
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, JULY 19—On Friday, Martin Heinrich followed donors’ demands and urged Joe Biden not to run for re-election. Heinrich’s decision came after The New York Times reported that a Hollywood donor told Heinrich: “you are not getting a dime” if he didn’t ask Biden to step aside. 

How does U.S. Martin Heinrich make political and policy decisions? Wait for guidance from special interest donors. 

A timeline: 

LAST WEEK: “I love Joe Biden.” 

WEDNESDAY: Donor demands Heinrich urge Biden to not run for re-election. The New York Times reported, “Tom Strickler, a founder of the Hollywood talent agency WME, said he had recently met in Los Angeles with Senator Martin Heinrich, Democrat of New Mexico. “If you don’t publicly call for Biden to step aside,” Mr. Strickler said he told Mr. Heinrich’s team on Thursday morning, “you are not getting a dime from me.”

FRIDAY: “I believe it is in the best interest of the country for [Biden] to step aside.”

“It’s clear Martin Heinrich’s career is in jeopardy: Heinrich has been exposed as a puppet who places his Hollywood and special interest donors above the needs of New Mexico families,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “New Mexico voters have never been able to count on Martin Heinrich to represent their best interests, especially since he has spent his political career catering to radical donors and their high-crime, open border, and high inflation agenda.”

  • The Test of Power says:

    “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a men’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln

    President Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the race for the good of the country has drawn a sharp contrast between his character and that of Donald.

    Donald failed his test of power in 2021 when he attempted to stay in power illegally after losing the 2020 election.

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