

Albuquerque, December 16—Gov. Lujan Grisham continues to fail New Mexicans with her weak leadership as she ignores the ever-growing crisis happening at the border. 
Last month Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reportedly arrested more than 173,000 illegal immigrants crossing the southern border, the worst November at the border in DHS history. This figure is more than double the previous record for November.
President Biden’s policy to deal with this crisis is simply MIA.
The 173,000 arrests last month mark a 140% increase over last November and a 221% hike over the average number of November arrests during the Trump administration. Now more illegal immigrants have crossed the southern border in the last three months than in all of FY 2020.
Border Patrol agents also estimate more than 100,000 illegal migrants have escaped in the last two months and expect more than 600,000 will escape into the United States this fiscal year.
With no federal plan being executed, drug smuggling surges, cartels and crime run rampant, and communities are under siege. There are also the horrors of sex trafficking and the rape and sexual abuse of girls on the way to this country.
Immigrants are also crossing the border without proper health checks or vetting. Even Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House Chief Medical Advisor, admits he doesn’t have answers to the problem of testing migrants and that many crossing the border may be infected with COVID.
What’s more shocking and dangerous is that as this calamity worsens, Gov. Lujan Grisham has taken no action. She continues to turn a blind eye to this crisis that’s impacting the safety and health of New Mexicans. This, as New Mexico is well over the national average for COVID infections, proving her policies keep failing.
“It’s despicable that Lujan Grisham refuses to address this crisis at her border while neighboring states have taken measures,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “This Governor keeps imposing the most restrictive COVID lockdowns in her state, yet migrants pour into New Mexico untested and unvaccinated. They are not properly vetted. This Governor is allowing infected and dangerous migrants to flock into our state with no regard for the safety of her constituents. It’s unconscionable and irresponsible that Lujan Grisham has remained idle while this crisis worsens before our eyes.”
The Republican Party of New Mexico (RPNM) advances the ideals of individual liberties for the advancement of its citizens and the greater prosperity of our communities throughout New Mexico. Led by an Executive Board and its Chairman, former NM Congressman Steve Pearce, RPNM serves all New Mexicans via its headquarters in Albuquerque and can be contacted at (505) 298-3662.
  • Accountability says:

    This is what real leadership looks like.

    Fight the big lie take back the Republican party.

  • JG says:

    You have entered no proof or cites for your claims. Just more criticisms and nothing positive to add or solutions. It sounds like sound bytes from Faux News.

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