
MAY 21—Today, Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham gave an interview to CNN regarding the border and abortion in New Mexico.

The governor repeated the lie that President Trump is an “extremist” regarding his policies on abortion.

“The truth is President Trump wants to allow New Mexico to do exactly what the people want. The Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court was clear that each state and its constituents would have the authority to vote on the issue of abortion. This places the decision-making power into the hands of the citizens. The majority of individuals in certain states may prefer stricter abortion regulations, while those in other states may prefer more lenient ones. This is democracy in action and this is what President Trump supports,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Spokeswoman Ash Soular.

“When it comes to extremists on abortion, look no further than the Democratic Party of New Mexico.  We’re last in education, opportunity, and public safety, but we’re #1 in late-term abortions. Democrats have championed abortion up to birth and even after birth in our state. Instead of supporting struggling New Mexican families, Democrats choose to allocate their tax dollars to fund abortion clinics and out-of-state abortions.”

When asked about border security, the governor began her response by minimizing the impact of the border crisis, stating, “No, we’re not all border states,” downplaying the notion that the border crisis affects the whole United States, not just border states. She also said she’s not disappointed with how Biden handled the border.

“Why is the governor lying now? She admitted that she knows people are pouring over the New Mexico border, and was angry about appearing ‘feckless’ due to Biden’s border policies in her leaked conversation with the DHS,” continued Republican Party of New Mexico Spokeswoman Ash Soular.

“When she appears on CNN in front of the whole nation, she shamelessly gaslights, attempting to deceive people into thinking that what they’re seeing is not real. What New Mexicans are witnessing is fentanyl pouring into their communities and stealing the lives of their young, loved ones. Parts of our state have been surrendered to the cartel, and a gang of illegal immigrants brutally and sexually abused a Santa Fe woman. This is the reality that New Mexico is facing.

“Instead of telling the truth, the governor chose to deflect responsibility and blamed Republicans for Biden’s crisis. She chastised Republicans for blocking the Senate border bill, which allocated almost five times more American tax dollars to secure foreign nations’ borders than our own. The bill also proposed a threshold of 5,000 illegal apprehensions a day before the border would effectively shut down, ensuring the humanitarian crisis stays at the level it is now. At the same time, the Democratic Party blocked H.R. 2, the most comprehensive border bill in recent history, twice. The only way to stop the Democrat gaslighting, achieve real border security, and get our country back on the right track is to vote Republican up and down the ballot in November.”

Some stats on the border since President Biden has taken office:

  • JH Cole says:

    Ms Soular wastes lots of words (an old Islamic saying, “blackens paper”) to whistle past the graveyard. She must know Dems control the legislature and hold every statewide and congressional office because the GOP clings to unpopular positions.

    As to lies, voters know which is the False Witness Party. Bogus electors, anyone?

    • Steven Cook says:

      “GOP clings to unpopular opinions”. Oh, so you think that the First Amendment, parental rights, supporting Israel, school choice, law and order, law enforcement, the Second Amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the Pledge of Allegiance, standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance border security,etc that the GOP and literally every other common sense minded Americans support, are unpopular opinions? What country are you living in if you think that actual true American values and beliefs are unpopular opinions? If you think that those true American values that I just named are unpopular opinions, then you don’t really love America. Am I right? You just think that you care about the United States because you think that Trump is a extremist who doesn’t care about the United States. Let me tell you something, Trump supports the First Amendment, parental rights, the Second Amendment, freedom of religion, religious liberty, school choice, supports Israel, and other common sense and true American values. He is more American than those of you Americans who are leftists. What do you leftist Americans support? Huh? Oh that’s right, you support the murdering of innocent human babies up to and including birth and after birth, support targeting parents for being parents, support targeting and arresting pro-life figures for being pro-life, support the targeting of Jews for being Jews, support forcing little kids to have gender reassignment surgery and then hiding the fact that you want little kids to have gender reassignment surgery from their parents, support targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders, and support the open border policies of the Biden administration that is causing unprecedented influxes of illegal immigrants coming into the United States including terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists, plus unprecedented influxes of drugs especially fentanyl coming into the United States from the Mexican drug cartels, etc. That is what you Americans who are on the Left support which means you don’t support the true American values of the United States like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and law and order and law enforcement, which means that because you leftists don’t support the true American values that I just named means that you don’t really love America. And if you don’t care about the United States of America and it’s true American values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc, then you leave the United States of America. Leave if you don’t care about the true American values that normal Americans and common sense minded Americans like Trump support. Leave. Go to Venezuela or Iran or China or something if you don’t care about the United States. If you decide to do so, don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. And then leave the United States of America to the real Americans like Trump who actually care about the United States of America and it’s true values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and supporting law enforcement and law and order, and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, like real and true Americans support and actually support, because that is America. And if you leftist Americans don’t care about the First Amendment and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and supporting law and order and law enforcement and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc like normal and true Americans support, then leave. Get out. And don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. And you move to Venezuela or Iran or China or North Korea or the Gaza strip where real socialism and real fascism and real terrorism is taking place as we speak. You go to one of those countries and see for yourself the real socialism and terrorism and real fascism really looks like. All of those gay people who are members of that Gays For Palestine group don’t really know who their supporting because the Palestinians support the Hamas terrorists because they have voted into office and into government members of Hamas, who commits acts of jihad and Sharia law and terrorism and who target gay people too and not only targets homosexuals, but kills homosexuals by shooting them in the back of the head. That is what the Gays For Palestine are supporting. They are supporting people, terrorists, that being Hamas, who literally kill homosexuals by shooting them in the back of the head and throwing them off tops of buildings. I would like to see Gays For Palestine members, some who are Americans, try and moving to the Gaza strip and then try to do their thing there. Go ahead leftist Americans. Leave the United States of America if you don’t care about the United States and it’s true American values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice, etc that normal Americans and common sense minded Americans like Trump support, and then try living in the Gaza strip or China or North Korea or Venezuela where real socialism and real terrorism and real fascism is taking place. Go ahead, try and do that. I dare you, move to one of those countries and see what happens then. You want to move to an island instead, then you do it. But, I want you leftist Americans to move to like Venezuela and see the real socialism and real fascism that is taking place in that country. If you don’t really care about the United States of America like you leftists who are Americans don’t, then you get the hell out of the United States and you move to one of those countries like Iran where real fascism and terrorism is at work. Or the Gaza strip where real terrorism is at work. I’m not saying that you deserve to die. But, if you leftist Americans don’t really care about the United States of America, then you get out and you move to one of those countries like Iran or China or Venezuela and see the real socialism and real terrorism and real fascism taking place first hand. Then I dare you to come back and I dare you to then try to tell me that Trump’s or his supporters are “fascists” or “extremists” then. Go ahead, I dare you to do that then. You won’t be able to then. I guarantee that. Tell me I’m lying. Oh yeah, and what is a woman, leftists?

      • Steven Cook says:

        Plus, the reason why the Democrats control all statewide offices and the congressional delegation is not because the GOP “has unpopular opinions”. No, that happened because certain voters who have voted for them don’t really care about the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance, etc. No, they only care about murdering innocent human babies up to and including birth and after birth and forcing little kids to have gender reassignment surgery to supposedly make their lives better and hiding that from their parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting parents for being parents and supporting a race of people like the Palestinians who have since 2006 have voted into office and have elected into office and into government an actual terrorist organization Hamas who commits acts of jihad and Sharia law and terrorism and who go door to door to murder innocent people in Israel including women and children and so on and don’t want our borders to be second and instead they want mass influxes of illegal immigrants coming into the United States including terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists and who are criminals just so they can vote in our elections just so that they can vote for the Left and keep the Left in power for the next century. That is the only reason why certain voters in New Mexico especially those who actually voted for leftists like Michelle Lujan Grisham and Gabe Valequez, etc voted them into all statewide offices and the congressional delegation of New Mexico. And if you try to tell me otherwise, you are either lying or you are delusional. You really think that a voter in this state like a certain Susan Taylor who thinks that Trump’s a failure really cares about this country and it’s true American values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting the unborn, etc? You really think that she cares about all of that and you really think that she voted for all of those leftist figures who are in office in New Mexico including Michelle Lujan Grisham because she cares about this country and it’s true American values that I just named? She called Trump a failure. In other words, she’s calling normal and common sense minded Americans who support the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and border security and the Pledge of Allegiance and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, she’s calling all of them failures because she thinks that open border policies that cause unprecedented influxes of illegal immigrants coming into the United States including terrorists that is occurring right now under Biden, is better than the border actually being secured like it actually was under Trump and every single person in this country knows it, and she thinks that protecting the unborn, unborn human beings who happen to be babies, from being murdered just because “mommy doesn’t want it” is bad, but murdering innocent human beings who happen to be babies in the womb and up to and including birth and after birth is better than protecting innocent human babies, and so on. Susan Taylor, who is a lady who shows up in comments on the Republican Party of New Mexico’s Facebook page, thinks that because Trump supports the true American values of this country like border security, Second Amendment, freedom of speech, and parental rights and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and law and order and law enforcement, etc that he is a “failure”. Trump knows more about economics than that so-called President Joe Biden does. Joe Biden doesn’t know the first thing about economics. Why else would we be in inflation right now and why else would we have the vast majority of Americans who are struggling financially due to the inflation right now caused by Biden? He doesn’t know the first thing about economics. Trump does because he is a businessman and he has been very successful in businesses. I don’t care what anyone says, especially the Left. Trump has been very successful in businesses and in economics. You know why? Because he actually knows about economics. Why do you think that when he was President that the economy in the United States was better than almost any point in modern United States history, maybe even the entire history of the United States? Because he actually knows about economics. And don’t try and tell me that the economy under Trump was bad. Because it wasn’t. You are only saying that because you hate and fear Trump because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and parental rights and free market principles and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel and school choice, etc. Trump is more American and knows more about economics than that so-called President Joe Biden and he knows it and so do his supporters, including you JH Cole. “Biden was born in Delaware”. Okay then, he was. Still doesn’t mean that he’s more American and still doesn’t mean that he knows more about economics than Trump does. Those certain voters who are on the Left in New Mexico don’t care about the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and law enforcement and law and order and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the fact that there is only two genders, male and female or boy and girl, etc. That is the only reason why they even voted for those leftist figures in New Mexico like Michelle Lujan Grisham who support the murdering of innocent human beings who happen to be babies up to and including birth and after birth and supporting forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives and supporting hiding information about it from parents and supporting the Left and today’s Democratic Party targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and who don’t know what a woman is anymore and what a man is anymore and that there’s supposedly 57-3,000 genders or more, which I have not heard a single leftist person tell me the names of all of them, etc. That is what those certain voters in New Mexico who are on the Left voted for. They don’t care about the true American values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice, etc like normal and common sense minded Americans do. They don’t care about securing the border and preventing unprecedented influxes of illegal immigrants including terrorists and criminals coming into the United States and therefore ruining this country. They don’t care about the law enforcement in the United States and only want to defund every single law enforcement department in the United States because they assume that they are all racist when in reality that is a lie. They don’t care about little kids because they think that hiding information about kids transitioning from the parents and think that them having gender reassignment surgery will somehow make their lives better when in reality actual studies and polls clearly show the opposite. They don’t care about the Constitution in regarding Trump especially the fact that they support removing him from the United States presidential election ballot illegally and unconstitutionally because they hate and fear him because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel and school choice and border security, etc and they do not. They don’t care about actual women in women’s sports and think that a man who cuts off his private parts to become a woman competing in women’s sports is better than actual women competing in women’s sports. And so on. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in the United States and globally in droves now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc.

  • Texas Tourist says:

    Lets think Trump’s “policy” of leaving everything to the states through.

    What will happen here in New Mexico when the States each decide what reproductive rights their citizens are going to have restricted.

    Texas has already restricted reproductive rights and will likely put more and more restrictions in place as the years go by.

    New Mexico on the other hand has preserved reproductive rights, and left to our own devices and given the Democratic majority in the state New Mexico will likely keep that stance.

    So when Texas women need reproductive care, where are they going to go?


    They are going to come HERE to NEW MEXICO to get abortions! Trumps policy is going to turn NEW MEXICO into the abortion capital of the southwest.

    • Think of the Children says:

      Trump left Covid response up to the states, how well did that turn out for New Mexico?

      Trump is deferring leadership again, pathetic!

      I don’t want to spend 2 years in a mask because MLG thinks its cool! We need leadership from the President, not deferment to Governors.

      Why do we want to ban abortion? Is it to help politicians or save babies? How does leaving it up to the states save babies? Do these babies have human rights in some states but not in others?

      Trump is back peddling on abortion and trying to placate prolifers with this States rights bs, what about the babies rights to live!

    • Steven Cook says:

      You are making it sound like Trump leaving the issue of abortion up to the states is a bad thing. Here’s the thing, it’s actually not. Roe v Wade for example was originally supposed to be left up to the states to decide whether to ban abortion or not. Ruth Bader Ginsburg even said that Roe v Wade was supposed to go to the states. She was right. That was what Roe v Wade was supposed to be. Then some President, not Trump, but some President, most likely a Democrat, decided “Hey, let’s not leave the issue of Roe v Wade up to the states like it is supposed to be and let’s make it federal where it is unconstitutional and illegal! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!” Yeah, good job of doing that! I’m being sarcastic. Roe v Wade was never supposed to be federal. The issue of abortion was never supposed to go to the federal level. It was originally supposed to go to the states. Understand this, Trump leaving the issue of abortion up to the states doesn’t mean that he is pro-abortion. He is doing what the Constitution says. Plus, the only reason why people are coming here to New Mexico from places like Texas is because Michelle Lujan Grisham supports abortion up to and including birth and after birth and thinks that Roe v Wade should have never been overturned when in reality it should have been overturned and it was overturned because there is no constitutional right to an abortion anywhere in the Constitution and that Roe v Wade should have never been a federal issue because when it went to the federal level it became unconstitutional. Lujan Grisham doesn’t care about the Constitution of the United States. She thinks that having people coming in New Mexico from places like Texas will make things in New Mexico better. It will not. We are already last in education, we are the least safest state in the United States, we have the highest crime rate or one of the highest crime rate in the country, we have one of the highest inflation rates in the country and on top of that, we are now the most dangerous U.S state out of all 50 in the United States. And somehow, people coming into New Mexico from places like Texas to commit abortions, to in other words, murder innocent human babies up to and including birth just because “mommy and daddy don’t want it”, is somehow going to make New Mexico better to live in and to do business in? Well, if Michelle Lujan Grisham really thinks that, because I know that is what she thinks, then she’s either lying or she’s delusional. Or both. But the point is, just because Trump wants to leave the issue of abortion up to the states and not up to the federal level doesn’t mean that he is pro-abortion. I mean, I am pro-life and I want the issue of abortion to be left up to the states on whether to ban it or not. That is what is actually supposed to happen. Roe v Wade was supposed to be like that. It was supposed to be left up to the states. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was arguably one of the most leftist figures of all time, even said that Roe v Wade was supposed to go to the states and that it was not supposed to be a federal law. And guess what…,.she was right. Heck, I will say this, she’s still right even though she’s dead now. This is supposed to happen. The issue of abortion is supposed to be left up to the states. It says it in the Constitution. The President of the United States himself, especially in this case, Mr. Joe Biden, has no authority to decide what states can ban abortion or heck, not ban it. Apparently, he’s not getting the memo on that. Heck, I want abortion banned in every state because it is the murder of innocent human babies including up to and including birth and after birth. But, it’s not up to me whether to do that in any individual state because I am not the state legislature And neither should it be up to the President especially one like Joe Biden, to decide states to do with the issue of abortion. It’s actually not up to the Governor of any individual state either, regardless if they are conservatives or radical leftist pro-abortion people like Michelle Lujan Grisham. It’s actually up to the state legislature or maybe even the state’s Supreme Courts to decide. And that is what Trump is basically doing. He is leaving the issue of abortion up to the states including the state legislatures and even the state Supreme Courts to decide whether to ban abortion or in a worst case scenario, not ban it. Which is what you are supposed to do as the President of the United States. Trump understands that. Biden though, he seems to be not getting the memo on that. He has said that he wants to implement a national pro-abortion law. It’s not up to him though. And really he has no authority to do that, just like Trump has no authority to implement a national abortion ban, as much as I am pro-life. The President of the United States, any President regardless of what political party he may belong to, has no authority to implement a national pro-abortion law or a national abortion ban. Only the individual states do. Which is what again, Roe v Wade was supposed to be until someone screwed that up. Individual states have the authority to either ban abortion or not. That is fact. But, individual states including individual state legislatures and state Supreme Courts do not have the authority or constitutionality to remove a federal candidate like President Trump from the United States presidential election ballot. That is unconstitutional and it is illegal. Apparently, Illinois and Colorado and Maine and those other leftist states didn’t get the memo on that. They did not have the authority or constitutionality to remove a federal candidate especially like Trump from the ballot in their states. That is unconstitutional and it’s illegal. Plus, Trump has done nothing wrong to deserve being removed from the ballot, no matter what anyone says. Those “91 felonies” that the Left and today’s Democratic Party thinks that he committed is a disguise for the real reason why the Left and today’s Democratic Party are targeting him and want to put him in prison. It’s not because he actually did anything wrong. No, it’s because they hate and fear President Trump because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and law and order and voter ID and voter ID laws and law and order and law enforcement, etc and the Left and today’s Democratic Party do not support these true American values that normal and common sense minded Americans like Trump support and that they know that if Trump becomes President again that he will dismantle the radical leftist policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party that are ruining this country as we speak including the open border policies that is causing unprecedented influxes of illegal immigrants coming into the United States including terrorists and criminals, etc. That is the only reason why the Left and today’s Democratic Party are “prosecuting” or targeting Trump. It’s not because he actually has done anything wrong because he has done nothing wrong and they know that he has done nothing wrong. Their just using the “let’s prosecute him and indict him on 91 felony charges because he did something wrong” excuse to really try to put him in prison and to try and prevent him from becoming President again because they hate and fear him because he actually represents the true American values of the United States like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and the Pledge of Allegiance, etc and they do not and they are scared of him because they know if he becomes President again that he will dismantle their radical leftist gender agenda and their other radical leftist policies and socialist policies and then he will actually make America great again. That is the only reason why the Left and today’s Democratic Party are “prosecuting” him for “crimes” he supposedly committed, but know he never committed them. The Left and today’s Democratic Party “prosecuting” Trump is just an excuse to hide the real reason why they don’t want him to be President again. And you wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe including the United States now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc.

  • Bottom Line says:

    Bottom line is RPNM and the GOP at large have doubled down on very unpopular policies and candidates.

    All positions that don’t include a restoration of women’s access to healthcare is extremist and deeply unpopular with most of America.

    Republicans in the house are currently refusing to take up the Senate immigration bill that would address the border. The Republicans are blocking legislative progress on the issue of border security so they can complain about it and try to blame Biden or other Democrats like MLG. Republicans in congress could choose to do their job and work out legislation with Democrats at anytime but they don’t want solutions.

    And the 210lbs Orange Elephant in the room, RPNM and the GOP at large are clinging to a failed president that is working against the Constitution and the rule of law in this country.

    Trump has 91 felony indictments and has members of Congress showing up as cheer leaders at his criminal trials. The GOP is the party of criminals and accountability for those at the top.

    • P in GOP is for..... says:

      Don’t forget that Trump is also been found liable for sexual assault, has been accused by many women of sexual assault, bragged about sexual assault on tape, and was having sex with a cornstar while his wife and new born where at home. Trump was pals with Epstein, and Epstein died in federal custody while Trump was President…..

      Trump and his cultist are perverts.

      • Steven Cook says:

        So says the guy who supports the current so-called President Joe Biden who sniffs little girls inappropriately which he has been caught on video doing and so says the guy who supports the current so-called President Joe Biden who supports men and boys who cuts off their private parts and has female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery competing in women’s and girls’s sports and so says the guy who supports the current so-called President Joe Biden who supports women and girls who cut off their breasts through gender reassignment surgery and have male private parts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery competing in men’s and boys sports and so says the guy who supports the current so-called President Joe Biden who supports forcing little kids to watch a man dressed up like a woman, drag queens, dance inappropriately and do inappropriate things in front of them which can be seen on video. And so says the guy who supports the current so-called President Joe Biden who supports forcing little kids to have gender reassignment surgery and also supports hiding information about it from parents and who supports targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two gender. Did I mention that Biden likes to sniff little girls inappropriately which has been caught on video? Yeah, and Trump’s the pervert right? Has Trump ever sniffed little girls inappropriately like Biden does? Plus, how do you know if Trump was buddies with Epstein? Hey, Bill Richardson was friends with Epstein. You know who was also friends with Epstein? That lady that you like so much, Mrs. Michelle Lujan Grisham. You know who would also be buddies with Epstein? Joe Biden, since he’s a pedophile too because he likes sniffing little girls inappropriately and touching them inappropriately. Yeah, try refuting that. Oh yeah and what is a woman? That question’s not for me. It’s for you leftists. Oh yeah, and name all of the 57-3,000 genders or more that you leftists believe that is how many genders there are.

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