
Albuquerque, January 6—The Republican Party of New Mexico released the following statement regarding Spaceport America ex-CFO’s lawsuit against Gov. Lujan Grisham and her administration for violating New Mexico’s Whistleblower Protection Act. Zach DeGregorio claimed he was forced to resign after he revealed Lujan Grisham and state government officials colluded to defraud taxpayers of $200 million in public money.
The lawsuit claims the Governor and state government officials committed financial malfeasance, fraud, conspiracy and other illegal activity.
Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce has released these comments on the revelations:
“It’s shocking to hear that this kind of malfeasance and corruption continues to happen in the corridors of state government in Santa Fe. Gov. Lujan Grisham seems to delight in doing what she wants at the expense of taxpayers. She and her administration continue to abuse their power, break the rules and assume there are no consequences for actions. She is not fit to serve another term, and Lujan Grisham’s legacy will be one of failure and wrongdoing. Whether it’s sexual harassment, breaking her own pandemic rules or allowing illegal activity at CYFD and ineptitude at the Workforce Solutions Department, this Governor has exceeded her authority, stripped New Mexicans of their freedoms and deceived New Mexicans for years. Voters should go to the polls this fall and show their displeasure by kicking her out of office.”
The Republican Party of New Mexico (RPNM) advances the ideals of individual liberties for the advancement of its citizens and the greater prosperity of our communities throughout New Mexico. Led by an Executive Board and its Chairman, former NM Congressman Steve Pearce, RPNM serves all New Mexicans via its headquarters in Albuquerque and can be contacted at (505) 298-3662.
  • Michelle Tafoya says:

    You know, throwing in the kitchen sink and being sue happy has become the tricks that Republicans under Donald Trump have now become known best for…in other words, deflect and mock. There are no statesmen left, just rude, slick politicians. This guy sued everyone up and down his chain of command and a couple of paper pushers just for grins. Sore loser, you are far from a whistleblower, just retaliating for losing your job. That’s life, it happens to the best of us.

  • Accountability says:

    This is what real American leadership looks like.

    The GOP leadership can’t lead. They can’t even be honest with America about the J6 self coup.

    They are to weak to stand up to a failed president and the big lie.

  • Accountability says:

    Speaking of violating the public trust. What is NM GOP’s stance on coups against the United States Of America?

    Does the Republican party really think it is ready to hold power in NM or anyone else if it can’t stand up to a failed president amd the big lie.

    Republicans get your house in order before you start thinking about tell the rest of NM what to do.

    • truthprevails says:

      Yep, some people breaking windows with NO WEAPONS…THAT’S what a “real coup” looks-like according to Lame Stream Media and dummy truth deniers like you.
      Stop parroting and learn to think….Please!
      “Failed President”?? Here we are with the worst President of all times elected by pure fraud and you call Trump a failed president??
      What planet do you live on?
      Show us please how the Plugs regime has improved your life personally. Bet you can’t. Just parroting the Party Line.

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