
January 12—Today, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham held a press conference to unveil her public safety legislative priorities. During her conference, the governor outlined propositions for additional firearm bans, among other plans to give her more executive authority to remove New Mexicans’ rights.

The Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman and former Representative of NM’s Second Congressional District, Steve Pearce, issued the following statement:

“What the governor proposed today was another egregious attack on New Mexicans’ Second Amendment rights,” Pearce said.

“If the governor really cares about keeping our communities safe, she will focus on giving tougher penalties to criminals, keeping criminals behind bars while supporting law enforcement and allowing them to do their job. Republicans will be putting forth multiple bills this session that will get tough on criminals without infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens. The governor’s continued assaults on New Mexicans’ constitutional rights must be stopped.”

  • Steven Cook says:

    I think that it is no secret, to really anyone, except those who support Mrs. Lujan Grisham, but it’s no secret to really anyone, no should it be a secret to anyone, that Lujan Grisham has violated the Constitution of the United States and the New Mexico Constitution as well(because as we all know, each U.S state and U.S territory(Guam, U.S Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana islands, etc have their own Constitution as well as other countries too, they have their own Constitution as well) especially regarding the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment states that all Americans, all Americans, not just conservatives or MAGA supporters, but all Americans, of all races and maybe even political positions, have the fundamental and constitutional right to bear arms, or own guns in order to protect and defend their homes and families from tyranny or intruders who may or may not want to kill them. And the Second Amendment specifically says that these rights shall not be infringed upon. In other words, figures like Mrs. Lujan Grisham and her administration shall not infringe on the constitutional rights of the citizens of New Mexico. In other, other words, she doesn’t have the fundamental and constitutional right to take away guns from law-abiding citizens, of this state, New Mexico. That’s just a fact. When she first issued that “public health emergency order” on guns back in September, she actually admitted, on statewide television, including on KOB News 4, that criminals weren’t going to follow the public order. That’s what she said and she actually said that almost word for word. In other words, she was basically saying that criminals will not follow the public order, because their not law-abiding citizens, but law-abiding citizens, people who are not criminals, will because she, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, member of the Lujan-Romero political family, views law-abiding citizens as criminals just for the reason that they own guns in order to protect and defend their families and homes from tyranny, etc. And she also said, or claimed, that the Constitution of the United States of America and the NM Constitution was not “absolute”. This is the same woman who took an oath to defend the Constitution of not only the United States of America, but the state Constitution of New Mexico, so she’s a hypocrite. And the Constitution of the United States and the NM state Constitution ARE absolute. If she is saying that the Constitution is not absolute and her supporters are saying that the Constitution is not absolute, well then, then that means that they don’t care about the Constitution of the United States of America, in other words, they don’t care about America either. Maybe that’s why the Left and today’s Democratic Party in the United States are claiming that Trump supposedly committed an insurrection on January 6 and therefore why their claiming that the 14th Amendment Section 3 says that Trump, or any of his supporters who are in office for that matter, are “disqualified” from running for President again or for any other office for that matter, because they supposedly have committed an insurrection or supposedly did commit an insurrection. Maybe the reason why the Left and today’s Democratic Party in the United States are doing this. Maybe the Left and today’s Democratic Party think that the Constitution of the United States of America is not absolute and they think that they can interpret, or misinterpret, the Constitution of the United States of America the way they want to. Because they believe that the Constitution of the United States of America is not absolute. No, I don’t think it’s a maybe. I think that it’s definitely the reason why the Left and today’s Democratic Party are targeting Trump and his supporters, in the United States and globally, and misinterpreting the Constitution of the United States of America, because they think that the Constitution of the United States, which is definitely absolute, is not absolute. And so that therefore, you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves in the United States and globally now. The Constitution of the United States, or any State Constitution in the United States of America, or even the Constitutions in other countries, that are not communist most likely, all give the people, all people of every race, etc, including in the United States or especially in the United States, the fundamental and constitutional rights to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, the constitutional right to bear arms or own guns in order to protect and defend their families and homes from tyranny, etc, the constitutional right for all people to be equal, regardless of race, color, nationality, ethnicity, or maybe even political affiliations, that gives parents the fundamental and constitutional right to be involved in their children’s education and to be concerned about what their children are being taught in schools and the right for parents to speak out against any woke policies that may be or are destroying their children’s lives and education and their schools that they go to, not just especially in the United States, but across the globe as well. Which is why it’s called parental rights or why it’s called being a parent, and the Constitution of the United States or any Constitution of any U.S state and U.S territory, or any Constitution of any country, especially countries that are not communist or maybe even socialist, gives parents the fundamental and constitutional right to choose any school that they want their children to go to, which is why it’s called school choice. The Constitution of the United States of America, or any Constitution, also gives the people the right to vote for whomever they want. That includes MAGA supporters. If people want to vote for MAGA supporters to be in office, then they have the right, fundamental and constitutional right, to do so. I mean, it’s in the Constitution, our Constitution, the Constitution of the United States that is. We can vote for whomever we want to in this country, and that includes voting for MAGA supporters. Heck, if JH Cole wants to vote for Michelle Lujan Grisham, as much as I hate that woman, but if he wants to vote for her, then my God, he has the right to do it. But, he has no right to tell us, conservatives or common sense minded people, who to vote for or who not to vote for. We can vote for whomever we want to, just like him. It’s in the Constitution of the United States. It gives the American people the fundamental and constitutional right to vote for whomever we want to and that includes MAGA supporters. For the Left and today’s Democratic Party in the United States to tell us not to vote for MAGA supporters, but yet, they can vote for whomever they want to, is not only violating the Constitution, but also violation of the fundamental and constitutional right for ALL Americans, ALL Americans, including MAGA supporters, to vote for whomever we want to. Maybe if the leftists in this country who are supposed to be Americans too, actually read the Constitution of the United States, thoroughly, then they would understand that by now. The Constitution of the United States gives the American people, all Americans that is, yes including the MAGA supporters, the constitutional and fundamental right to vote for whomever we want to. I think that is why it’s called a election! And the Constitution of the United States of America gives the American people, all Americans, the fundamental and constitutional right to go to the polls, before midnight, on election day, or during the election, and vote for whomever they want to with the help of voter IDs and voter ID laws, so that they will know who that person is who’s voting for that particular candidate, whether that candidate is a Republican or Democrat, or even a third party member(like a Libertarian or a Constitution Party member, etc). It’s the same way in other countries too. That is why they call it election integrity. And no, voter IDs and voter ID laws are not racist towards African Americans or any race in the United States for that matter and if other countries had voter IDs and voter ID laws like the United States does, which I’m sure some of them do, then they wouldn’t be racist towards any race in other countries either. In fact, the vast majority of African Americans actually support voter IDs and voter ID laws, which means that no, voter IDs and voter ID laws are not racist towards African Americans. Voter IDs and voter ID laws are the definition of election integrity, which the vast majority of Americans actually support.

    So there you have it. The Constitution of the United States, or any Constitution of any U.S state or territory or any Constitution of any country especially those who are not communist or maybe even socialist most likely, are absolute, Mrs. Lujan Grisham. And that includes the New Mexico state Constitution, which is almost like the United States Constitution. It is absolute. Anyone who says that the Constitution of the United States, in this case of Lujan Grisham’s unconstitutional public health order on guns, or the Constitution of New Mexico are not absolute, is either lying or their delusional, or worse, their stupid. I don’t think that any leftist, including the ones here in the United States are stupid. Their just delusional or they don’t care about the Constitution of the United States, even if they say that they do, because they simply, in the case of Trump, hate and fear Trump because he actually represents the true American values and fundamental and constitutional rights and values of the United States of America and fear another Trump presidency because of that that their trying to remove him from the ballot and trying to prevent him from running for President again because he actually represents the true American values and fundamental and constitutional rights and values of the United States of America and is actually against the radical leftist policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party that are destroying the United States of America and that scares the Left and today’s Democratic Party so bad because they don’t want to get rid of their radical leftist policies and they don’t want to stop pushing their policies onto the United States of America because they want to push their policies onto the United States of America because they want to “renew America” and want to “make America better” without those true American values and fundamental rights and liberties and freedoms and the common sense minded policies that Trump support as well as common sense minded Americans support, because the Left and today’s Democratic Party views those common sense minded policies from Trump and his supporters as well as common sense minded people as “fascism” or “extremism” or “racist”, when in reality, policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party such as abortion up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better and to target parents for simply being parents, and their other policies including forcing women and girls to compete with biological males who are not actual women and girls biologically and to force women and girls to unfairly and unceremoniously be beaten and destroyed by biological males in every aspect of women’s sports and girls’s sports, therefore endangering women’s sports and girls’s sports, and the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party don’t even know what a woman is anymore nor can they even define what a woman is anymore, and them saying that there’s more than two genders, while in reality, there is only two genders, male and female because that’s the definition of basic and simple biology, but the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party believe that there’s more than two genders(like 57-3,000 or more genders is what the Democratic Party and the Left claim), plus the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party has funded Iran to fund Hamas, a terrorist organization, to attack and rape and murder innocent Jews in Israel including women and children and to have Hamas go door to door to rape and murder innocent Jews in Israel including women and children, much like what the Nazis and Hitler did during the Holocaust and World War II, etc, are all true definitions of extremism. The Left and today’s Democratic Party are the true extremists. Plain and simple. They can deny it all they want to and they can say that their not until their faces turn blue(hopefully not literally, but you know what I mean). But the fact of the matter is, because the Left and today’s Democratic Party all support the policies of abortion up to and including birth and even after birth and all the other radical policies that the Left and today’s Democratic Party supports that I just named above, this makes them the true extremists. And the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party views common sense minded policies and the true American values like parental rights and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel, etc, the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party view all of those traditional and fundamental and constitutional rights of the United States of America as extremism, tells me that the Left and today’s Democratic Party don’t know the true meaning of extremism when they see it. Deep down, I think they know that the common sense minded policies of Trump and his supporters as well as common sense minded people, are not extremism. Unfortunately, they don’t care, but I think deep down inside their souls, they know that being pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-school choice, anti-woke ideology, anti-forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, being pro-law enforcement, anti-defund the police, etc, are not extremism. They unfortunately just won’t admit it because they hate and fear Trump and his supporters because they actually support and stand up and represent the actual true American values of the United States and that they are actually against the policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party that the Left and today’s Democratic Party are destroying people’s lives based on the assumption that those policies of Trump and his supporters that are common sense minded policies, are “destroying the fabric of the United States of America”, when in reality it is the policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party that are destroying the fabric of the United States of America and everyone knows it, including the Left and today’s Democratic Party themselves. They just won’t admit it for the most part. But, we know the truth. The policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party are destroying the United States of America and other countries too right now, including their policies of abortion up to and including birth and after birth and their transgender policies, etc. It’s why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc. More people, not just in the United States, but across the entire globe, are becoming conservative or or more common sense minded rather than becoming leftists or radical leftists, and the GOP, throughout the United States as a whole as well as the MAGA movement as a whole is NOT shrinking, but increasing. And the Left and today’s Democratic Party, they know why. And I know why. It’s because the policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party have become too extreme and too radical, including with their abortion up to and including birth and after birth policies and their policies of having little kids have gender reassignment surgery to supposedly make their lives better and their policies of forcing women and girls to compete with biological males who are not actual women and girls and to force actual women and girls to be unfairly and unceremoniously beaten and destroyed by biological males, therefore endangering women’s sports and girls’s sports as a whole and their policies of opening up the southern border of the United States or opening up the borders of other countries to the point where unprecedented amounts of illegal immigrants come across and to have unprecedented amounts of illegal drugs including fentanyl come into the United States or any other country, to therefore, cause crime rates to go up further, or etc. This therefore is why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in the United States and globally right now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc as well as people who used to be pro-COVID lockdown, then actually experienced the lockdowns themselves for months and months on end, and then realized that they didn’t work and therefore have become anti-COVID lockdowns. So the claim that the GOP or MAGA movement is shrinking is a lie. It’s increasing. And again, the Left and today’s Democratic Party, they know why and I know why. I just described it to you above the reasons why that is happening. And I dare anyone on the Left to tell me otherwise. If they do that, I will just simply ask them a simple question. What is a woman? Or more specifically, what is really a woman?

  • Congress Can Fixit says:

    This 14th Amendment thing the Demonrats keep bring up is easily undone by Congress. It says so in the last line of the 14th Amendment Section 3 of the Constitution “But Congress may by a vote, remove such disability.” Demonrats never expect people to read the thing to the end!

    Call any Congress member that will listen and demand they bring a vote to clear Trump of this disability immediately. If Mike Johnson wont call a vote to clear Trump, Gaetz and MTG should vote him out as speaker and make Trump speaker.

    Call Mike Johnson

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