

Albuquerque, January 7—The December jobs report is yet another massive miss for President Biden and his administration. The economy added just 199,000 jobs in December, less than half the jobs economists had predicted.
This was the worst jobs report in all of 2021.
In four of the past five months, the economy has added far fewer jobs than expected.
The report provides little consolation for the 3.6 million Americans who lost their job during the pandemic and have yet to get it back. Biden’s policies have created a worker shortage. More than 3 million Americans were unable to work in December because their employer was closed or had lost business because of the pandemic.
“This latest jobs report again exemplifies the failures of President Biden,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “His economic policies and COVID decisions and mandates have devastated American workers and their families. Biden has created this economic calamity, and America is suffering under his watch.”
Meantime, inflation is skyrocketing, and economists project high inflation will continue well into 2022.
Through November, 17 of the top 20 states for jobs recovered since the pandemic began are led by Republican governors. Sixteen of the top 20 states with the lowest unemployment rates are led by Republican governors.
New Mexico’s unemployment stands at 6.2%. All of our neighboring states are lower. 
The Republican Party of New Mexico (RPNM) advances the ideals of individual liberties for the advancement of its citizens and the greater prosperity of our communities throughout New Mexico. Led by an Executive Board and its Chairman, former NM Congressman Steve Pearce, RPNM serves all New Mexicans via its headquarters in Albuquerque and can be contacted at (505) 298-3662.
  • JH Cole says:

    Mr. Pearce knows but does won’t mention that in our great country right now GNP is up, joblessness is down, wages are up, and workers feel more free to leave jobs for better opportunities than at any time since the aftermath of World War II. His lack of candor was well known in 2018 and is one of the reasons the majority of voters chose M. L. Grisham over him for Governor.

    Conditions are far worse in the GOP now, of course, because under Mr. Trump’s leadership they have become the Trump Party of False Witness.

    • Lock them up says:

      Under Trump the GOP bases has embraced openly authoritarianism and rejected democracy.

      We are witnessing the rise of a fascist party in the USA.

      Those that don’t believe in democracy shouldn’t be suffered in this country, lock them up, send them away, or otherwise remove these Fascists from our society, it’s the only option.

      Bring back law and order, make the GOP illegal.

  • Bad idea or worse idea says:

    Fun bit of history. Every Republican presidential this century has inherited a health economy from a Democrat President and ruined the economy in their last year in office.

    Bush got a booming economy from Clinton and by the summer of 2008 the great recession had begun.

    Obama had finally right this and the economy was again health before he left office.

    The in 2020, Trumps last year in office the economy took the sharpest nosedive in US history.

    The truth is that this country can’t afford anymore Republican as president.

  • Accountability says:

    This what real leadership looks like.

    When will the GOP leadership stand up to the big lie and failed president that has threatened American democracy?

    The people have been waiting a year.

  • Accountability says:

    The economy? Republicans are desperate to distract from their in ability to yell the truth about the 2020 election.

    The GOP has been repeating the big lie for over a year.

    Does the GOP only support democracy when they win? Because that is not democracy or American.

    Nothing matters until we secure this great Republic against those who would silence the American people to preserve their power.

    If I have to choose been democracy or dollars I choose democracy, take your weak whining about the economy and go……….

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