
JULY 5—Did you see the news? As reported by the Washington Post today, Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) is seeking to assemble a group of Senators to ask Joe Biden to exit the presidential race.

Warner is allegedly telling Democratic senators that Biden can no longer remain in the election in the wake of his abysmal debate performance, according to the people familiar with private conversations.

Is Democratic New Mexico Senator Martin Heinrich in this group of Senators?

Does Senator Heinrich agree that Biden is unfit to be President again?

“New Mexicans deserve to know if Martin Heinrich is going to campaign for Joe Biden,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “Heinrich’s silence breeds more uncertainty not only in the top of the Democratic Party’s ticket but also in his ability to give a straightforward, honest answer to the New Mexicans he serves.”

  • JH Cole says:

    The 2020 Loser, convicted felon Trump, wants to be dictator and MAGA backs him. Trump and Project 2025 threaten every one of us and each of our liberties.

    If NM GOP “leaders” don’t flush Trump and start defending the Constitution or the Party will keep shrinking.

  • Steven Cook says:

    Obviously, Martin Heinrich would stand with Joe Biden because Heinrich believes that Biden is a “much better President” than Trump. Now before all you leftists who come on here and argue with me that Trump’s supposedly a felon and all of that, I just want to remind of this: 86% of American businesses are being hurt by Bidenflation, another 79% of them are being hurt by higher taxes due to Bidenflation, another 59% say that the damage from Bidenflation has been significant(Alignable poll), the vast majority of Americans including Democrats are concerned about the border crisis under Biden and caused by Biden(including more than 80% of Americans including Democrats who are concerned about the border crisis in one poll, among other polls), more than 61% of Americans including Democrats, the majority of Americans, disapprove of Biden’s job as President(CNN poll), more than 61% of Americans, the majority, favors Trump over Biden in the first presidential debate(various polls including CNN poll), the vast majority of Americans including 93% of Republicans, 48%+ of Democrats, over 70% of Independents, etc oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports(Gallup poll), the vast majority of Americans including Democrats support Israel over the terrorist organization Hamas and the people who have voted and elected into office and into government members of Hamas since 2006(various polls and studies including a Harvard university poll), the vast majority of Americans including Democrats are concerned about the rising crime rate in the United States(various polls), the vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(various polls including CNN and NBC poll), the vast majority of Americans including 81%+ of African Americans support the police and oppose defunding law enforcement in the United States(NBC poll, other polls and studies), the vast majority of Americans including African Americans, Democrats, etc, support voter ID laws and voter IDs, which the Left and today’s Democratic Party claim are racist towards African Americans(various polls), the vast majority of Americans including Democrats(including over 72% in one poll) say that the United States is going in the wrong direction under Biden, while only a small percentage of Americans(including 24% in a CNN poll) say that the United States is going in the right direction under Biden(various polls including CNN poll, others), two-thirds of Americans are concerned about the rising gas and food prices and that food and gas prices will get more expensive under Biden(Axios-Harris poll, other polls), the vast majority of Americans including Democrats as well as voters and supporters of Biden are walking away from Biden and his various policies, including his policies on Israel(various polls and studies), and so on. Oh yeah and Trump actually represents the true values of the United States including the Second Amendment and First Amendment, parental rights, school choice, the Pledge of Allegiance, standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, praying before a game or other activities, law and order, law enforcement, the fact that he actually knows that there are only two genders, border security, and supporting Israel, etc. Yeah, and what values do the Left and today’s Democratic Party represent? What common sense minded values and policies could today’s far-left and progressive Democratic Party and the Left possibly represent? Hmm? Abortion up to and including birth and after birth is common sense? Forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better because their supposedly in the wrong body or are the wrong gender is common sense? Supporting the Palestinians therefore supporting the terrorist organization Hamas who have been voted into office and have been elected into office and into government by the very same Palestinians to attack Israel and murder and rape innocent people in Israel including women and children is common sense? Censoring and purging conservative comments and accounts as well as other common sense minded people’s comments and accounts just because they don’t agree with the far-left, progressive pro-abortion up to and including birth and after birth policies, etc is common sense? Arresting and targeting pro-lifers just for being pro-life is common sense? Targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders is common sense? Forcing actual women in women’s sports to compete with and then get utterly and unceremoniously destroyed by dudes who cut off their private parts and has female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery to compete in women’s sports is common sense? Trying to remove a federal candidate like President Trump from the ballot illegally and unconstitutionally through individual state legislatures and state Supreme Courts just because he actually represents the true American values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and voter ID laws and voter IDs and the Second Amendment and First Amendment, etc all of which is what Americans of all backgrounds are supposed to support because this is the United States of America not China, is common sense? And so on? You think that the Left and today’s Democratic Party doing all of that and the Left and today’s Democratic Party supporting all of that is common sense minded values and policies that the Left and today’s Democratic Party represent? That’s not common sense. The Left and today’s Democratic Party do not represent common sense nor do they represent the common sense minded values and policies of this country like Trump and other common sense minded Americans support. And guess what, they want common sense back in the United States. The vast majority of Americans not just Republicans, conservatives, but also a fast growing number of Democrats and Independents, etc want common sense minded Americans values and policies like freedom of speech and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security, etc back in the United States, nationwide. The polls and studies and actual data prove this. Americans want common sense back and the only way to get common sense minded American values and policies like those that are supported by Trump and others like him is to vote the radical leftist figures, pro-abortion up to and including birth and after birth and pro-woke and pro-soft-on-crime and pro-defunding of the law enforcement officers and departments in the United States, etc figures out of office. That’s how we get common sense back in the United States. In fact, Trump has already won this election and has won this whole time. He has common sense and the true and common sense minded American values and policies like freedom of speech and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and voter ID laws and voter IDs and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the fact that he actually knows that there are only two genders, etc. What does the Left and today’s Democratic Party have on their side? What “common sense minded values and policies” that the Left and today’s Democratic Party could possibly have on their side? Hmmm? I’m waiting. Yeah, exactly!

    The Left and today’s Democratic Party don’t have the common sense minded values and policies that the true and common sense minded Americans do. That’s why the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden have already lost this election and have lost this whole time. They just don’t know it. The Left and today’s Democratic think that they have common sense minded values and policies on their side. They really think that dudes who cut off their private parts and has female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery competing in women’s sports is common sense. It’s not. They think that they are supporting African Americans by saying that voter ID laws and voter IDs are racist towards African Americans and think that they are supporting African Americans by saying that the police, all police officers and departments in the United States are racist towards African Americans is common sense. It is not. In fact, the vast majority of Americans including more than 81% of African Americans, who actually only make up about 13% of the United States population, actually support the police. And the Left and today’s Democratic Party, actually the Democratic Party of today, and years and decades past, have thought that they were representing and supporting African Americans by voting against the over 25+ civil rights bills since around the time of the Civil War. And that’s not true. In fact, between the years 1861 and 1875, more than 23 civil rights bills were brought up in the United States Congress. Democrats voted against all 23+ civil rights bills. The 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 version were both voted by 83% of Republicans and about 60 something percent Democrats. A 1957 Civil Rights Act was brought up in Congress and was killed by………. Democrats! The Ku Klux Klan, which is claimed to have been founded by Republicans, was actually created by Democrats to target Republicans, but not just Black Republicans, but White Republicans as well. The KKK is mostly a white group, so they have actually targeted their own race. In fact, back during the early days of the KKK, there were over 4800 lynchings, with more than 3500 of them being Black and over 1300 of them being white people who were lynched. Almost all were Republicans. A South Carolina state Senator or a U.S Senator from the state, a white person and a Republican, was shot seven times by the KKK in the late 1800s and survived. The Left and the Democratic Party also banned African Americans, both Republicans and Democrats, from running for or being elected to office such as Congress. It wasn’t until 1944, during World War II, that the United States Supreme Court struck down the Democratic policy that banned African Americans from running for office because African Americans have equal rights just like white Americans and Hispanic Americans and Cuban Americans, etc do. The Left and today’s Democratic claim that they supposedly represent African Americans and claim that they support African Americans in the United States and their rights. History shows that they have not. While it may be true that leftist African Americans or African Americans who are members of Black Lives Matter support the Left and today’s Democratic Party and their radical leftist agenda, history itself shows that African Americans overall have not been represented correctly by the Left and Democratic Party. Democrats created the KKK in order to target Black Americans including Black Republicans, they voted against almost every Civil Rights Act there was between 1861-1875, then again in 1964 and 1965 Civil Rights Acts, which both were actually created by President John F Kennedy before his assassination and by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1957 with that version, which was again, killed by Democrats. History shows that the Left and the Democratic do not and have never cared nor have supported the African American community overall. And you wonder why African Americans are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in masses now and are going to the side of the Republicans or Trump. Because Trump actually cares about the African American community and actually supports the true values of this country like freedom of speech and voter ID laws and voter IDs and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and border security, etc. This is why Trump has already won, not this election even before the actual election in November takes place, but he has won in the long run. He is more in tune with the African American community and Hispanic American community, etc than the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Joe Biden would ever be. Not even Barack Obama, who is actually mostly Middle Eastern, but is Black too, could ever represent the African American community as well as Trump has. Trump is way more in tune with the African American community than any of those people could ever imagine. He established the lowest unemployment rates for African Americans and not just for African Americans but for the other races in the United States. That’s what Trump did and yet you call him a racist. It would be like if you called President Theodore Roosevelt a racist. He actually appointed many Blacks to his cabinet as well. Trump did the same thing. He appointed a Black guy, Ben Carson, to HUDD, appointed a Asian woman to his cabinet, to name a few. If Trump was actually racist, he wouldn’t have appointed those people of color to his cabinet. And he wouldn’t have established the lowest unemployment rates for African Americans and other races in the United States either. And if Trump was truly a racist, then African Americans and Hispanic Americans and Cuban Americans and Asian Americans, etc would not be supporting him in masses now and he would not be popular in the African American community or the Hispanic American community, etc as he is. If he was actually a racist, none of those things would be happening. But since those things are happening, it proves that Trump is not a racist. But the Left and the Democratic Party are, are they? If history is correct, which essentially it is, then the Left and the Democratic Party are racist towards African Americans as a whole because they voted against all 23+ Civil Rights Acts between the years 1861 or so to 1875, and then again in 1957, then again in 1964 and 1965, plus the fact that they, not Republicans, but the Democrats created the KKK to target African Americans including African Americans in Congress, mostly Black Republicans as well as White Republicans, which resulted in the lynchings of over 4800 people during the early days of the KKK up to the beginning of the 20th century, including over 3500 Blacks and over 1300 Whites who were lynched by the KKK, most of which whom were Republicans, and the fact that the Democratic Party as well as the KKK voted to ban African Americans of both parties, Republicans and Democrats, from running or from being elected to office including Congress just because of the color of their skin and the fact that they were Black, a policy that was struck down by the United States Supreme Court in 1944 during World War II, plus the fact that the Democrats wanted to keep slavery in place during the Civil War and after the Civil War even though both the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments stated that all citizens of the United States are citizens of the United States including African Americans and gave African Americans as well as the other groups of Americans including White Americans the right to vote. And so on. That is what history really shows. The Democrats have historically never cared about the African American community overall nor have they supported the African American community and that remains the case to this day. Joe Biden really believes that the African American community overall actually supports him and his agenda. That couldn’t be further from the truth. A minority of African Americans may support him. But the vast majority of African Americans, literally the vast majority of African Americans, do not support him or his policies. For good reasons. If Biden truly cared about the African American community like he claims, which he does not, but if he truly did, then they wouldn’t be leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in such huge numbers. But African Americans are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now because the Left and today’s Democratic Party do not represent the true values of the United States and they don’t represent their values. In fact, the Democrats again have historically never represented African Americans correctly. So why else do you think that African Americans are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in masses now? They should have left the Democratic Party and the Left decades ago because history, real history, shows that the Democratic Party have never cared nor have supported the African American community or African Americans overall. Don’t believe me? I dare you to try and refute that. Don’t worry, I’ll wait. And while you are doing that, how about you leftists name the 57-3,000 genders or more that you seem to think that is how many genders there are for me, one by one.

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