
ALBUQUERQUE, AUGUST 22—The Democratic National Convention (DNC) concluded tonight with Vice President Kamala Harris accepting the Democratic presidential nomination despite not receiving a single vote for president in the primary, having no policy listed on her website, and without holding a single press conference or unscripted interview.

An apparent trend throughout the Democratic Convention was their speeches centered around criticizing their opponent, in contrast to the Republican National Convention (RNC), which centered on promoting their candidate.

“The DNC was a Hollywood spectacle, where the speakers chose to turn up the negative Trump rhetoric, despite the former President’s recent assassination attempt,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “Very little real policy was discussed, similar to how Kamala Harris has run her entire campaign so far.”

Vice President Harris has been criticized for using big name musicians and celebrities to bring in crowds to her events. The DNC followed the same pattern featuring the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Patti Labelle, Stevie Wonder, Lil’ John, John Legend, Pink, among many others.

“While Kamala Harris featured famous celebrities and musicians throughout the DNC, Donald Trump featured the victims of the Harris administration’s crime, open border, lawfare, and botched Afghanistan withdrawal,” said Pearce.

Additionally, tonight, Interior Secretary and former New Mexico representative Deb Haaland delivered a speech lauding the Biden administration’s radical climate initiatives.

“It is unfortunate for New Mexicans that Deb Haaland would use the national stage to push a climate agenda that would kill New Mexico’s economy and jobs, keep gas prices high and hurt the livelihoods of Navajo allottees,” Pearce continued.

Kamala Harris’s speech included numerous promises about what she would do if elected, but she never addressed the most pressing question on Americans’ minds: why isn’t her current administration already taking these actions?

“All New Mexicans have to do is ask themselves if they are better off now than they were three and a half years ago. Under President Trump, New Mexicans had more money in their bank accounts, fewer violent criminals on the street, a secure border, and no wars. We are going to see a large portion of the population vote to see that reality return again,” said Pearce.

  • Mason Robert says:

    Republicans are just jealous that the DEMOCRATS out did the lowly RNC. We Democrats are going to win everything this year and it will be by by trump

  • Make America Good Again says:

    HELP! My husband and I are life long Republicans. He and I both voted for Trump in 2016 but I secretly voted for Biden in 2020.

    Since 2016 my husband has become obsessed with MAGA. He has spent thousands of dollars buying MAGA merchandise and made it a part of his identity.

    Our adult children stopped visiting during the pandemic. Since then they have also stopped calling because they don’t want to hear his MAGA nonsense.

    Our daughter wont bring our grandchildren by to visit. When I confronted her about this she said she doesn’t want the children being exposed to radical politics or bigotry!

    I don’t know what to do anymore, I want to see my grandchildren, I wish he would go back to the way he was before Trump.

    Is there any mental health treatments or medication that can help him? Are their any support groups for recovering MAGA and their families?

    Will this get better or worse after November? If Trump loses again will he finally be able to let go of this or will he get caught up in a January 6th style extremism?

    Will I be able to wait out my husband until the MAGA spell breaks or should I just divorce him after 30+ years of marriage because his obsession is preventing me from having any other relationships?!

    If my husband is planning political violence or terrorism who should I call?

    • JH Cole says:

      I am sad for you, assuming this is a true story, but know of no cures. Our son is like your husband.

      If it’s fiction, congratulations on a great job!

  • Make America Great Together says:

    Make America Great by voting for Harris and Walz,.

    The boomer fantasy of rolling the country back 50 years failed already in 2020. MAGA and its master represent a longing for a past that never was and even if it was it will never come round again.

    We can’t comeback the way we came the only path is forward to the future together.

  • JH Cole says:

    Jealousy oozes out of Mr. Pearce’s every phrase, hypocrisy out of every claim. As if the RNC could put on seamless grand opera 4 nights in a row, get Dems to support the 2020 Loser, and recruit stars w/o cowboy hats.

    MAGA held a unified convention but with very few Republicans present.

    Dems have never been so united, and pundits say they have not seen saw a ground game as strong as the Dems put together since 2022.

    Pearce entertains us by whistling past his party’s graveyard.

  • Republican for Harris says:

    Steve Pearce should take one of those cognitive test they are always giving Donald.

    4 years ago was in the middle of the pandemic, I remember the economy and country a little different than Demented Donny and Suck up Steve.

    During the pandemic, which to remind the mentally deficient started in December 2019, millions of Americans lost their jobs and got put on public assistance programs like the PPP. Business closed and we were all told to stay in our homes like grounded children. That is TRUMP’s economy!

    This question Republicans keep asking “are you better off than you where 4 years ago?” is not the winner that they think it is for people that can actually remember 2020.

    • Drop Out Donny says:

      Also, I don’t think the Trump campaign is capable of adjusting to the reality that they are not getting a rematch against Biden.

      Even if the economy was worse today than in 2020, IT ISNT, it would still be Biden’s economy not Harris’.

      Trump WAS PRESIDENT, he has a record to run on and its really really bad.

  • Republican for Harris says:

    Listen to Adam, he is a Republican with courage and integrity.

  • Republican for Harris says:

    Republicans are WRONG on the only issue that matters this election, Democracy in America.

    There are only three kinds of Republicans:

    Those that are to stupid to understand that Trump lost the 2020 election and is still lying about it.

    Those that know Trump staged a coup in 2020 and approve.


    Those that are voting for Harris.

  • Dump tRUMP says:

    The Republican Party must DUMP TRUMP.

    DUMP TRUMP 2024

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