
Albuquerque, December 3—The New Mexico Secretary of State’s Office has been derelict in its duty to provide possible candidates with vital information for the 2022 campaigns and elections. Both Democrat and Republican candidates are affected.
The Secretary of State’s Office is supposed to furnish this information, but none has been available. Nothing has been published, delivered or presented. The information to be provided by the Secretary of State includes candidate positions, guidelines and a timeline for 2022.
Why is Secretary Toulouse Oliver delaying the release of this critical information, as her Office is required to do? Is it a political move or incompetence?
Either way, the lack of action by the Secretary of State puts both parties and all candidates in a time crunch.
“The Secretary of State has a duty to release certain information and declare certain parameters so candidates can proceed with their campaigns,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “It’s disappointing and downright wrong that Secretary Toulouse Oliver is refusing to provide necessary information so everyone can plan and move forward.”
The Republican Party of New Mexico (RPNM) advances the ideals of individual liberties for the advancement of its citizens and the greater prosperity of our communities throughout New Mexico. Led by an Executive Board and its Chairman, former NM Congressman Steve Pearce, RPNM serves all New Mexicans via its headquarters in Albuquerque and can be contacted at (505) 298-3662.
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