
MAY 28—It was recently exposed that Police in El Paso, TX, executed an arrest warrant against Democratic Representative Gabe Vasquez in March of this year. Vasquez was cited in 2002 for driving without a license or insurance. Those are fairly minor issues for the Congressman to correct, but Vasquez’s real character showed when he failed to appear in court. In 2007, Vasquez was cited again for not appearing in court, and an arrest warrant was issued in 2008. That warrant for his arrest remained outstanding until March of this year when Vasquez was arrested. He pleaded “no contest” to these charges and posted his bond. He must appear in court for a pre-trial hearing in September.

“Gabe Vasquez’s arrest underscores his contempt for the law and law enforcement,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce.

“Rep. Vasquez has advocated for defunding the police and has even voted against holding illegal immigrants who commit crimes in the U.S. accountable. Vasquez’s voting record, coupled with his recent arrest, does not give New Mexicans confidence in his ability to take a strong stance on crime and criminals. If New Mexicans want to see law and order restored to our state, Yvette Herrell is the only choice in November.”

  • Akea Gutierrez says:

    Does a person with Criminal Record could run a position in Congress?

  • Donna says:

    what about your trump cult leader ..felon criminal

  • JESSIE says:

    A20 year old charge for failure to appear? How about all the convictions against Trump but his MAGAS still stand behind him! What’s wrong with this picture! Trump and Herrell should just go away!

  • Margaret Gutierrez says:

    Very disappointed that Mr Vasquez didn’t appear in court the first time, much less later on. However, I DON’T trust Yvette Harrell, she’s without a conscience. Wouldn’t vote for her if she was the last person on earth! And that bum, Mike Johnson, he should be ashamed of himself and his contempt for the residents of New Mexico, who have suffered, native Americans, down winders, etc. Johnson and Harrell are despicable!!

  • Carole says:

    We can hardly talk about law and order when the Republican Party is no all in with a convicted felon as President. We all know that Trump is a buffoon and a sleez and yet republicans are not brave enough to dum him. I used to wonder as a kid how the likes of a Hitler could possibly come to power. GOOD MEN DID NOTHING

  • Seriously? says:

    Gabe got picked up for failure to appear in traffic court from a 20+ year old charge?

    Seems kind a small when you compare it to say 91 felony indictments and a sexual assault conviction.

  • JH Cole says:

    Distract us, Mr. Pearce! Oh please distract us so we can vote for Trump the Loser with clear consciences despite all his crimes! Make us believe Gabe Vasquez is a devil compared to our dear Donald!

    HA, fat chance.

    Mr. Pearce wants us to forget about the Loser-Leader’s conviction for rape, assault on the constitution, and dozens of other indictments.

    He wants us to forget about Y. Herrell’s contempt for millions of Americans who voted for Biden and her support for Trump’s war against the peaceful transfer of power.

    Pearce, Trump and Herrell can only play the victim, that’s all they’ve got. None of them have a constructive agenda, and none of them have a clue why the GOP withers away in New Mexico.

    Only if we stay distracted can they stay atop the GOP.

    Ha, fat chance!

    • Steven Cook says:

      You call Trump a loser. However, he won the case regarding the removing him from the United States ballot because the United States Supreme Court ruled, and actually followed the Constitution, by stating that no individual state, state legislatures or state Supreme Courts have the authority or constitutionality to remove a federal candidate like President Trump from the ballot because it is unconstitutional and it is illegal to remove a federal candidate like President Trump, or any other federal candidate, from the United States presidential ballot in any individual state or state Supreme Court or state legislature. It says so in the Fourteenth Amendment Section 3. It also says in said Amendment, Section 3, that the President of the United States himself and the Vice President of the United States himself are immuned from being disqualified from running for President. By the way, that includes former Presidents, like Trump too. Also, that “Russian collusion” thing that you tried to pin on Trump in 2016 and in the years since? He won that case too because it has been proven multiple times with actual verifiable evidence that Trump did not collude with Russia to win the election in 2016. So he won that too. Also, he won the second “impeachment” case because you cannot impeach a United States President after he has already left office. It is unconstitutional. Oh yeah, and he won his first “impeachment” case too. What else? Hmmm. Oh yeah, and he established peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords when he was President. Trump did that, not Biden. Let’s see Biden try to do that. He can’t! Oh yeah, and Trump actually helped to secure the border with Title 42 and Remain In Mexico policy and the border wall. Oh, and he stopped Putin and other dictators from invading other countries. Plus prevented any wars from happening while he was President. Should I continue? Let’s see Biden do all that. Yeah, he can’t! Let’s look what’s happened under Biden shall we. Hmmm, let’s see: Worst economy probably in United States history under Biden with inflation running rampant(which is why the vast majority of Americans and American business are less optimistic about the economy under Biden because of Bidenflation), has funded the Gaza strip, therefore funding the Palestinians, therefore funding the terrorist organization that the Palestinians have voted into office and have elected into office since 2006, Hamas, to attack Israel and therefore murder and rape innocent people in Israel including women and children in the worst massacre onto Jews since the Holocaust, plus has funded pro-Palestinian “protesters” to not only target Jews for being Jews, but to physically harm and worse, kill Jewish people for being Jews, therefore violating religious liberty under the Constitution of the United States, plus has been funding one of the most corrupt countries on Earth, Ukraine, as well as funding one of the most corrupted individuals on the planet, Zelensky, who is essentially a modern version of Hitler, plus Biden is endangering women’s sports by having men who became women through gender reassignment surgery in other words have had their private parts cut off and have female breasts implanted onto them in order to become women, destroy and dismantle actual women and therefore endanger women’s sports and girls’s sports. Plus, he wants to have little kids have gender reassignment surgery to supposedly make their lives better and he wants to hide this from parents. Plus, Biden and his administration are targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting parents for being parents, plus supports targeting and arresting pro-life figures for being pro-life, plus he supports targeting and jailing a political opponent like Trump simply because he doesn’t like Trump because Trump actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc like a normal American, and Biden does not. I mean, should I go on? Oh yeah, and he supports abortion up to and including birth and after birth, in other words, Biden supports murdering innocent human beings who happen to be babies up to and including birth and after birth just because “mommy and daddy don’t want it”. Oh yeah, and he doesn’t know what a woman is anymore and doesn’t know what a man is anymore and appointed a woman, Ketanji Brown Jackson, to the United States Supreme Court who doesn’t know what a woman is anymore either. And yet, you have the audacity to call Trump a loser. The polls and studies and data do not lie. No one likes nor trusts Biden and his administration anymore, including Democrats. Don’t believe me? 82% of Democrats don’t want Biden to run for reelection(CNN poll), more than 86% of American businesses are being hurt by the inflation rate caused by Biden, another 79% are being hurt by higher taxes due to the inflation rate under Biden, and another 59% say that the damage from the inflation rate under Biden has been significant(Alignable poll), the vast majority of Americans including 93% of Republicans, more than 70% of Independents, over 48% of Democrats, etc oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports(Gallup poll), the vast majority of Americans are less optimistic about the current economy under Biden(Gallup poll), more than 80% of Americans are concerned about the border crisis under Biden and caused by Biden including Democrats(various polls), the vast majority of Americans support Israel over the people, the Palestinians, who have since 2006 have voted into office and have elected into office and into government members of an actual terrorist organization Hamas who commits acts of jihad and Sharia law and terrorism and who has gone door to door to murder innocent people in Israel including women and children much like what the Nazis and Hitler did during World War II and the Holocaust(various polls including a Harvard university poll), two-thirds of Americans are concerned about the rising gas prices and food prices due to the inflation rate under Biden(Axios-Harris poll), and so on. So who’s really the loser here? Is it Trump, the guy who actually supports the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and law and order and law enforcement and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc, like a normal American? Or is it Biden, who supports targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and who supports open borders to the point where unprecedented influxes of illegal aliens, that’s right, I said illegal aliens because that is the correct term for them, besides illegal immigrants, coming into the United States of America including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists and criminals and people associated with Mexican drug cartels and members of Mexican drug cartels, etc, and who has funded the Gaza strip, therefore funding Iran, therefore funding the Palestinians, therefore funding the terrorist organization Hamas who has been voted into office and into government by the Palestinians since about 2006, who also is funding an corrupt country like Ukraine and Zelensky, who is essentially Hitler lite, who supports censorship of Americans who oppose him and his radical leftist policies and his leftist friends like Lula Silva of Brazil, and who supports murdering innocent human babies up to and including birth and after birth, plus supports teaching kids that supposedly all white people are racists and that America is supposedly systemically racist, and who supports the defund the police movement, based on the assumption that all law enforcement officers and departments are racists when in reality their not and plus defunding law enforcement doesn’t work because it causes crime to go up as we have seen in places like Portland, Oregon? And so on? Who would you rather choose to become President? The guy, Trump, who actually loves the United States of America and actually supports the true American values of this country like parental rights and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting law enforcement and law and order and voter ID laws and voter IDs, etc? Or, the guy, Biden, who doesn’t represent the true American values of this country, and who wants to murder innocent human babies up to and including birth and after birth and wants little kids to have gender reassignment surgery to supposedly make their lives better and who wants this country overrun by unprecedented influxes of illegal aliens including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists and who supports trying to remove a federal candidate like Trump from the United States presidential ballot illegally and unconstitutionally through individual state legislatures and state Supreme Courts because he hates and fears Trump because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel, etc and he does not, and who supports targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, etc? Who would you choose? If you choose Biden, then you don’t really care about the United States of America. If you choose Trump, then you do care about the United States of America. And if Trump becomes President and you leftist Americans out there don’t like it because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Pledge of Allegiance and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc, like a real and normal American is supposed to support, then I have one thing to say to you. Get out! Get the hell out of the United States! Leave! And don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. And don’t come crying to me if you move to like Venezuela where real socialism and real fascism is at work and something happens to you because of it. And I am not saying that you deserve it necessarily. But if you leftist Americans decide to leave the United States because you don’t care about it or it’s values, then move to like Venezuela or Iran or China or something. Just don’t come crying to me if you move to Venezuela or Iran or even the Gaza strip, where homosexuals are brutally attacked and killed by members of Hamas who control the Gaza strip(take notes Gays For Palestine) where real socialism and real fascism and real terrorism is at work and something happens to you because of it, without you being killed, but you know what I mean. Because it will be your own fault because you decided to leave the United States because you didn’t care about the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel, etc that Trump, a real and normal American supports and other common sense minded Americans support, and move to like Venezuela or something like that. That’s what I will say. And I will be right. So go ahead leftist Americans. Leave the United States of America. Leave the country that gives you the freedom and rights of freedom of speech and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and voter ID laws and voter IDs, etc and move to, if you like, to Venezuela, where there is no freedom of speech, no Second Amendment, no First Amendment, no nothing, and see what happens and see the real socialism and real fascism taking place. Then try coming back to me and try to tell me if Trump is a “fascist” then. Go ahead, I dare you. And until then, how about you name all the 57-3,000 genders that you leftist Americans seem to think that that’s how many genders there are, one by one. And, what is a woman?

      Oh yeah, and Michele Stanley, one of the ladies who has been commenting on various Facebook posts on the Republican Party of New Mexico’s Facebook page. In case you have forgotten, or have been living under a rock, Trump and his supporters do not hate America. Trump and his supporters actually represent the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc. You know, like actual and true Americans represent and support. You on the other hand, Mrs. Michele Stanley, do not. You want to vote blue, in other words you want to vote Democrat. In other, other words, you want to vote for higher inflation, more murders of human babies up to and including birth and after birth, more little kids having gender reassignment surgery to supposedly make their lives better, more open borders to the point where more illegal aliens including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists, more parents being targeted for being parents, more people being targeted for telling the truth about there only being two genders, more innocent people in Israel including women and children being raped and murdered by Hamas, more Hamas members being elected into office and voted into office by the Palestinians, therefore supporting terrorism and jihad and Sharia law, etc, more people having their Second Amendment rights taken away, higher gas and food prices to the point where no one will be able to afford it, and more little kids being taught that all white people are supposedly racist and that the United States of America is supposedly systemically racist therefore destroying the United States of America from within and higher crime rates due to soft-on-crime policies implemented by leftist figures too. That is what you are voting for Michele Stanley. And you have the audacity to post things on your Facebook page(oh yeah, I have been on your Facebook page in fact I was on it not too long ago) that supposedly supports American values and stuff like that. Sorry to say, but I don’t believe you. The fact that you are saying that Trump and his supporters hate America and stuff like that, therefore targeting Trump and his supporters who actually support the true American values of the United States of America, means that you don’t really care about the United States of America. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe and the United States including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc.

      • JH Cole says:

        Dear Steve Without Paragraphs,

        Are you tired of winning yet? Don the Loser was convicted of 34 felony counts an hour ago.
        What say you and the NM GOP?

      • Seriously? says:

        Wow Donald J. Trump convicted of all 34 felony counts. He is the first US President in history to be convicted of a crime.

      • Carol says:

        Dream on dearie

      • Rocket powered New Mexican says:

        Wow! You’re really drunk on the coolaid! No, problem, Trump is getting the shellacing the GOP AND The world have ever seen

      • Ima Gonna says:

        Your rant went too long that i fell asleep and accidentally deleted it.

    • Mike says:

      I am an independent why is the Democratic Party starting with Barrack Obama and Obinden tryig to lock up
      President Trump . It is for one reason , They are try to get rid of are constitutional FREEDOMS Weall lose when that happens.We need to remember who we are together Americans

    • Rocket powered New Mexican says:

      Exactly, well said and the truth hurts! Pearce is a scab to New Mexico just like Trump is to the Nation!

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