
Albuquerque, January 7—The following is a statement from Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce on Gov. Lujan Grisham’s proposed election legislation:
“Once again the Governor and her tag team progressives are using their influence to change election laws that will lead to more fraud and confusion. RPNM will always support voter rights and promotes a fair election process, but these outrageous proposals by Lujan Grisham is a political stunt that opens the door wider for fraud, and they will endanger the integrity of our elections. Weakening voter identification mandates and turning to social security numbers will create more problems and the potential for deceit. Creating a permanent absentee list also invites more voter fraud. How will the state keep track of this list and know if people die or move? Extending early voting will also mean more work for County Clerks, and RPNM also opposes straight ticket voting. In addition, the plan would allow ballots to be accepted three days after an election—which could impact results.
This latest proposal that coincides with pending federal legislation will again damage the security and integrity of New Mexico elections. Election integrity will always be a top priority for RPNM, and the Party will do whatever it takes to ensure one-person one-vote.”
The Republican Party of New Mexico (RPNM) advances the ideals of individual liberties for the advancement of its citizens and the greater prosperity of our communities throughout New Mexico. Led by an Executive Board and its Chairman, former NM Congressman Steve Pearce, RPNM serves all New Mexicans via its headquarters in Albuquerque and can be contacted at (505) 298-3662.
  • Otto says:

    If Demoncrats don’t back off this voting rights bs and return all power regarding elections back to the states as the Constitution requires then there will be more unrest like J6 and more cyber attacks like the recent one against Bernalillo county.

    If Mike Pence won’t help fight for our president, Vladimir Putin will!

    Russia if you are listening, please help. Just shut down our evil and corrupt election systems. Stopping the votes going forward is the only way the Constitution survives.

    When our election systems are attacked that will be our signal to overthrow the federal government.

  • ThisLoserIsYourLeader? says:

    Listen to a incoherent fascist be interviewed by American journalist.

    Trump’s big lie does not stand up to the slightest bit of questioning. The big lie is threatening America, stand up for democracy, stand up for the Constitution, stand up for our country. Defeat the GOP and the big lie.

  • JH Cole says:

    The majority of New Mexico voters elected Governor Grisham and Democratic majorities in the legislature to do exactly what they are doing, making voting more accessible and transparent.

    Only a small minority of New Mexico voters believe that we have to avoid “more fraud” because they know two things: Hardly any fraud has been committed in New Mexico elections (also true throughout the nation); and, More than half of all documented fraud was committed by Republicans (also true throughout the country).

    The biggest voter fraud of my long life was committed by Trump’s followers, elected and otherwise, on January 6, 2021, and Mr. Pearce has yet to summon the courage to say what he thinks about it.

    • Otto says:

      JH: I don’t agree. The biggest voter fraud was committed by the underhanded, conniving Dems with Elias’ help, along with Zuckerberg and his wife, his technocrat buddies, the accommodating paid off election officials, mayors, election workers, unmanned drop boxes, ballot harvesting, after deadline deliveries, and activist citizens. The fraud wasn’t widespread…it was strategic, and in all those states Grifter Joey needed to win. Here a tweak, there a tweak…a slight percentage voter machine count (in Biden’s favor), and big tech installed the lying grifter like software.
      Nancy was in charge of protecting the Capitol. She turned down Pres Trump’s offer of 20k Nat’l Guard troops. This riot (it wasn’t an insurrection) wouldn’t have happened if Nancy would’ve taken the advice of her Captain (six requests from him) to enforce their ranks. Bowser’s also guilty for ignoring Pres Trump’s request.
      Still wondering about those unnamed co-conspiritors the FBI removed from their list…Ray Epps was seen inciting the crowd on a couple of occasions and he was recently sited in Arizona…although no jail time for him? How many unnamaed co-conspiritors were there to incite?
      The FBI won’t say…but, Nancy knows.
      I have heard when “the summer of love” occurred that “Riots are the voice of the unheard, downtrodden, etc.” [MLK] Our fraudulent voting irregularity concerns were ignored and not timely addressed. The only thing that was wrong was that we were the wrong color.
      Com’on man…it’s the Dems and illiberals who have perfected lying and have taken it to grand new heights!

      • ThisLoserIsYourLeader? says:

        You are a fascist. Explain to me how America is improved by making it harder to vote?

        Why are you threatened by more Americans doing their civic duty and voting?

        Why not make it a holiday, make it easy for people to vote?

        16yr olds voting what is that about, you dont know how voter registration works.

        Otto, why are you against Americans voting? Why is the GOP against Americans voting?

  • American Patriot says:

    Mr. Pearse,

    Your claim that an expansion of voters rights proposed by the Governor will result in “more fraud”.

    Please provide evidence to support your claim that there was or is voter fraud occurring now or in any recent election.

    People who claim that voter fraud is swinging elections are supporting the big lie and undermining not Democrats but democracy, the Constitution, and our American traditions.

    Republicans seem intent on positioning themselves as the enemy of the American people.

    Mr. Pearse some food for thought, do you think the American people will accept minority rule? For how long will they accept it before they rise up and spill the blood of would be tyrants?

    The GOP should be careful what it wishes for. If you stand in opposition to America we will defeat you.

    • Otto says:

      So…you’re okay with showing no ID to vote, allowing 16 yr olds to vote (they don’t even pay taxes yet!), extended voting weeks and days after election day, a holiday to vote because you’re too lazy arrange the time to vote in the weeks before, or to request an absentee ballot, same day registration to vote…what fraud could possibly happen?

      • American Patriot says:

        Otto, you like the rest of the GOP are Anti-American.

        You thinking voting is a privilege instead of a right.

  • NM votes don't matter says:

    The question is what will be done to stop this legislation? Seems like the dems of New Mexico can continually do whatever they want. Is there a plan to stop this? Or is it like the new district maps, where it was said maybe you will do something?

    • GOP customer service. says:

      Thank you for contacting the GOP, your opinions and money are important to us.

      Rest assured that the Republican party is doing all it can to prevent Americans from voting in New Mexico and every state.

      We have a multi state varried approach to voter suppression and it’s working!

      Our efforts to Gerrymander districts has insured GOP control of state legislators and governors offices in many states where Republicans are a clear minority of the voting public.

      Also we have been working hard to make it harder for Americans to vote though voter ID laws, closing polling places, restrictions on voter registration, and limiting mail in voting during a global pandemic, just to name a few!

      In some states we have even made it illegal to give grandma a drink of water while she waits in the long line to vote that we caused when we reduce the number of polling places. We have pulled out all the stops to stop Americans from voting even criminalizing human decency!

      Democracy isn’t really a realistic path to power for Conservatives so are going to end it in America as soon as possible.

      We know we can only dupe about 40-45% of Americans with our “ideas” so the fewer Americans that vote the better.

      We are excited to announce that we are continuing and expanding our push “fix” elections that arrive at the wrong for us conclusion. We hope that near future we can throw out ballots or electors who voted for the wrong party, we are almost there.

      Now after explaining all our extraordinary efforts to stand between America and the ballout box I will admit these efforts are currently lacking in New Mexico on account of the GOP not controlling the state legislature.

      But you can just move next door to the State of Texas, where we have everything locked down to insure Republican rule regardless of what voters think. Come on East Yeehaaa!

      • Otto says:

        Please…NMRNC do whatever you can to stop Grisham, Toulouse, and their attempt to invite additional election fraud. Please stop NM’s mindset of vote early, vote often!
        Get with RNC/Ronna McDaniel and join other states to sue Biden and his conniving party. What they are attempting to do is unconstitutional by taking power from the states for federally controlled elections.
        Thank you.

  • Michelle Tafoya says:

    Making voting day a holiday is a good thing. Assuring people can vote by mail is a very good thing. Most of us are not confused about what it takes to vote. The secretary of state has all the tools at her fingertips to assure the rolls are correct; after all, that is her main job!!!

  • Accountability says:

    This is what real American leadership looks like.

    It’s past time for some accountability.

    Tell me GOP leaders and candidates do you believe the big lie? Or just spread it?

    • Otto says:

      The Big Lie is the Democrat Party (let’s start with five years of the Russia crap), and whatever comes out of their mouth…especially Grifter Joey’s mouth.

  • Accountability says:

    Those that repeat or fail to refute publicly the big lie are fascist.

    J6 was not a roit or a tour it was a self-coup a betrayal of American democracy, tradition, and values.

    Where does this party stand on the big lie? This is the question that should be possessed to all Republicans.

  • JH Cole says:

    Still no comment on the anniversary of the insurrection at the US Capitol a year ago, Mr. Pearce? Mr. Curtis? Have you no opinions about the biggest attack on democracy since the slaveholders left the Union?
    Representative Herrell also has no comment on either of her websites.

    What these facts mean is that none of you have the courage to share your thoughts on the insurrection. You lack the guts to challenge your Cult Leader, Mr. Trump, by telling the truth, and you lack the courage to lie and get laughed at by the vast majority of New Mexicans.

    What sorry leaders of what used to be a major party!

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