
Alarm Bells Ringing Loud in Biden/Heinrich/Vasquez Campaigns Today
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, JULY 12—The New York Times reported today that “in a meeting at the White House last week, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham told Mr. Biden that she feared he would lose her state, according to two people briefed on her comments.”

This is in line with a Democrat-conducted post-debate poll showing the state has turned from solid blue to purple, with Biden narrowly losing the state and polls showing Nella Domenici virtually tied with Martin Heinrich in the U.S. Senate race.

GOP momentum is growing in New Mexico as Nella Domenici set a new fundraising record in the second quarter. FOX News reported today: “Domenici’s campaign reports that the candidate hauled in $2.9 million during the April-June second quarter of 2024 fundraising, which they said was “the largest fundraising quarter of any U.S. Senate candidate in New Mexico political history.”

“Republicans in New Mexico are gaining momentum heading into the 2024 election and we’re seeing that reflected up and down the ballot,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “Democrats like Biden, Gabe Vasquez and Martin Heinrich have made it much harder for New Mexico families to get ahead. Voters are ready for new leadership and New Mexico is shaping up to be a fiercely competitive battleground state.”
  • JH Cole says:

    Mr. Pearce whistles past the GOP graveyard again. He ignores election results from the recent primary and brags about gossip from the NYT.

    In June, 40k more Democrats turned out to vote than Republicans. Both Biden and the 2020 Loser got 84% of their party’s vote, but that meant 133k for Biden and 79k for the convicted felon. Nella received 80k to Heinrich’s 123k.

    In my CD2, Gabe Vasquez (2022 winner by 1300 votes) got about 6500 more votes than MAGA Yvette Herrell because CD2 voters love the job he’s doing.

    i.e., facts show little enthusiasm for the GOP in New Mexico, and it will get worse for them when New Mexicans learn what Project 2025 plans for the country if the rapist and fraud wins in November. Not many New Mexicans like fascism.

    If you don’t know about Project 2025, Google it! Genuine Republicans gag at what they find.

    • Steven Cook says:

      “It will get worse for them when New Mexicans learn what Project 2025 plans for the country if the rapist and fraud wins in November” (Me gasping sarcastically) Oh my God! Project 2025 sounds so horrible(sarcastically)! Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that Project 2025 will actually bring back the Judeo-Christian values that were founded by our founding fathers to make this country so great to the United States government and society? You mean to tell me that Project 2025 is actually going to stop the weaponization of the DOJ and FBI against parents for being parents and the targeting of people who actually tell the truth about there only being two genders and the targeting of Americans who actually support the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Judeo-Christian values of this country and the Second Amendment and First Amendment, etc that all Americans including the normal and common sense minded Americans actually support and should support? And that Project 2025 will actually stop the weaponization of the Department of Education against our children by brainwashing little children into believing that genital mutilation and changing their gender will actually make their lives better when in reality there are actual statistics proving that performing gender reassignment surgery on little children will have long term effects and long term consequences to their bodies? And that Project 2025 will actually stop the weaponization of the Department of Education by teaching little kids that all white people are racists and that all African Americans are supposedly still oppressed and that slavery among African Americans supposedly still exists when in reality the United States ended slavery among African Americans some 150 years ago with the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments that state that all Americans including African Americans are equal under the protection of the law and the Constitution of the United States and gives African Americans the right to vote among other groups of Americans because African Americans are Americans too and that if we didn’t end slavery among African Americans 150 years ago that there would be no African Americans in Congress, in sports, in movies, on TV shows, or in the workforce? And that Project 2025 will actually help to save the fossil fuel industry and oil and gas and stop the green climate policies that are clearly not working? And that Project 2025 will actually help the President of the United States work for the people of the United States like he’s supposed to do under the Constitution of the United States? And that Project 2025 will actually protect election integrity and actually hold people who cheat in elections(Democrats) accountable? Wow, Project 2025 sounds so bad(sarcastically)! Whatever shall we do! Oh wait, I forgot. You leftists have a President who sniffs and touches little girls inappropriately which has been caught on camera by the way, who supports along with Anthony Blinken and KJP and the others in his administration who support funding a dictator, Zelensky, who actually already has millions of dollars even without the funding and owns three or four properties in the United States, who has a son who smokes crack and cocaine and has committed actual felonies and has had shady dealings with our enemies like China and Russia through Burisma, who has called for the murdering of common sense minded Americans or the MAGA supporters or the Republicans including Trump just because he hates and fears him and his supporters because they actually represent the traditional and true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Judeo-Christian values and so on and he does not, who supports targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, who supports funding the Palestinians who have since 2006 have voted and elected into office and into government members of an actual terrorist organization Hamas who commits and advocates for jihad and Sharia law and genocide and terrorism among innocent people, who supports endangering women’s sports by having dudes who cut off their private parts and has female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery competing against actual women in women’s sports, who calls common sense minded Americans like the MAGA supporters or conservatives the scum of the Earth and threats to democracy and threats to the United States and so on, just like Adolf Hitler said about the Jews in Nazi Germany, who supports brainwashing little children into believing that changing their gender will somehow make their lives better and hiding information about it from parents, who supports giving our oil and gas to our enemies like China and Russia and Venezuela, who caused the worst withdrawal of Americans and American troops from Afghanistan in August and September of 2021, who gave the Taliban an actual terrorist organization $88 billion of our own aircraft and our own weapons to them, who thinks that he is a Black woman, who thinks that Kamala Harris is not the Vice President but thinks Trump is, who thinks that he is 150-200 years old, who thinks that he is half-Puerto Rican, and so on. Yep, that’s our current President in action. But, all of that’s good. But, Project 2025 and Trump actually bringing back the common sense minded values and policies like freedom of speech and the Judeo-Christian values and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and school and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel, etc, now that’s bad(sarcastically).

      I mean wow! And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in masses now including African Americans and Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc and even now, Biden’s own party, is leaving him in growing numbers, in the polls and studies and in real time. I wonder why? It’s almost undeniable now. Biden is losing supporters and voters in real time and in the polls and studies because they are realizing that his policies do not represent the traditional American values of the United States of America like Trump’s do. In fact, Trump has already won this election and in the long run just by default because he actually represents the true values that Americans want back into the government and society like the Judeo-Christian values and freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and parental rights, etc. What values do the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden represent? Huh? What possible common sense minded values and policies could Biden and the Left and today’s Democratic Party could possibly represent? I’ll wait.
      You leftists really think that Biden funding the Palestinians who have voted into office and into government members of an actual terrorist organization Hamas, who sniffs and touches little girls inappropriately which has been caught on camera, who supports dudes who cut off their private parts and has female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery to compete and destroy and endanger actual women in women’s sports, who supports the targeting of people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, and so on is really the best man to be the President of the United States? 86% of American businesses are being hurt by Bidenflation, another 79% of them are being hurt by higher taxes due to Bidenflation and another 59% say that the damage from Bidenflation has been significant(Alignable poll), more than 61% of Americans, the majority of Americans, disapprove of Biden’s job as President(CNN poll), the vast majority of Americans including 48%+ of Democrats, over 70% of Independents, 93% of Republicans, etc oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports(Gallup poll), more than 80% of Americans including Democrats are concerned about the border crisis(various polls), the vast majority of Americans including Democrats support Israel over the Palestinians who have supported and have voted and elected into office and into government members of an actual terrorist organization Hamas who commits and advocates for jihad and Sharia law and terrorism and genocide among the innocent(various polls and studies including a Harvard university poll), two-thirds of Americans including Democrats are concerned about the rising gas and food prices under Biden and are worried that the prices of food and gas will get more expensive under Biden(various polls including Axios-Harris poll), and so on. Not to mention that Biden has called for the murdering and rounding up of conservatives or MAGA supporters or other common sense minded Americans including Trump just because Biden hates and fears them because they actually represent the true values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Judeo-Christian values of this country, etc which is why a Democrat, not a Republican as they are claiming, but a Democrat, tried to assassinate Trump yesterday that Biden and the Left and today’s Democratic Party are in on and are involved because of the reasons I just told you. Not to mention that Biden sniffs and touches little girls inappropriately which has been caught on camera by the way. Not to mention that Biden and his administration and the Left and today’s Democratic Party support brainwashing little children into believing that changing their gender will somehow make their lives better and performing genital mutilation on them and so on. Not to mention that Biden supports weaponizing the DOJ and FBI against parents for being parents and people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting pro-lifers for being pro-life and so on. Considering all of that and the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden are losing big time in real time and in the polls and studies because of all of that, then maybe that Project 2025 actually bringing back the common sense minded values and policies like freedom of speech and the Judeo-Christian values and the Second Amendment and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel, etc back to the United States government and to society in the United States is not such a bad idea. Better than the crap were seeing right now with Biden and the Left and today’s Democratic Party in control of the United States government and society. But if you leftists including you JH Cole want to live in the fantasy that Project 2025 actually bringing back the common sense minded values and policies of the United States will supposedly “destroy the United States and ruin the United States”, if you want to live in that fantasy, then by all means. Good luck with that. It doesn’t matter. The guy who you leftists hate so much and fear because he actually represents the true American values like parental rights and the Judeo-Christian values and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the fact that he actually knows that there are only two genders and so on, Trump? He’s already won, not just this election, but he’s already won in the long run. And your guy, Biden? He’s already lost. He just doesn’t know it. And if you actually succeed in assassinating Trump, like you tried to do yesterday(that’s right, we know you leftists and Democrats did it and were involved in that incident), then guess what? Trump still wins because you will prove to him and to everyone else that you don’t care about the United States of America and it’s true values like parental rights and the Judeo-Christian values and the Second Amendment and law and order and law enforcement and supporting Israel, etc. That’s what it will prove and therefore Trump will still win in the long run because of it. He will be a martyr, much like what President JFK has become since his assassination. And Abraham Lincoln too. He was assassinated by a Democrat by the name of John Wilkes Booth. Did Booth and the Democratic Party win by assassinating him? I don’t think so. Lincoln still won in the long run even though he was dead and he still wins even now. He abolished slavery among African Americans that Democrats so desperately supported and still think exists. That means Lincoln won. And if the Left and today’s Democratic Party do actually decide to assassinate Trump and unfortunately succeed in doing so, it will not matter. Trump will still win. Even now, Trump has already won. So you leftists can put him in prison for supposedly 34 felonies that he supposedly but did not commit, but supposedly committed, or worst case scenario, you leftists can assassinate him or whatever. It will not matter even one second. He will still win, even if he is in prison, or worse, dead. Trump will still win because you will prove to him and to everyone else that you don’t care about the United States of America and it’s true values like parental rights and the Judeo-Christian values and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and school choice, etc that all Americans are supposed to support and represent regardless of race, color, nationality, religious affiliation and political affiliation. That is what assassinating him or putting him in prison will prove. And if you don’t believe me, then just try to refute it. You probably can’t because you know that I am right. But if you wish to refute it, then just try to do it. I dare you. It will not matter. Trump has already won. He’s already won. And Biden has already lost. He just doesn’t know it. He’s too busy pretending to be a Black woman to even fathom the fact that he has already lost this election and in the long run through the polls and studies and in real time. People are waking up to the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party do not represent the true values of the United States or other countries. There are more people leaving the Democratic Party and the Left including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans and now a growing number of Democrats, etc than there are people joining them. There’s a good reason for that. I just told you the reason if you haven’t been paying attention in real time and reading my comment. So there you are. Now what say you leftists. What ridiculous argument are you going to make against me this time? Whatever it is, it will prove my point.

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