
Statement Raises More Questions as Campaign Faces Crisis Over Biden’s Cognitive Ability
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, JULY 8—Democratic Senator Martin Heinrich’s campaign havoc continues after his staff finally drafted and released a statement about where he stands on President Biden. The problem is that the statement left us with more unanswered questions, not less.

His vague response leaves us with these unanswered questions:

  • Does Heinrich believe Biden is capable of continuing to serve as president?
  • Does Heinrich believe Biden should remain the Democratic nominee?
  • Does Heinrich believe Biden is capable of serving as president for another four more years?
  • When did Heinrich first learn about Biden’s cognitive concerns?
  • What does Heinrich need to see from Biden that would demonstrate that the debate was just a “bad night”?
  • Does Heinrich care that Biden is not up to the job, or is he more focused on political power?
  • Does Heinrich believe Harris, or another Democrat would be a better nominee?

While Heinrich scrambles to give a straightforward answer, one thing is sure: New Mexico is in play. Recent polls show that the state has turned from solid blue to purple, with Republican Nella Domenici closing in on Martin Heinrich.

“Senator Heinrich’s vague statement reveals the havoc that has descended upon the Democratic Party. Heinrich’s previous blind loyalty to Biden and his special interest groups now makes it difficult for him to answer honestly about the President’s mental and physical ability to lead the country,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “New Mexicans deserve leadership with the courage to say it like it is and put the best interests of our state and nation first.”

  • JH Cole says:

    So what, everybody knows Senator Heinrich has little to no input into Biden’s decision-making process.

    Here’s what: Everybody knows S Pearce, Y Herrell and N Domenici have no input into convicted felon Trump’s actions, yet they support his campaign to become dictator.

    Keep shrinking, GOP.

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