
ALBUQUERQUE, AUGUST 20—Tonight, New Mexico’s Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham gave a speech at the DNC focused on the issue of healthcare.

The Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce issued the following statement in response:

“It’s odd that Governor Lujan Grisham would be asked to speak at the DNC about healthcare when she’s turned New Mexico into a hostile state for doctors,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce.

“Her medical malpractice policy sent doctors fleeing out of New Mexico, leaving our citizens waiting months for care. New Mexico is facing critical doctor shortages that have only increased over the past four years. Not to mention, the governor’s handling of the COVID pandemic was rated the third worst in the nation with the sixth highest death rate. It is so bad that even after Lujan Grisham legalized abortion up to birth, abortion providers still refused to take up her offer to come practice in New Mexico.

“Democrats are responsible for skyrocketing healthcare premiums leading to people choosing between food and care, and their only solution is to impose communist-style price controls. Republicans will reduce inflation to lower healthcare costs, protect private healthcare ensuring high-quality services through competition, and will keep Medicare and Medicaid solvent for every New Mexican who needs it. Whether it’s the border, crime or the economy, Republicans are right on the issues that matter to New Mexicans and we’re going to see very competitive races up and down the ballot this year.”

  • Vets for Harris says:

    Steve Pearce is a Vet. He is a vet with a dilemma. Will he throw away the honor of his service to swiftboat (verb) Walz as his master demands?

    The cult leader, Captain Donny Bone Spurs, is struggling to find reasons to be critical of the Harris Walz campaign and the best thing he can come up with is attacking a 24 year long veteran’s career.

    The public already knows about Sergeant Walz service. We know he served 6 times long that VD Vance. We know he served 4 years AFTER being eligible for retirement AND AFTER 9-11.

    IF YOU ARE A VET PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT TRUMP’s CULT SAYS ABOUT THIS VET. They have no respect for the truth, his service, or your service and sacrifice, they would denigrate anyone’s service to get ahead. Hell they showed us at Arlington that they don’t even respect the fallen.

    We will see soon what kind of man Steve Pearce is. Is he a vet with honor or is a political hack, carrying water for Draft Dodge Donny?

    Republicans don’t respect public service of any kind, including military service. Sacrifice for the common good is no longer part of the conservative movement, in their mind its for suckers and losers.

  • Hawking hats says:

    I see RPNM is closing comments on their own little website because they can’t take the heat. RPNM should shut this site down and just leave the portion selling traitor hats.

  • JH Cole says:

    Mr. Pearce’s lies get dumber every day as he panics in the face of the blue surge. We notice notice he did not mention Project 2025 or Trump’s Agenda 47 (the Cliff’s Notes version) because he wants voters to forget MAGA’s malevolent agenda.
    We’re voting blue for freedom.

  • GOP Hands Off Our Democracy says:

    RPNM was involved in the 2020 fake electors coup plot. Steve Pearce should resign.

    • Drop Out Donny says:

      Donald Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies and attempted the first self coup in American History! He is not fit to be President.

      Donald Trump should drop out like Biden did.

  • Comrads for Harris says:

    I think price controls on things like food, rent, and health insurance are a splendid idea.

    Corporate greed has driven housing and healthcare prices up for decades, it needs to stop.

  • Republicans for Harris says:

    Republicans are WRONG on the only issue that matters this election, Democracy in America.

    There are only three kinds of Republicans:

    Those that are to stupid to understand that Trump lost the 2020 election and is still lying about it.

    Those that know Trump staged a coup in 2020 and approve.


    Those that are voting for Harris.

  • Weird Old Man says:

    Steve Pearce is just butt hurt that he lost to MLG, get over it old man.

  • Tim “Bones” Snyder says:


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