
ALBUQUERQUE, AUGUST 6—Today, Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for President, announced that she has chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to run as her Vice President.

This choice reveals that the Democratic Party prefers blind allegiance to their radical agenda over competence in leadership. Tim Walz, a non-swing state candidate, adds very little to the ticket. The decision not to choose Jewish Governor Josh Shapiro, who could have targeted the swing state of Pennsylvania, suggests that Harris and the DNC are more concerned about appeasing the antisemitic, pro-Hamas wing of the Democratic Party.

Tim Walz has a lengthy political history as a radical progressive. He served six terms as a Minnesota U.S. representative before becoming governor. His leadership has been marked by incompetence and far-left extremism, providing a clear view of what he will bring to the Harris ticket.

  • As governor, Tim Walz’s negligence enabled a massive fraud scheme, resulting in his state losing a quarter of a billion in federal funds intended to help hungry and needy children.
  • Walz is a defund-the-police, soft-on-crime progressive who sat back and let violent criminals burn down his state. Kamala Harris then helped raise money to bail those violent rioters out of prison.

“Tim Walz will be a rubber stamp for Harris and the Democratic Party’s far-left chaos,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “Walz will be out to destroy New Mexico’s energy sector, jobs and economy. Expect less money in your paycheck because as governor, Tim Walz proposed billions in new taxes, said he was proud to take on the label of a ‘big government liberal’ and claimed ‘socialism’ is as ‘neighborliness.’ Walz will not only continue the open border crisis, but he wants your tax dollars to pay for illegal immigrants’ health care and college tuition. If you think crime is bad now, just wait. As governor, Walz let Minneapolis burn to the ground during the George Floyd riots and supported a plan for alternatives to the police. Under his leadership, violent crime surged by 21% in his state.”

Pearce continued, “New Mexicans are sick of inflation, paying high gas prices, and seeing rampant crime in their neighborhoods fueled by the open border. Republicans are offering real solutions to the issues that hard-working families care about, and that’s why we’re seeing New Mexico become very competitive this year.”

  • Vets for Harris says:

    Steve Pearce is a Vet. He is a vet with a dilemma. Will he throw away the honor of his service to swiftboat (verb) Walz as his master demands?

    The cult leader, Captain Donny Bone Spurs, is struggling to find reasons to be critical of the Harris Walz campaign and the best thing he can come up with is attacking a 24 year long veteran’s career.

    The public already knows about Sergeant Walz service. We know he served 6 times long that VD Vance. We know he served 4 years AFTER being eligible for retirement AND AFTER 9-11.

    IF YOU ARE A VET PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT TRUMP’s CULT SAYS ABOUT THIS VET. They have no respect for the truth, his service, or your service and sacrifice, they would denigrate anyone’s service to get ahead.

    We will see soon what kind of man Steve Pearce is. Is he a vet with honor or is a political hack, carrying water for Draft Dodge Donny?

    Republicans don’t respect public service of any kind, including military service. Sacrifice for the common good is no longer part of the conservative movement, in their mind its for suckers and losers.

    • Vets for Harris says:

      Show us your true colors, Steve Pearce, we are all waiting.

    • JH Cole says:

      This old white man (USN 1967-1971) and former Goldwater Republican agrees entirely. The GOP I grew up in exists only in scattered neighborhoods, not among the so-called leaders.
      I’m for Harris-Walz all the way–and Vasquez and Heinrich, too.

  • KKBaez says:

    The irony is staggering…

  • Reset says:

    Was Steve Pearce or others at RPNM involved in the New Mexico Fake Electors Coup Scheme in 2020/2021?

    Why haven’t the 5 fake electors: Jewll Powdrell, Deborah W. Maestas, Lupe Garcia, Anissa Ford-Tinnin and Rosie Tripp been prosecuted?

    RPNM and these fake electors thought they would cheat New Mexicans out of our say in the 2020 election.

    The Republican Party is corrupt at every level, even here in New Mexico. END RPNM END THE GOP.

  • JH Cole says:

    Even Steve Pearce and his “leadership” team wouldn’t spout such stupid lies if they weren’t in full panic mode.

    Rebuilding the GOP starts with flushing the felon, but that would take a pinch of courage.

    • Republicans for Harris says:

      The Cult of Dino Don has tarnished the Republican brand for a generation.

      Leaders like Stevo Pearce have stood by and timidly supported the gutting of the GOP.

      Trump has done more to motivate young people to vote, and vote Democrat than any modern American politician, include Obama!

      These young people that came out to vote Trump down in 2020, if they come back and to vote him down again in 2024 it will start a life long habit of voting for them. Young people voting in large numbers WILL WRECK the GOP for decades.

      Trump’s crass racism and sexism is a serious turn off to the younger generations.

      Dino Don is demented and anyone can see it every time he opens his lying mouth. He is old enough to be Harris and Walz’s Dad and old enough to be JD’s grandpa, what an old geezer.

      It is astounding to me that we have stuck with this vile loser for THREE ELECTION CYCYLES!

      He has never won the popular vote, lied about losing the last election for years, and as president had a 34% approval rating! WTF is wrong with our leaders and voters in the GOP?!

  • TKW says:

    ……..i defend steve pearce’s right to spout whatever lies he likes, but i sincerely wish he’d just go away.

  • Weirdo Stevo says:

    Steve Pearce is Weird

    • Weirdo Stevo says:

      Dino Don is a WEIRD OLD MAN.

      A weird old man who is a self confessed and liable sexual predator.

      • I'm with Weirdo says:

        Donald Trump is definitely to old to run for office. Take a look at his disastrous interview with the NABJ.

        Anyone born after 1980 that sees this is going to be reminded of their demented, racist papaw or uncle. The cringe is so strong, so so strong.

        Donald Trump should put JD to use and have JD explain to Dino Don that people can be half asian/indian and half black, just like some people are half asian/indian and white.

        This guy is weird old racist.

      • Law and Order says:

        Finally a law and order president!

        Prosecutor VS Criminal

        District Attorney VS Convicted Felon and Sexual Assaulter

        LOCK HIM UP!

        • Republicans for Harris! says:

          Our Party’s nominee isn’t qualified.
          Republicans for Harris are gaining steam.

          It’s time to do the decent thing and dump Trump.

          • M.S. says:

            You know very well that anyone after reading what both Harris and Walz have actually done, no self-respecting, half intelligent, knowledgeable person would want to elect these socialist/communist/God hating criminals.

          • Actually says:

            HAHAHA Trump is an actual convicted Criminal.

            M.S. is a member of the weird old pervert cult.

        • M.S. says:

          Both Harris and her new stupid super-liberal idiot freak who has made a terrible mess of his home state cannot be trusted to run America: both have terrible failure as their only achievements/supe -failure. Their both super failures and liars. They are the criminals, not Trump.

          • Actually says:

            Trump is the only American President to ever been convicted of a crime!

            Trump is criminal on such a scale that its historic!

    • Vote Against You Know Who says:

      Democrats: “Biden is looking a little old and wobbly after 50 years of public service.” “Lets force him out for the good of the party and the country.”

      Republicans: ” Trump is a old demented nepobaby who still cant admit he lost the 2020 election.

      Donny drags us everyday by saying terrible things like “I am going to be a dictator…. and after this election you wont have to vote because it will be FIXED.

      Donald is a convicted felon with many pending trials and attempted the first self coup in American History when he tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power in 2021.

      He is a twice impeached, twice divorced adulterer, found liable for rape.

      Donald is ERODING, our institutions like the criminal justice system, Congress, and the SCOTUS. ”

      Republicans: “Let’s turn over the party’s fundraising and leadership to him, let us bow down now and worship him, debase ourselves, lower ourselves before him, sacrifice our decency on his alter of power. Let us now and for all history bind ourselves to Donald J. Trump never mind his words or deeds, damn the consequences down with accountability and up with unaccountable power!”

      The CONTRAST between the two parties is clear.

      If you are a GOOD American and a Republican who has fought against Trump’s take over of the GOP you have FAILED.

      It’s time to for drastic measures, like voting for Democrats.

      Country over party, Trump must be stopped.

      • Don't Hang Mike Pence says:

        Mike Pence talking about Donald’s Dereliction of Duty on January 6th 2021.

      • M.S. says:

        You are an obvious Democratic Socialist; a lying immoral freak who cannot tell the truth. Your party is no longer Democrat but Radical Socialist and Anti-God. You hate the Constitution because it prevents your radicalism from being implemented which can only destroy whatever it touches: I’ve done my homework on socialist countries. Every last one is failing. You want us to get used to failing like the British and the French. Your a loser and you want so many others to be forced to end up like you, a dumb loser who trusts other dumb losers like who make up your “party of losers” Go home and go to bed.

        • Actually says:

          Actually, MS., you are in a cult that worships a loser felon rapist as a infallible god. The Cult of Donald is WEIRD.

        • Republican for Common Sense says:

          This is a socialist comment. It’s actually pretty UnAmerican in my book. Authoritarianism isn’t American. Trump is far from the American ideal. Plus, you are worshiping a false idol. Have you ever thought the reason he’s not winning is due to his actions?? God is not blessing him. Destruction follows. Don’t believe me? Read the Bible.

    • Old Weirdo says:

      Kamala is 20 years younger than Trump……it’s time for the old man to get out of the race for the good of the country and the party.

      Republicans need to pick a younger, less criminal candidate if we want to win in November.

      Step Down Donald.

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