
Albuquerque, January 12—The following is a statement from RPNM Chairman Steve Pearce on the latest threat to the U.S. economy—soaring inflation. Inflation has now risen to its fastest pace in nearly 40 years, as the country experienced a 7% spike from a year ago:
“There’s no one to blame for this brutal and out-of-control inflation but President Biden and his reckless policies. His leftist spending spree and failed efforts to shut down the virus have supercharged the soaring rate of inflation. New Mexicans and their families are suffering because of the rising costs of food, gas and other necessities. Biden’s policies continue to fail Americans and are leading us into even worse economic conditions.”
The Republican Party of New Mexico (RPNM) advances the ideals of individual liberties for the advancement of its citizens and the greater prosperity of our communities throughout New Mexico. Led by an Executive Board and its Chairman, former NM Congressman Steve Pearce, RPNM serves all New Mexicans via its headquarters in Albuquerque and can be contacted at (505) 298-3662.
  • JH Cole says:

    The anniversary of the January 6 assault on the Capitol came and went without comment from Representative Yvette Herrell (R, NM CD2), State GOP Chair Steve Pearce, or any other Republican official that I know of. All they can do is attack Democrats.

    Their silence stems from a major sickness particularly virulent in today’s GOP, not only in New Mexico but throughout the country. That is, the fear of Donald Trump and Trumpism trumps their sense of responsibility.

    Most Republican officials know that their party is on a diseased track and that they have a duty to try to steer it in a more healthy direction. But they are so afraid of using a word or two that upsets Donald Trump and his gullible followers that they aren’t free to say what they really think about the biggest assault on our democracy since the Civil War–or, for that matter, on any topic that Trump has spoken out on. Their fear either overwhelms their sense of duty or blinds them to it.

    Nor do they have the nerve to support his lies in public for fear of getting laughed out of town. So they just say nothing and hope nobody notices. Free speech is unavailable to them when it comes to Trumpism.

    Republicans who elected Steve Pearce state party chair and Ms. Herrell’s constituents in CD2 deserve to hear their what they really think, whether they believe the big lie about a crooked election and exactly what they think about the attack on the capital. But they have to guess, because Pearce and Herrell don’t feel enough responsibility to New Mexicans to say.

    Some leaders! Some public servants! Some patriots!

    • LM says:

      WOW! You sound like a very angry and unhappy person JH Cole. Are you here to Support Republicans or bash them. Our representatives are doing a great job. Why in he’ll should they have mentioned January 6th of last year. That’s history. Donald Trump is unfortunately not our current President. Please take a walk, go to the mountains and breath. He’ll, take a chill pill and be positive. Life has been horrible for all of us. I am not on the Republican website to listen to stupid complaints. As the old saying goes, “If you can’t say anything nice, than don’t say anything at all.

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