
ALBUQUERQUE, SEPTEMBER 24— DemocratsMartin Heinrich and Gabe Vasquez have joined Vice President Kamala Harris in supporting dangerous, radical open border policies that threaten the safety and security of New Mexico. Heinrich’s long-standing support for amnesty for 12 million unvetted, illegal immigrants and Vasquez’s backing of open border policies pushed by Harris show that both politicians are more aligned with Washington elites than the people of New Mexico.

“Martin Heinrich and Gabe Vasquez have both embraced the extreme, open-border agenda promoted and enabled by Kamala Harris,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “Their lawless immigration positions have made New Mexico an epicenter for cartel activity and human trafficking by encouraging illegal immigration and weakening border security. New Mexico families cannot afford four more years of the Harris, Heinrich, Vasquez open-border chaos.”

Heinrich has consistently voted and stood against key border security measures that protected New Mexico, such as President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, and additional border patrol funding. Vasquez, who shares Harris’s progressive views on immigration, is another example of a politician pushing radical policies at the expense of New Mexico families.

“Instead of working to secure our border and protect New Mexicans, Heinrich and Vasquez would rather push dangerous open-border policies that leave our communities vulnerable,” Pearce continued.

  • Make Room says:

    Deport MAGA to make more room for migrants.

    • UnAmerican Cry Babies says:

      Republicans and their loser leader keep bad mouthing America, saying its trash.

      I would like to invite them all to “Love it OR Leave it”.

      If people think its better in Russia or Hungary please go there and then report back to the rest of us.

  • Kim says:

    We must seal the border!

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