
MAY 1—In a shameful move, today all three Democratic Congressional Representatives in New Mexico, Gabe Vasquez, Melanie Stansbury, and Teresa Leger Fernandez, voted against a resolution denouncing the Biden administration’s open border policies that have led to the worst border crisis in history, cost numerous American lives, and continue to create a grand scale humanitarian, fentanyl and crime crisis.

Ironically, just this week, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham was caught on leaked audio scolding Secretary Mayorkas’ Chief of Staff for the people “pouring over” the New Mexico border and how she feels, and we agree, it will make her look feckless.

This vote continues a series of actions and votes by all three Representatives that support the ongoing lawlessness at the southern border.

Previously, Rep. Gabe Vasquez, Rep. Melanie Stansbury, and Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez voted:

  • AGAINST the Secure the Border Act right before the expiration of Title 42.
  • AGAINST H. Res. 1112, another resolution denouncing Biden’s open border policies.
  • AGAINST The Laken Riley Act, which would hold criminals who cross our border illegally accountable.
  • AGAINST The End the Border Catastrophe Act, which would end catch and release, increase the number of border patrol agents, strengthen the asylum process, and continue the construction of the border wall.

“The Representatives’ vote today proves what we’ve known all along: They see no issue with Biden’s open border policies and have zero intention of working to secure New Mexico’s border. I hope it is becoming abundantly clear to New Mexican voters that every Democrat who refuses to stand up to Biden bears the responsibility for the violence directed at our citizens, the tragic fentanyl-related deaths, and the crime wave sweeping our streets due to our open border. If New Mexicans want to end this crisis, they must vote Republican up and down the ballot in November,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce.

  • Mike Knows Him Best says:

    Skip to minute 5 to hear Mike Pence decline to endorse Trump.

    • Mike Knows Him Best says:

      All the evidence against Trump has already been laid out. Check it out. Trump and Republicans are lying to us. Trump wants to make believing in the Big Lie a prerequisite to being a Republican.

      • Steven Cook says:

        Clearly, the Left and today’s Democratic Party don’t want to put Trump in prison because he actually has done anything wrong or anything like that. They want to put him in prison simply because they hate and fear President Trump because he actually represents and stands for the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and law and order and law enforcement, etc. You know, the values that Americans, all Americans are supposed to support. That is why the Left and today’s Democratic Party are targeting him and his supporters and other common sense minded people. It’s not because they are guilty of anything. It’s because they represent what the Left and today’s Democratic Party do not. True American values like parental rights and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and school choice and border security and supporting Israel and law and order, etc. That is why the Left and today’s Democratic Party are targeting them. What? You don’t believe me? Try me. Prove me wrong. No, go ahead, prove me wrong. If you think that I am wrong, which I am not, but if you think that I am wrong, then go ahead. Prove me wrong. Or try to. I bet you can’t. You know why? Because you know, and I know that what I am saying is true. You can’t prove me wrong. But, I would like to see you try. Before you do that though, I have a little test for you. Since you leftists seem to have this idea that there are 57-3,000 or more genders, then I want you to do something. Name them. Name all of the supposed 57-3,000 genders you think there are. Name them all, literally. One by one. Hey, you think that there’s 57-3,000 or more genders. And if you actually believe that, then you can name every single one of them, one by one. Good luck leftists.

        • Cry for Help? says:

          Steven Cook, you seem really hung up on gender. Are you dealing with some gender dysphoria? You should probably talk to a counselor about your issues rather than dragging the country into it. It would be a lot simpler solution for you. Good Luck buddy.

  • idiots for immigrants says:

    New Mexico should deport those who don’t love America to Russia and make room for immigrants that actually want to be part of America.

    Republicans if you are unhappy with this country please self deport, if you are to poor to get to Russia on your own consider moving to Texas, we don’t need or want you here in New Mexico.

  • Stupid is as Stupid does says:

    Trump, Pearce, and the rest of the anti-American Republicans think that Conservative voters are STUPID.

    In 2016 I voted for Trump in large part because he promised to build the wall. Since then he failed to build the wall or it did not deliver the desired results and he betrayed the Constitution on 1-6 2021.

    How stupid does Trump think we are that after he has failed to deliver 2015 campaign promises, failed us all during the pandemic, failed at his coup, that he thinks we are going to be persuaded by the same old spit he was talking about in 2015?

    • Trump Hates Babies says:

      Hey Stupid is, you missed some.

      I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 because he and Mitch McConnell promised and delivered on stealing the Supreme Court so that Roe V. Wade could be over turned.

      They did it! And now Trump has turned pro-Abortion!?

      Trump says abortions should be left up to the states. That means he is fine with states like New Mexico becoming safe havens for killing babies!

      Trump and the GOP’s wishy washy stance on Abortion is going to actually INCREASE the number of Abortions occurring in New Mexico because those loose women from Texas will becoming over here to get their Abortions that they cant get here.

      • Steven Cook says:

        I like you on the fact that you voted for Trump twice and that you are pro-life and all that. However, I think that you are misinterpreting what Trump’s saying about abortion and all that. Trump says that he wants to leave the issue of abortion up to the states. It’s not because he is pro-abortion necessarily. I mean, you’ve clearly heard of Roe v Wade. Roe v Wade was originally supposed to go to the states. That was the original purpose of Roe v Wade. Well, some President (not Trump or Reagan) decided to make Roe v Wade national and into a federal law. And when that happened, it became unconstitutional. Ruth Bader Ginsburg even said that Roe v Wade was unconstitutional and said that Roe v Wade was supposed to be left up to the states. She was actually right. By the way, she was a liberal, or a leftist. But, she was correct. And Trump’s saying the same thing. The issue of abortion should be left up to the states to decide whether to ban abortion or not. The President of the United States himself has absolutely no authority to tell a individual state what to do on abortion. Apparently, Biden has forgotten the memo on that. Trump’s leaving it up to the states, which is what you are supposed to do. So, I like you because you are pro-life and all that. But, you are misinterpreting what Trump’s saying. No surprise there. I mean, the Left and today’s Democratic Party do it all the time because they hate and fear Trump not because he actually has done anything wrong or anything like that, but because he actually represents and stands for the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and law and order and law enforcement, border security, Second Amendment and First Amendment, etc and they do not for the most part and that’s why you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe including the United States of America that includes African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc. And I dare anyone to try to prove me wrong or tell me that I’m lying. I am not lying. That is why you leftists hate and fear Trump. It’s not because he has done anything wrong or has committed crimes or anything like that. No, you can say that it is the reason why all you want. But, we know and you know that isn’t the real reason why you leftists are targeting him and hate and fear him. It’s because you hate and fear him because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America that has made and will continue to make America the greatest country on Earth like the Second Amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, religious liberty, supporting Israel, parental rights, school choice, law and order, the First Amendment, law enforcement, voter IDs and voter ID laws, border security and border security laws like Title 42, etc. You actually believe that we will actually believe that the reason why you leftists are targeting Trump is because he’s actually done anything wrong or has committed crimes?! That’s not the real reason why you leftists are doing it. Trump has done nothing wrong and has never committed any crimes. But, you leftists are targeting him because you fear him because he actually represents the true American values that I just named above, not because he has done anything wrong. I mean come on. You know this to be true. Don’t lie to me. That’s why James Larson posted that comment on the Facebook post about the Left in New Mexico’s congressional delegation refusing to denounce the open border policies of the Biden administration, where James Larson claimed that red states have the highest inflation, crime, infant deaths, divorce rates, etc. It’s not because Mr. Larson’s correct. Because he’s not. It’s because he fears Trump because he actually represents the true American values that I just named above. By the way, James Larson, just because crime rates are skyrocketing in blue or leftist cities in red states doesn’t mean that it’s the red state’s own fault that crime is rising in like Atlanta, which is a leftist city in a red state. It’s usually the leftist city’s own fault that crime is rising in the leftist city in a red state because of the leftist soft-on-crime policies that leftist city in that red state are implementing. It has nothing to do with the red state itself, just to be clear. Now, if you want to talk about states with rising crime rates statewide, then look no further than leftist states like………..New Mexico?! California?! New York?! Anyone? James Larson doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You know why? Probably because he’s never been to Atlanta. Or Los Angeles. Or Minneapolis. Or Chicago. Or freaking New York City. All of those of which are leftist run cities and are seeing skyrocketing rises in crime because of the soft-on-crime policies that their leaders are implementing and the fact that they are releasing criminals of all kinds including violent ones back onto the streets to commit more crimes or the same ones over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. James Larson will never know that crime is skyrocketing in leftist states and cities unless he actually goes there and sees it for himself. But especially a leftist city like New York City or Chicago. James Larson will never understand that crime is skyrocketing in Chicago unless he goes there and sees it for himself. In fact, I dare James Larson to go and live in Chicago with it’s skyrocketing crime for a day or more. Maybe he will understand then. Crime is skyrocketing in blue or leftist cities and states. Not red or conservative states and cities. If anything, blue or leftist cities in red states are the ones seeing skyrocketing rises in crime, not the red states themselves.

        • Steven Cook says:

          Oh yeah and James Larson, can you name the 57-3,000 genders that you and your leftist comrades believe there are? Name them all. One by one. And, what is a woman?

  • build the wall says:

    Congress should address the border. Which party has control of the House of Representatives? Oh, right it’s the Republicans.

    Why haven’t the Republican majority in the house passed any meaningful legislation to address the border?

    Because Trump told them not to so that he can save it as a campaign issue.

    Also Trump campaigned on ” build the wall” in 2015. He had 4 years to deliver his campaign promise and failed.

    • Kyiv Johnson says:

      The problems with the GOP in the House of Representatives is their leadership. MIKE JOHNSON must go!

      Call MTG (202-225-5211)and Matt Gaetz (850 -479-1183) and demand that they bring a resolution to vacate to the floor for a vote.

      Johnson compromised with Democrats to pass legislation! That’s not how Congress is suppose to work!

      He should spend his time calling votes on legislation he knows will fail because it lacks the votes and/or will be stopped by the Senate or Presidential veto.

      • JH Cole says:

        Wrong diagnosis, Mr. Johnson is a symptom, not the disease. Kevin McCarthy put Ms. Greene in charge and the GOP lacks the guts and smarts to undo it.
        With Trump and Greene at the helm, and Mr. Pearce in NM, the GOP’s future looks bleak.

    • Vanessa says:

      Are you a moron? So you don’t blame anything on the Democrats who may I remind you are in office as of now not the Republicans, I can’t believe clueless people like you exist. Dems refuse boarder control

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