
Will Heinrich still stand with Biden or be honest with New Mexico families who witnessed the debate disaster?
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, JULY 2—After last Thursday’s presidential debate, it has become clear to all of America that Joe Biden is unfit to lead our country. His declining cognitive health was fully on display, as evidenced by his forgetfulness and confusion during the debate. Additionally, the numerous crises spearheaded by his administration, such as the unprecedented border crisis, unrelenting inflation, and worldwide instability, further underscore his failing leadership.

A new poll, conducted before the debate, shows both Donald J. Trump and Nella Domenici statistically tied in New Mexico.

Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance made it clear that New Mexico is in play in the 2024 election, and Democrats know it.

Democratic Senator Martin Heinrich claimed Biden had “one bad debate,” but for New Mexicans, it’s clear this was one bad presidency.

As the choir of concern grows, Senator Heinrich still refuses to address whether Biden is fit to be president for four more years, let alone four more months. This is not surprising given that Heinrich voted with Biden 100% of the time in 2023, putting his loyalty to the failing Biden administration over New Mexicans.

“Will Senator Heinrich wake up to what the American people have known all along: that Joe Biden is unfit to be president?” questioned Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “Heinrich’s silence speaks volumes about his lack of confidence in the top of the ticket. Heinrich voted 100% of the time with Biden on the border, massive spending that added to inflation, and our growing instability on a global scale. New Mexicans deserve to know if Senator Heinrich is still 100% behind Biden for president after his disastrous display on the debate stage.”
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