
ALBUQUERQUE, JUNE 27—Tonight was the first Presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. The debate was hosted by CNN in Atlanta, Georgia and moderated by CNN correspondents Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, sparking controversy over their apparent anti-Trump and anti-Republican bias in the past.

The questions for President Biden and former President Trump centered around their stances on inflation, the economy, the border crisis, abortion, climate change and foreign policy.

At the conclusion of tonight’s first Presidential debate, Republican Party of New Mexico Executive Director Leticia Muñoz issued the following reaction:

“Right now, New Mexicans primarily care about making ends meet and keeping their families safe. Tonight, Biden didn’t offer any solutions but blamed everyone and everything except the real reason why prices are up: his expensive regulations and massive government spending. On top of this, Biden is already promising $8.5 trillion in spending over the next 10 years.

“President Trump in contrast presented a plan to cut interest-rates, lower mortgage rates and housing costs through substantial tax cuts for businesses and workers, allowing more U.S. energy production, encouraging private-sector investment and deregulation. That is what is going to appeal to New Mexicans more than anything. They want to know what is going to put more money back into their pockets and help their families afford to buy a home, pay off their debts and buy necessities.

“Additionally, as a border state, New Mexicans want to see their border secured. Trump acknowledged the crimes, murders, and assaults on Americans by the criminals who have taken advantage of our open border, while Biden completely denied that it is happening. Tonight, it was made clear that with Biden, New Mexicans will get more of the same. In comparison, New Mexicans would see a boost to their bank accounts, a secured border, and strong leadership on a global scale promoting peace through strength by electing President Trump.”

  • DD Silly says:

    Is Republican Dementia contagious?!

    Demented Donny thinks Obama or Biden was President in 2020?

    Demented Don can’t remember the pandemic?

    DD is a climate change denier, election denier, and conspiracy theorist.

    I see a lot of my fellow Republicans catching this disease and I’m worried.

    We need to stop retreating from reality and come out of the eco chambers, its gotten ridiculous.

  • Dementia Duck says:

    Does Dementia run in Trump’s family? He is 79 years old and not able to remember what happened when he was President just a few years back?

    Can we nominate someone else, please?

  • Remember J6 says:

    Anyone remember when Trump’s dementia nearly lead us to civil war? This guy cant wrap his head around the fact that he lost the 2020 election and tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power. We are all now expected to pretend that didnt happen?

    Republicans should pick anyone else to run, at least think about the down ballot races.

  • Demented Donny says:

    Did anyone ever wonder why Trump took a “cognitive test” when he was president? Remember him bragging about being able to remember “Camera, Woman, TV” on his very hard test?

    His cabinet was trying to use the 25th Amendment to have him removed because they could see he is unhinged. He hasn’t gotten any better.

    • What planet are you on? says:

      I laughed when Trump said the economy was good when he was President!

      I remember being locked down, losing my job, and getting a check from the Government with Trump’s signature on it in 2020?!

      That was Just 4 years ago, Trump and people that cant remember the recent past aren’t mentally fit enough to vote much less be president.

  • 2020 Vision says:

    The Debate showed that Trump has dementia.

    He didn’t even know when he was President, couldn’t seem to remember that the pandemic and its response happened while he was President.

    What’s wrong with Republican leaders that they all seem to have forgotten the reality of Trump’s term?

    Trump WAS President, we all saw his performance and rejected him for it in 2020.

    During Trump’s regime, millions of Americans lost their jobs and were put on Government assistance, were forced to wear mask and told to stay home like grounded children.

    During Trump’s Presidence American cities burned due to riots and unrest and global supply chains crashed.

    Trump’s Presidence was a disaster, leadership matters, especially during crisis like the pandemic. During Trump’s Presidence 1,000,000 Americans DIED of Covid, DIED as in they are now dead. If you’re not pissed about that failure your not a real American.

    America can’t afford the failure and lose a second Trump term would bring.

    • Felon says:

      Trump is a Felon, sexual predator, a pals with Epstein and on the record saying he wants to sleep with his own daughter.

      Low life trash.

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