
ALBUQUERQUE, JANUARY 29— The Republican Party of New Mexico continues to advocate for policies that prioritize the safety and well-being of our citizens. We recognize that the enforcement of immigration laws, including the deportation of illegal immigrants, especially those convicted of criminal activity, is the right course of action for New Mexico.

Over the past several years, our communities have faced rising challenges due to unchecked illegal immigration, including increases in fentanyl distribution, violent crimes, property theft, homelessness, and overwhelmed public resources. The burden on our hospitals, law enforcement, and social services has escalated, depleting resources intended to support our elderly, veterans, and low-income families. This crisis has placed immense strain on New Mexicans who depend on these vital services.

“While New Mexico has long welcomed individuals from all over the world to become part of our great nation, we firmly believe that entry into the United States must be done through legal avenues that have existed for years,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chair Amy Barela.

“Upholding the rule of law and securing our borders is not about turning people away—it is about ensuring a safe and sustainable future for all who call New Mexico home. With funding reallocation underway, it is imperative that we focus on our own citizens, strengthening public safety, expanding healthcare access, and restoring economic stability. We can no longer afford to divert resources away from New Mexicans in need. New Mexicans must come first, and we must take decisive action to protect our state’s future. Together, we can ensure a safer, stronger, and more prosperous New Mexico,” Barela concluded.

We encourage those who seek to become U.S. citizens to follow the legal process. For more information on how to start the legal immigration process, visit: USCIS Immigration Guide.

  • JH Cole says:

    Chair Barela spews the same lies that MAGA used to help Trump torpedo bipartisan immigration reform last year. They want the issue, not solutions.

    • Steven Cook says:

      No, you want the issue, not solutions in regarding the border crisis. Yes, the very same border crisis of which you say doesn’t exist. Well, you’ve clearly been living under a rock for the last four years or so or something. Because the border crisis that you claim isn’t real, is real. And it’s you and your side’s fault. Why? Because you and your side thought, you claimed that Trump’s border policies like Title 42 were “inhumane” or “racist” and such. Well, if the border policies of the person whom you Democrats despised the most just simply because he actually supports the true values of this country and you do not, were “inhumane” or “racist” and such things like that, then why was the percentage of illegals crossing into the United States of and why was the illegal crossings and gotaways of illegals, all illegal immigrants, at one of the lowest, if not the lowest levels in the history of the United States of America? But yet, you say that his policies were “inhumane” or “racist”. If anything, Biden’s border policies were inhumane. Children, little children who were illegal immigrants, were being human traffickers into this country by Mexican drug cartels and other groups of illegals who don’t care about the United States of it’s values and don’t care about the law. Children were being victims of this. You want to talk about inhumane? That’s inhumane. I don’t think you Democrats including you JH Cole know the true meaning of that word “inhumane”. I mean, your various policies that you support would be considered inhumane within themselves. Prime example? How about the fact that you are allowing men to compete and play with actual biological women and how about the fact that you are allowing men who become women through gender reassignment surgery aka not actual women to not only play with women in women’s sports, but you are allowing them to change in women’s locker rooms and girls’s high school locker rooms like they’re actual women. That is inhumane and it’s an insult to women and women’s sports and women’s rights. Inhumane is also having you Democrats and pro-Palestine protesters persecute Jewish people on college and university campuses in the United States and across the globe just for them being Jewish. That is inhumane. Inhumane is also having you Democrats support and advocate for the annihilation of the nation of Israel and it’s people for existing just by funding money and supplies to the Palestinians who have voted and have elected and have supported an actual terrorist group Hamas for years and in fact, Hamas’s own charter the Hamas Covenant states that not only does Hamas have the right to commit atrocious acts on the nation of Israel and the Jewish people for existing and in the name of jihad, not only does Hamas have the right to annihilate the nation of Israel and it’s people in the name of jihad and for existing, not only does Hamas have the right to persecute and target anyone including Jewish people who don’t support the true Islamic religion that says that all homosexuals and Jews and Christians are scum and that they should be targeted and or killed including beheaded on national or international television for their faith or sexuality, but it states that the Palestinians have the right to annihilate the nation of Israel and it’s people in the name of jihad and they also have the right to persecute and target Jewish people for their faith and for existing and they also have the right to commit atrocious acts on the nation of Israel and the Jewish people for their faith and for existing and in the name of jihad. It says that in Hamas’s own charter. And that is who you are supporting and funding money and supplies to. You are supporting and funding money and supplies to the Palestinians, who the majority of them, not only hates the nation of Israel and it’s people for existing and want to obilerate the nation of Israel and it’s people simply for existing, but you are supporting and funding money and supplies to the Palestinians who also hate the United States of America and it’s people, including you Democrats who are Americans yourselves, and who also want to obilerate and annihilate the United States of America as well. That is who you are supporting and funding money and supplies to. That’s inhumane. You know what else is inhumane? How about calling parents “domestic terrorists” for them having the right as parents to be involved in their children’s education and have the right to be concerned about what their children are being taught in schools and having the right to speak out against the woke ideology that doesn’t work and so on? How about that? That’s not inhumane? That is clearly inhumane. You Democrats don’t care about parents. And many of you Democrats are parents yourselves. Tell me I’m wrong. You are parents yourselves, but yet you hate other parents who actually have the common sense to speak out against your woke ideology that is ruining children’s lives and schools, the same schools that I am sure that your children, Democrats, go to as well. And don’t get me started on the fact that you Democrats who are parents and who support allowing children to have gender reassignment surgery at 3 years old or so are also allowing your own children to be subjected to having they’re own bodies mutilated in order to further a gender ideology that doesn’t work. And you parents who are allowing it to happen should be ashamed of yourselves for allowing your own children to have their bodies mutilated in order to further a gender ideology that doesn’t work. That’s not just inhumane. That’s child abuse in the worst form. So don’t lecture me on Trump and other common sense minded Americans like him being inhumane. Because that’s what you are being in various forms including regarding the border crisis. You don’t know the real meaning of inhumane. You Democrats have screwed up on the border. Big time. You’ve screwed up on that by allowing 21 million plus illegals including terrorists from Hamas, murderers, Mexican drug cartels bringing in unprecedented amounts of fentanyl that is killing innocent Americans in the thousands, serial killers, child rapists, Haitians and other groups of illegals who can’t speak the language of the United States of America, English, who get free food stamps, free Social Security benefits, VA benefits, free housing before actual hard-working Americans, actual citizens of this country, who have to go through hoops and loops just to get those benefits, etc, who are invading our country to harm and kill innocent Americans in the thousands including Laken Riley. Yeah, remember her? Yeah, you Democrats are responsible for the death of Laken Riley, an innocent American who was only calling the police because an illegal immigrant who wasn’t supposed to be in this country in the first place, because he was breaking the law by trespassing onto her property and she was brutally murdered by the same illegal immigrant for it. That’s your fault Democrats. That’s on you. She was murdered because of you Democrats and your open border policies. That is inhumane. You Democrats should all be ashamed of yourselves for allowing millions of illegals to come into our country and harm or kill thousands of Americans, your own people, including Laken Riley. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for that Democrats. Including you JH Cole, the guy who likes to claim that the border crisis doesn’t exist. You should be ashamed of yourself as well because you have allowed millions of illegals to come into our country and harm and kill innocent Americans in the thousands including Laken Riley. No wonder why you Democrats lost the presidency and Congress and the United States Senate. It’s not because Trump supposedly did anything wrong. No, it’s because you Democrats have screwed up. On the border and everything else. You’ve screwed up Democrats. Maybe you should remember that the next time you want to open your mouth and start talking crap. You’ve screwed up on everything Democrats and that is why you lost. “But, we are going to win back the U.S House and Senate in two years and the presidency in four years from the ‘evil MAGA people'”. You just might. But, it won’t change the fact and it will never change the fact that you Democrats have screwed up on everything and you have screwed up on protecting the true values of this country like freedom of speech and securing the border and protecting women’s sports and women’s rights and supporting Israel and school choice and parental rights and everything else that you Democrats have touched and ruined in the last four years and longer. You’ve screwed up Democrats and that will never ever change, no matter how many times you Democrats want to bash and criticize common sense minded Americans like me or Trump for supporting the true values of this country. You can do that until your face turns blue. But the fact of the matter is that you Democrats including you far-left progressive Democrats have screwed up on everything including the border and supporting Israel and protecting women’s sports and women’s rights and supporting school choice and parental rights and every other issue that you have touched or have ruined. That is why you lost the presidency and Congress and the United States Senate Democrats. That is why Kamala Harris lost. It’s not because of her gender or her race that she lost. She lost because she screwed up on everything including the border and supporting Israel and protecting women’s sports and women’s rights and every other issue that she has touched or has ruined. And she knows that she’s screwed up. That is why she lost. The American people woke up to what the Biden-Harris had done to this country, the fact that they ruined it. That is why you Democrats and Harris lost the presidency and Congress and the United States Senate. And that is why Trump and the American people, the true American people who have common sense which makes up the majority of Americans in the United States of America and the true values of this country won. You Democrats lost because you have screwed up on all of the issues that there is. So you can be behind a computer and you can talk all the crap about how Trump and common sense minded Americans like him are “evil” and “racist” and all that bullcrap all that you want and you can all post videos of yourselves having meltdowns about Trump winning the presidency all you want, Democrats. You can do all that bullcrap all that you want. But nothing will ever change the fact that you Democrats have screwed up on everything including the border and supporting Israel and protecting women’s sports and women’s rights and education and so on. You’ve screwed up on all of those issues and things. That is why you Democrats lost the presidency and Congress and the United States Senate and why you have lost every court battle against Trump in the last four years or so. Because you have screwed up. Big time, on everything. Including the gender issue. Oh, you Democrats including you far-left progressive Democrats who support allowing men who become women through gender reassignment surgery aka not actual women to compete in women’s sports and support allowing children to have gender reassignment surgery at 3 years old just love touting about the claim that there are more than two genders. Well, if there are supposedly more than two genders, then how about you name them. All 72 or how many genders you think there are. Name all of them. Heck, why not do it right here? In this comment section, on this website, for all the world to see? If there are supposedly more than two genders that you Democrats say there are, then how about you name them right here. Don’t be shy. I mean after all, this is what you think is true, that there is more than the two genders that actually exist, right? If there are more than two genders like you say, like if there is 72 genders, name them all. This is what you Democrats believe right? Why not name all of the genders that you believe that there are? Why not type in the names of them on here? What about you JH Cole? Can you name the supposed more than two genders that you seem to think that there is? I mean, you don’t seem to be afraid to bash common sense minded Americans like Trump and other common sense minded Americans like him or me for supporting the true values of this country like freedom of speech and securing the border and supporting Israel and protecting women’s sports and women’s rights and all of that. If you are not afraid of doing that JH Cole, then you shouldn’t be afraid of naming all of the supposed more than two genders that you seem to believe that there are. Why not name the supposed more than two genders that you seem to believe that there are for me? Don’t be shy. I mean, this is what you Democrats believe right? If you can name all the supposed more than two genders that you believe that there are, then maybe we’ll talk. I bet you can’t name all the supposed more than two genders that you think that there are. Because there is only two genders, male and female. But, you Democrats including you JH Cole seem to think that there is supposedly more than two genders and if you think that and actually believe that, then I want you to name them all, one by one. All 72 of them or however many genders you Democrats seem to think that there are. Name each and every single one of them, one by one. This is not for me. This is for you Democrats, including you far-left progressive Democrats like you JH Cole who believe that men who become women through gender reassignment surgery aka not actual women aka men should compete and play in women’s sports and change in women’s locker rooms and girls’s high school locker rooms. This test is for you. If you believe that there are more than two genders, name them right here right now. Take your time Democrats.

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