
As we approach the Supreme Court’s ruling on RPNM’s redistricting map lawsuit, the Albuquerque Journal reinforces Republicans’ stance.
On Thursday, the Albuquerque Journal released an editorial calling out the “buddymandering” and “gerrymandering” of New Mexico’s congressional maps.

The Albuquerque Journal reiterates the Republican Party of New Mexico’s position stating in their editorial that the legislature “passed one of the most gerrymandered congressional maps in the nation — one that divides communities of interest and governmental subdivisions like Albuquerque, Hobbs and Roswell, neutralizes the political influence of conservative Southeast New Mexico where Chaves County was carved into three congressional districts, and dismisses the rising number of independents.”

The editorial continues, “Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham failed to provide a counterbalance to the shenanigans of legislative leaders and signed the redistricting bill that she should have vetoed.”

RPNM Chairman Steve Pearce issued the following statement:
“We are encouraged to see the Albuquerque Journal shedding light on the unfair and illegal gerrymandering of our congressional maps. RPNM will not let progressives silence the voices of rural New Mexicans to rig elections in their favor. These maps must be corrected, which is why we have presented our case before the New Mexico Supreme Court. Republicans are fighting to ensure fair representation for all New Mexicans, but progressives are fighting for one party-rule and, in their own words, “anti-democratic” policies. We hope to hear a favorable ruling from the New Mexico Supreme Court soon.”

The New Mexico Supreme Court heard RPNM’s redistricting map lawsuit, Grisham v. Van Soelen, on January 9th, 2023. There is currently no date set for a verdict.
  • JH Cole says:

    Hey Mr. Pearce, Ms. Skaggs, Ms. Murillo, you notice no Republican cares enough about your propaganda to praise it? Your base is frightened and shrinking, and accurate criticism is all you get.
    See esp the mea culpa from “Mad and Ashamed. . . .”

  • Fox in the Hen House says:

    If RPNM wants to report on the media why not post something about Fox News lying to all its viewers?

    Fox is not reporting it, but they are loosing their lawsuit brought by Dominion voting machines and as part of discovery in the case it was learned by the public that Fox news leadership and host knew that Trumps elections claims where BS.

    They pushed the big lie on their network as a result people like Coupy Griffen, Salomon Pena (PRNM Canidate and mass drive by shooter), Steve Peearch, where driven to treason, violence, and conspiracies against the US.

    Fox News complicity in the Big Lie deceived millions of conservatives.

    • Mad and Ashamed in Moriarty says:

      This one hits home for me. I have been a conservative all my life. Since Trump was elected I have lost relationships with family and friends over politics.

      I felt I had to be right in arguments with people in my life, I knew I was right because of all the info I got from Fox. I was certain it was them that was being lied to by the main stream media.

      I was going to go to the Stop the Steal Rally in DC on the 6th, but couldn’t get the time off work. I was so mad after the election thinking that it had been stolen, I thought I was watching the end of the American experiment.

      So while I was trying to figure out how to take time off work so I could go and commit some felonies in DC, Tucker Carlson was mocking people like me while lying his ass off to stir me up!

      We nearly lost the country because of piss poor reporting (lying) and mine and millions of others gullibility.

      • JH Cole says:

        !Muchas Gracias! You have more integrity and guts than nearly everyone connected to Faux News–and more than all the moderates in the US House GOP caucus put together.

  • JH Cole says:

    Our conservative SCOTUS gave states the right to do partisan but not
    racial gerrymandering, so the leg was on solid ground. To see maps that actually harm voters, look at red states like TX and WI where the bias is ethnic and racial.

    Fake elector Pearce is a fine one to complain about election shenanigans.

  • At least we have the editorials says:

    After RPNM’s complete failure in the midterm elections they have no hope of stopping redistricting. So they may have to appeal to voters if they want to win future elections, its a hard lesson to learn.

    But it’s good to hear that someone on the editorial board is sad for the GOP.

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