!! I mean, I thought that we were the United States of America, not China. But, Project 2025 sounds so horrible(sarcastically)! Oh and Trump actually representing the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the fact that there are only two genders and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc, sound so bad(sarcastically)! Whatever shall we do! (Gasping sarcastically)!

        You see why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in masses across the globe including the United States including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc and now a growing number of Democrats in the United States too, including in Congress?! This is why Trump’s already won, this election and in the long run. Because he has the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the fact that there are only two genders and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and parental rights and law and order and law enforcement and so on. Yeah, and what values do the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden represent? Huh? What common sense values could the Left and today’s Democratic Party could possibly represent? Hmmm? What? That’s right, they don’t represent any common sense minded American values or policies like Trump represents. Why else do you think that the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden are losing big time in the polls and studies and in real time? Why do you think that is happening? Because the Left and today’s Democratic Party supposedly represent the true and common sense minded values and policies of this country? Or any other country? If the Left and today’s Democratic Party truly represented the true values of the United States and globally, they wouldn’t have put Americans who were only peacefully and patriotically protesting the result of the 2020 election on January 6 into prison. If the Left and today’s Democratic Party truly represented the true values of this country and globally, they wouldn’t be targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting parents for being parents. If the Left and today’s Democratic Party truly represented the true values of this country and the globe, they wouldn’t be forcing actual women to compete and be utterly destroyed by men who cut off their private parts and has female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery in women’s sports. If the Left and today’s Democratic Party truly represented the true values of this country and the globe, they wouldn’t be censoring or silencing anyone on social media platforms including YouTube for telling the truth about COVID-19 coming from the Wuhan lab and that masks and mask mandates and vaccine mandates, etc did not work against the transmission of COVID-19. If the Left and today’s Democratic Party truly represented the true values of this country and the globe, they wouldn’t be brainwashing little children into believing that changing their gender will somehow make their lives better when in reality it will have long term consequences on their bodies and so on. And if the Left and today’s Democratic Party truly represented the true values of this country and the globe, they wouldn’t be funding a group of people like the Palestinians who have in fact have voted into office and have elected into office and into government members of an actual terrorist organization Hamas who commits and advocates for jihad and Sharia law and genocide amongst the innocent and they certainly would not be supporting the open borders that is causing unprecedented influxes of illegal aliens including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists and criminals to come into our country and ruin our country as well as other countries too. If the Left and today’s Democratic Party truly represented the true values of this country and the globe like they claim they do, then they would not be doing all of the radical and evil things that they are doing. And more. That is why the Left and today’s Democratic Party in the United States including Joe Biden himself are losing in the polls and studies and in real life too. Americans want common sense back and it doesn’t matter who they are. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, women, men, African Americans, etc. Americans amongst all of those groups and races want common sense back. And it’s the same way in other countries too now. People want common sense back. And one guy, one person, who represents the common sense minded values and policies that Americans from all walks of life and backgrounds, as well as people around the globe too, want back including freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and law and order and law enforcement and the fact that there are only two genders, etc, is Donald Trump. And it’s not because he is a Republican that he represents the true values and policies of the United States and globally nor is it because he is a conservative. It’s because he’s an American, a true and common sense minded American and normal American who represents the true values of this country and globally that I just described, things that those other Americans and people who are on the Left and in today’s Democratic Party in the United States who still hold on to the fantasy that Biden is somehow going to make America great again and make their lives better, have forgotten about. They can keep that fantasy. I have reality on my side and so does Trump and other common sense minded Americans and people around the globe. Trump and other common sense minded Americans and people around the globe represent the true values and policies of the United States and globally like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and law and order and law enforcement and the fact that there are only two genders and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc. The Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden do not represent those values and policies. Which is why Biden and the Left and today’s Democratic Party are losing in the polls and studies and in real life. And why Trump has already won, this election and in the long run, by default. And why he will still win, even if the Left and today’s Democratic Party decide to try and assassinate him again and next time, unfortunately succeed. It will not matter. Trump will still win because they will prove to him and to everyone else that the Left and today’s Democratic Party do not care about the United States of America or it’s true values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and supporting Israel and border security and the fact that there are only two genders and so on. That is what it will prove and if you don’t believe me, try me. Even now, Trump’s already won. And Biden’s already lost. He just doesn’t know it. He’s too busy pretending to be a Black woman and too busy sniffing and touching little girls inappropriately which has been caught on video by the way and too busy funding a dictator Zelensky who actually has three or four properties in the United States and more most likely, so why would he need billions of dollars when he already has had millions of dollars even without the funding to him, to even fathom the fact that Biden has already lost. I mean, Biden is the same guy who five days before Trump was almost assassinated by the Left and today’s Democratic Party that Trump needed to be in the bullseye. What do you do with a bullseye? You shoot at it. And why would Biden say that? Why would he want Trump to be killed? Because he hates and fears Trump because Trump actually represents the true values and policies of the United States and globally like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and the fact that there are only two genders and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and parental rights and supporting Israel, etc and he does not. And because of that, Trump’s already won. And Biden has already lost. He already lost way before the assassination attempt on Trump. But, Biden saying what he said five days prior proves that he has already lost even more, this election and in the long run. Because there are now more people supporting Trump and the common sense minded values and policies of the United States that Trump supports than there are people supporting Biden’s policies and values of open borders and abortion up to and including birth and after birth and the targeting of people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting parents for being parents, etc. And it clearly shows it in the polls and studies and in real time. People are walking away from Biden’s policies and the Left and today’s Democratic Party in masses, including a growing number of Democrats themselves. That is why Trump has already won and why Biden has already lost. And if you don’t believe me, then just you try and refute it. You probably can’t because you know that I am right. But if you want to and try to refute it, then you just go ahead and try it. Good luck with that.

    • Mad Hatters says:

      RPNM has turned itself into a hat vendor, sad and pathetic.

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