
ALBUQUERQUE, JULY 11—This evening, President Joe Biden held what White House officials dubbed a “big boy press conference,” referring to his first formal solo press conference since 2022. After Biden’s disastrous debate performance that called into question his physical and cognitive ability to lead the country, this press conference would prove to be another crucial opportunity for Americans to see Biden and judge his fitness for the highest office.

Republican Party of New Mexico spokeswoman Ash Soular issued the following statement following President Biden’s press conference this evening:

“Joe Biden’s press conference did not instill confidence among New Mexicans that he is remotely fit to lead. During the conference he called his vice president ‘Trump’, stated that he chose Kamala Harris because she is qualified to be the president, and he lost his train of thought multiple times. Under the leadership of Biden and Democrats over the past three and a half years, New Mexicans can see that the nation is declining faster than Biden’s cognitive ability. It is abundantly clear that this November, there is only one option to make New Mexico strong, prosperous and safe for hard-working families, and that is electing Donald J. Trump and every Republican up and down the ballot.”

  • JH Cole says:

    Keep whining about Democrats and keep pretending that the convicted felon is fit to serve and the GOP will keep shrinking.

    This election is about Trump’s psychopathology and Project 2025, not Biden’s age. (If you don’t know about Project 2025, Google it.)

    btw, Biden’s command of foreign policy was masterful.

    • Steven Cook says:

      Keep whining about Republicans and keep on pretending that a guy who sniffs little girls and touches little girls inappropriately which has been caught on camera and a guy who thinks that he is a Black woman, half-Puerto Rican, thinks that he is 150-200 years old, thinks that Kamala Harris is not the Vice President but Trump is, who supports forcing little children to change their gender because supposedly they are in the wrong body or are the wrong gender, who thinks that dudes who cut off their private parts and has female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery competing in women’s sports against actual women and utterly destroying the actual women in women’s sports is a good thing, who supports the murdering of innocent human babies up to and including birth and after birth, who supports targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, who supports funding a guy, Zelensky, who owns like three or four houses in the United States and a guy who is a actual dictator, rather than funding Americans who are actually struggling financially to pay for gas and food due to Bidenflation, who supports funding a group of people, the Palestinians, who have since 2006 have voted into office and have elected into office and into government members of an actual terrorist organization Hamas who commits and advocates for jihad and Sharia law and genocide and terrorism, who calls common sense minded Americans like that of the MAGA supporters “threats to democracy” and “threats to the United States”, scum and parasites just like Adolf Hitler, and supports hiding information about transitioning children from the parents, who supports arresting pro-life figures for being pro-life, who supports arresting and putting in prison a political opponent like Trump, which is what we see in socialist countries and communist countries not the United States, simply because he hates and fears Trump because Trump actually represents the true values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Pledge of Allegiance and the fact that he actually knows that there are only two genders and so on, and so on. If you want to pretend that Biden’s actually fit to be President, then by all means. I would argue though, that the facts are on my side, and the vast majority of Americans too, including a growing number of Democrats too. Biden is not fit to be President. He is an embarrassment to not only the United States of America but to the whole entire planet too. And if other planets we’re like the rest of this planet, they would be laughing at Biden too for how weak and cognitively unfit this man is for President. And your right, this is not about Biden’s age. It is however about his cognitively. And he is cognitively unfit to be the President. And the various polls and studies, as well as a growing number of people in his own party including more than 18 Democrats in the United States Congress, in counting, are realizing that he is not fit to be President. Even CNN is now starting to realize it.

      Oh, and I did Google Project 2025 and apparently the Left and today’s Democratic Party are claiming that if Trump wins in November and becomes President again and then implements the Project 2025 thing, that he will become a “dictator”. So, let me get this straight. A United States President implementing Judeo-Christian values, into the government and society of the United States of America, is dictatorship? Stopping the weaponization of the DOJ and FBI and stopping the DOJ and FBI in the Biden administration from targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting pro-lifers for being pro-life and targeting Americans and putting in prison Americans who on January 6 only peacefully and patriotically protesting the result of an election like the 2020 election is dictatorship? Abolishing or reforming the Department of Education with this Project 2025 simply because the Department of Education is advocating for the radical leftist gender agenda which tells little children that changing their gender is a good thing simply based on the assumption that they are in the wrong body or are the wrong gender when that is not how biology works, is dictatorship? Eliminating the DEI initiatives, which are racist because it’s only about hiring people based on their race and not their merit or experience, with this Project 2025, is dictatorship? So you, you leftists and others like you, are saying that President Trump actually restoring the true values of this country back into the United States of America like Judeo-Christian values and freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and law and order and the fact that there are only two genders and border security, etc, are all definitions of dictatorship or fascism and extremism and that supposedly Trump doing this will “destroy the United States of America” and so on? Because that is what you are saying right? Right. No wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in masses now in the various polls and studies and in real time including African Americans and Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans and so on, as well as now a growing number of Democrats too. But if you want to have the fantasy that Trump’s a “felon” and so on? If you want to have that fantasy, then that’s OK. The facts are that Trump is way more American than your so-called President Joe Biden will ever or could ever imagine because Trump actually represents and stands for the true values of this country like the Judeo-Christian values and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and school choice and border security and supporting Israel and the fact that he actually knows that there are only two genders and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and voter ID laws and voter IDs and law enforcement and law and order, etc. Yeah, and what values do Biden and his supporters stand for? Hmm? What common sense minded values and policies could Biden or his supporters who haven’t left him because of his policies that are destroying this country, could ever possibly represent? Hmm? I’m waiting. That’s right, he doesn’t represent the true values and common sense minded values and policies like Trump and other normal and common sense minded Americans support and represent. That’s why Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded and normal Americans including a growing number of Democrats have already won, not this election that is coming up in November, but have won in the long run. And guess what will happen if the Left and today’s Democratic Party decide to assassinate Trump if he becomes President again? He will still win because they will prove to him and to everyone else that the Left and today’s Democratic Party who are still holding on to the fantasy that Biden is actually fit to be President and the fantasy that Biden is supposedly better than Trump, that the Left and today’s Democratic Party actually don’t care about the United States of America or it’s true values like that of the Judeo-Christian values and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and so on that all Americans, regardless of race, color, nationality, religious affiliation and political affiliation including Democrats and Republicans, etc are supposed to support as this is the United States of America and not China. That is what assassinating Trump will prove. That the Left and today’s Democratic Party don’t care about the United States of America and it’s true values that I just named. And therefore, Trump will still win, even if he is dead. He will still win and he will become a martyr, much like what President JFK became and has become since his assassination. So if you leftists want to live in the fantasy that Biden is supposedly a better President than Trump was and if you want to live in the fantasy that the guy, Trump, who actually supports the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and the Judeo-Christian values and the Second Amendment and the fact that he actually knows that there are only two genders and the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel, etc and the guy who actually established the lowest unemployment rates for African Americans and Asian Americans, etc and who actually established peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and who actually helped to secure the border with Title 42 and Remain In Mexico policy, etc, is a “felon” and what not, then by all means. The truth is, that supposed “felon” whom you leftists want to call, Trump, is way more American than Joe Biden or his supporters could ever imagine. He represents the true values of the United States of America that Joe Biden and the Left and today’s Democratic Party do not. And that is a fact. And a growing number of Democrats are now beginning to realize it. That is why Trump has already won this election and in the long run. Trump has already won and the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden have already lost. They just don’t know it. Biden’s too busy pretending that he’s a Black woman and so on to even realize that he has already lost this election and in the long run. And the more supporters of his leave him, the more that his remaining supporters will realize it. And then what? The Left and today’s Democratic Party, the remaining supporters of them, will assassinate or try to assassinate the very man who actually supports the true values of this country that the Left and today’s Democratic Party do not, Trump. That’s what will happen. It doesn’t matter. Trump will still win. He will still win because they will prove to him and to everyone else that the Left and today’s Democratic Party do not care about the United States of America and it’s true values like parental rights and supporting Israel and the Judeo-Christian values and etc. They will only assassinate him or attempt to assassinate him or anyone else who supports Trump simply because they hate and fear him because they know that he actually represents the true American values of this country and that he is actually against the policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party that are destroying this country as we speak. That is what it will prove. And if you think that we are angry at the Left and today’s Democratic Party now for their policies that are destroying this country as we speak. If the Left and today’s Democratic Party do decide to assassinate Trump because of the reasons that I just stared, we will become even more angry than you could ever imagine. I’m not saying that we are going to go out and assault or kill every Biden supporter or anything like that. But, there will be hell to pay for assassinating a man, President Trump, who actually supports the true values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Judeo-Christian values of the United States and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc. If the Left and today’s Democratic Party decide to assassinate him, there will be hell to pay and furthermore, we will know that the Left and today’s Democratic Party will assassinate him. And again, there will be hell to pay for it too, even if we don’t assault or kill every Biden supporter we see or something like that. There will be hell to pay. How it will go, we are not going to tell you.

      Now, what say you, leftists? Huh? What about you JH Cole aka Mr “I’ve lived here in New Mexico for seven years and I think that I know more about it than other people do when in reality I don’t”? You going to argue with me or refute everything that I just said? Go ahead, try refuting everything that I just said. Go ahead. You probably won’t and can’t because deep down you know that I am right. But just try to refute everything that I just said. And while you are doing that, how about you leftists name the 57-3,000 or more genders that you seem to think that is how many genders there are for me, one by one. Oh yeah, and what is really a woman?

      • Steven Cook says:

        Oh yeah, and Biden’s foreign policy has not been “masterful”. He is an embarrassment to the entire world because he is so cognitively unfit to be President. Even the actual dictators like Putin and Xi Xingping don’t like Biden because he is weak and is cognitively unfit to be the President of the United States. Because of this, we have become the laughing stock under Biden. If Trump was President, we wouldn’t be the laughing stock of the planet. Under Trump, there was no wars anywhere on the planet, no dictators invaded other countries under Trump, peace was established in the Middle East under Trump including with the Abraham Accords, and the dictators of the world like Putin and Xi Xingping actually feared and respected the man because he was actually tough on them. And etc. Do you see that happening with Biden? No you do not. And the vast majority of Americans including a growing number of Democrats are seeing that Joe Biden is not fit to be the President of the United States and he is not fit to be on the global stage either. He is an embarrassment to the United States and to the world. But if you want to live in the fantasy that Biden has a better foreign policy than Trump, then by all means. The truth is that Biden’s foreign policy is horrible and dangerous for the United States and for the world while Trump’s was better, and the vast majority of Americans realize it and the various polls and studies prove it. But again, if you want to live in the fantasy that Biden has a better foreign policy than Trump’s, then by all means. The facts are on my side and on the vast majority of Americans including a growing number of Democrats. The vast majority of Americans including Democrats support Israel over the Palestinians who have elected members of an actual terrorist organization Hamas who commits acts of jihad and Sharia law and genocide, into their government since 2006. And that’s not just me saying it. Various polls including a Harvard university poll prove that the vast majority of Americans including Democrats support Israel over the Palestinians who have voted into office and into government members of an actual terrorist organization Hamas since 2006. So what does that tell you? You really think that Biden’s foreign policy is masterful now? If you want to live in that fantasy, then go ahead. Just like if you want to live in the fantasy that a woman is now a man who cuts off his private parts and has female breasts implanted onto him through gender reassignment surgery to become a woman, then by all means. I choose to live in a world with truth. Like the truth that a woman is not a man who cuts off his private parts and has female breasts implanted onto him through gender reassignment surgery to become a woman. A man is still a man, even he cuts off his private parts and has female breasts implanted onto him through gender reassignment surgery. He’s still a man. But if you want to live in that fantasy that that is what a woman is now, then by all means. Proves that you leftists know nothing about basic biology and proves that you didn’t actually study biology or weren’t paying attention in biology class in school. A man is still a man, even if he cuts off his private parts and has female breasts implanted onto him through gender reassignment surgery. A man is still a man. A woman is still a woman, even if she has her breasts cut off and then has make private part implanted surgically onto her through gender reassignment surgery. A woman is still a woman. Try refuting that.

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