
ALBUQUERQUE, JANUARY 9— Today, the New Mexico Supreme Court unanimously ruled against the implementation of local pro-life ordinances passed by several New Mexico cities and counties including Lea and Roosevelt County, and the cities of Hobbs and Clovis. The decision further establishes New Mexico as having some of the most liberal and extreme abortion laws in the country.

Justice C. Shannon Bacon, writing for the majority, asserted that state law restricts local governments from regulating abortion services claiming that the ordinances infringed upon the legislature’s authority over reproductive healthcare. The court emphasized that their ruling was based on state law and did not address any constitutional questions.

The Republican Party of New Mexico Chair Amy Barela issued the following statement:

“The recent New Mexico Supreme Court decision blocking local officials from enacting pro-life laws undermines local governance and disregards the values of our communities. New Mexico politicians push for abortion clinics in every community while access to local hospitals is critically inadequate and too many women in our state are forced to travel long distances just to get life-saving care and necessary surgeries. It’s time we elect leaders and appoint justices who reflect the values of New Mexicans and prioritize the health and well-being of all women, not just the politically convenient aspects of it. The Republican Party of New Mexico stands for the sanctity of life for the unborn and will fight for the right of local communities to govern according to their values.”

  • JH Cole says:

    Most New Mexico voters want abortion rights and treat women as first-class citizens, not second class. That’s one reason Democrats continue to control state government.

    Ms. Barela, to understand the court’s reasoning, look at the issue from the other end (hard for MAGA followers, I know). Imagine El Paso votes to become a sanctuary for abortion rights and the Texas supreme court says, yes, localities that disagree with Texas state laws can ignore them.

    • Steven Cook says:

      So, what you are saying that when you say “Most New Mexico voters want abortion rights and treat women as first-class citizens, not second class”, are you saying that human babies, which have been proven by actual science to be human lives because human babies are humans, just like you JH Cole and me and Amy Barela and other New Mexicans in this state and other humans across the United States and across the globe…..are not humans? Because that is effectively what you are saying JH Cole. You are saying that human babies are not humans at all. Which means that you advocately support the murdering of human babies in the womb and up to and including birth and after birth because you think that human babies are not humans at all when actual science proves that human babies are humans up to the moment of conception. That is what you are supporting because you don’t think that babies are humans at all. Well, if babies are not humans at all, then what does that make you JH Cole? You are a human. You were once a baby and you are a human. If human babies are not humans at all, then what are you? What am I? Am I not a human? If I am a human and if you are a human JH Cole and if all New Mexico’s voters are human and if our Governor and if our Congress, United States Senate members and if our President until Jan. 20 Biden and if every other person across the globe are human beings, then human babies have to be human beings too right? Actual science, not from conservatives, not even from liberals, but non-partisan, independent science proves that human babies are humans from the moment of conception, and up to and including birth and after birth up to natural death when that human baby grows up to be an adult and lives to be 100 or older. But you think that human babies are not humans at all. Which means that you advocate for the murdering of human babies not just in the womb but also up to and including birth and after birth because “a woman has a right to do what they want to their bodies” or has the right to “choose what to do with their bodies” or, what you said, that “women are first-class citizens, not second class”, in other words you want women to murder their babies because their “not human enough or not humans at all.” That is what you are supporting am I right? Don’t answer that, it’s a rhetorical question. Because I already know what you are going to do. Your going to bash me and say that my mother should have aborted me and all that nonsense. Which will prove my point in that you advocate for the murdering of human babies because their not human beings at all when in reality actual science proves that human babies are humans. Am I right or am I wrong? Again, don’t answer that because it is actually a rhetorical question.

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