ALBUQUERQUE, JANUARY 30—Today, Democrat Representatives Melanie Stansbury and Gabe Vasquez of New Mexico’s Congressional Delegation addressed the state legislature. However, their speeches once again sidestepped the pressing issues that matter most to the hardworking families of our state. While we appreciate their willingness to engage with our legislators, it is disappointing to see a continued lack of straightforward talk and action on New Mexico’s critical issues.
“New Mexicans are tired of empty promises, they demand real action,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairwoman Amy Barela. “When our representatives discuss crucial issues like the welfare of our oil and gas workers, support for our police, and the border and fentanyl crisis, their words must lead to tangible solutions. Sadly, the voting records of Rep. Stansbury and Rep. Vasquez expose a major discrepancy between their promises and their actions with their votes against bills like the Secure the Border Act and the Laken Riley Act. Furthermore, Vasquez voiced support for Paid Family Leave which could drain even more money from hardworking New Mexicans’ paychecks while placing an undue burden on the small businesses that need our support the most. We urge the legislature to put New Mexicans first and work together to tackle the key issues: protecting small businesses, strengthening our economy, supporting law enforcement, backing our oil and gas industry, improving education, securing our borders, and holding criminals accountable.”
Can someone recommend to the Governor to put a memo out related to federally funded positions and the Hatch Act? These positions need to be held to neutral actions and opinions while at work. Many staff within current administration from directors to managers to line level employees, are spewing lies regarding ICE actions within our state and country. They are even openly discussing the potential to play interference physically with the work of federal law enforcement working on removing criminal migrants. This puts law enforcement and others in great danger. Many citizens of New Mexico are Republicans and Democrats that voted for the vary actions being taken by ICE. Many hard workers are sick of the politics within the state agencies.
Questions for “Anonymous”: Do you care about federal workers being fired and bullied by Trump/Musk in violation of the Hatch Act, the Constitution and decency, or just friends in New Mexico?
Will you help stop Trump/Musk from becoming dictator-for-life?
Same old same old. Chair Barela did not mention the most important
of the representatives’ points, the legislature’s role in saving New Mexico from the cruelty and chaos of the Trump administration. She probably would rather we don’t notice. Fat chance.
She did not mention key facts about GOP behavior as reported in today’s Albuquerque Journal, “While the Democratic majority was present, Republicans made themselves scarce.” Rebecca Dow (R) stood and applauded when Gabe repeated his support for sensible, humane immigration reform, but when he supported the paid family and medical leave act, the remaining GOP lawmakers walked out.
Too bad, they probably missed his plea to work across the aisle to help New Mexicans. They find anger and spite more comfortable–and safer in GOP primaries.
“Cruelty and chaos of the Trump administration” eh? Oh, you mean establishing real peace with the Abraham Accords? You mean stopping the indoctrination of little children in believing that they can change they’re gender in order for your side to further a gender ideology that doesn’t work? You mean releasing Israeli hostages from Hamas, who are a terrorist group who are supported and voted into office and the government of Palestine or Gaza since at least 2006, the Palestinians, who the majority of them represent the true Islamic religion that says that all homosexuals and Jews and Christians, etd are scum and that they should be targeted and or killed including beheaded on national or international television for their faith or sexuality just like Hezbollah and Iran and Hamas, and who are stated in Hamas’s own charter the Hamas Covenant to have the right to commit atrocious acts on the nation of Israel and it’s people in the name of jihad and have the right to annihilate, to kill, to obilerate, and to wipe off the face of the planet the nation of Israel and the Jewish people for existing, just like Hamas does? You mean deporting all illegals who commit atrocious acts on innocent Americans like Laken Riley who was only calling the police because an illegal immigrant who wasn’t even supposed to be in this country in the first place but was because of the Democrats and they’re open border policies, and who was brutally murdered by the same illegal immigrant? You mean actually securing the border to actually prevent and protect the United States of America and it’s people from the invasion of 21 million plus illegals including terrorists from Hamas, murderers, child rapists, rapists, Mexican drug cartels bringing in unprecedented amounts of fentanyl that is killing innocent Americans in the thousands, Haitians and other groups of illegals who can’t speak the language of the United States of America who get free food stamps and free housing and free Social Security benefits and VA benefits before actual hard-working Americans who have to go through hoops and loops just to get those benefits, serial killers, etc who are ruining and running this country to the ground? You mean actually supporting the rights for parents to actually speak out against the woke ideology that is ruining children’s lives and to actually speak out against the gender reassignment surgery of little children who’s bodies are being mutilated to further a gender ideology that doesn’t work, and actually giving parents the right to get involved in their children’s education and have the right to actually be concerned about what their children are being taught because that is parental rights and it says it in the Constitution? And so on? Is that what you mean by “Cruelty and chaos of the Trump administration”. That’s not cruelty and chaos. That’s called defending the United States of America and it’s true values and it’s called defending the nation of Israel and it’s people from actual threats like Iran the largest sponsor of terrorism and Hamas and Hezbollah actual terrorist groups designated by the United States and the Palestinians who have supported and have voted for actual members of Hamas and who can have the right to annihilate the nation of Israel and it’s people for existing and have the right to target Jewish people for they’re faith, which states that in Hamas’s own charter called the Hamas Covenant if you actually read the thing. By the way, have you read the Hamas Covenant before? If you haven’t, you probably should because what it says what Hamas and the Palestinians have the right to do to Jewish people and the nation of Israel, to annihilate the nation of Israel and it’s people in the name of jihad and for existing, is what you Democrats are funding money and supplies to. And by the way, those Palestinians who you care about so much? They hate the United States of America just as much as they hate Israel. I just thought you wanted to know that. All you Democrats who are Americans are supporting and funding money and supplies to the very people who want to annihilate you, as well as other Americans who are on the other side, the common sense minded side, that you hate so much, including Jewish people who are American citizens themselves. So in other words Democrats, you are advocating, in this country, your own country just like my country, the United States of America, for the targeting and persecution of your fellow Americans because they are Jewish. Even Robert Reich, Robert Reich, a Jewish American himself who claims that he cares about the nation of Israel and it’s people, is advocating for the persecution and the targeting of his own people, Jewish people including Jewish Americans, just for them being Jewish. That is cruelty and chaos. You know what else is cruelty and chaos? How about allowing men, men, not actual women, but men who become women through gender reassignment surgery aka not actual women because they still have DNA proving that they are still men and still have X Y chromosomes proving that they are still men because you can’t change your DNA and X Y chromosomes and every common sense minded biology professor and common sense minded people know that, to compete, to play in women’s sports with actual biological women and allowing men to destroy and beat unfairly actual women in women’s sports and nearly killing women just to further a gender ideology that doesn’t work and allowing men to change in women’s locker rooms and girls’s high school locker rooms. That’s cruelty and chaos. In fact, that is an insult to women. You Democrats say that you care about women’s rights. Really? If you actually cared about women’s rights and protecting women’s rights, you wouldn’t be allowing men to compete and be in women’s sports with actual biological women now would you? Oh, you can say “Oh, they’re not men in women’s sports. They’re transgender women”. “Transgender women”, “men”. What’s the difference? None. They’re still men, but have become “women” just to further a gender ideology that doesn’t work. You Democrats don’t care about women’s rights or protecting women’s rights. Even you women who are Democrats who support allowing men to compete in women’s sports and change in women’s locker rooms with your own sex. You women don’t care about women’s rights or protecting women’s rights.
And no, Gabe Vasquez doesn’t care about sensible immigration reform. He voted against the Laken Riley Act which is designed to deport all illegals including the 21 million plus who have invaded our country and who have committed atrocious acts on innocent Americans in the thousands including Laken Riley. He voted against it. He doesn’t want the border to be secured. Which means that he doesn’t care about the Constitution of the United States which says that the United States of America must have a secured border in order to protect the United States of America and it’s people from invasion including the invasion of 21 million plus illegals who have invaded our country because of the Democrats and they’re open border policies. Which also means that if Vasquez didn’t vote for the Laken Riley Act or any other border security measure that will actually secure the border and to protect the American people, his own people that he represents in the United States Congress aka the United States House of Representatives from them being victims of fentanyl overdoses in the thousands, or from other atrocious acts, then it means that Gabe Vasquez doesn’t care about the United States of America or it’s citizens, the very people who he is supposed to represent in Congress. Makes you wonder why maybe Yvette Herrell should have won the election doesn’t it? She cares more about this country and it’s citizens than he does. I mean, he supports the “scientific study” that you Democrats and leftists supported to know what a woman was. What does that tell you? I mean, you have to be an idiot to not know what a woman is. Women have existed since literally the beginning of time. Yet, you Democrats want a scientific study just know what a woman is, a sex that has existed literally since the beginning of humankind. No wonder why you Democrats lost the presidency and Congress and the United States Senate. Gabe Vasquez should have lost his election just for that. He doesn’t know what a woman is, yet, he talked about his momma in one of his ads. He talked about his own momma, a actual woman, and he defended her……..but he wants a scientific study to know what a woman is because he doesn’t know what a woman is. Wow. He basically threw his own mother under the bus and his other women relatives. He should have lost the election for that. And he “supports sensible immigration reform” and “supports working with both Democrats and Republicans to secure the border” yet has voted against the very measures that would secure the border including the Laken Riley Act which is designed to deport illegal immigrants who commit atrocious acts on innocent Americans like Laken Riley like were supposed to do because that is border security. Gabe Vasquez doesn’t want the border to be secured. He supported Kamala Harris, who wants open borders and wants the United States to be invaded by millions of illegals who invade our country and who supports murdering of innocent human babies up to and including birth and after birth and who supports funding money and supplies to a group of people the Palestinians who hate the United States of America and Israel and who are the same people as Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism on Earth, who are also associated with Hezbollah and Hamas, terrorist groups, who are also associated with Lebanon, and who are stated in Hamas’s own charter the Hamas Covenant to have the right to commit atrocious acts on the nation of Israel and the Jewish people for existing and for their faith and who represent the true Islamic religion that says that all homosexuals and Jews and Christians are scum and that they should be targeted and or killed and or persecuted including beheaded on national or international television for their faith or sexuality, who also wants to get rid of the Electoral College which protects every American’s vote in rural and urban areas and protects the rights of every American’s rights regardless of race or color to vote in elections with voter IDs and voter ID laws, and who wants men who become women through gender reassignment surgery aka not actual women to compete in women’s sports and changing in women’s locker rooms and wants men to unfairly and unceremoniously destroy and beat actual women including nearly kill women in women’s sports and who ran for President because she’s Black and a woman, not on merit or experience and who was also installed as a presidential candidate which is seen in socialist and or communist countries and who along with Tim Walz attempted to implement Strength Through Joy which is a far-left socialist communist Nazi propaganda tool designed to brainwash the masses into believing that Nazism was a good thing. Yeah, that’s our Congressman from the 2nd Congressional District of New Mexico in a nutshell. No wonder why his party lost the presidency and Congress and the United States Senate. Gabe Vasquez and his Democratic colleagues have screwed up on everything. Big time. Him and his friends have screwed up. And he and his allies didn’t think we would notice? We’ve noticed. And you have screwed up Democrats. You’ve screwed up on protecting the fact that there are only two genders, male and female, by claiming that there’s more than two genders. Well, if that’s the case, I would like to hear what these other genders are and the names of them are. For a political party such as yourselves Democrats who seem to think that you care about women’s rights and all that, you seem to like thinking that there’s more than two genders. If you think that, I would like to hear the names of these other genders. I bet you can’t name more than two genders. Because there isn’t more than two genders. But if you think that there are more than two genders and if you think that these other genders have names, then I would like to hear them. Heck, why not say them on here, in this comment section for all the world to see. And that includes you JH Cole, since you are a Democrat who supports the claim that there is more than two genders yourself and that you support men who become women through gender reassignment surgery aka not actual women to compete and play in women’s sports with actual biological women. Can you name the other genders that you think they’re are? If you can, say them on here. And here’s another question for all you Democrats who support the transgenderism ideology being in our schools and in women’s sports and one you haven’t heard me ask you in awhile. What is a woman? Or more specifically for you Democrats. What is really a woman? If you can answer that question and if you can put the names of the supposed more than two genders on here for us, then maybe we’ll talk then. I mean, you Democrats including you JH Cole seem to think that there is more than two genders and you believe that there is more than two genders. Why not name the other genders that you think that there is on this website and in this comment section for all the world and for all of New Mexico to see. And don’t rush. Take your time.
Bets that even Chair Barela or A. Soular don’t read your posts.
Bet that they won’t read yours either because of the lies your spreading. I mean, you are one of the people who supports allowing men who become women through gender reassignment surgery aka not actual women, in other words, men(“transgender women” or “men”, same sex) to compete in women’s sports and to play in women’s sports with actual women like they’re actual women and you are one of the people who supports allowing men to change in women’s locker rooms and girls’s high school locker rooms. What does that tell you? And you wonder why you lost the presidency and Congress and the United States Senate. That’s not a lie. It’s the truth. You’ve screwed up Democrats. Big time. And I know that I keep saying that you Democrats have screwed up on everything. I know that I have said that many times. I will keep on saying that because it is the truth, something that you no nothing about because you want to censor the truth and then talk about the truth, your Democrats’s “truth”, which isn’t actually the real truth. Take for example your views on Israel. You Democrats and mainstream media platforms like MSNBC and Democracy Now! and CNN, believe that Israel is this “arphateid state” that doesn’t allow or gives the rights to their other citizens in Israel, in particular the Arab citizens who live in Israel. The fact of the matter is, the truth is, Israel does offer the same equal rights to the Arab citizens who live in Israel just as much as they do the Jewish people. And here is another truth that none of you Democrats including you JH Cole won’t admit about. You are funding terrorism and jihad, not directly, but that is what you are doing. Because the Palestinians, whom you say are the victims of this conflict between Israel and Gaza, are associated with Hamas, a terrorist group who advocates and supports the annihilation and eradication and the persecution of the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, as well as homosexuals and Christians for their faith or sexuality and also for existing. If you read the Hamas Covenant, it states that not only does Hamas have the right to annihilate and commit atrocious acts and eradicate, and to persecute the Jewish people for their faith and for existing and not only does Hamas have the right to annihilate and eradicate and obilerate the nation of Israel for existing in the name of jihad, but it states that the Palestinians have the right to do the same thing. The Palestinians and Hamas are the same people. They are the same people, who are also associated with Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism on Earth who funded Hamas and the Palestinians to attack Israel unprovoked on October 7, 2023 and led to over 1200 innocent people including women and children to be killed and raped and burned alive in the streets. The Palestinian Authority, and the key words are “Palestinian Authority”, which proves more and more that the Palestinians and Hamas are the same people, are also associated with Fatah, which is a socialist political party. Socialism, which doesn’t work and has never worked across history nor should it ever work. And if you don’t believe me, go to Venezuela and see for yourself. Socialism ruins a country and again, if you don’t believe me, go to Venezuela and see for yourself how Venezuela has been ruined by socialism. The Palestinian Authority, the Palestinians, Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah? All the same people who hate the nation of Israel and it’s people for existing and for their faith and hate homosexuals for their sexuality and who also hate the United States of America and want to obilerate and annihilate and eradicate the nation of Israel and the United States of America for existing and want to persecute and target the people of Israel including Jewish people and the Jewish people in the United States of America for their faith and for existing. That is who you are funding. You are funding persecution and jihad and terrorism among not only the nation of Israel and it’s people, but you are funding the persecution and the targeting, etc on the Jewish people in the United States of America, your own country, as well as other people in this country. Why do you think that the Jewish people in the United States of America have been targeted by the pro-Palestine “protesters” including being assaulted or worse, killed by them, across college campuses and university campuses across the United States of America and across the globe? You’re telling me that the Palestinians and Hamas are not the same people? They absolutely are the same people. Hamas’s own charter, the Hamas Covenant, clearly states that. You don’t believe me? Read the Hamas Covenant. Read it, word for word. It says that they are the same people. Maybe not all Palestinians are bad. But, the majority of them are the same people as Hamas. That is the truth. The real truth. Not the “truth” that you Democrats say that you say or talk about while you are censoring real truth. So you saying that Barela and Soular won’t read my posts or comments? I’m pretty sure that they would actually because I actually tell the truth. What about you? You say that you tell the truth. But do you really? It’s like what you claimed about the crime rate across the United States of America. That “crime rates are not increasing or rising” across the United States of America? The FBI, which is not a conservative or a liberal organization, has actual data that shows that crime in the United States of America has absolutely been increasing in the United States of America, including the fact that 21 million plus illegals have invaded our country in the last four years because of the open border policies of your side, the Democrats. The FBI has actual data showing this. The FBI for crying out loud. Are you saying that the FBI is lying? Really? You’re going to say that the FBI is lying? The FBI?! I mean, I get that Chris Wray, the former director of the FBI, was a corrupt man who led to the censoring of Americans who have actually exercised their First Amendment rights including putting Americans who exercised their First Amendment rights to peacefully and patriotically protested the results of an election on January 6 of 2021. But, the FBI, who are not all bad people, having actual data showing that crime rates has increased in the United States of America? That FBI? And you are going to say that the FBI is lying about it? The FBI? Really? Shows you that you and your side does lie.
And yet, you say that Trump and other common sense minded Americans like him lie. What have we lied about exactly? The fact that women’s sports should only be for actual biological women and not for “transgender women” aka men who become women through gender reassignment surgery aka men? Is that a lie? It’s not a lie. Women’s sports are for actual biological women. Not for transgender women aka men. Because that is what transgender women are. They’re men. Men who have gender reassignment surgery in order to become women. But men nonetheless. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. Anyone who has actually studied biology knows that transgender women are not actual biological women. They are men. They still have X Y chromosomes proving that they are still men and they still have DNA proving that they are still men. You cannot change your DNA or X Y chromosomes. And the fact that you Democrats think that you can proves how ignorant and out of touch you are with reality. Men cannot become women and women cannot become men. If you are born a male, you stay a male for your entire life. You can be a man and have gender reassignment surgery to become a women all that you want. But, you are still a man because your DNA and X Y chromosomes prove it. Any common sense minded person including those who have actually studied biology knows this. DNA and X Y chromosomes cannot be changed. And vice versa with women. If you are born a female, you stay a female for your entire life, even if you are a woman who decides to have gender reassignment surgery to become a man. It doesn’t matter. You are still a woman that has DNA and X Y chromosomes proving that you are still a woman. Get it? Do you understand what I am saying to you right now? Men cannot become women and women cannot become men. Simple and basic biology. If any of you Democrats actually payed attention in biology class in school, you would understand that. But no, you think that a man who becomes a woman through gender reassignment surgery is a actual woman and you think that a woman who has gender reassignment surgery to become a man is a actual man and you also think that that there are more than two genders, like 72 or 3,000 genders. That proves how out of touch you are with reality. And by the way, I don’t believe that there is more than two genders, not do I believe that a man can become a woman or that a woman can become a man. I don’t believe that, nor any other common sense minded person in the United States or abroad. You, you far-left, progressive, pro-teaching transgenderism or woke ideology to little children in schools Democrats, you believe that. You support the idea that there is more than two genders. If there is more than two genders, I would like to hear and see the names of all of these other genders besides the two that actually exist. Heck, why not name them here? If you Democrats believe that there is 72 genders or however many genders you think that there are, then name them all. Right here in fact if you want to. You believe that, I don’t. You believe that. I would like to see the proof to your claim that there are more than two genders right here. I see that none of you Democrats including you JH Cole have done that. No proof or no names of these other genders that you think that there are. I want to see if you actually have proof of this here, or anywhere. What are the names of the other genders that you think there are? Please, name them for me. You Democrats including you JH Cole are the people who believe this. I want to see the proof that there is supposedly more than two genders. You probably can’t because there are no other genders, except for the two genders that have always existed, male and female. But if you really believe that there are more than two genders, then please, for the love of all that is holy, name them right here, right now, if you dare. Take your time leftists. This is what you believe right JH Cole? Democrats? This is what you believe right? Then name the other genders that you think that there are, for me and for the other common sense minded people who you despise so much, including the common sense minded Americans who actually support the fact that there are only two genders male and female and support the First Amendment and school choice and parental rights and supporting Israel and other common sense minded American values that have made the United States of America so great in the last two and half centuries that you despise so much. If you can say that there are more than two genders, like 72 genders, then you can name them all right here, right now, if you dare. If you can name them all, which I bet you can’t because there are no 72 genders, but if you can name them all, then maybe we’ll talk.