
ALBUQUERQUE, JULY 1—In a 6-3 ruling, today the U.S. Supreme Court sided with former President Donald Trump in favor of absolute presidential immunity for official actsThe Justices also returned his case back to a lower court to decide which of Trump’s actions were official and which were unofficial.

Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce issued the following statement in response:

“Today, the Supreme Court upheld immunity for all former Presidents’ official acts in exercising their constitutional powers and carrying out the responsibilities of the Executive Branch. Some Democrats are sensationalizing the ruling as undemocratic, claiming that it places Presidents above the law. However, this is false. According to this decision, presidents will not be immune from unofficial acts, and the law will be applicable to presidents regardless of their political party. The Court’s decision is a win for the U.S. Constitution and President Trump and a defeat for the Democratic Party, which had hoped to continue weaponizing the justice system against their main political opponent during an election year.”

  • JH Cole says:

    With this decision the SCOTUS Six nakedly supports Trump’s coup–and they were ugly enough hiding under their robes.
    To see how bad it really is, read it as though a state supreme court wrote it on behalf of a Democratic governor.
    The GOP was shrinking before this outrage, particularly in NM, and this nearly guarantees a blue wave in November.

  • F45cism says:

    This is what Fascism looks like in its “legal” phase. Buckle up for more criminal and unaccountable Presidents for decades to come. Trump is just the tip of the Authoritarian iceberg.

  • Dark Brandon says:

    Dark Brandon should take SCOTUS to task on this one.

    Is it an official or unofficial act for the president to round up members of the court he disagrees with?

    Maybe Dark Brandon should officially declare he won the election now.

    Maybe he could officially remove Trump from the ballot or have him killed.

    This decision hands the President, any president, the power to break the law with impunity by simply declaring their crimes official actions.

  • Question for the Court says:

    Is a Self Coup an official or unofficial action?

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