
MAY 30—Today, a biased Manhattan jury found former President Trump guilty on charges associated with “hush money” payments made to Stormy Daniels.

The Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce issued the following statement:

“From the beginning, we’ve contended this trial was a witch hunt against President Trump and countless legal experts have concluded this trial was a sham and politically motivated. Through a leftist prosecutor and judge with a political vendetta, the Biden administration and Democrats have dangerously weaponized the judiciary against their biggest political opponent to detract from the mess President Biden has made of our country. That is a dangerous precedent to set for democracy that should concern every American. Meanwhile, New Mexicans are struggling to afford to feed their families, buy gas, and cope with the crime and drugs flowing through our open border, all as a result of the Biden administration’s policies. New Mexicans will decide if a prosperous and secure future for their families is more important than a witch hunt trial in November.”

Pearce concludes, “Ask Democratic leadership in NM why an equal investigation has not been brought against Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, and her alleged hush money payments made from her campaign funds.”

Here are just a few of the quotes from experts who found the Trump case to be baseless:

Wall Street Journal Editorial Board: “New York prosecutors rested their hush-money case against Donald Trump this week, but after 20 days in court and a trial transcript of 4,000 pages, the missing piece is still missing. The question is whether Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg presented the evidence necessary for a conviction, and if we were in the jury room, we’d say no.”

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley: “Even a cursory review of the evidence shows this case does not have a leg to stand on.”

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy: “Trump ought to be acquitted for the simplest of reasons: Prosecutors can’t prove their case”

Criminal defense attorney David W. Fischer: “The prosecution has not established that a criminal offense took place.”

Criminal defense attorney James Trusty: “That is unlike any trial I could ever think of that you go through the entire trial and it’s still an open question of how this is a felony case.”

Attorney Will Chamberlain: “No reasonable juror can rely solely on Cohen to prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt, and [Judge Juan] Merchan should have dismissed the case outright.”

Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett: “In reality, none of the essential elements of the alleged crimes in the indictment have been met by prosecutors.  There is no credible evidence that Trump engineered or even knew about booking entries by accountants that were not false at all.  Nor is there any plausible evidence that he willfully violated campaign laws that were not violations at all.  Where is the fraud that prosecutors argued in their opening statement? Like Bigfoot, it’s a fictitious missing link in the case. This has always been a trial in search of an imaginary crime and a disgraceful charade.”

Attorney Scott Johnson: “Under New York’s state constitution, the felony statute invoked gives insufficient notice of what it is criminalizing. The indictment fails to explain what laws Trump is alleged to have broken. Bragg purports to enforce federal law over which he has no enforcement jurisdiction. To top it off, Bragg’s version of federal campaign-finance law — over which he has no authority — diverges from the interpretations followed by the two federal agencies with exclusive jurisdiction over that law (the Justice Department and the FEC).”

  • JH Cole says:

    No further thoughts, Mr. Pearce? Still attacking the jury system and jury of his peers to kiss up to the known liar? Still no Plan B for the GOP? See you in November!

    Steven Cook, you should learn to write–paragraphs and such–or your epitaph might read,
    “Steven Cook lies here dead,
    Typed a lot but died unread.”

  • Leadership says:

    Steve Pearce should resign.

    Sticking with a loser felon and slandering the American judicial system and juries is disgusting behavior.

    You are not fit to lead RPNM, Steve. Trump has corrupted the GOP and turned it into a party of moronic yes men.

    We need leaders that can stand up to this corruption and moral rot and you have shown us time and again that you are not up to that hard work. GTFO.

  • Raymond See says:

    The fact that these corrupt creatures can do these things to Trump means none of us are safe. The Congresswoman from the 3rd Congressional District celebrates this legal obscenity as due process. Perhaps in Red China, but not in America.

    • Law and Order says:

      The fact is that the Justice system DOES apply to all of us.

      If citizens commit crimes they may be subject to prosecution and a jury of their peers will determine their guilt. Why should Trump be immune to this?

      How was Trump denied due process in his jury trial?

      Just calling the American court system corrupt doesn’t make it so. Where is the evidence of this alleged corruption?

      Republicans are currently choosing a felon over the American Justice System, sad.

    • Master of the Universe says:

      Yes, DOJ could do this to anyone who uses campaign money to pay off a porn star and then commits fraud when falsely filing the payment.

      I don’t know about you Raymond, but that hasn’t come up much in my life.

      Now, in current news: Hunter Biden is being tried for buying a gun while, some would say he had a drug/alcohol problem. I wonder how many gun owners might have done something similar?

  • Shame says:

    RPNM reset the comments on this article because they cant stand the heat. What a bunch of thin skinned anti free speech snowflakes, sad.

    Next they will shoe horn Steve Cook’s wall of bs into these comments to bury criticism.

    • Shame says:

      Called it! Steve Cook is a RPNM plant working with the site administrators to censure comments. He is probably just a pseudonym for Steve Pearce.

      • Shame says:

        I see that in this 2nd version of this disgusting post from Steve Pearce that he removed the parts where he slandered the Jury in the NY trail against Trump.

        Steve Pearce, whats your liability if someone saw you slandering the Jury in Trump’s criminal trial as corrupt before you took it down? What if people took screen shots and are spreading it around the internet now?

        What if they believe your lazy lies and accusations and exact revenge on Jury members? How much responsibility would RPNM and you bear if something happens to a juror on that case now?

        Steve, you and the rest of the GOP need to be reminded that your words have consequences. There are consequences for spreading inflammatory lies to your members.

        Remember Solomon Pena? What he did and why? He shot up ABQ with contract killers because he believed YOUR and Trump’s lies about election interference. Lies that RPNM and YOU keep spreading.

        There will almost certainly be more political violence this year and it will be because of the lies spread by Conservatives, like jury trails and the election system are corrupt.

        Steve you need to shut your lying mouth.

  • Criminal party says:

    The leader of the Republican party is a convicted felon and sexual predator.

    People second guessing the jury and siding with the likes of Donald J. Trump are morally bankrupt and think they and Trump should be above the law.

    The party of law and order is being lead by a felon, what has happened to the GOP?

  • Seriously? says:

    Steve Pearce, how is the jury that convicted your god bias? Did Trump not get due process, did his attorneys not help pick that jury?

    How is Biden responsible for Trump’s prosecutions? Did Biden make all those grand juries indict Trump? Did Biden make the jury in NY convict Trump of 34 felonies?

    Steve, when you slander juries, courts, prosecutors, and elections you undermine the rule of law in this county?

    Its time for Republicans to return to reality and admit that Trump is a criminal loser and would be authoritarian. He is a con man that conned many of us.

    No more excuses, no more avoiding accountability, no more denial.

    • MAGA terrorist says:

      Republicans are to weak minded to handle the truth that Trump lost in 2020. How do we think they will react when he loses again in 2024? Will there be more political violence like that we say on J6? When there is more political violence it will be because of the BIG LIE spread by RPNM and the rest of the GOP.

      • Lara tDump says:

        Steve Pearce! Why have your removed all the references to to the “corrupt” jury that was in your original post?

        When I approved you getting some funding from the RNC it was contingent on you trashing the jury, judge, prosecutor, POTUS and the American legal system.

        Your first attempt at this article checked all the boxes and that is why we were going to send you $10.00 and give you permission to use the tDump name in your campaign materials, with a discounted licensing fee.

        But you have tried to do the old bait and switch with this second version of the article. tDump inc. , I mean the RNC, is not going to accept this weak support of the First Felon.

        Don Jon tDump demands you to stop using his name until you find the courage to trash the American legal system and stand with a brave sex offender and felon that is your President!

        Steve Pearce, it’s time to decide which side your are on. Are you on the side of tDump Inc? Or are you going to weakly side with decency, the rule of law, the American Justice system and Constitution?

        You CAN NOT SERVE TWO MASTERS, your god demands your entire soul! Pay up!

      • Steven Cook says:

        “How do we think they will react when he(Trump) loses again in 2024?” Trump will lose again in 2024? Oh, he has already won the 2024 election! He has already won! Let me explain why. Biden is losing in the polls, big time. I mean, big time. 86% of American businesses are being hurt by Bidenflation, another 79% are being hurt by higher taxes due to Bidenflation or Bidenomics, another 59% say that the damage from Bidenflation has been significant(Alignable poll), the vast majority of Americans are less optimistic about the current economy under Biden due to Bidenomics(Gallup poll), the vast majority of Americans including 93% of Republicans, more than 48% of Democrats, over 70% of Independents, etc oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports because transgender people in women’s sports are not actual women, but are only “women” because they have had their private parts cut off and have had female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery, in other words, those transgender people competing in women’s sports who are supposedly “women” are actually men who have become women through gender reassignment surgery(Gallup poll), the vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(CNN poll, NBC poll, other polls), more than 80% of Americans including Democrats are concerned the border crisis currently going on under Biden’s watch(various polls), more than 61% of Americans, the majority, disapprove of Biden’s job as President(CNN poll) and other polls and studies show that the vast majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s job as President on every policy, including on Israel, which includes Democrats, two-thirds of Americans are concerned about the rising gas prices and food prices getting more expensive under Biden(Axios-Harris poll), the vast majority of Americans including Democrats support Israel and not the the Palestinians who have since 2006 have voted into office and have elected into office members of an actual terrorist organization, Hamas, who commits acts of jihad and Sharia law and supports Sharia law and jihad and terrorism and going door to door to murder and rape innocent people in Israel including women and children much like what the Nazis and Hitler did to the Jews in the Holocaust and World War II(various polls including a Harvard university poll), the vast majority of Americans including African Americans support the police and not defunding the police which causes crime to skyrocket even more(various polls including NBC poll), and the majority of Americans are walking away from Biden’s policies on Israel because he has funded the Palestinians therefore funding Iran therefore funding the terrorist organization Hamas who have been voted into office and into government by the Palestinians since 2006(various polls). Not to mention that he also supports hiding information about transitioning children from parents, plus supports targeting parents for being parents, plus targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, plus supports imprisoning a political opponent, Trump that is, simply because he hates and fears Trump because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc and Biden does not represent those values and is why Americans are walking away from Biden’s policies because they are too extreme and too radical and do not represent the true American values of this country like Trump’s policies and values do. So Trump has already won this election even though the actual election isn’t until November. Doesn’t matter. He has already won this election. And Biden has already lost, and he doesn’t even know it. Neither does Biden’s supporters including his supporters in Congress(Martin Heinrich, Melanie Stansbury, Chuck Schumer, etc). They don’t even know that Biden has already lost this election because he doesn’t represent the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and border security, etc. He would rather censor freedom of speech than support it. Biden would rather murder innocent human babies up to and including birth and after birth simply because “mommy and daddy don’t want it” than to support the life of a human being who happens to be a baby in the womb and outside of it. Biden would rather have little kids be forced and be brainwashed into thinking that they are “the wrong gender” and in “the wrong body” than to actually study biology which states that the two genders that actually exist, male and female, are interchangeable and that you cannot change genders to supposedly make your life better because that is not what actual biology is. Biden and his supporters and other people like him would rather lie to the American people about there supposedly being more than two genders and would rather target people who actually tell the truth about there only being two genders than to actually know that there are only two genders. Biden and his supporters and other people like him would rather support and fund a race of people, the Palestinians, who have since 2006 have not only voted into office and into government, but have elected into office and into government in Palestine, members of an actual terrorist organization, Hamas, who not only support jihad and Sharia law and terrorism, but have actually committed acts of jihad and Sharia law and terrorism, over a country like Israel who have time and time and time again have tried to negotiate peace with the Palestinians, and have been turned down over and over and over and over and over again by the very people, the Palestinians, who have been supporters terrorism and jihad and Sharia law since 2006, even before that, because they have voted into office and into government an actual terrorist organization Hamas since at least 2006. And so on. Biden and his administration and his supporters are losing big time in the polls and are losing supporters and voters by the masses on every policy issue of Biden’s and his administration. Because Biden’s policies are too extreme and too radical and do not represent the true American values of this country that normal and common sense minded Americans like Trump support. So as far as I am concerned, Trump and his supporters have already won this election even before the actual election in November. You are only proving Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded Americans right more and more by the day. This is why Trump won’t lose this election because he actually represents the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel, etc that normal and common sense minded Americans support and represent. Trump and his supporters won’t lose because of this. In fact, they have already won this election, while Biden and his supporters have already lost this election. So there, try refuting that. And while you are doing that, how about you name the supposed 57-3,000 genders or more that you seem to think that is how many genders there are for me, one by one.

        By the way, Shame, if you think that common sense minded Americans like Steve Pearce or me are censoring your comments on here or anywhere, then it means that you support censoring comments made by common sense minded and normal Americans like me or Steve Pearce or Trump, or his son or any of his children, etc. Heck, you leftists censored Trump on Twitter while he was a sitting United States President just because he was supporting the true American values like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice, etc. And you censored him and you banned him simply for that from Twitter and Facebook, etc. That is censorship and it is anti-free speech. Promoting and supporting freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice, and other true American values on Facebook and Twitter is not anti-freedom of speech. Questioning the results of an election like Trump and his supporters doing in 2020 is not anti-freedom of speech. Pro-life figures simply protesting the abortion policies of Biden or any figure associated with him is not anti-freedom of speech. If you think that those are anti-freedom of speech, then you don’t really love America. Everyone has the right to freedom of speech. But when you leftists deem things like questioning the results of an election, when you deem pro-life figures for simply protesting the abortion policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party, when you deem parents who are only protesting the woke policies like that of the transgender agenda that is teaching little kids that having gender reassignment surgery at four years of age is a good thing and that hiding information about it from parents is a good thing, and so on, as “anti-freedom of speech”, then it means that you leftist Americans are anti-freedom of speech. And it also means that you don’t really care about the United States of America. Am I wrong or am I right? And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe including the United States including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc and you wonder why Biden is losing in the polls and is losing supporters and voters in masses now. “Trump’s going to lose again in 2024”. Nope, he has already won the election, just by default, because your so-called President Joe Biden is losing in the polls and studies and is losing supporters and voters by the masses, including from his own party, because his policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and the fact that he supports jailing his political opponent which is what you see in socialist countries, not the United States, simply because he hates and fears Trump because Trump actually represents the true American values of the United States like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc and the fact that he supports removing a federal candidate like Trump from the United States presidential election ballot, illegally and unconstitutionally through individual state legislatures and state Supreme Courts, just because he hates and fears Trump because he actually represents the true American values of this country and he does not, and so on, are too extreme and too radical and do not represent the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc that normal and common sense minded Americans like Trump and me, etc support. So as far as I am concerned, Trump has already won this election by default because he has the true American values of this country on his side. Biden and his supporters do not. Trump hasn’t lost. He’s already won by default. So….. you’re welcome! Try refuting that. Good luck with that. It won’t matter because Trump has already won this election by default. I know that the election won’t be until November. But at this point it doesn’t really matter because Trump has already won it by default because he has the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights, etc on his side and is being proven right more and more about who the Left and today’s Democratic Party are and what they represent, which is not the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and the Second Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc. And so because of this, Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded Americans have already won this election just by default because they actually represent the true values of this country. The Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden and his administration and his wife Jill Biden and others like them do not. And you wonder why Biden’s losing supporters and voters in masses and you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc. Biden has already lost this election because of this. And Trump has already won this election just by default. “He’s going to prison”. Doesn’t matter. He’s already won this election just by default because he has the true American values of this country on his side. Biden does not. And by the way, the fact that you are trying to put Trump in prison not because he actually has done anything wrong but because you hate and fear him because he actually represents the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting law enforcement and law and order, etc just proves more and more that Trump has been proven right all along and that he has already won this election just by default. And if you think that I am lying, try me. You probably can’t because you know and I know that I am speaking the truth. But if you think that I am lying, go ahead. Just try refuting everything that I said. You won’t and you can’t, but you just go ahead and try it, if you dare. Don’t worry, I’ll wait. Until then, have a nice day.

      • Master of the Universe says:

        To all those Republican rubes that believe Joe Biden has directed the DOJ to prosecute Trump I have a question:

        Why has “Biden’s” DOJ went so far in prosecuting Hunter Biden the President’s only living son?

        If Biden is directing the DOJ at a case by case level you would think he would tell them to spare his son from justice? So Biden is either not in control of DOJ’s prosecutions or he is willing to lay his son at alter of justice….

    • Steven Cook says:

      “Did Biden make the jury in NY convict Trump of 34 felonies?” Uh, yes. “Did Biden make all those grand juries indict Trump?” Yes. “How is Biden responsible for Trump’s prosecutions?” Well let’s see. Hmmm. First of all, that so-called “judge” in Trump’s hush money “trial” was a far-left judge who is a Biden supporter. Plus, Biden supports jailing a political opponent, something that you actually see in a socialist country, simply because he doesn’t like the fact that his political opponent, in this case Trump, actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and law enforcement and law and order and voter ID laws and voter IDs, plus knows that there is only two genders because there is only two genders, male and female, to name a whole bunch. Does Biden represent those values? Biden supports abortion up to and including birth and after birth, forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and hiding information about that from parents, supports targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, supports open borders to the point where unprecedented influxes of illegal immigrants including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists, come into our country to illegally vote in elections, supports targeting pro-lifers for being pro-life, supports the pro-Palestinian aka pro-Hamas protesters who are targeting and assaulting and worse, killing Jews for being Jews and actually going up to people who are Jewish and asking them if they are Jewish just so they can assault them or worse(that sounds familiar, because that is what the Nazis and Hitler did to the Jews during the Holocaust and World War II), supports targeting MAGA supporters and other common sense minded Americans simply representing the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and border security and voter ID laws and voter IDs, etc, plus supports funding the Palestinians therefore funding the Gaza strip therefore funding the terrorist organization Hamas that has been voted into office and into government by the Palestinians since 2006, therefore funding Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism on Earth, to attack and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children much like what the Nazis and Hitler did during the Holocaust and World War II, and supports having men who cut off their private parts and have female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery compete in women’s sports and utterly destroy women’s sports and girls’s sports, plus caused the inflation rate that is hurting the vast majority of Americans and American businesses across the United States, and so on. Yeah, that is the “President” that you leftists voted for in 2020 simply because you didn’t like and that you hate and fear President Trump because he actually represents the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the fact that he’s actually against your radical leftist policies like forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, etc. Don’t believe me? Try me. The fact that the Left and today’s Democratic have “convicted” an American citizen who actually supports the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and border security, etc, Trump, means that Trump has already won this election. That is why he was actually “convicted of 34 felonies”. It’s not because he actually has done anything wrong, because he hasn’t done anything wrong. No, it’s because the Left and today’s Democratic Party hates and fears him because he actually represents the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and law enforcement and law and order and voter ID laws and voter IDs and also him being pro-life and the fact that when he was President he established peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and that while he was President there were no wars at all, etc and the Left and today’s Democratic Party do not represent those values and so because of this and because they don’t like the fact that Trump is an actual American who actually supports the true American values of this country and the fact that they know that he is against their radical leftist policies, that they are trying to put him in prison for it. They are only proving Trump right more and more and are only proving that he is becoming more popular than ever. Now why would Trump become more popular than ever even though he was “convicted”? Well, I just told you. He actually represents the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and so on. What does Biden stand for? Hmm? What does he stand for? You really think that Americans support Biden and his policies? You think that Biden is going to win this election? 86% of American businesses are being hurt by Bidenflation, another 79% are being hurt by higher taxes due to Bidenflation, while another 59% say that the damage from Bidenflation has been significant(Alignable poll), the vast majority of Americans are less optimistic about the economy under Bidenflation and Bidenomics(Gallup poll), the vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(CNN poll, NBC poll, other polls), more than 80% of Americans are concerned about the border crisis(various polls), more than 61% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s job as President(CNN poll), 82% of Democrats don’t want Biden to run for reelection(CNN poll), the vast majority of Americans including Democrats support Israel over the Palestinians simply because they have voted into office and into government an actual terrorist organization Hamas who commits acts of jihad and Sharia law and terrorism(various polls including a Harvard university poll), two-thirds of Americans are concerned about the rising gas prices and food prices getting more expensive(Axios-Harris poll), and so on. Oh yeah, and even people who don’t normally support Trump, are now coming out and supporting him now too. So you really think that Trump is a loser and that he is going to lose this election? And you really think that Biden is going to win simply based on the assumption that all Americans support him and his policies? If you think that, then you are either stupid or delusional. As far as I am concerned, Trump has already won this election because he actually represents the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and the fact that there are only two genders and border security and voter ID laws and voter IDs, and so on. What does Biden represent? What does Biden stand for? Yeah, exactly! Biden doesn’t represent the true American values of this country like Trump does and every normal American citizen does. And the fact that the polls and studies show that Biden is losing his supporters in droves due to his radical leftist policies that are destroying this country basically means that Trump has already won this election. He has already won this election as far as I am concerned, even before the actual election in November. He has already won and Biden has already lost. So, your welcome! Try refuting that. While you are doing that, what is a woman? Or more specifically what is really a woman? And can you name all of the 57-3,000 genders or more that you leftists seem to think that that is how many genders there are, one by one, for me? That would be nice.

      • Shame says:

        You’re a sick person Steve, get some help. Your god is a felon.

        • Steven Cook says:

          How bout you get some help. Your so-called President Joe Biden supports abortion up to and including birth and after birth, targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, supports the notion that a woman is a dude who cuts off his private parts and has female breasts implanted onto him through gender reassignment surgery, supports transgender people competing in women’s sports therefore endangering women’s sports, supports funding the Palestinians therefore funding Iran therefore funding the terrorist organization Hamas who have been voted into office and into government by the Palestinians since 2006 in order to attack Israel and then rape and murder innocent people in Israel including women and children much like what the Nazis and Hitler did to the Jews in the Holocaust and World War II, has the same exact rhetoric of Hitler’s when calling MAGA supporters who actually support the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and know that there are only two genders and border security “threats to democracy” and “scum” and “parasites”, supports forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better. Not to mention that Biden inappropriately sniffs little girls and touches little girls inappropriately which has been caught on camera and video by the way, plus hates Black people overall because he said in his campaign “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t Black”, plus the fact that he wants little kids to be taught that all white people are racist and that the United States of America is systemically racist and wants to teach little kids that Black people are still oppressed and that slavery supposedly still exists in the United States in the form that it did during the Civil War when in reality we ended slavery after the Civil War with the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments and race relations between white and black people are much better than decades ago, plus the fact that Biden supports targeting and jailing a political opponent like Trump which is what you see in socialist countries not the United States of America, simply because he hates and fears Trump because he actually represents the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel and school choice and border security, etc and Biden does not, plus the fact that Biden and his administration and his leftist comrades also support illegally and unconstitutionally removing a federal candidate like Trump from the United States presidential election ballot in individual states and state Supreme Courts and state legislatures simply because they hate and fear him and his supporters because he actually represents the true American values of this country and they don’t anymore, plus the fact that Biden and his administration support open borders to the point where unprecedented influxes of illegal aliens or illegal immigrants are coming into the United States including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists and criminals and members of Mexican drug cartels and those who are associated with the Mexican cartels in order to vote illegally in our elections, plus the fact that Biden supports soft-on-crime policies that cause criminals of all kinds including violent ones to be released back onto the streets to commit more crimes or the same ones over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Should I go on? This is why the Left and today’s Democratic Party are losing supporters and voters in masses now. By the way, if the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden are losing supporters and voters by the masses now because they support extremist and radical policies like that of open borders and abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives and all that stuff, then technically we don’t need a election because Trump has already won the election because he actually represents the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and so on that the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Joe Biden himself are trying to destroy. Nobody believes in what Biden or his people say anymore. As far as I am concerned, Trump has already won the election because he actually represents the true American values of this country and the Left and today’s Democratic Party do not and because they do not represent the true American values of this country and because they are losing supporters and voters in masses now, that means that Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded Americans like Trump and his supporters have already won this election. The Left and today’s Democratic Party trying to put him in prison not because he actually has done anything wrong, but because they fear him and hate him because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion, etc, means that Trump has already won and that he is being proven right more and more every day. The Left and today’s Democratic Party do not care about the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and parental rights and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and law enforcement and law and order and voter ID and voter ID laws and border security and so on. Normal Americans and common sense minded Americans, like Trump, like me, like everyone else, does. Biden? He doesn’t. Chuck Schumer doesn’t. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t. They don’t care about the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice, etc and they don’t care about the United States of America itself either. They have made that pretty clear. And this is why the Left and today’s Democratic Party are losing supporters and voters in masses and why the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Joe Biden himself are losing in the polls so badly. No one wants an open border at the southern border. More than 80% of Americans in fact want the southern border to be secured, and that includes Democrats. No one wants transgender people, people who are pretending to be women because they got gender reassignment surgery where they had their private parts cut off and female breasts implanted onto them, competing in women’s sports against actual women. And so on. As far as I am concerned, Trump has already won this election because the Left and today’s Democratic Party and their rhetoric and policies do not represent the true American values of this country that we call the United States of America like freedom of speech and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and voter ID laws and voter IDs and law enforcement and law and order and the Pledge of Allegiance and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and so on and because they don’t represent those values, they are losing supporters and voters in masses in the polls, etc. And Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded Americans are winning in the polls and in masses because they actually represent the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and law enforcement and law and order and the Second Amendment and First Amendment, etc that the Left and today’s Democratic Party are trying to destroy. Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded Americans have already won this election, even before the actual election coming in November. Doesn’t matter. They have already won, Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded Americans. They have already won. And yet, you leftists and Biden, want to put a guy, Trump, who actually supports the true American values of this country, into prison, simply because he actually represents the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Second Amendment and First Amendment, etc. You, Biden, and his leftist comrades are just only proving more and more that Trump has been right all along about the Left and today’s Democratic Party and your only proving more and more that Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded Americans have already won this presidential election, even before the actual election in November of this year. He’s already won. And Biden has already lost the election too because he is losing supporters and voters in masses now because he doesn’t represent the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights, etc that have made this country so great over the last two centuries or more because he thinks that those values are racist or extremism or fascism, etc. That is why he is losing supporters and voters in masses now and why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe including the United States now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc. Trump is not a loser. He has already won this election even before the actual election that is coming this November. Doesn’t matter. He has already won as far as I am concerned. He has already won and Biden has already lost the election too as far as I am concerned.

          Anything else Shame? What do you got to say now? Hmmm? What else do you got to say? Are you going to try and refute everything that I just said? I will like to see you try. I bet you can’t. You know why? Because everything I said is true. You know it. JH Cole knows it. Biden knows it. Every single person who voted for Biden and his radical leftist policies knows that they are destroying this country because the polls show it. And the polls do not lie. So because of that, I bet you can’t refute everything that I said can you? But if you think that I am supposedly lying, then go ahead. Try refuting everything that I just said. No, go ahead. Try refuting me. If you dare. I don’t think you will succeed, but you try and refute everything that I just said. Don’t worry, I’ll wait.

          And while you are trying to do that, how about naming the supposed 57-3,000 genders or more that you leftists seem to think that is how many genders there are for me, one by one. Oh yeah, and what is a woman? It’s not a question for me because I already know what a woman is. It’s for you leftists who seem to think that a woman is a dude who cuts off his private parts and has female breasts implanted onto him through gender reassignment surgery. That’s not what a woman is, so that is why I ask the question. What is a woman, or more specifically, what is really a woman?

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