
ALBUQUERQUE, JULY 3—According to a leaked internal poll from Open Labs, New Mexico has shifted from a solid blue state to a more competitive purple state, with Donald J. Trump holding a narrow lead over Joe Biden. The poll is sending shockwaves across the nation, showing Trump with an advantage in most battleground states. The leaked internal poll reveals a growing silent majority of New Mexicans who are ready to vote for change and move the state and country in a different direction.

The weakness at the top of the Democratic Party ticket is already impacting down-ballot Democrats such as Rep. Gabe Vasquez and Sen. Martin Heinrich, who still refuse to abandon their allegiance to Biden.

On the other hand, Republicans like Nella Domenici and Yvette Herrell are gaining momentum by offering common-sense solutions to address the critical issues facing New Mexico families like the cost of living, the border crisis, rising crime, and the lack of relief for state wildfire victims.

Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce said, “This shift shows that the Democratic Party has a weak presidential candidate and cannot escape from their failures on the issues. New Mexicans are fed up with rising inflation eating up their paychecks, making groceries unaffordable, and feeling unsafe due to the open border and crime. New Mexico has turned from blue to purple, but these will still be very close races in November. We are ramping up all of our efforts to get New Mexicans out to vote. We have 125 days to send our strong slate of candidates to deliver more for New Mexico families. We are not taking anything for granted.”

  • JH Cole says:

    Mr. Pearce whistles past his party’s graveyard. Elections matter, polls suck.

    In New Mexico’s June 4 primary, about 30% more Democrats voted than Republicans, and all national and statewide races showed the same result. GOP slavish support of Trump and the gun lobby, and their passion to control family health care, are on the wrong side of history.

    In my precinct, Trump got 20 votes, Haley 5 and Yvette Herrell (CD2) about 24, whereas Biden and Gabe Vasquez (CD2) got 74 of 74.

    In 2022, Gabe defeated Yvette by about 1300 votes, the nation’s closest House race. In the primary he got 6000 more votes than MAGA Herrell.

    Now that the MAGA SCOTUS Six made the president a king above the law, Pearce fears a blue wave in November because voters know Biden will behave like a president, and convicted felon Trump will try to be a dictator.

  • Learned My Lesson says:

    Some of us learned our lesson supporting SHUT DOWN DONNY in 2020.

    TRUMP Ducked up on the Pandemic. He allowed all the lock downs and job loses. He got more people on public assistance than any president before him with the Covid Relief and exploded the national debt and inflation as a result.

    TRUMP LOST the 2020 election and lied about it to incite a violent mob to stop the certification of the election results.

    He is the first president in American history to resist the peaceful and lawful transfer of power, a disgrace for the ages.

  • Donny Deviant says:

    Trump was party pals with Jeffery Epstein.

    Trump has been credibly accused by multiple women of sexually assault.

    Donald J. Trump is also on tape saying he would have sex with Ivanka Trump, HIS OWN DAUGHTER, if she was not his daughter and bragging about grabbing unwilling women by the kitty.

    Donald J. Trump is a pervert and a felon a Con and a cheat a lair and a forwarder of racist tweets.

    Donald J. Trump is a LOSER and a sore one at that. Still lying and crying about his 2020 FAILURE.

    Donald J. Trump is a FAILURE as a husband and father, a thrice divorced thrice bankrupt FAILURE.

    Give me Joe Biden, Give me Nikki Hailey, Give me Kamala Harris over Donald Felon Trump any day.

    • Steven Cook says:

      Oh, so you would rather have a woman, Nikki Haley, who’s not even a true Republican and someone who has been bought, and paid for and has had the Left and today’s Democratic Party fund and support her campaign and someone who hates and fears President Trump because he actually represents the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the fact that he actually knows that there are only two genders, etc? You would rather have a guy, Joe Biden, who sniffs and touches little girls inappropriately, which has been caught on video mind you, who supports and funds the Palestinians therefore funding Iran therefore funding an actual terrorist organization Hamas who have been supported by the Palestinians and by Iran, who is funding a dictator, Zelensky, in Ukraine, rather than funding his own people, the American people, who are actually struggling to pay for gas and food and other things, who supports dudes who cut off their private parts and has female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery competing and endangering women’s sports, who thinks that he’s 150 years old, who falsely claims that he’s half-Puerto Rican, who supports the murdering of innocent human babies up to and including birth and after birth, who sounds exactly like Adolf Hitler when calling common sense minded Americans like the MAGA supporters “threats to democracy and threats to the United States” and scum and parasites just because they actually represent and support the true values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and the fact that they know that there are only two genders and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel, etc and he doesn’t, who supports the targeting of people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting parents for being parents, etc? You would rather have a woman, Kamala Harris, who supports all of the radical leftist policies that I just named, plus the fact that she cackles every five seconds, etc? That’s who you would rather support and vote for? You know, not the guy, Trump, who actually supports and represent the true values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the fact that he actually knows that are only two genders and the guy who actually brought peace to the Middle East with the Abraham Accords and the guy who actually helped to secure the border with Title 42 and his other border policies that a growing number of Democrats are starting to realize? And so on? You would rather support and vote for those people than him? All because of his “mean tweets”? I would rather have “mean tweets” from Trump than from a guy, Joe Biden, who doesn’t care about the United States because he would rather support or bow down to dictators like Putin and Zelensky and who sniffs and touches little girls inappropriately and who supports dudes who cut off their private parts and has female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment destroying actual women in women’s sports and who supports open borders that is causing unprecedented influxes of illegal immigrants including terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists coming into the United States and basically destroy this country from within, and so on. But no, you would rather support and vote for people who support the policies that are destroying this country like the open borders and abortion up to and including birth and after birth and the economic policies of Biden that is causing the vast majority of Americans including Democrats to struggle to pay for gas and food and a home and who don’t even know what a woman is anymore, and so on. Makes you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc. And it makes you wonder why Trump, the guy who you think is a “felon” has already won this election and has won in the long run. He’s got the true values of this country like freedom of speech and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel and school choice and the fact that he actually knows that there are only two genders, etc on his side. Yeah, what does the Left and today’s Democratic Party have? Exactly! They don’t have the true values of this country on their side like actual and true and common sense minded Americans like Trump have. That’s why he’s already won this election and has won in the long run. And if he gets assassinated by the Left and today’s Democratic Party, he still wins because they will prove him and others that they don’t care about the United States of America or it’s true values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and the fact that there are only two genders and so on. Doesn’t matter. He still wins at the end of the day. Even now, Trump has already won and Biden has already lost. The thing is, Biden doesn’t even know it.

  • Had Enough says:

    I am voting for Joe Biden or anyone other than Donald Trump.

    The Republican party has failed repeatedly to stand up to Trump and pick an acceptable candidate to represent my party.

    They have clug to him as he lost the 2020 election, lied about losing and tried to over through the election.

    He is a lair, cheat, felony, sexual predator.

    He is promising to be a dictator.

    The fact that he remains the head of the GOP is a condemnation of our party and it’s weak leaders.

    I would vote for the corpse of Joe Biden before I would vote for Trump again!

    GOP pick a different candidate and leader or dissolve.

    • Steven Cook says:

      You say that Trump is a “felon” and that he’s supposedly wants to be a dictator and all that stuff and that supposedly he would be bad for the United States. However, considering that 86% of American businesses are being hurt by Bidenflation, another 79% are being hurt by higher taxes due to Bidenflation(Alignable poll), while another 59% say that the damage from Bidenflation has been significant(Alignable poll), and that the vast majority of Americans are less optimistic about the current economy under Biden than the economy under Trump(Gallup poll), plus the fact that the vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(CNN poll, NBC poll, other polls), that the vast majority of Americans including Democrats are concerned about the border crisis that has been happening under Biden since his first week in office(various polls), not to mention that Biden and his administration are funding the Palestinians therefore funding the terrorist organization Hamas who have been voted into office and into government by the Palestinians since at least 2006 and that because of that the vast majority of Americans including Democrats support Israel over the terrorist supporting Palestinians who have since 2006 voted into office and into government members of an actual terrorist organization Hamas who commits and advocates for jihad and Sharia law and genocide amongst innocent people including women and children(various polls including a Harvard university poll), not to mention that Biden and his administration are funding an actual dictator in the form of Zelensky in Ukraine and is bowing down to other actual dictators, not to mention that Biden sniffs and touches little girls inappropriately which has been caught on video, plus the fact that Biden supports jailing a political opponent like Trump which is what you see in socialist countries, simply because he hates and fears Trump because Trump actually represents the true values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc, and he doesn’t, plus the fact that Biden supports forcing little children to change their gender based on the assumption that they are in the wrong body or are the wrong gender, plus the fact that he supports dudes who cut off their private parts and has female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery competing in women’s sports and therefore endangering women’s sports, not to mention that the vast majority of Americans including 93% of Republicans, 48% of Democrats, over 70% of Independents, etc oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports because of that(Gallup poll), not to mention that Biden and the Left and today’s Democratic have tried to remove a federal candidate like President Trump from the United States election ballot illegally and unconstitutionally through individual state legislatures and state Supreme Courts simply because they hate and fear him because he actually represents the true values of the United States and they do not, plus the fact that Biden and his administration and the Left and today’s Democratic Party support the murdering of innocent human babies up to and including birth and after birth, plus the fact that Biden and his administration and the Left and today’s Democratic Party support targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting parents for being parents, as well as targeting people who tell the truth about illegal immigrants being called illegal aliens because that is what they are called, illegal aliens, which you leftists stupidly suspended a teenager for in North Carolina, all because he said something that was the truth, plus the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party have silenced, censored, deplatformed, threatened anyone who disagrees with their radical leftist agenda and for anyone who actually supports the true values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice, etc, plus the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden supports soft-on-crime policies that are causing crime to skyrocket in the United States and globally and that they support defunding law enforcement based on the assumption that all law enforcement officers are racists towards African Americans, Asian Americans, etc when in reality the vast majority of Americans including African Americans, Asian Americans, etc actually support the police and the fact that defunding the police actually doesn’t work as we have seen in places like Portland, Minneapolis, etc. Should I go on? Trump is more American than Joe Biden will ever be. You know why? I’ll tell you why. Because Trump actually represents and stands for the true values of the United States and globally including parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and legal immigration and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the fact that he actually knows that there are only two genders and the fact that he actually knows what a woman is and no it’s not a dude who cuts off his private parts and has female breasts implanted onto him through gender reassignment surgery to make himself into a woman. Trump is more American than Joe Biden could ever imagine and the vast majority of Americans including a growing number of Democrats are now realizing it and a huge percentage of the world’s population as well. That is why Trump has already won this election and has already won in the long run, because he actually represents the true values of this country and the world. What values do the Left and today’s Democratic Party represent? Huh? What do they represent? Certainly not the true values of this country like freedom of speech and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security, and so on. They don’t represent the true values and common sense minded values that Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded Americans even those who may not be conservatives but are not far-left, progressive, pro-abortion up to and including birth and after birth people. Trump has already won this election and has already won in the long run. In fact, he has been winning against the Left and today’s Democratic Party since 2016. Even if the Left and today’s Democratic decide to assassinate him if he becomes President again and actually wins in November, guess what will happen? Trump will still win because they will prove to him and to everyone that the Left and today’s Democratic Party don’t care about the United States or it’s true values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and supporting Israel and border security and law enforcement and law and order and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the fact that there are only two genders, male and female, and the Second Amendment and First Amendment, etc. And if the Left and today’s Democratic Party decide to put him in prison for the supposed “34 felonies”, guess what? He still wins. It won’t matter. He will still win because again, the Left and today’s Democratic Party will prove to him and to everyone that has common sense that the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden doesn’t care about the United States or it’s true values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and voter ID laws and voter IDs, etc. That is what will happen and he, Trump, will still win in the long run. And if he unfortunately does get assassinated if he becomes President again, he will become a martyr, not a victim. It’s kind of like what President JFK became after he was assassinated. He became and has become a martyr in the years and decades since his assassination. And if Trump unfortunately does get assassinated by the Left and today’s Democratic Party because trust me they will be the ones who will commit it, it will be no different. He will become a martyr. And he will still win in the long run even if he’s dead. Even now, he has already won this election and has already won in the long run because he actually represents the true values of this country that the vast majority of Americans want back. Biden does not represent the true values of this country like true and common sense minded Americans like Trump do. That’s why Biden has already lost this election and has already lost in the long run along with his leftist comrades in Congress, etc. They just don’t know it, or they do, but won’t admit it. Doesn’t matter. They’ve already lost and the common sense minded Americans like Trump, and others have already won this election and in the long run. Now I dare you to try and refute that for me. Until then, how’s about you leftists define what a woman really is for me and also name the 57-3,000 genders that you leftists seem to think that is how many genders there are for me, one by one. Good luck leftists, unless you want to continue bashing me or other common sense minded Americans like Trump for them actually representing the true values of the United States that you Biden supporters do not represent. If you do that, then you will prove me and others right.

      You radical leftist Americans and pro-abortion up to and including birth and after birth and pro-woke Americans and pro-open borders don’t care about the United States or it’s true American values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the fact that there are only two genders and the fact that saying illegal aliens is not offensive and is one of the correct terms in describing the unprecedented influxes of illegal immigrants coming into the United States right now because of the unconstitutional open border policies of one Joe Biden including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists and criminals, etc. And if you leftists don’t really care about the United States or it’s true values, then here’s some advice for you. Leave. Leave the United States if you don’t want to be here and actually stand for the true values of this country. But don’t come crying to me if you move to like the Gaza strip and then you have a relative or your spouse, or someone like that, gets killed by members of the terrorist organization Hamas, including if some of you leftists have like kids or someone like that who is homosexual or you have a kid who is a member of the Gays For Palestine group who gets killed by members of Hamas. Yes, it will be sad if any of that happens. No doubt. But at the same time, don’t come crying to me, leftists, if something like that happens to you or to someone who you know or love. Because you will be the ones who have decided to leave the United States of America because you didn’t care about the United States of America, your home country, or the true values of this country that all Americans are supposed to support and represent. That is why Trump has won in the long run and why he has already won this election even before the actual election in November is scheduled to take place. Because he represents the true values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Second Amendment and First Amendment, etc. What do you leftists and Biden and his supporters and others like them represent? Hmm? What values could you leftist figures possibly represent that is helpful for the United States of America? Certainly not the true and common sense minded values and policies like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and parental rights, etc. You don’t represent any of those values. Trump does. That’s why he’s already won this election and has won in the long run. The vast majority of Americans do too and they want the true values and common sense minded values and beliefs and policies that Trump represent back and why the common sense minded values and policies that Trump supports are winning over more and more Americans by the day, including a growing number of Democrats. Which is why again, Trump has already won this election and in the long run. He’s already won and Biden has already lost. Biden and his supporters and others like him just don’t know it yet.

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