
Albuquerque, May 3—The Republican Party of New Mexico welcomes the historic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down Roe v Wade, a ruling that has tremendous moral and political implications.
RPNM commends the Justices in their recognition that the measure of a person or society is how they protect the vulnerable–those with the least voice. The most vulnerable are the unborn, and the Court acknowledged that there’s little dispute that life begins earlier than what was believed in 1973 when Roe v Wade legalized abortion.
“The Supreme Court decision is in the best interest of our nation and protects the unborn,” said RPNM Chairman Steve Pearce. “The Justices have upheld and recognized their duty to protect the lives of the unborn and to abolish the horrors of abortion. The Court has successfully challenged court precedent and has legally established the right to life in the womb. Abortion is wrong on moral grounds, and I and everyone who stand for life am pleased at the outcome and that the Court has ruled to protect the sanctity of life.”
The landmark decision in 1973 had many flaws.
First, the Constitutional guarantee for abortion was murky at best and could never be adequately explained by the Justices. 
Secondly, it limited abortions to the first trimester, but that thinking was extended into late-term abortions, even up to the day of birth. New Mexico is one of those states that allows such late-term abortions—an act that’s unconscionable. New Mexico is known as the late-term abortion capital of the nation.
Another major problem for the Supreme Court centered on knowing when life begins. Science and evidence show that that life begins much earlier than what was believed 50 years ago. The Court agreed and took this into consideration when ruling to strike down the law.
On the political front, this ruling will mean that states will determine laws restricting or permitting abortion. The progressives are insistent that their view is correct. That will be proven in state elections. If more states elect pro-abortion candidates, then their view will prevail. If, on the other hand, states follow the lead of Mississippi to restrict late-term abortions, then the opposite view will prevail.
State elections will be even more critical, and electing conservative, pro-life governors and legislatures will help ensure abortions are restricted. 
This is the right thing to do.
Finally, it’s abhorrent that the draft of the opinion was leaked. This was an absolute breach of trust, reprehensible and deeply disturbing to know that this was released to perhaps manipulate the decision. This leak is a felony, and authorities must investigate and prosecute those responsible.
RPNM welcomes this major Supreme Court ruling and believes it’s in the best interest of our country. 
The Republican Party of New Mexico (RPNM) advances the ideals of individual liberties for the advancement of its citizens and the greater prosperity of our communities throughout New Mexico. Led by an Executive Board and its Chairman, former NM Congressman Steve Pearce, RPNM serves all New Mexicans via its headquarters in Albuquerque and can be contacted at (505) 298-3662.
  • Everyone but JH Cole says:

    God bless all of the unborn babies that have been murdered.
    God forgive the murderers and the people who sympathize with them. Life is valuable and the justices seem to agree with that. I pray we get a republican that values the lives of the unborn.

  • JH Cole says:

    Some political comments:

    Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito (W. Bush), and Justices Barret, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch (Trump) were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote. The fifty Republican senators represent a minority of voters while the fifty Democrats represent a sizeable majority. (Jimmy Carter won 1.5 million more votes than Gerald Ford but did not have the opportunity to nominate a Supreme Court justice.)

    Fifty-eight percent across the nation support a woman’s right to choose under Roe vs Wade. A small minority want government to decide. Fifty-two senators support women’s right to choose; add Gullible Susan Collins and Gullible Lisa Murkowski to the Democrats. (They claim they believed Kavanaugh and Barret, but all four know that there is no such thing in American jurisprudence as “settled law.”)

    In New Mexico, the majority of lawmakers support women’s right to choose and passed legislation to that effect this spring. They were elected by the majority of New Mexico voters who support women’s rights.

    This all means that Pearce’s and Curtis’s glee is a minority view and helps explain why the Grand Old Party will remain in the minority in New Mexico.

  • JH Cole says:

    Some random points:

    This was a leak of a draft and should not be referred to as a “decision” or a “ruling.” Many drafts will follow and many votes will be taken.

    There is a lot of fear that the court is losing credibility with the nation.
    This leak is evidence that someone WITHIN THE COURT COMMUNITY holds its traditional secrecy in contempt. The rest of the country is likely to follow.

    Respected court-watcher Ruth Marcus speculates that a conservative clerk leaked it as a way to keep pressure on a wavering Amy Coney Barret or Bret Kavanaugh, citing an editorial in last week’s “Wall Street Journal” hoping that they stay strong.

    Mr. Curtis says that the measure of a society is how it treats its most vulnerable, he says an unborn life. Second most vulnerable might well be a pregnant rape victim, and neither Curtis nor Mr. Pearce show any concern for her or her rights at all.

    Everyone knows that women with means have always been able to get a safe abortion and always will. It’s poor women who will suffer from abortion bans.

    The nation followed Mississippi once before, as Mr. Pearce wants to do now. It was the “Mississippi Plan” that showed the South how to set up Jim Crow laws. Mississippi is still one of the most backward states.

    Speaking of backward, if this draft becomes reality, the USA will join Iran, North Korea and Egypt, among other oppressive regimes, in banning abortion. We will separate ourselves from enlightened nations in Europe and Asia.

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