
May 8—The Republican Party of New Mexico condemns the increasing antisemitic rhetoric, violence, intimidation, and vandalism witnessed on both state and national college campuses and calls on Democratic state leaders to address this growing issue.

This disturbing trend has been linked to the pro-Palestine movement, which notably intensified following the Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7th—the deadliest assault on Jewish people since the Holocaust. On that day, Hamas terrorists brutally murdered 1,200 Israeli civilians, in addition to committing rape, mutilation, and other atrocities against their victims. Two hundred and fifty-three people, including children, babies, and Americans, were taken hostage, many of whom are still being held in captivity by Hamas.

Advocates of these pro-Palestine protests argue that Israel’s counter-response to the attack on October 7th is excessively severe, a belief primarily influenced by the casualty figures reported by the Hamas Ministry of Health.

The ongoing protests have been marked by calls for the annihilation of the Jewish state of Israel, hateful accusations hurled at Jewish students, labeling them as ‘Zionist Nazis,’ and an atmosphere of intimidation primarily targeting Jewish students.

Another disturbing trend is the emergence of non-student agitators, who often come from very privileged backgrounds, and paid attendees who are leading the aggression on these college campuses. It has also come to light that many of these protests espousing antisemitic views are being funded by the largest donors to President Joe Biden‘s campaign and other Democrats.

In New Mexico, there have been protests targeting Jewish performers, such as rapper Matisyahu. A staff walk-out forced Matisyahu to cancel his sold-out concert at the Meow Wolf in Santa Fe. In addition, protesters tried to get Jewish comedian Jerry Seinfeld’s New Mexico show canceled and also harassed Livia Link-Raviv, the Consul General of Israel to the Southwestern U.S., to such an extent that her community event had to be called off due to security concerns. Additional protests in New Mexico have broken out in vandalismtrespassingobstruction of traffic, and have forced school classes to go remote.

Nationally, chants of “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” can be heard at these protests while American flags are torn down, and Palestinian flags are hoisted up. It is completely unacceptable that these national pro-Palestine/anti-Israel protests have also escalated into violence and even loss of life.

At UCLA, a female Jewish student was kicked, stomped, and knocked unconscious by pro-Palestine rioters. At Yale University, a female Jewish student was stabbed in eye with a Palestinian flag by an anti-Israel protester. At a protest in California, a 69-year-old Jewish man was beaten to death by a pro-Palestinian agitator.

We are disheartened to read reports of Jewish students feeling frightened to the point where they fear displaying their Star of David, a symbol of their faith and identity, due to concerns of being targeted.

The Democratic Party of New Mexico and Democratic state leaders, including Rep. Gabe Vasquez, Rep. Melanie Stansbury, and Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez have not taken a stand to condemn the antisemitic environment fostered at these protests but have all issued statements calling for Israel to ceasefire.

“It’s becoming increasingly evident who’s willing to turn a blind eye to the blatant antisemitism happening right before them. This year, Democrats have made it clear that they are willing to put the Jewish community at risk in order to appease antisemitic mobs who are sowing division and chaos among our communities,”said RPNM Spokeswoman Ash Soular.

“The Republican Party of New Mexico unequivocally condemns antisemitism and stands firmly with the resilient Jewish community in New Mexico as well as with Israel, our ally and the sole democracy in the Middle East. RPNM upholds the right of all Americans to express their views freely and to assemble peacefully. However, we strongly condemn violence, intimidation, obstruction of traffic or vandalism as acceptable forms of protest. RPNM calls on the Democratic leaders in New Mexico to take a strong stance against the hateful acts of antisemitism associated with the anti-Israel/pro-Palestine protests largely on college campuses and to take measures to protect the Jewish students and community from impending discrimination or violence,” said RPNM Chairman Steve Pearce.

  • Richard says:

    How is it anti semetic to call out genocide? Why is the gop obsessed with helping out Israel? They are rich. They don’t need help. Why is the gop obsessed with helping putin? Your fathers are rolling in their graves watching your treasonous leader kiss his ring.

  • Shame says:

    Seems like RPNM is ashamed of it’s previous antisemitic conspiracy theory post since they keep deleting comments that reference it.

    Maybe consider removing it from this websites archives to better cover your tracks RPNM.

  • JH Cole says:

    Ms. Soular and Mr. Pearce, reread the last two paragraphs, then go to a mirror and ask yourself why you didn’t write them after Trump’s “very good people” chanted “Jews will not replace us” in Charlottesville. Your hypocrisy is so obvious even you should recognize it.

    Most New Mexico voters, myself included, support Israeli and Palestinian people, deplore their current leaders, and will not be taken in by your cruel and hollow attempt to divide us. And we know this is all you’ve got, you have no constructive agenda to goose up your base or win over the people of New Mexico.

    • Steven Cook says:

      “Ms. Soular and Mr. Pearce, reread the last two paragraphs, then go to the mirror and ask yourself why didn’t you write them after Trump’s ‘very good people’ chanted ‘Jews will not replace us(first of all, don’t know where you got the idea that Trump’s supporters chanted that in Charlottesville, much like I have no idea where they got the idea that Trump supposedly supported white supremacy and neo-Nazis after Charlottesville when he was actually on video and audio condemning white supremacy and neo-Nazis after Charlottesville, but OK) in Charlottesville. Your hypocrisy is so obvious even you should recognize it.”

      JH Cole again, “Most New Mexico voters, including myself, support Israeli and Palestinian people, deplore their current leaders, and will not be taken by your cruel and hollow attempt to divide us(actually the Left and today’s Democratic Party are doing a great job of dividing us more than the GOP, but OK). And we know this is all you’ve got, you have no constructive agenda to goose up your base or win over the people of New Mexico.”

      First and foremost, your entire comment, including the last paragraph, is misleading and wrong. First of all, Pearce and the NM GOP do have a constructive agenda, including advocating against the soft-on-crime policies that are destroying the state of New Mexico as we speak and advocating against the rising crime in New Mexico due to the soft-on-crime policies that are being pushed by the Left and today’s Democratic Party in New Mexico, including our “esteemed” but not so esteemed Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, who would rather try and take away people’s Second Amendment rights in New Mexico than to attempt to reduce the rising crime in New Mexico and to try and secure our southern border. So I think that you need to reread your last paragraph, and then look in the mirror and realize that you are lying to people and are misleading people into believing that the New Mexico GOP don’t want to reduce crime and don’t want to save children from transitioning to another gender with gender reassignment surgery that will destroy their bodies physically and mentally and don’t want to secure the border, etc, when in reality the GOP, as well as even a growing number of Democrats, do want our southern border to be secured, etc. Plus, you said that “Most New Mexico voters, including myself, support Israeli and Palestinian people” right? OK then, here’s the question. Do you really support the people of Israel? Just Israel in general. Because you also said that you support the Palestinians too, right? Understand this, the Palestinians are not as good of people as you think. It doesn’t mean that Palestinians deserve to die. But, they are not as good as the Left and today’s Democratic Party want you to think. The Palestinians are people who have since the year 2006 at least, have not only voted into office, but have elected into office and into government an actual terrorist organization, that being Hamas, who commits acts of jihad and Sharia law and terrorism in general, who have espoused anti-Semitic views, who have committed genocide or near genocide, and an actual terrorist organization who has been funded by Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism on the face of the planet, to commit acts of jihad and Sharia law and terrorism, etc. And the Palestinians have voted for this and have elected figures who are members of Hamas who support these radical views. Basically in other words, the Palestinians are supporting terrorism and jihad and Sharia law. And when you say that you support the Palestinians, you are technically supporting terrorism too, because the Palestinians, all of them or most of them, have actually voted and elected figures who are members of Hamas, a actual terrorist organization, into office and into government since at least 2006, if not longer. Again, I am not saying that Palestinians deserve to die. But, there’s no doubt that the Palestinians are voting and electing people who are members of terrorist groups, especially Hamas, into office and into government, in other words, supporting terrorism. They’ve been doing this for years and are still doing it. And another lie that the Left and today’s Democratic Party will tell you regarding Israel and Palestine is the claim that a ceasefire will help reduce the conflict between Israel and Palestine and that the Palestinians want peace in the Middle East. That is a lie. The Palestinians, including the Palestinian government, have made it clear that they don’t want peace in the Middle East. Israel has tried literally for years and decades to negotiate peace with the Palestinians. And they have refused time and time again. Why? Because the Palestinians don’t want peace in the Middle East. I do. Israel does. Trump does. Heck, why do you think Trump created the Abraham Accords? He did it to bring actual peace to the Middle East and with the Abraham Accords, there was actual peace in the Middle East. Then, Biden came into office and got rid of the Abraham Accords. Then there was no more peace in the Middle East. So what is happening in the Middle East right now, including in Israel, is all Biden’s fault because he got rid of the one thing that was keeping peace in the Middle East overall, the Abraham Accords. And anyone who says otherwise is either lying or they are delusional. Israel wants peace in the Middle East. Trump wants peace in the Middle East. I want peace in the Middle East. The Palestinians? They don’t want peace in the Middle East. They don’t care about peace in the Middle East. Otherwise, why do you think they’ve rejected negotians for peace so many times over the years and decades or longer? Because they don’t want peace. They don’t want it. And that is why the Palestinians are so horrible and why the Left and today’s Democratic Party supporting and funding the Palestinians is so dangerous. And this is one of the reasons why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now in the United States and globally including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc and why actual various polls and studies show that the people are speaking out against the radical leftist policies that are destroying the United States and globally as we speak. Don’t believe me? 61% of Americans, the majority of Americans, disapprove of Biden’s job as President(CNN poll). More than 80% of Americans including a growing number of Democrats, are concerned about the border crisis and disapprove of Biden’s open border policies(various polls). The vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(CNN, NBC poll, other polls). The vast majority of Americans including 93% of Republicans, over 70% of Independents, over 48% of Democrats, etc opposes transgender people competing in women’s sports(Gallup poll, other polls). Two-thirds of Americans are concerned about the price of food and gas getting more expensive(Axios-Harris poll, other polls). The vast majority of Americans including more than 81% of African Americans, don’t want law enforcement to be refunded(NBC poll, other polls). The vast majority of Americans are concerned about the rising crime rate in the United States, which also includes Democrats who are concerned about the rising crime rate in the United States(various polls, including Fox News poll, others). Plus, trying to remove a federal candidate like President Trump from the United States presidential election ballot within a individual state legislature or state Supreme Court, or an individual Governor, is unconstitutional and it’s illegal. Only the United States Supreme Court or the United States Congress have the authority or constitutionality to either remove a federal candidate from the United States presidential election ballot or to not remove a federal candidate from the United States presidential election ballot. In other words, the United States Supreme Court actually followed the Constitution by keeping Trump on the United States presidential election ballot. Plus, the only reason why you are trying to remove Trump from the United States presidential election ballot illegally and unconstitutionally is because you hate him and fear him because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of the press and school choice and supporting Israel and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance and parental rights, etc and you do not for the most part. And if you leftists hate and fear President Trump or his supporters and other common sense minded Americans because they represent the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and parental rights and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and school choice and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and election integrity and border security, etc, then you leftist Americans don’t really care about the United States of America. And if that is the case, then we have a saying for people who live here in the United States who don’t really care about the United States of America and it’s traditional values that I just named like leftists don’t really care about. And that is “America, Love It! Or Leave It!” I actually hope that you leftist Americans leave the United States of America. I hope that you go to a country like Venezuela or Iran or China or some country like that, that doesn’t have the freedoms that the United States of America has, like the Second Amendment and the First Amendment. I hope that if you go to one of those countries and that you get to see what socialism and fascism and communism really looks like. Not Trump or his supporters who support the true American values of the United States and globally like freedom of speech and freedom of the press and school choice, etc. No, I mean real fascism and socialism and communism. You know, like exterminating millions of people like Hitler did and Mussolini did, who by the way we’re not right-wing, but we’re self-described leftist socialists until the day they died? You know, being extremely anti-gun so much that you literally strip the entire country of guns, like Hitler did? You know, like what Nicolas Maduro and Ji Xingping and Putin and Zelensky and the Ayattolah and the Palestinian Authority aka Hamas are doing to their countries and to other countries? Yeah, that fascism and socialism and communism and terrorism. If that happens to you, you will be begging to come back to the United States of America. Guarantee it. I don’t care how long it would take. You leftist Americans would be begging to come back to the United States of America if you leave the United States of America because you don’t support the true American values of the United States like freedom of speech and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security, etc like Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded Americans support. You want to leave the United States of America because you don’t support the true American values of this country, leftist Americans? Then leave. Leave. But don’t come crying to me if you move to like Venezuela and you experience the real socialism and fascism happening there because of Nicolas Maduro, if he’s still in office by that time. Dont come crying to me if that happens. Because I will say “Well, you didn’t want to stay in the United States of America because you didn’t like Trump or his supporters and other common sense minded Americans who support the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and parental rights, etc. You didn’t want to stay in the United States. You wanted to leave because of that. So it’s your own fault that you are experiencing the true socialism and fascism of Venezuela. I don’t want you to experience it. But you decided that you didn’t care about the United States of America because you hated people like Trump who support the true American values of the United States like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Second Amendment and First Amendment, etc, and that you wanted to leave because of that and that you wanted to move to like Venezuela, where real socialism and fascism is taking place. So sorry that you are experiencing real socialism and fascism in like Venezuela and stuff. But not sorry because you chose to leave the country that was actually founded on the true American values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and the First Amendment and Second Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance, etc that common sense minded Americans like Trump and all Americans should support including you leftist Americans. You left that country and you went to another country that actually engages in actual socialism and fascism or communism like mainly China, Venezuela, Iran, etc. I get that not all countries are like that, but still. You leftist Americans chose to move to one of those countries because you didn’t like the fact that common sense minded Americans actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and parental rights, etc. That is just a fact. So in a way, it’s kind of your fault that you are experiencing real socialism and fascism in like Venezuela.” So yeah. So go ahead and leave the United States, leftist Americans, especially if Trump gets reelected. I guarantee that you would be begging to come back if you moved to like Venezuela, where real socialism and fascism is taking place. If you moved to a island, then whatever. But, I’m almost wanting you leftist Americans to move to like Venezuela or even the Gaza strip or China or Iran. Just to see what real socialism and fascism and terrorism or communism really looks like. Oh, you would most likely be begging to come back to the United States of America. Guarantee it. What, am I lying? Go ahead and move to like Venezuela and see if I am lying then. Until then, we have nothing else to talk about.

      Actually, in regarding the Israel-Palestine situation and the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party believe that killing Jews or targeting Jews for being Jews is a good thing, have you ever seen the movie Schindler’s List? With Liam Neeson? You know, based on a true story of innocent Jews being exterminated during the Holocaust? Hmm? Have any of you, especially like you leftists who are Millennials or Gen Z who think that Hamas targeting Jews is a good thing? I think that you need to see that movie. Maybe you will understand that killing Jews or targeting Jews is not a good thing. And if you do see that movie, and it is a old movie, came out in 1993, but it’s relevant in this, but if you do see it, don’t watch bits and pieces of it. No, watch the entire film and you will understand that targeting Jews or killing Jews is not a good thing. Until you see and watch that movie and until you understand that targeting Jews for being Jews or killing Jews for being Jews is wrong, we have nothing to talk about. Oh yeah, and for all you leftists who think that there’s 57-3,000 genders or more, I have a test for you. Name them. Name all of the 57-3,000 genders that you think there are. Name all of them, one by one. And what is a woman? Or more specifically, what is really a woman?

    • Reverse gish gash says:

      Steven Cook sure likes to bury us in bs. Steve what is a man? Let us know when you figure out how to be one.

      • Steven Cook says:

        I know what a man is, dummy. A man is an adult human male, born as a man biologically and will always be a man biologically and a person who cannot become a woman through gender reassignment surgery because that is not the true definition of biology. A woman cannot become a man through gender reassignment surgery either. That’s not basic biology. “Steve what is a man? Let us know when you figure how to be one.” I just told you the definition of a man, in the simplest terms. But you? Your a leftist. You support that radical gender/transgender ideology that claims that a woman can become a man through gender reassignment surgery and because of that you actually think that a woman becoming a man through gender reassignment surgery is actually a real and actual man. No it is not. That’s not the true definition of a man. You studied biology didn’t you? I know I did. I did really well in it. And I don’t remember being taught in biology that a woman can become a man through gender reassignment surgery and that a man can become a woman through gender reassignment surgery. You know why I don’t remember being taught about that in biology class? Simple. Because that’s not true and basic biology, you dummy. So once again, I am going to ask you the question. What is a woman? Or more specifically for you leftists like you Mr. Reverse gish gash, what is really a woman? Or, if you want to ask me “what is a man?” then I will ask you the same question. What is a man, or what is really a man? I have already given you the definition of a man. But if you don’t know what a man is, then you answer the question. Oh, and can you name all of the supposed 57-3,000 genders or more that you believe there are for me too? That would be nice. And name them, one by one. I don’t care how long it takes you to do it. But if you think that there’s 57-3,000 genders or more, then you will name them all one by one. Hint: there is no 57-3,000 genders, there’s only two genders, male and female. That is the true definition of biology. But since you leftists seem to think that there’s 57-3,000 genders or more and since you leftists seem to think that a woman is a man who cuts off his private parts and has female breasts implanted surgically onto him through gender reassignment surgery, and since you leftists seem to think that a man is a woman who cuts off her breasts and has male private parts implanted surgically onto her, that is why I ask you the questions. What is really a woman and what is really a man? Because I will tell you this, a man is not a woman who becomes a man through gender reassignment surgery and a woman is not a man who becomes a man through gender reassignment surgery. That is not true biology, just in case you didn’t study biology in school. How’s that for you. I just told you the truth about biology in like what? Ten minutes? Now you try telling me I’m lying. Go ahead. If you dare.

    • Shame says:

      I would also like to point out that the anti-free speech goons that run the RPNM website also delete post they dont agree with to give their tool, Steven Cook, the opportunity to post his reverse gish gash close to the top of the page.

      • Steven Cook says:

        Ummm, that’s not even remotely true. Don’t know where you got that from. Plus, your party, today’s Democratic Party in New Mexico and the United States is anti-free speech. Case and point, you banned at the time a sitting U.S President, Donald Trump, for him simply promoting freedom of speech on Twitter(now X). Another case and point, the Left and today’s Democratic Party have arrested pro-life figures for promoting freedom of speech and for simply protesting against the radical abortion policies, including abortion up to and including birth and after birth policies, and the Left and today’s Democratic Party have arrested pro-life figures for protesting, not rioting, but protesting against those policies, which is freedom of speech, yet the Left and today’s Democratic Party has arrested and targeted them for that. And yet another case and point, the Left and today’s Democratic Party have targeted people, including suspending or expelling kids from school simply for telling the truth about there only being two genders and have targeted parents for them speaking out against the woke policies and the radical gender/transgender agenda that teaches that a girl can become a boy and a boy can become a girl through gender reassignment surgery and that children should have gender reassignment surgery without parents’s knowledge or consent. Or how about the fact that kids are now being suspended or worse, expelled from school for simply saying the term “illegal aliens” to describe illegal immigrants coming into the United States? Should I go on? Oh, or how about this? How about the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party as well as pro-Palestine figures are silencing Jews for being Jews and are targeting Jews for being Jews, much like what the Nazis and Hitler did during World War II and the Holocaust?!!! Yeah, what do you say about that? Hmm? What you’ve got to say about that? That is anti-free speech.

        • Steven Cook says:

          And you called me a tool right? So, I am a tool for actually representing the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and border security and law and order and law enforcement and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc? You know…a actual American? That is why you are calling me a tool? Because I am an actual American citizen who actually supports the true American values of the United States of America the values that were founded upon by our four fathers? Wow. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc. Plus, if you bash someone like me or Trump or any other American who actually support the true American values of the United States and globally including parental rights and freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the fact that there is only two genders and supporting law enforcement and law and order and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc. If you bash me or any other American like Trump or Ron DeSantis or any other common sense minded American who support those true American values, if you bash or target or arrest those Americans just for that, then you really don’t care about the United States of America. And if you really don’t care about the United States of America or it’s true and traditional values that I just named, then you can get out of the United States of America. Leave. But don’t come crying to me if you move to a country like Venezuela where real socialism and fascism is taking place and you experience that personally. Don’t come crying to me if that happens to you. Cause it will be kind of your own fault because you decided that you didn’t care about the United States of America or it’s true American values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Second Amendment and First Amendment , etc that me and other true American citizens like Trump, etc support. What? You think I’m lying? Go ahead, leave the United States of America and move to like Venezuela or Iran or China or something and if you experience the real socialism and fascism and communism taking place in some of those countries, then come back and tell me if I’m lying then.

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