
ALBUQUERQUE, FEBRUARY 11—Following the official announcement of Deb Haaland’s candidacy for Governor of New Mexico, the Republican Party of New Mexico issued the following statement.

“Deb Haaland represents more of the same, but worse for New Mexico,” stated RPNM Chair Amy Barela, expressing concerns over Haaland’s tenure as both a U.S. Representative and as Secretary of the Interior.

“Deb Haaland’s track record screams Washington insider, not New Mexico advocate. She had one of the most liberal voting records in Congress and consistently peddled the same failed, progressive ideas that have produced nothing for New Mexicans. As Secretary of the Interior, she made it her mission to target New Mexico’s number one industry—oil and gas—impacting the livelihoods of many Navajo allottees in our state. She refused to admit gas was too high when it was $4.59 a gallon, secretly met with foreign dark money groups, and consistently could not answer basic questions about her job.

“We’re tired of being last in everything good. Another Democrat in the Governor’s Mansion spells disaster: more jobs gone, crime on the rise, endless failures, and New Mexicans left in the dust—again. A Republican governor is the change our state needs, someone who will finally put New Mexicans first. Electing a Republican governor means moving our state forward and not staying stuck in last place.”

  • J Hinton says:

    So who do you offer as an alternative?

  • JH Cole says:

    Hey Amy, who you gonna run against Secretary Haaland or whoever Democrats nominate? How deep is your bench?
    Can Pearce finally win, or Ronchetti, Skaggs or yourself?

    At the state level New Mexico voters choose progressives to get things done for New Mexicans, not for big oil and billionaires, and that’s why our bench is so deep.

  • Maria says:

    These types of text are needed and shared. Thank you Amy Barela.

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