
ALBUQUERQUE, SEPTEMBER 3—Today, Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham held a press conference to tout her recent efforts to address organized crime spilling over New Mexico’s border. Today, she announced Operation Disruption, a collaborative effort between the Governor’s Organized Crime Commission (OCC), local law enforcement, U.S. Border Patrol and other agencies to “disrupt” organized crime and cartel activity.

The following is a statement from Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce:

“Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is another Democrat who is adopting Republican policies to bolster her party’s chances before the upcoming election. It’s too bad that she waited until the border crisis claimed so many victims to finally take action. She could have implemented these measures on day one to prevent many of the tragedies caused by human and drug trafficking and other criminal activity. Instead, Governor Lujan Grisham withdrew the National Guard from New Mexico’s border, dismissing Republican concerns as ‘fear-mongering’ and then recently claimed she didn’t have the authority to address border security. Additionally, Republicans in the legislature have been blocked from passing similar public safety legislation and resources by the Democratic majority year after year. We encourage New Mexicans to vote for Republicans in all legislative races if they want representatives who prioritize addressing crime year-round, not just for political gain before an election.”

  • Comrad Trump says:

    Trump promised socialized medicine for IVF and Abortion!?

    IVF is like super abortion since it requires the creation and destruction of multiple embros to work. Those that are not needed are later discarded, killing the embros.

    EVERY IVF treatment results in a lose of human life!

    I can’t believe this, Trump has abandoned the ProLife Movement to chase the slut vote, sad.

  • Is IT Racist? says:

    Is Trump a racist, watch his interview with NABJ.

  • Don't Hang Mike Pence says:

    Remember when the law and order party tried to hang Vice President Mike Pence?

    The people that know him best have left.

  • Republicans for Harris says:

    Republicans are WRONG on the only issue that matters this election, Democracy in America.

    There are only three kinds of Republicans:

    Those that are to stupid to understand that Trump lost the 2020 election and is still lying about it.

    Those that know Trump staged a coup in 2020 and approve.


    Those that are voting for Harris.

  • Show US says:

    Best way for Republican’s to show America they are serious about dealing with crime in America is by dumping Trump, a convicted felon from their party.

    So far Republican leaders have shown us their complete lack of courage and spin when it comes to standing up to the criminal in charge of their party.

  • Scapegoat says:

    Republicans are criminals who want to scapegoat immigrants.

    Republican’s supreme leader is a felon, rapist, and insurrectionist.

    Republican leaders don’t have the strength, courage, or morales to over come Trump, they can’t help us.

    Donald Trump wants to pardon and throw a parade for the J6 insurrectionist currently in prison for beating cops, destroying the capitol, and trying to stop the 2020 election.

    Donald Trump is against law and order and accountability. Republicans stand for nothing other than to worship DJT, sad.

  • Dear Leader says:

    It is hilarious to see Steve Pearce cry about Democrats “stealing Republican ideas”. We all know that the Republicans only have one idea and one principle left, obey Trump no matter what.

  • Wall Talk says:

    How come Trump didn’t fix everything when he was President? Why did he lie to us about Mexico paying for the wall?

    Not only did Mexico not pay for it, it didnt even get built!

  • Fred's Felon says:

    It’s hard to believe Republicans are going to get rid of crime in America when they cant even keep felons off the top of their ticket.

    Seriously, Republican’s can’t manage their party or save it from Donald J. Trump they don’t have the strength to save America from themselves much less anyone or anything else.

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