
MAY 23—Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution by a vote of 262-143 to repeal The Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022, which controversially allowed non-U.S. citizens including illegal immigrants, to vote for local public offices in the District of Columbia.

Democratic New Mexico Representatives Gabe Vasquez and Teresa Leger Fernandez shamelessly voted against the resolution, adding to their extreme, open-border voting record.

“By voting to allow illegal immigrants to vote in U.S. elections, Gabe Vasquez and Teresa Leger Fernandez showed that they are willing to put the integrity of our elections, national security and democracy at risk in order to appease the radical, America-last wing of their party,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce.

“It is more important than ever that Congress passes the SAVE Act, which will implement common-sense voter ID requirements to protect our sacred right to vote as United States citizens. If New Mexicans are tired of Democrats diminishing their rights in favor of those who break the laws of our country, vote for every Republican on the ballot this year.”

Previously, Rep. Vasquez and Rep. Stansbury voted against an additional resolution condemning non-citizens voting in municipal elections. Additionally, all three Democratic representatives voted against preventing non-U.S. citizens from being counted in the census apportionment to determine how many seats each state gets in Congress.

  • Cheryl candelaria says:

    I don’t feel my vote has a count.
    Why do I even vote in this state.
    Can I go in any other country and vote. This is Ludacris and stupid.

  • Denise Dapolito says:

    Omg are you serious these people can nor say The Pledge of Allegiance to united states of America. Biden and Kamala’s plan to recruit and pay migrants that don’t speak English who are desperate to vote for them. PEOPLE HELLO SCARY THEY ARE USING OUR MONEY TO BRIBE THESE WEAKENED HUNGRY PEOPLE .I think that’s called exploitation and treason .
    Please America I pray pay Attention they are creating a obedient society dependent on them
    This is amazing wake up this affects the cost of gasoline you do have a choice 😀
    Denise Dapolito look both ways before you vote !

  • What's the Liability? says:

    I wonder if RPNM can be found liable for the consequences of spreading election lies.

    If MAGA in New Mexico commits more acts of political violence RPNM and its baseless insinuations of election cheating will be to blame.

    Remember in 2022 when MAGA terrorist and RPNM candidate Solomon Pena committed political violence because he believed Trump’s and RPNM’s election lies?

    RPNM is egging this on.

  • AntiAmerican Party = GOP says:

    More election fear mongering from RPNM.

    Trump lost in 2020 and he is going to lose again in 2024 because the American voters reject him.

    RPNM and the GOP in general keep clinging to this idea that Trump lost for some reason other than his failure to appeal to voters.

    We have heard all their excuses: votes switched by satellites, rigged voting machines, dead people voting, and now immigrants voting illegally.

    But after 4 years of crying about losing the last election the GOP with all the recounts, lawsuits, vote audits etc have come up with zero evidence for any of Trumps pathetic sore loser excuses.

    There are and will continue to be serious consequences for deceiving millions of willfully ignorant conservatives against the American institution of voting and democracy and the rule of law.

    • Steven Cook says:

      American voters “reject” Trump? Umm, no they don’t. They reject or are starting to reject the guy who’s in the White House now. Joe Biden. Why? Well, I can give you several reasons why. Number one, Biden supports forcing little kids to have gender reassignment surgery to supposedly make their lives better and supports hiding information about it from parents, he supports abortion up to and including birth and after birth and wants to make it national, he’s a traitor of Israel because him and his administration are funding the Palestinians, the people who have since 2006 have voted and elected into office and into the government of the Gaza strip actual members of an actual terrorist organization, Hamas, who commits acts of jihad and Sharia law and terrorism and supports Sharia law and Jihad and have endorsed Iran, who is the largest sponsor of terrorism on the planet who also have funded Hamas to attack Israel and not only that but also going door to door to murder innocent people in Israel including women and children, he supports forcing little kids to be taught that all white people are racists and that the United States is systemically racist and that African Americans are still “oppressed” which isn’t true, he supports an open border that is causing unprecedented influxes of illegal immigrants to come into the United States including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists as well as criminals and he supports all of these illegal immigrants voting in our elections in order to keep the Left and today’s Democratic Party in power in the United States for the next century, plus he supports jailing a political opponent, that being Trump, which is what you see in socialist countries, simply because he doesn’t like the fact that Trump actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel and parental rights, etc and he and the rest of his leftist comrades do not. Should I go on? Oh yeah, and he appointed a woman, Ketanji Brown Jackson, to the United States Supreme Court simply based on her race and who also doesn’t know what a woman is anymore and who’s a woman herself, but can’t even define what a woman is anymore. Not to mention that he also supports illegally and unconstitutionally removing a federal candidate like Trump from the United States presidential election ballot in individual states and state Supreme Courts and individual state legislatures simply because he hates and fears the fact that Trump actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and supporting law enforcement and law and order and the Second Amendment and First Amendment, and so on, you know, like a normal American is supposed to be. Oh yeah, and he also sniffs little girls inappropriately and touches little girls inappropriately which he has been caught on video doing. Oh yeah and he supports targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and supports arresting pro-life figures simply for being pro-life. Plus he thinks that MAGA supporters are a threat to democracy and a threat to the United States and thinks that MAGA supporters are scum and are parasites, much like that actual fascist who exterminated six million Jews Adolf Hitler thought that the Jews were a threat to democracy and a threat to Germany and thought that the Jews were parasites, which makes Biden a modern version of Hitler. I mean, should I go on? And you think that American voters “reject” Trump, the guy who is more American and knows more about economics than the guy who is in the oval office now? 86% of American businesses are being hurt by the current inflation rate under Biden, with another 79% who are being hurt by higher taxes due to the current inflation under Biden, with another 59% who say that the damage from the inflation rate under Biden has been significant(Alignable poll), more than 82% of Americans are concerned about the border crisis including Democrats(various polls), the vast majority of Americans including more than 48% of Democrats, 93% of Republicans, more than 70% of Independents, etc oppose the Biden administration support for transgender people competing in women’s sports(Gallup poll), the vast majority of Americans are less optimistic about the current economy under Biden(Gallup poll), the vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(CNN poll, NBC poll, other polls), two-thirds of Americans are concerned about the prices of food and gas getting more expensive(Axios-Harris poll), the vast majority of Americans support Israel including a growing number of Democrats( various polls including a Harvard university poll), 82% of Democrats don’t want Biden to run for reelection(CNN poll), the vast majority of Americans say that the country is going in the wrong direction under Biden while only about 24% of Americans say that the country is going in the right direction under Biden(CNN poll, other polls), and so on. Plus, the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and the Pledge of Allegiance and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and school choice and border security and voter ID laws and voter IDs and law and order and law enforcement and supporting Israel, etc are not “unpopular opinions”. It’s called being an American. And if you think that those traditional American values that I just named, you know the First Amendment and the Second Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel and school choice and parental rights and border security and America First,etc, which normal and common sense minded Americans like Trump support, are “unpopular opinions”, then you don’t really love and care about the United States of America. Those values are what was founded upon by our founding fathers and the fact that you leftist Americans are saying that those traditional American values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and supporting law enforcement and law and order and the Second Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc are “unpopular opinions” means that you don’t love America. And if you don’t love America, then I have some advice for you leftist Americans. Get the hell out of America! Leave! But don’t come crying to me if you move to like Venezuela where real socialism and real fascism is taking place and something happens to you because of that. Because Venezuela is not the United States. They have no rights. No freedom of speech, no Second Amendment, freedom of religion, religious liberty, none of that. The United States of America has those rights. But if you don’t love those rights leftist Americans, then you know what, leave. Get the hell out of America. But again, if you decide to do that, don’t come crying to me if you move to like Venezuela or Iran, where real socialism and real terrorism is at work and then something happens to you because of that. Go ahead, leave the United States of America leftist Americans. Leave. Then move to Venezuela and Iran or China or something like that and see if I am lying then. Go ahead, do it. Leave. I bet you would be begging to come back to America in like a couple of years, especially if you decide to move to Venezuela or Iran because you think that Venezuela and Iran have more rights than the United States of America and that you think that Venezuela or Iran or even the Gaza strip are better countries than the United States. You will find out that none of those countries are better than the United States and none of them have the rights that have made the United States a free country for the last two centuries including the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and school choice and border security and parental rights and voter ID laws and voter IDs, etc. The Gaza strip has none of those rights. In fact, that place is controlled by the terrorist organization Hamas who have been voted into office and into government by the Palestinians since 2006, who have brutally murdered and raped innocent people in Israel including women and children and have brutally attacked and have murdered homosexuals including shooting them in the back of the head and throwing them off tops of buildings (take notes Gays For Palestine, you are supporting a group of people who support Hamas because they have voted into office and into government an actual terrorist organization Hamas who brutally murders and targets your own people).

      So there, I just refuted your claims within like what? 20 minutes? Try refuting that. No go ahead, try to refute that. I dare you. And by the way, you keep saying that the GOP is lying about the 2020 election. But, I haven’t heard a actual compelling argument to prove that Trump and his supporters are supposedly lying about the 2020 election results being rigged. Not one shred of actual compelling arguments or evidence or proof to prove that. And you leftists calling us “election deniers” is misleading. I mean, you denied the results of the 2016 presidential election. Including saying that Trump “colluded with Russia” in order to win the election, which has been proven multiple times not to be true. The Trump colluding with Russia part, not him winning. The first part has been proven to not be true. But yet, you leftists denied the results of the election in 2016 by claiming that. So, if we are actually election deniers as you leftists like to claim, then so are you. You are election deniers too. Because you denied the results of the 2016 election. And guess what, you did it again in 2022. And 2020 by claiming that Trump “lost” the election when in fact he actually won, but somehow Biden won because you leftists and Biden supporters hate and fear Trump because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and that he actually established peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and prevented wars from happening, etc and you leftists don’t represent those values and because of that you hate and fear Trump because of that so you decided to illegally vote him out of the presidency and therefore vote a guy, Joe Biden who supports targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and sniffs little girls inappropriately and touches little girls inappropriately and who supports abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, etc because you think that Biden’s policies are “better for America” than the real and true American values that normal Americans and common sense minded Americans like Trump actually support. Yeah, how’s that for you? Try refuting that. Don’t worry, I’ll wait. And while you are trying to refute that, I have a question for you leftists who seem to think that a woman is now a man who cuts off his private parts to become a woman through gender reassignment surgery. What is a woman? Or more specifically, what is really a woman? And can you name the 57-3,000 genders that you leftists seem to think that is how many genders there are for me? One by one? Good luck leftists in trying to answer those questions.

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