
On this Labor Day, the Republican Party of New Mexico proudly honors the many New Mexican workers who make our state grow and flourish with their talent, creativity, and innovation.

We thank all of the hard-working New Mexicans who wake up every day to provide our families with food, healthcare, education, safety, energy, technology, transportation, and countless other resources and services.

When we look around our state, we can appreciate the beauty that resilient New Mexicans have crafted and built. There is none like the New Mexican worker, and that is why Republicans are fighting to ensure their American dream remains a reality.

The Democratic Party has made life harder than ever for workers, from driving up inflation, which is eating up paychecks, to enforcing job-killing regulations and imposing higher taxes. We cannot allow the backbone of our state to be treated so badly, which is why Republicans are running to bring back a thriving economy so families can finally get ahead.

RPNM wants our state’s hard-working men and women to know we value and appreciate your heart and dedication. You are the cornerstone of New Mexico, and we are committed to fighting for your American dream. Have a happy and blessed Labor Day!

  • Grand Old Pigs says:

    Happy Labor Day! Lets put the pigs in their place on election day.

  • Dads for Decency says:

    Harris is working class and she has worked her way thus far to the second highest office in the land and is interviewing now for the Presidency.

    When Republicans say things like: Harris has only gotten to where she is because of her race or because of “favors” she provided to her former bosses they are telling their wives, sisters, mothers, daughters, and themselves that women can only succeed if they suck a stick.

    A vote for Trump tells women around you what you really think of them and their abilities and accomplishments.

  • SCAB! says:

    America doesn’t care if Harris is Indian or Black or Purple.

    What we care about is she is WORKING CLASS.

    Donald Chump and the other east coast elites are phonies.

  • Working Class says:

    Vice President Harris is working class. She comes from working class people, immigrants who worked everyday.

    When she was young she put herself through college while working at McDonald’s.

    As a lawyer she worked for the people.

    DJT was born with a silver spoon in his hand. He inherited a real estate empire from his father. As a elite DJT doesn’t know the first thing about what it means to be a real human person much less what it means to be working class.

    DJT has never cooked anything, much less served someone else. Donald has never been grocery shopping of fixed his home plumbing. The only thing DJT does for himself is his make up and wipe his large assets.

  • Solidarity with Immigrants says:

    Republicans want to convince us that there is no class war in America so that they can quietly win it for the Parasitic Class.

    Republicans want the working class to be consumed by in fighting xenophobia and racism so that we can not stand united in the face of corporate power.

    Every American worker should know we have more in common with the barefoot immigrant striving for a better life than we do with a fat old plutocrat from New York City.

    On the Statue Of Liberity is inscribed:

    “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
    With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    America is a blessed land of immigrants, lets keep the good times flowing, tear down the Wall and all barriers to solidarity in our hearts.

    Solidarity for every!

  • SCAB! says:

    Donald Trump is a SCAB!

    Republicans want to convince you that 80 year old nepobaby who inherited his wealth, has never worked a day in his life or ate a home cooked meal will represent the working class.

  • JH Cole says:

    If memory serves you didn’t mention unions last year, either, or the fact that nearly 20% of self-employed and 8% of all workers in New Mexico are immigrants.
    Voters know tax-cuts for the rich don’t help workers, MAGA is funded by anti-union billionaires and the Felon killed immigration reform. See you in November, MAGA.

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